Chapter 12


Jazzy wandered in to check on the babies while Tia locked the doors and looked carefully through every room in the house to make sure all the windows were latched as well. No way was she going to take any chances. Not while the guys were gone and it was just her and Jazzy and the babies.

Thank goodness Jazzy was the one to stay home with her. She’d liked her from the first moment they met, and it wasn’t just the fact their chocolate au lait skin color was so close they could have been sisters. Besides, her blond curls were nothing like Jazzy’s long, straight black hair, but then Jazzy’s Asian background had beat out the black genes when it came to hair.

Of course, in Tia’s case, her dad’s blond color had beat out her mom’s black curly hair, though she’d definitely gotten her mom’s curls. They were softer now from shifting, but nothing like Jazzy’s board-straight locks.

No, it wasn’t looks that made her love Jazzy so much. It was attitude. Jazzy had it in spades. Maybe, if Tia was lucky, a little might rub off. Not that she was a wuss, but this morning’s attack had left her badly shaken.

Well, she’d just have to get over it. No way was Shay and Cami’s mama gonna set a bad example. Those girls were going to grow up with a mother who loved them and wanted them to be tough and brave and self-confident.

Everything it had taken Tia ages to figure out on her own.

With that thought in mind, she grabbed a bottle of Chardonnay out of the refrigerator and a couple of glasses, flipped out the lights and met Jazzy in the family room. A group of candles burned in the corner and another flickered from atop the bookcase, but otherwise the room was dark. Jazzy was curled up in the shadows at one end of the big leather couch. Luc’s Enya CD was still playing. Tia thought about switching to something else—the same music had been on early this morning when she’d left to go shopping with Lisa and Tala—but she loved the sound and it fit her pensive mood.

She poured a glass of wine for Jazzy and one for herself and then flopped down beside Jazzy on the comfortable couch. “They’re asleep?”

“Finally.” Jazzy laughed and took a sip of her wine. “I love babysitting those two. It’s like birth control. Spend a few hours with a couple of live wires like your girls and I know for sure I’m not ready for motherhood.”

Tia chuckled, remembering how ambivalent she’d been. Thank goodness Luc had wanted children or she might still be wondering if the time was right. Now she couldn’t imagine life without Cami and Shay. “When it’s time, if you don’t know, Logan will tell you.” Laughing softly, she curled her feet under her and turned toward Jazzy. “Have you heard from Logan?”

Jazzy sipped and nodded. “Yeah. While you were checking the locks. He said Lisa and Tala are fine, but they’re getting impatient. Logan and the others are almost ready to go in.” She grabbed Tia’s hand and squeezed. “Stuff’s going to start happening in just a few more minutes.”

Tia nodded. “I’ve stayed out of Luc’s head. I’d hate to think my curiosity screwed up his concentration and endangered the president. Can you imagine what the guys are thinking right now? I mean, this is so far beyond a kidnapping. It’s huge.”

Jazzy gazed at Tia over the rim of her wineglass. She stared for so long, Tia almost squirmed in her seat. Then Jazzy’s full lips tilted up in a big smile. “I have an idea how we can take our minds off things.” She shrugged. The wide neck of her sweater slipped off of one rounded shoulder.

Tia realized she was imagining Jazzy losing the sweater altogether. She took another sip of her wine. “Well, Anton did say he could use all the energy he can get.”

Jazzy’s grin spread slowly across her face. “And those two little monsters you call daughters are sound asleep.”

“Out for the count.” Tia took one more swallow and set her wineglass aside. Slowly she leaned over, took Jazzy’s glass out of her hand and put it on the table beside her own.

“We don’t have very long,” Jazzy said, reaching for the hem of her sweater. She peeled it quickly up her slim torso and tugged it over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her dark nipples beaded up as the cool air touched them.

Tia was already unzipping her jeans. “Then we’d better not waste any time.” She glanced at the clock, laughing. “How hot can you get in seven minutes?”

Laughing, Jazzy rushed through the rest of her clothes, peeling her tight jeans and panties down her long legs while Tia stripped off her sweatshirt and bra. Within seconds they were both naked and giggling on the couch.

