Here’s a treasure trove of practical biblical wisdom on how to rebuild after your world caves in. When all seems lost, you’ll discover hope and encouragement in these pages. Let my friend Tom Holladay be your guide to the comeback that God has in store for you.

LEE STROBEL, bestselling author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith

Life can be complicated, stressful, and painful. That’s why I’m so excited about Tom Holladay’s new book Putting It Together Again When It’s All Fallen Apart. Tom shares openly about the wisdom he’s learned through tragedy and brokenness in his own life. With grace and compassion, he uses Scriptures, stories, and practical teaching to impart hope and the tools to rebuild after life falls apart.

CRAIG GROESCHEL, pastor of Life.Church and author of Divine Direction: 7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life

With God in the picture, nothing is ever too broken to be put back together. But the restoration of a life, a marriage, or a career doesn’t just happen. God may provide the power and the plan, but we have to provide the obedience. In Putting It Together Again When It’s All Fallen Apart, Tom Holladay shines a bright light on the seven steps to restoration found in the powerful story of a biblical hero named Nehemiah. This is a book I encourage you to read.

LARRY OSBORNE, pastor and author, North Coast Church, California

Nothing feels more overwhelming than trying to find hope after experiencing great loss. In Putting It Together Again When It’s All Fallen Apart, Tom Holladay gives us a powerful blast of hope and a practical biblical guide to finding restoration after loss. We are so thankful for this book and the heart behind it.

KERRY AND CHRIS SHOOK, coauthors of the bestselling One Month to Live and founding pastors of Woodlands Church

When life around you feels like it’s falling apart, where is the truth that puts us back together again? Time and time again, it’s found in Scripture, and Tom Holladay unpacks those truths in such a way that we come face-to-face with God’s practical steps. Read this book. It will shepherd your heart and challenge you to pick up the broken pieces of your life and begin building again—but not on your own.

KYLE IDLEMAN, author of Not a Fan and Grace Is Greater

Tom Holladay knows you don’t have to experience a natural disaster to feel like your life has shattered into pieces. In Putting It Together Again When It’s All Fallen Apart, he shares how to keep your faith and maintain trust in God as you rebuild your life and start again. Drawing on wisdom and fresh insight from the book of Nehemiah, Tom inspires us to embrace the unexpected blessings that come in the midst of unbearable losses.

CHRIS HODGES, senior pastor, Church of the Highlands, and author of Fresh Air and The Daniel Dilemma

Tom Holladay’s strength has been forged out of a life of struggle. In this amazing book, he outlines seven steps to finding strength in the midst of struggle. Step one is finding the strength to start. My prayer is that you’ll take the time to read this book! Tom’s timeless, Bible-based wisdom will apply to any struggle that has invaded your life. God can use this book to rebuild whatever has been torn down in your life.

MATT BROWN, lead pastor of Sandals Church

There are only two kinds of people: those whose lives have fallen apart and those whose lives will fall apart. I’ve been there, and I wish I would’ve had this hope-filled resource. Tom Holladay has written his most important book yet, straight out of his own deeply personal experience. You’ll not only be glad you read this, but you’ll think of a dozen other people who need it too.

GENE APPEL, senior pastor, Eastside Christian Church, Anaheim, California

Tom Holladay shares brilliant and practical insights on how to start again, heal, and move forward in faith. He provides profound tools to rebuild your life stronger—on a foundation that lasts. This is an incredible book to read and implement in your life.

JUD WILHITE, senior pastor, Central Church, and author of Pursued

When you’re facing a crisis, it can be hard to know what to do and where to begin. Weaving the story of Nehemiah with his own experiences, Tom Holladay will help you work through your difficult circumstances and find hope.

GREG SURRATT, founding pastor of Seacoast Church and president of ARC (Association of Related Churches)

As members of Saddleback Church, my family has been blessed again and again by Pastor Tom’s teaching, and this is Tom Holladay at his absolute best. This book will give you the strength to press on, the will to keep on believing, and a heart that can endure any obstacle. Trust me, you need this book.

JOHNNIE MOORE, author of The Martyr’s Oath, founder of The KAIROS Company, and 2017 recipient of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s “medal of valor”

This book is a must-read for anyone who has had or is currently dealing with any kind of hurt or struggle. Let’s face it, that’s all of us! I love the way Tom Holladay uses Scripture and real-life stories to share God’s plan, victories, and healing. My favorite chapter is chapter 5—“Build on your successes.”

JOHN BAKER, Celebrate Recovery founder

Hope is at a premium these days. Tom Holladay shows us what it takes to put hope back in our life when we need it the most. Putting it Together Again When It’s All Fallen Apart moves rebuilding your life from a good idea to a few powerful but practical steps. We all want to bring about change in our lives, but in this book, Tom shows us how to actually do it.

TIM HARLOW, senior pastor of Parkview Christian Church, Orland Park, Illinois

Tom Holladay proves throughout this book that he knows Jesus, God’s Word, and the longings of people who have had their world flipped upside down. If you or someone you know has ever experienced disappointment (and who hasn’t?), then this book will give you answers, hope, and healing. It’s easy to read, filled with stories and situations you’ll relate to. It’s definitely a book you’ll want to pass on to a friend.

DOUG FIELDS, author, pastor, speaker