
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Abbott, Carl, 536n

Acheson, Dean, 29, 34, 151

Action in the North Atlantic (film), 256n

Adams, Frank, 357

Adams, James, 95

Addams, Jane, 474

Additional Dialogue (Trumbo), 65

Administrative Index, 96

Adventures of Robin Hood, The (TV show), 264, 275

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), 147n

Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights, 502

Aldrich Family, The (TV show), 316, 320

Algren, Nelson, 319

Allan, Lewis, 53

Allen, Raymond, 421

Amerasia, 144, 159, 162

America First, 199n

American Association of University Professors, 491–92

American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 324, 369

American Business Consultants, 315

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 42, 44, 56, 355n, 474n, 490

Arlington case and, 546

Barnet and, 359–60

FBI and, 132–33

maritime workers and, 408

Wilkinson and, 528n, 531, 532

American Communications Association (ACA), 395, 396

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 59 n, 114, 220n, 375, 377, 378, 380, 382n, 391–93, 413, 414, 423, 442

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), 61n, 233n

American Friends Service Committee, 523

American Jewish Congress, 490

American Labor Party, 44, 191

American Legion, 66, 74, 76, 79, 112, 153n, 211n, 221n, 259, 260, 291, 305, 317, 318, 324n, 340–41, 342n, 348, 368, 372, 420, 531, 540, 543