Caught for a moment in the pure eroticism of a night alone with a young woman she loved so dearly, Tia took a deep breath, let it out and took one more. She’d fantasized about this before, but the time had never been right. Maybe the timing tonight wasn’t perfect, but that didn’t seem to matter to her libido. She felt a warm pulse between her legs, and a slow, even clenching that seemed to start deep in her womb.

Jazzy leaned close and pulled Tia into her arms. Breasts met, nipples aligned perfectly. When Jazzy’s lips touched hers, Tia didn’t even try to stop the soft moan from escaping. Jazzy took control. Tia relaxed entirely and let it happen. Warm lips moved along her jaw, down the side of her neck, over her chest. A tongue flicked across her left nipple, and then the right.

Jazzy suckled each of her breasts, moving slowly and yet surely from left to right to left again before she slipped off the couch and knelt on the floor. Then she helped Tia turn and slide forward until her butt hung off the edge of the seat and her legs sprawled ingloriously over Jazzy’s shoulders. The bullet wound on her hip was little more than a dark but painless bruise where Logan had healed her.

As ready as she thought she was, when Jazzy’s tongue swept between her labia Tia cried out and jerked her hips. Closer? Away? She had no idea what she wanted, but the sensation of warm tongue and full lips, of teeth and breath and Jazzy’s soft hum of pleasure took her very quickly to the top.

After a couple of minutes, Tia forced herself to scoot away. That damned clock on the wall was just too easy to see. Panting, she cupped Jazzy’s shoulders in both her hands. “You. Me. Sixty-nine now.”

Laughing, Jazzy glanced at the clock. Just a few minutes to go. Since she was taller, she stretched out on the bottom with her legs hooked over the arm of the couch. Tia straddled her, held her long legs apart, and dipped her tongue between the buttery folds.

Jazzy cried out and then did the same for Tia. It was a race now, one both of them intended to win. With the big clock ticking steadily and the seconds passing by, Tia went to work on Jazzy Blue. It was so hard to concentrate, with Jazzy’s tongue exploring Tia’s folds, with her long fingers probing and stroking, but Tia found her rhythm just as Jazzy found hers, each of them sucking and licking, tasting and touching.

Racing the clock to the finish, minds open, ready to give whatever Anton asked, but taking all the pleasure they could, each from the other. Aware of the energy building between them, Tia put her fears for Lisa and Tala aside. She concentrated on her arousal, on Jazzy Blue, and gave herself over to sensation.

Lost as she was, her body so perfectly in tune with Jazzy’s, with her touch, her taste, her loving heart, Tia was aware of the power building, of the massive burst of energy just the two of them made.

It was good. All of it good, and all of it for Anton.


• • •


Tala? I’m linked with Beth and the guys. Can you pick them up?

Yeah, sis. I’m ready when they are.

Good. Our guard just left the room. He’s talking to the other two guys and telling them we’re asleep. He wants to stay out there and watch the game with them.

Lisa listened a moment longer and then she squeezed Tala’s hand, but she was including Beth, Mik and Logan in her mindtalking. She wasn’t certain about Igmutaka. You never knew quite what the spirit guide was thinking, or how much he was paying attention.

I am here, Lisa. And I am most definitely paying attention.

Oh, shit. She heard Tala snort in her ear. Shush! We don’t want them to know we’re awake.

Okay. Our guard is staying out there. I’m going to shift and find a place in the room to hide.

Mik’s strong voice filled Lisa’s mind. Don’t take any chances, Tala, but if you can get all three of them in there at the same time, and Lisa can freak them out by disappearing, it’s going to give us an edge. Two minutes, ladies. I love you, Tala Quinn. Be safe or I’ll make you regret it. Are you ready?

Tala answered him. Damn but I love you, Miguel Fuentes. In exactly two minutes, I’m gonna start screamin’ and cussin’ and askin’ what they did with my sister.

Lisa heard Tala silently counting off the seconds in her head. She shifted, relieved when the plastic ties holding her wrists snapped and broke. Silently she slipped over the edge of the bed and crawled out of the baggy maternity clothes tangled on her wolven frame. Using her nose she pushed the wrinkled but undamaged clothing under the bed. Silently she padded across the floor and found a dark corner behind an overstuffed chair on the far side of the room.

