225 g (7½ oz / 1 cup) sugar
2 tsp ground saffron
1 tsp rose water concentrate,
or to taste
120 g (4 oz / 1 cup) plain
(all-purpose) flour
180 g (6 oz) butter, cut into
small cubes
Chopped almonds
Chopped pistachios
Put sugar in a saucepan. Add 500 ml (16 fl oz / 2 cups) water and bring to
a gentle boil, then simmer until a slightly thick golden syrup forms.
Stir in saffron and rose water concentrate to taste, then remove from heat
and allow syrup to cool.
Put flour in a non-stick pan and place over low heat. Stir constantly until
flour is lump-free, light brown and fragrant.
Add butter, a few cubes at a time, and stir each batch until it is completely
melted before adding the next.
When all the butter has been incorporated into the flour, the result should
appear like a smooth, soft dough and be slightly moist to the touch.
Remove pan from heat and add syrup, stirring to incorporate and until
butter oozes out. To test if the halva is ready, drag a spoon over the surface
and the trough shape should hold.
If the halva is not thick enough, return pan to the stove and stir over very
low heat for few minutes more.
Transfer halva to a flat serving dish and even out surface with a spatula.
Garnish with desired amounts of almonds and pistachios and serve.
Tip: If for any reason the halva is lumpy or appears like cracked dough
at the end of cooking, work in more butter and/or transfer the paste
to a blender (processor) and blend until smooth before spreading on
serving dish.
Simmer sugar in 500 ml
(16 fl oz / 2 cups) water until a
golden syrup forms, then remove
from heat and allow to cool.
After the butter has been
incorporated, the result should
be like a smooth, soft dough and
moist to the touch. If not, work
in more butter.
Transfer halva to a flat serving
dish while it is still warm and even
out the surface with a spatula. If
halva cracks at the surface, smooth
over with a little cooking oil.