Americanization Committee of, 264, 275–76

American Negro Slave Revolts (Aptheker), 453, 454

American Newspaper Guild, 318–19

American Peace Crusade, 509

Americans Battling Communism (ABC), 204, 206, 208

American Security Council, 42

Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 137, 139

American Student Union, 444

American Veterans Committee, 420

American Youth for Democracy (AYD), 420

Anderson, Bill, 287

Anderson, Jack, 107

Anderson, Walter, 149n

Andrews, Dana, 117–18

Annunzio, Frank, 527

Appel, Donald T., 102, 346

Aptheker, Herbert, 451–55

Arens, Richard, 471

Arkansas Gazette, 498

Arlington case, 544–48

Arthur, Art, 119

Arvad, Inga, 81n

Associated Farmers of California, 465

Atomic Energy Act (1946), 185

Atomics, 175

Auden, W. H., 233

Audubon Society, 43

Auslander, Jacob, 157

Aware, Inc., 116n, 316, 324n, 341n, 342n

Bacall, Lauren, 64n, 261

Baez, Joan, 508

Bailey, Bill, 405–13

Baldwin, Roger N., 233n, 332

Barenblatt, Lloyd, 438–39

Barnet, Melvin, 355–61

Barr, Richard, 267

Barton (Marzani's friend), 152–53, 155

Baruch, Bernard, 36, 148n

Bates, Daisy, 497

Baxter (OSS officer), 152

Being Red (Fast), 299n

Bela, Nicholas, 258n

Belafonte, Harry, 321, 502n, 505n

Bell, Daniel, 232n

Bellow, Saul, 233n

Belmont, Alan, 96

Bennett, James V., 187, 533–34

Bennett, John C., 233n

Bentley, Arvilla, 100n, 106

Bentley, Elizabeth, 136, 140–41, 224

Berkeley, Martin, 120n, 166n, 265, 276, 289, 291, 292, 308

Berle, Adolf, 147

Bernal, J. D., 517

Bernstein, Al, 141–43

Bernstein, Carl, 37

Bernstein, Leonard, 321, 325

Bernstein, Ted, 357

Bessie, Alvah, 258n

Best Years of Our Lives, The (film), 117–18

Better America Federation, 42

Biberman, Herbert, 258n, 259n, 263, 280, 298

Biddle, Francis, 94n

Billings, Warren, 188

Bioff, Willie, 113n, 256n, 283n

Birdsell (professor), 152–53

Bitter Heritage (Schlesinger), 547

Black, Arthur, 355

Black, Bob, 78–80

Black, Hugo, 151, 185n, 231, 455n, 488, 489, 490, 532

blacklist, 64–65

black market and, 260

clearance men and, 316–17, 327–28

Ford Motor Co. and, 325

graylist and, 259, 266

Hollywood, 63n, 255–60

print media and, 319–20

radio and television industries and, 131n, 315–16

ritual of informing and, 258–59

symbolic capitulation and, 66–67

Weavers and, 362, 368

Black Panthers, 43

Blake, Fay, 251–54

Bloch, Emanuel, 51, 186

Block, Hal, 320

Bogart, Humphrey, 64n, 261

Bohlen, Charles, 129

Bohm, David, 197n

Bonanno, Joseph, 93n

Bond, Ward, 297n

Book of Daniel, The (Doctorow), 49

Books at Sea program, 448

Bostick, Floyd, 385n

Boudin, Kathy, 53

Boudin, Lenny, 357

Boyle, Kay, 319, 331–37

Braden, Anne, 472–82

Braden, Carl, 472, 474, 475, 476, 480–81, 482, 533, 539

Brando, Marlon, 341n–42n

Bransten, Louise, 449

Branton (attorney), 222n

Brave One, The (film), 63, 64

Brecht, Bertolt, 257n-58n

Bremen, 405–6

Brennan, William, 231, 532

Brewer, Roy, 112–22, 256, 257, 265, 283, 297n, 300n, 342

Bridge on the River Kwai, The (film), 281 n

Bridges, Harry, 58–63, 70, 120–21, 245n, 300n, 377, 400, 403–4, 410–11, 519, 520, 543

Bridges, Lloyd, 63, 274n, 302

Bridges, Robbie, 58–63

Bright, John, 65

Broken Lance (film), 294, 304

Brooklyn Eagle, 319, 355, 358

Brooks, Van Wyck, 233n

Browder, Earl, 200, 201

Brown, Archie, 241–42, 243, 246, 249, 540–43

Brown, Betsy, 243

Brown, Douglas, 244

Brown, Hon, 243–46, 543

Brown, Stephanie, 244

Brown, Susie, 244

Brown, Vernon, 476–79

Browne, George, 113n, 256n, 283n

Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 83, 84, 100n, 108–12, 185n, 241, 353–54, 450n