She could still hear Tala’s silent count as the seconds slowly passed. The men in the other room talked softly, too quiet for her to hear what they said. She made herself as small as she possibly could, and hoped like hell they wouldn’t spot her. Her baby kicked. She almost sighed in relief.

She’d not let herself think of the fact she was eight months pregnant and had just shifted, contrary to everything they’d believed in the past. It looked like Liana really did know what she was talking about. One of these days, they all needed to sit down with the ex-goddess and get a few lessons in female Chanku physiology. Someday, when things settled . . .

“Hey, damn it! What’d you do with Lisa? Where’s my sister? What the fuck did you do with her? Bastards!”

Tala was sitting up in the bed, screaming for all she was worth. Cursing and the sound of heavy footsteps. The lights went on and Tala kept on screaming holy hell.

“Shut up, bitch! What the fuck? Where the hell’d the other one go?” The sharp sound of his hand connecting with Tala’s face and her shriek of anger covered up the sound of the door in the other room bursting open.

Before any of the three men had time to react, a huge mountain lion leapt through the open door into the bedroom. Two wolves followed close behind.

Igmutaka took out the one man who was holding a gun in his hand. The automatic pistol clattered across the floor. Lisa charged out of her hiding place and raced after it. She grabbed the thing up in her jaws as Mik and Logan flattened the men they’d each gone after.

Within seconds, Igmutaka sat on one terrified man and Mik and Logan each held down another. Beth stood in the doorway with a frown on her face and a faraway look in her eyes. After a moment, she stepped into the bedroom, grabbed Lisa’s clothes out from under the bed and took them into the bathroom. Lisa slipped in behind her, dropped the automatic pistol into Beth’s outstretched hand, and watched as Beth left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Within a couple of minutes, Lisa stepped out of the bathroom, fully dressed, as if she’d been in there all along. Beth had all three men restrained with the same kind of plastic ties they’d used on her and Tala, but none of them paid her any attention at all. They were so focused on the snarling cougar and growling wolves, they hadn’t noticed her as a wolf. Didn’t take note of her now that she was here in the room when they’d thought she was missing. Tala was free, sitting beside the big black wolf that was her mate, her arms wrapped around his neck.

She was crying. Tala never cried. Not ever. Lisa knelt beside her. “Sweetie, it’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Tala shook her head. “I don’t know if it is or not. None of us know.” She glanced at Beth and then leaned her head against Lisa’s shoulder. You know how Beth can read minds really well? She picked up that older guy’s thoughts. Not enough details, but she learned that our guys at the auditorium are a diversion. There’s a bigger plan, a scarier one. She’s warned Anton, but she doesn’t know enough. She’s trying to get what she can out of these bastards before the police get here.

And there wasn’t a damned thing any of them could do. Whatever plan Anton had was already in motion. So was the enemy’s.

Lisa glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost nine.


• • •


The first band hit the stage hard with a loud set, heavy on the drums with a lot of bass guitar. Beth’s first warning caught Anton by surprise. He’d been so certain he was keeping an eye on the right people that she literally knocked the pins out from under him. What she told him now had him stunned. He acted immediately, mentally shouting orders.

Thank goodness everyone was in position. Keisha, protect the president! Get down, now! AJ! Grab the guy behind him, the man to his right. He’s armed. Get the gun. Luc, cover me.

Anton pressed his back to the wall of the stage, opened his mind and reached out. He’d felt the power building, knew the energy was there, waiting for him, growing stronger, reaching its climax.

He called it to him, holding his hands high, acting as a lightning rod, a conduit pulling the shared energy into himself. Calling on each member of the pack, demanding their power.

Seconds felt like hours. Everything around him slowed. His focus expanded, and the members of the pack heeded his call across the miles.


• • •


It wasn’t Manda’s voice that sent Baylor over the top, wasn’t his mate’s permission that sent him soaring into his own climax, to drag the others right along with him. No, it was Anton’s voice, his powerful voice, there in his mind as clear and close as if the man stood beside them.

Anton, asking his Chanku for what they’d promised. Calling to each of them, demanding their power, now.

Knowing he and Manda weren’t alone, aware, suddenly, that they were but one cylinder in Anton’s huge engine, Bay set himself free. His orgasm slammed into him. He knew and accepted that part of it was Anton’s doing, that somehow the climax each of them felt was shared, and sharing the sensations made them all the more powerful.

