Present day
Sliding out of her white lace dress, Trin let it pool at her feet as she gazed into Jason’s eyes, unabashed. “Take me to bed or lose me forever,” she teased, quoting one of their favorite movies.
Easing up beside her, Jason ran his hand along her hips as he kissed the crease between her collarbone and neck. “With pleasure.” Having already disrobed, he walked them forward to the bed and together they fell, lost in one another as they’d been in the past.
“Jason,” Trin whispered his name as his hands glided across her skin, touching her in his familiar and almost sacred way. She’d dreamt of this moment for centuries—becoming his wife—and after years of denying him, and all the strife they faced, it couldn’t have happened in a better way. For this defined who they were. Witches both, pulled through time, only to find each other again with a clear future laid out before them and blessed by the Goddess in front of their family and friends.
Rolling over, Trin peered up through her dark lashes, letting the image of Jason become scorched into her mind. She couldn’t believe they’d finally made it here. She loved this man more than her own life, and despite how long it took, they’d been given this future together and it felt as if the world had been renewed just for them.
“Jason,” Trin whispered his name again, her voice coming out huskier than usual as she met his heated gaze.
His eyes twinkled and a slow grin curled his lips as he slid inside of her. God, how she loved that smile.
Once again, they were one—body, heart, and soul. No words were needed, as their joy swirled on the air currents around them. Closing her eyes, Trin rode the waves of passion as reminders of their past overwhelmed her.
Jason’s chuckle rumbled in her ear. “Trin, let go. We’re together now, and I promise … I’m not going anywhere.” Without words, he’d sensed her emotions; knew her thoughts, and exactly how to ease them.
Waves of desire engulfed them, and like magic, everything was forgotten. Nearing release, tears formed in Trin’s eyes as the love she felt for Jason finally broke free. This was as easy as breathing. They were finally home. Within minutes, the memories of all they’d suffered at the hands of Ann and Heinrich for so long were gone, replaced with an overwhelming sense of love and devotion that ran soul-deep.
Trin pulled Jason down upon her and drank in his kisses as the world fell away—each pleasure-filled moment evolving into the next. Gazes locked, their spirits soared as they spent the night reveling in their new reality. Husband and wife, and Priest and Priestess of the Witches of BlackBrook coven, together as one.
A knock on the door pulled Trin and Jason from an easy slumber. Bone-weak and euphoric, she flicked the door open, not ready to leave their honeymoon bed.
“Good morning, love birds. I’ve brought you tea and crumpets … well, not really, it’s cinnamon-dipped French toast with raspberries and powdered sugar, but you get the gist.” Caris beamed as she walked into the couple’s bedroom, pausing to see if they noticed Lionel waiting in the hall.
Trin readjusted the blankets covering her and smiled wide. “Lionel, I’m happy to see you here. Welcome to the family, I guess.” Trin shrugged, unabashed by their current state.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited.” Lionel slid up next to Caris and placed a soft kiss on her lips.
“Actually, out of everyone in the entire world … yes, we do know how long you’ve waited.” Jason chuckled, thrilled to see the happy couple reunited in the present day. “Speaking of waiting, I heard a car outside this morning … does that mean Kennedy already ran off to claim her prince charming as well?”
“As a matter of fact, I think it does. She left a note in the kitchen.” Setting down the breakfast tray on the end of the bed, Caris handed over a piece of paper to Trin, then nuzzled into Lionel’s waiting embrace as the two left the room.
Trin shared the note with Jason, both reading it to themselves.
I’ve checked all the protections and the wards around the house, and they’re good. I’ve decided to head back to Washington for now. Nielson and I have some catching up to do, and you guys have new lives to start living. Call me if you need anything, or whenever you plan to go see Salem, and I’ll come running! Love you guys! ~ Kennedy
Folding the note, Trin placed it back on the tray and wiped a tear from her eye. Gazing up at Jason, her hand drifted to her stomach. Kennedy was right, and thanks to Mama, Mathilde, and Salem, they all had new lives to start living. A warmth radiated from deep within her, and Trin knew one of those lives was starting right now. “Seems we’ve been blessed by the Goddess again.”
She laid her head on Jason’s shoulder, as he whispered, “So it seems.”