Brownmiller, Susan, 453

Brown v. Board of Education, 473n, 488, 489, 492–93, 499n, 530

Bryson, Hugh, 404

Buchman, Sidney, 120n, 310n

Budenz, Louis, 136, 166n, 333

Burdett, Winston, 319, 355–56, 357, 358

Bureau of Internal Revenue, 202

Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, 145

Burns, Hugh H., 70n, 398, 518

Burns Committee, 70, 424, 463, 518, 519

Burrows, Abe, 321, 324, 325

Bush, George, 44, 369

Butler, Hugo, 65

Byrnes, James F., 147

Caen, Herb, 218

Cagney, William, 287

Caine Mutiny, The (film), 294

Caldwell, Erskine, 130n, 181

Caldwell, Ira S., 181n

Calhern, Louis, 345–46

California Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities, 333n

California Quarterly, 458

Cameron, Angus, 107, 319, 352–55

Canoga Park Herald, 460, 461

Cantor, Jay, 270, 271

Canwell, Albert, 469

Canwell Committee, 420–21

Capone, Al, 283n

Carey, James, 377

Carlson, Frank, 212n, 448

Carmichael, Ian, 330

Carmichael, Stokely, 470n

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 146

Casablanca (film), 272

Casals, Pablo, 233n

Case of the Ten Dollar a Week Robbery, The (Hall), 483

Castro, Fidel, 59, 441

Catholic War Veterans, 74, 321, 340–41, 342n, 372

Caute, David, 36, 128, 175

Cecil, Lester, 497

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 43, 60, 172, 422, 509, 519

Cercone (attorney), 208, 211

Cerf, Bennett, 139n, 355

Chadwick, Ike, 119

Chambers, Whittaker, 102n, 109n, 144, 146, 147–50

Chaney, Frances, 266–72

Chaplin, Charlie, 260, 305

Charny, George, 105n

Chayevsky, Paddy, 271

Chernin, Rose, 212n, 214, 223

Cherny, Robert, 60n

Chiang Kai-shek, 144, 145, 159, 160, 161, 164

Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, 523–24

Chicago Tribune, 392

Chief: My Life in the LAPD (Gates), 536n

Childress, Alice, 453

Childs, Jack, 92n

Childs, Morris, 92, 95

China, People's Republic of, 130, 144–45, 158–60, 323, 344

China Daily News, 145n

China Lobby, 144–45, 158, 161, 162

Chinatown Anti-Communist League, 144n–45n

Chinatown purges, 144n–45n

Chisholm, Shirley, 505n

Christopher, Mayor, 542–43

Church, Frank, 94n

Church Committee, 94, 95

Churchill, Winston, 33, 147n, 154

Cincinnati Enquirer, 318n

Cincinnati Kid, The (film), 261, 264

Citizens Committee to Preserve American Freedom, 531n

Civil Rights Commission, 83

Civil Rights Congress (CRC), 76, 453n, 482

civil rights movement, 469–70, 487–88, 508, 521

civil service, 127–31

Civil Service Commission (CSC), 127, 128, 152, 153, 163

Clamage, Ed, 348–49

Clardy, Kit, 379

Clark, Bill, 334

Clark, Maurice, 302n

Clark, Tom, 38n, 83, 84, 128, 185n, 450n, 482n

clearwater campaign, 365

Clifford, Clark, 35, 37, 38n, 39, 139n

Clifford-Elsey Report, 38

Clift, Montgomery (Monty), 304

Clinton, Bill, 44

Clubb, O. Edmund, Jr., 159

Coast Guard, U.S., 404–5, 406, 407, 410, 417, 524

Cobb, Julie, 285

Cobb, Lee J., 120, 271, 274n, 285, 302

Coburn, Charles, 297n

Coburn, Nathaniel, 435n

Coe, Fred, 271

Cogley, John, 115–16, 315

Cohen, Mickey, 218

Cohen, Rabbi, 463

Cohn, Harry, 120n, 121, 310

Cohn, Roy, 98n, 101, 102, 104, 107–8, 123, 136, 275–76, 334–35, 348, 354

Rosenberg case and, 185n, 188

COINTELPRO, 90–91, 443

Cold War, 24, 73n, 108, 154, 201, 226, 269, 274, 378, 384, 413, 416, 417-18, 438n, 456, 489, 506, 507–8, 526

Cole, Lester, 157, 258n, 259n, 263

Colin, Ralph, 321

Collier's, 130

Collins, Richard, 119–20, 258n, 274n, 276

Colodny, Robert, 440–43

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 34n, 131, 316, 317, 319, 321–23, 325, 351, 546

Comden, Betty, 371

Commerce Department, U.S., 141

Committee for the First Amendment (CFA), 64, 118, 261

Committee on Offenses Against the Administration of Justice, 471

Committee of One Thousand, 333

Committee to Investigate Blacklisting in TVA, 351

Communist Commentary (radio program), 221n

Communist Control Act (1954), 19, 111n, 203, 241, 379–80

Communist Infiltration of the United States, 376

Communist Party, Greek, 34

Communist Party, Italian, 32n, 201n, 205n

Communist Party, U.S., 18, 27, 31, 36–37, 39, 43, 44, 54, 55n, 56, 63n, 66, 77, 125, 132, 241, 399

