
Walnut-Stuffed Dates (Ranginak)

300 g (10 oz) dried dates, hard tops
trimmed off

125 g (4½ oz / 1 cup) shelled whole
walnuts, halved

120 g (4 oz / 1 cup) plain (all-purpose)

55 g (2 oz / ¼ cup) butter, cut into
small cubes

1 Tbsp sugar

1 Tbsp ground cinnamon

1 Tbsp chopped pistachios

Pit dates by gently tearing along their long sides to open up like a book;
do not sever into 2 halves.

With each opened date, put a walnut half where the pit used to be, then
wrap up and press to seal, shaping into a large capsule. Double-wrap
walnut half if one date cannot enclose it completely.

Arrange stuffed dates on a flat serving dish and set aside.

Put flour in a non-stick pan and place over low heat. Stir constantly until
flour is light brown and fragrant.

Add butter and stir until the cubes are melted and incorporated into the
flour: the result should be toffee-coloured and syrup-like in consistency.
Adjust with more butter or flour as necessary.

Pour butter mixture over stuffed walnuts. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon
and chopped pistachios, then serve.

To double-wrap walnut: first
wrap walnut with one date, then
use second date to cover exposed
part of walnut and press both
dates together to seal.

Arrange stuffed dates neatly on a
flat serving dish, then set aside to
make butter-based topping.

To prepare topping, add butter
to browned flour and stir
constantly until flour is fully
incorporated. The consistency
should be syrup-like.