He’d not imagined such an amazing link. He’d expected to share Jake and Shannon’s arousal, and yet he sensed Stefan, Oliver, Xandi and Mei, Adam and Liana, all the Chanku still in Montana. Ulrich and Millie, Daci, Deacon and Matt joined them from Colorado, and in San Francisco, even Jazzy and Tia added their own potent jolt of sexual energy. Each of them reaching their sexual peak, sharing the sensations, the joy and the absolute love, one for the other and each for the pack.

The power expanded in waves, a visual, physical burst of brilliant energy that blossomed about the four of them in the shadows, then suddenly compressed, tighter and tighter until an intense flash of pure power winked out and disappeared entirely.

Bay collapsed over Manda’s back. Unable to support his weight, her legs folded beneath her. They lay there, enervated, as weak as a couple of day-old kittens on the cold, hard ground.


• • •


Groaning, Stefan stared at the second hand as it suddenly seemed to pick up speed. With a flick of her wrist, Mei straddled his hips and released the leather restraints holding his cock and balls. Blood rushed through his cock in a burst of pain and pleasure so intense, the climax he’d been denied for too long wrapped his body into one huge orgasmic convulsion.

He grasped Mei’s slim hips and held her against him, thrusting up hard inside the tight, hot sheath of her vagina. Her muscles clamped down on him, squeezing him, pulling him deeper yet. And there, calling Stefan, calling on his energy and all that he could give, all that Mei and Xandi and Oliver were capable of sharing, was Anton.

Dear goddess, but he loved the man. Hearing his beloved voice, knowing it was Anton who needed him, who needed all of them, made this all the more powerful.

Only Anton could do this, and do it so well—bring all of them together, combining their climaxes, sharing the power of each and every member of the pack. Anton opened each of them up to the others. Stefan felt Liana and Adam as they came together, shared Baylor, Jake, Shannon and Manda’s energy even as he gave all of his own. The group in Colorado, even Tia and Jazzy in San Francisco. All together, shared, multiplied, freely given.

And, long moments later, when Mei lay across his body, barely conscious, and Xandi and Oliver gasped for breath beside him, Stefan marveled, once again, at the immense power of the man he loved.


• • •


Wave after wave of sensation washed over Adam as their orgasm continued to grow and expand. It was unique, unlike anything he’d ever imagined. He lost all control of his wolven form. His legs collapsed, and so did Liana’s. As they tumbled to the ground, Adam shifted so that he could pull out without hurting her. He rolled to one side in the deep grass, aware Liana had shifted at the same time.

His muscles twitched and rippled as if he still responded to Anton’s desperate call. His cock remained hard. He sensed Anton, knew he’d succeeded in connecting with each and every one of them. Adam hoped it had been enough. It had to be. For now, though, he lay in the grass, barely conscious, yet still aware of the shared sense of connection, the fact he and Liana had climaxed with the entire pack, all of them, together.

“How the fuck does he do that?” He reached for Liana and caught her hand. Turned and looked into those gorgeous gray-green eyes of hers. “The man is scary powerful.” He took a deep breath and blinked through a sudden sheen of tears. “I love you, Liana. I will always love you. And that has got to be the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

“Are you okay?” Liana’s eyes were wide with worry.

Worried about him? He nodded without getting up. He wasn’t even sure he could get up. Not yet. “I’m good, my love. What about you?”

She smiled. A slow, sexy smile that made him want her again. “Never better. As long as I don’t have to move.”

Adam nodded. “Good. Then we’ll just lie here awhile longer.” He laughed softly. “It’s a good thing Eve left us a spot without snow.”

He felt Liana’s fingers tighten around his, but she didn’t answer. There really wasn’t anything either of them needed to say. Not right now. Holding his mate’s hand, Adam lay in the circle of grass amid the pink primroses and finally remembered to hope like hell Lisa and Tala were safe.


• • •


Ric felt as if he’d been holding on to each of them forever, like fragile threads attached to balloons, each of them ready to fly away. Arousal pulsed, alive and growing as each second ticked by, until suddenly Anton was there, calling out to them, demanding their power, their energy. He needed it now.