categories of membership in, 121n,

“cells” of, 68

Chambers and, 150n

CIO and, 375, 377

civil rights movement and, 469–71

contributions of, 200

decline of, 203

FBI break-ins and, 84–87

FBI informants in, 82, 90n, 92–93

founding of, 199

Hitler-Stalin pact and, 113n, 199, 444

ideological purge in, 236–37

Khrushchev report and, 72–73, 203, 230, 411n, 522

labor schools and, 69, 291n, 423–24

legislation against, 202–3

loyalty program and, 40–41

maritime workers and, 402

OSS and, 154n

Rosenberg case and, 186

Scottsboro case and, 129n

Security Index and, 94–97

Smith Act indictments and, 201–4

Soviet Union and, 38, 109, 199, 295

Supreme Court and prosecution of, 111

Trumbo and, 67–68

underground of, see “five minutes to midnight” policy

during World War II, 200–201

Communists Within the Labor Movement, 376

Conference of Studio Unions (CSU), 112, 114, 256

Conference to Combat Communism, 341n

Congress, U.S., 24, 28, 43, 93, 109, 112, 130–31, 144, 154, 175, 204, 344, 400n

Dixiecrats in, 507n

FBI and, 94–95

Gwinn Amendment and, 219n

loyalty program and, 37–38

McCarran Act and, 229

Magnuson Act passed by, 404

organized labor and, 378

Public Law 733 passed by, 128

Security Index and, 94–97

Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, 179

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 59n, 114, 154, 200, 220n, 375–78, 380, 391, 394, 409, 423

Communist Party and, 375, 377

maritime workers and, 413–14

Operation Dixie of, 413n, 482

Connelly, Philip, 212n, 218, 223

Connor, Eugene T. “Bull,” 483

Conspirator (film), 259n

Constitution, U.S., 184, 213, 214, 404, 505, 526

First Amendment of, 21, 63n, 64, 215, 218, 257, 259, 261, 279, 317, 354, 355, 374, 427, 436, 438n, 505, 522, 531–32

Fifth Amendment of, 21, 40, 84, 136, 219, 220, 229n, 279, 284, 287, 290, 317, 318, 327, 338–39, 354–58

Thirteenth Amendment of, 402

Fourteenth Amendment of, 487n, 523

Consumer Reports, 130

Consumers Union, 130

Cook, Stuart, 130

Cooper, Gary, 257, 261, 297n

Coplon, Judith, 27

Corey, Evie, 285

Corey, Jeff, 284–88

Cornered (film), 296, 304

Cory, George, 302n

Cory, Giles, 521, 527–28

Corwin, Norman, 363

Coughlin, Charles Edward, 432

Council for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy, 508–9

Council for Pan-American Democracy, 508–9

Counsel to the President (Clifford), 38n

Counterattack, 259, 315–16

Cousins, Norman, 67, 514

Crawford, Joan, 293

Criley, Richard, 91, 521–28

Criley, Ted, 524

Crosley, George, see Chambers, Whittaker

Crossfire (film), 304

Crouch, Paul, 98, 488

Crucible, The (Miller), 317, 342–43

Crum, Bartley, 300

Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace, 340

Cunningham, Sarah, 347, 348

Curran, Joe, 377, 404, 414–16

Curtiz, Michael, 273n

Custodial Detention list, see Security Index

Cvetic, Matt, 98, 98n, 208–9

Daily Worker, 52, 99n, 113n, 122, 139–40n, 166n, 186, 202, 205, 247n, 323n, 357, 363, 372, 487, 522

