Perching Parrot
Although this model is flat, the thickness of the layers adds enough volume to give this bird dimension. A gentle pull on the wings will make the three-dimensionality even more pronounced. The folds for the head are not landmarked, and slight variations in the angles of the folds can impart a lot of character to your model.
Begin with the primary display color side facing up. Fold in half along the diagonal. Unfold.
Valley fold in half.
Rabbit ear the top section.
Mountain fold the sides to lie against the center crease on the back.
Squash the center flap down.
Turn over.
Lift the top layers up to reveal the hidden flap.
Rabbit ear the flap and flatten.
Reverse fold the sides.
Mountain fold in half.
Squash fold.
Outside reverse fold.
Squash fold the flap asymmetrically.
Mountain fold the corners.
Repeat steps 12–14 behind.
Outside reverse fold, so the indicated points meet.
Pull out the single layers from inside the flap.
Inside reverse fold the top flap.
Inside reverse fold.
Slide the trapped paper out and flatten.
Outside reverse fold.
Inside reverse fold and rotate the model slightly.
The completed Perching Parrot.