All they could give. Whatever they had to share. And just like that, Ric turned loose of the threads and set the balloons free. The moment Anton asked, they delivered. Orgasm slammed into each of them, a shared experience multiplied by the love each of them felt for the others.

Ric heard Millie’s cry and Daci’s short, sharp scream. Matt groaned, Deacon cursed and drove into Ric, taking him deeper, harder, fucking him to the point of pain and beyond. Then Daci swallowed his cock. Her throat convulsed around his full length, tipping all of them over the top.

It was a most amazing experience. Ric felt as if he watched from a distance—five bodies writhing together, linked in orgasmic excess, directed by a man hundreds of miles away. It took forever for the final convulsions to end, for their bodies to relax enough to consider the orgasm over. For long moments they lay there, unmoving, stripped of whatever energy they’d been able to produce.

Anton had grabbed all of it. He’d somehow managed to reach out at precisely the right moment and pull every last bit away from them into himself.

Ric unclenched his fist and caught Millie’s hand in his. She squeezed his fingers as the same thoughts united them—had Anton’s plan worked? Was everyone safe?


• • •


Tia wanted to turn around so that she was facing Jazzy, but her body refused to obey. Ripples of pure pleasure still rolled across her skin and deep inside her body, as if her orgasm had become the sea and she was merely bobbing on the surface at the whim of the ebb and flow of the tide. The candles had burned almost completely down, the room was almost entirely dark.

Her cheek rested on Jazzy’s groin. Jazzy’s breasts were squished beneath her belly. She heard Jazzy’s indrawn breath, felt a cool rush of air between her legs as Jazzy exhaled. “Logan says they’ve got Tala and Lisa. They’re safe, but no one knows what’s going on at the auditorium. Power just went out in the hotel.”

“The hotel? I thought he was only shutting down the auditorium.” Tia carefully rolled off of Jazzy and landed with a thump on the floor in front of the couch. “I promised Luc I wouldn’t try and contact him. I don’t want to get in the way of whatever happens there.”

“Well, we know Anton got everyone’s energy. He sure sucked up all of mine. Damn. I feel like a wet noodle, but he definitely got it.” Jazzy sat up and leaned against the couch. “Got it, shared it and made it even stronger. The man’s amazing.”

Tia laughed as she hunted under the pile of magazines on the coffee table for the remote control. “Amazing and downright scary. Let’s see what the local news says.”

She aimed at the TV and pushed the button. Nothing happened. “Jazzy? Try the lamp next to the couch.”

Jazzy pulled the chain. “Nothing. Didn’t you have the CD player going earlier?” She stood up and walked over to the door into the kitchen and tried the light. “Power’s out here, too. Crap. I wonder what’s happening?”

Tia reached into a drawer beside the TV and pulled out a flashlight. “I’m going to check on the girls. Stay in contact with Logan. This is starting to make me nervous.”

She was back within the minute. “They’re both out, sort of like our lights. Any word from Logan?”

“Yeah. The power went out citywide at eight fifty-five. As far as he can tell, no cell phones, no regular phones, nothing. And no word from the auditorium. They’ve got the three guys who kidnapped Lisa and Tala tied up, and they’re waiting at the hotel for the police. Mik’s shifted and he’s handling things in human form. Igmutaka and Beth are on their way to the auditorium to make sure Anton and the others are okay.”

“Why aren’t they just connecting mentally, the way you and Logan are?” Tia sat next to her on the couch.

Jazzy took her hand and squeezed. “No one wants to interrupt Anton or the guys. Be patient. They’ll let us know as soon as they can.”


• • •


AJ reacted. He didn’t think, didn’t question Anton’s command. He launched himself into the air and leapt over the heads of the people sitting between him and the man Anton had told him to stop. What had simply been a rather large, well-built middle-aged man in a dark suit had suddenly become a target. A dangerous and threatening target.

He was aware of Keisha placing herself in front of the president and shoving him to the ground as the man rose and reached for something in his pocket. Then AJ was on him, knocking him to the floor, scattering chairs and bodies in all directions while the driving rhythm of heavy bass guitar and pounding drums masked the noise.

Startled screams, the sharp retort of gunfire, and the frenzied commotion of people scrambling out of the way played a discordant counterpoint to the rock band onstage. Then, as the band members suddenly realized they might be in danger, they scattered like ants.

The music faded away to the final notes of guitar, a loud squeal from the microphone. Gasps of shock and fear.

AJ’s left arm whipped around the man’s throat. He struggled for bare seconds before grabbing hold of the man’s fist and the small automatic pistol he was holding in his right hand. AJ was bigger and stronger and the force of his attack gave him the advantage. He shoved the muzzle of the gun down, pointing it at the floor as the thing went off a second time.

The sound of the shot echoed. Everyone around him stopped moving, and every hair on his body suddenly stood on end. Once he had the senator trapped securely in a headlock, AJ glanced toward Anton. The wizard stood immobile in front of the stage, his arms raised high, his eyes wide and staring as he pulled in energy from all across the country.

He wasn’t certain what made him do it, but AJ linked with Anton. Searing pain streaked through his head. A blast of immense power shattered the link and sent him tumbling out of Anton’s mind, but he didn’t let go of the man he held.

All the lights went out.

Screams and shouts filled the huge auditorium, but the darkness was absolute. Even the emergency lighting had failed.

AJ’s prisoner stopped struggling. AJ loosened his hold on the man’s throat and the body beneath his sagged, limp and unconscious. At least AJ hoped he was merely unconscious. He’d hit the man hard and fast.

Held on to him, maybe just a bit too long.

He couldn’t see a thing. Not a glimmer of light, even with his Chanku senses revved up on high.

Keisha? You okay?

We’re fine. I’ve got a death grip on the president’s hand so I won’t lose him in the dark. Tinker’s staying close. The bullet grazed my shoulder. Hurts, but it’s not too bad. Anton’s unconscious. It must have been the power surge. He collapsed when the lights went out. Luc’s with him. He thinks Anton’s okay. We need to get the president out of here.

Can you go back to the hotel? I’ll turn this guy over to the authorities as soon as I can. Then I’ll take care of Anton.

We’ll go as soon as we can get out of here safely.

He sensed that she spoke aloud to the president, but AJ couldn’t hear her. The noise around them was growing as panic set in. Shouts, demands for light, for help, echoed in the huge building. A few cigarette lighters flamed to life and AJ worried about fire, but he worried more about his packmates.

About Anton. Dear goddess! If that burst of power that burned through AJ’s brain was just a fraction of what Anton had dealt with . . . He sent a quick prayer for the wizard’s safety.

Keisha’s voice was back in his mind. He sensed the worry she tried to mask, but AJ knew she’d promised her mate that the president’s safety would be her primary concern.

We’re going now. The president wants to stay so I can be with Anton, but I’ve convinced him he should be with his wife. I can’t carry this charade off if we’re under any close scrutiny.

You’ve done great so far.

He sensed Keisha’s tired laughter. Thanks. I’m ready to go back to being Lily’s mommy. Okay . . . we’ve made it over to Anton.

AJ waited impatiently, still hanging on to his prisoner.

Anton’s still unconscious, but I don’t sense any serious injury. Luc’s staying with him. Tinker’s going with me and the president. Beth and Igmutaka are out in front with a vehicle. They’ll take us to the Fairmont.

The man beneath AJ shifted and moved a bit. AJ tightened his hold, then stood up and pulled the guy with him. He held the man upright. He was conscious now. AJ smelled the man’s fear, could hear his heavy breathing, but he was no longer struggling. He hadn’t said a word since AJ had stopped him. AJ didn’t loosen his hold. This guy wasn’t going anywhere, not until the authorities arrived.

It was totally dark except for a few flashlights flickering among the crowd. AJ heard a shout and stared in the direction it had come from. Four large men with flashlights raced toward him. AJ recognized them as security personnel moving his way.

He’d thought of moving closer to Anton to protect the wizard in case these were some of the fake security forces they’d run into earlier. He decided against it as soon as he recognized the one guard in front as someone he’d seen watching over the First Family before.

AJ kept his hold on his man and called out to the ones who were obviously headed to the president’s defense. “Over here. In the roped-off section. My wallet and ID are in my left hip pocket.” He wasn’t about to turn his guy loose.

“Where’s the—?”

AJ interrupted. “He’s safe. We’ve got him headed back to the Fairmont with the First Lady and extra security. This gentleman”—he shook the man none too gently—“pulled a gun and fired it twice. He may have wounded one of our security people. She left with the president.”

He twisted the man’s arm and showed the guard the handgun still clasped in the man’s hand. Both hand and gun were entirely encased in AJ’s big fist.

“Son of a . . .” The guard shook his head and grabbed the weapon with a clean handkerchief. One of the men behind him pulled out a small plastic bag. The gun went into the bag.

His prisoner cursed and twisted in AJ’s strong grasp. AJ merely tightened his choke hold. Gasping for air, the man quit struggling.

It took them only a couple of minutes to cuff the guy and read him his rights. By then, lights were beginning to come back on—first the emergency lighting, and then, one by one, the overhead lights. People milled about, unsure exactly what had happened, but well aware something had gone horribly wrong. Members of the media headed en masse toward the place where the president should have been. Security guards blocked them and moved everyone away from the roped section.

The stage was littered with guitars and other musical paraphernalia left when the band had scattered at the first sound of trouble. Thank goodness Keisha and the president had escaped under cover of darkness. If there was anyone else after the man, they’d have a hard time finding him now.

AJ spun around when he heard Luc growl. One of the security guys was trying to check on Anton, who still lay unconscious in front of the stage. “Excuse me.” AJ shoved through the crowd and went to Anton’s side. He tapped the guard’s shoulder. “Thanks for checking on him. He’s one of ours. I’ll take care of him.”

The man nodded and returned to the others. Anton’s eyes slowly opened, but he was obviously confused.

“Hey, boss. How are you?”

Anton blinked and stared at AJ. Then he slowly shook his head. “I don’t know.” He tried to sit up. AJ slipped an arm behind his back and helped him until he was able to lean against the stage.

“Where’s Keisha? Is she okay?” Slowly he shook his head. “I can’t hear her voice. Can’t hear any voices. Nothing. No links, no connections.”

AJ squeezed his shoulder. “I think you might have fried a brain cell or two. I know you fried a few of mine. You shut down the entire city. It’s just now beginning to come back up, but the president is safe. I stopped the bastard you told me to go after. Beth was right—he was armed and he got off a couple of shots. Keisha got nicked but she’s okay. Lisa and Tala are safe. The babies are safe.”

Anton’s hand came up at the sound of Keisha’s name. AJ grabbed it and held on. “She’s fine,” he said. “Bullet grazed her shoulder, but Logan will be with her shortly. By the time you see her, she’ll be healed and probably madder than hell at you for scaring her like this.”

Anton nodded and leaned his head against the wall. He closed his eyes, obviously still rattled from the huge burst of energy he’d handled.

“Stay with him Luc, okay?”

The black wolf dipped his head as AJ returned to the small group of men holding the assailant. This all felt so strange, for him to be taking charge, but Luc was in wolf form and obviously couldn’t do his usual job, Anton was out of the picture for now, and that left AJ. He usually hung back, let others take over. He glanced around, hoping like hell he didn’t screw up, but no one had planned for Anton being out of commission. It looked like he was their only choice.

Other security people arrived. They held the crowds back and kept the media entirely out of the area. Worried, AJ glanced at Anton. He appeared to have passed out again. The man would hate for anyone to see him this way, but AJ couldn’t leave. Not yet. At least Luc was sticking close, guarding him from curious eyes as best he could. AJ grinned. Luc was a very large wolf. Anton was barely visible behind the huge beast.

AJ dealt with security as quickly as he could and set up a time to meet with the one leading the investigation. They’d go over everything tomorrow. By then he hoped Anton would have some way to explain the power outage, because AJ didn’t have a clue how they were going to deal with that.

It appeared they’d been successful, though little had gone as planned. He still had a dull ache in his head from Anton’s power surge. He hated to think what the wizard must be feeling right now. Damn. How long was all this going to take?

He needed to connect with the rest of his team and see what, exactly, had happened.

Then he really needed to connect with Tala.

Mik’s terse message, that she was fine and they’d caught the three men holding the women, was a huge relief, but it wasn’t enough.

Not nearly enough.