Daily World, 461

Dallet, Joe, 195

Darkness at Noon (Koestler), 303

Da Silva, Howard, 259

Davies, John Paton, 159, 161

Davies, Joseph E., 273

Davis, Angela, 53, 505n

Davis, Benjamin, 201n

Davis, Chandler, 434–40

Davis, Elmer, 82

Davis, Horace B., 436n

Davis, Joan, 327

“Days of Rage,” 91n

Deadline for Action (film), 154

Death of a Salesman (Miller), 340–41

de Beauvoir, Simone, 441

Debs, Eugene V., 253n, 380n, 507

De Caux, Len, 377

Dees, Ruby, 505n

Defenders, The (TV show), 272

Defense Department, U.S., 133, 419

Defiant Ones, The (film), 293

Delany, Hubert T., 492, 497

Dellinger, Dave, 509

Dellums, Ron, 505n

Democratic Front, 200

Democratic Party, U.S., 28, 84, 131, 146, 199, 344, 383, 506

Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), 205n

Democratic Socialists of America, 219

Dennis, Eugene, 54, 56–58, 201n

Dennis, Gene, 54–58

Depression, the, 23–24, 212

Devil and the Book, The (Trumbo), 68

Dewey, Thomas E., 74–75, 78, 111, 457

Dies, Martin, 17

Dies Committee, 17, 146

Dilworth, Nelson S., 466n

Dilworth Act (1953), 424, 466

Disney, Walt, 257, 297n

Dixiecrats, 503, 504, 506

Dixon, Maynard, 69

Dmytryk, Edward, 63n, 118–120, 258n, 259, 263, 265, 269–70, 276, 294–305

Dmytryk, Jean Porter, 269

Dobbs, Ben, 212n

Dodd, Chris, 221

Dodd, Thomas J., 17, 221, 512–13

Dodd Committee, 221

Dolson, James, 205, 209

Dombrowski, Jim, 488

Dondero, George, 161, 161n

Donovan, “Wild Bill,” 153–54, 155, 157

Douglas, Melvin, 348

Douglas, Paul, 18n

Douglas, William O., 41, 50, 151, 156, 185n, 231, 303n, 490, 532

Doyle, Bernadette, 212n, 221

Doyle, Clyde, 310, 532

Draper, Theodore, 233n

Draper Project, 471

Dreiser, Theodore, 130n

Dubinsky, David, 234, 396

Du Bois, W. E. B., 303n, 434n, 453, 505n

Du Bridge, Lee Alvin, 427

Dudos, Jacques, 201n

Duffy, Adrian, 406

Duffy, Bill, 108

Dukakis, Michael, 44

Dulles, John Foster, 32, 145, 167

Dunne, Philip, 261

Du Pont, Irénée, 148n

Du Pont, Pierre, 148n

Durr, Clifford, 487

Durr, Virginia, 487–89

Dylan, Bob, 508

Eastland, James O., 17, 319, 441–42, 470–71, 488, 489, 496, 500, 504, 523

“Eight Fallacies of Nuclear Test Ban” (Dodd), 513

Einstein, Albert, 135, 157, 421–22, 462, 508, 510

Eisenberg, Frances, 459–64, 466, 468

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 28, 36n, 39, 40, 50, 84, 94, 108, 111, 112, 127, 129, 131, 513

Hoover and, 83

school desegregation and, 439n


of 1920, 507

of 1928, 39

of 1936, 220n

of 1946, 27, 37, 38n

of 1948, 39, 377, 378, 414–15, 507–8

of 1950, 124n

of 1952, 105, 108, 124n, 139, 216n, 245

of 1956, 495, 497

of 1968, 91n

of 1988, 44

Elitcher, Max, 182

Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, 40

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 510

Emerson, Faye, 323

End of Ideology, The (Bell), 232n

Engels, Friedrich, 208, 221, 500

English, Richard, 300

Ernst, Morris, 132–33, 133n

Espionage Act (1917), 160, 185n, 321n

Executive Order 9835, 36, 140n, 142

Executive Order 10241, 40, 140n

Executive Order 10450, 40, 94, 336n

Exodus (film), 66, 264, 280

Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities, 449n

False Witness (Matusow), 100, 102n, 104n, 106, 107, 352

Farmer, Fyke, 185

Farmer, John, 43

Fast, Howard, 299, 420

Faubus, Orval, 494, 498

Faulk, John Henry, 116n, 324n

Faulkner, William, 229

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 25, 42, 43, 55, 70, 73n, 75n, 109, 128, 129, 139, 175, 198n, 201–2, 287–88, 293, 352–53, 356, 397, 442, 458, 508, 509, 538

ACLU and 132–33

Bridges and, 404

COINTELPRO program of, 90–91, 110–12

Communist underground and, 237–38

Congress and, 94–95

Criley and, 521–24, 526

Custodial Detention (Security Index) of, 84, 94–97, 249n

Domestic Intelligence Division of, 85, 96

expanded power of, 81–82

harassment of Reds and, 90–91

Hiss case and, 147, 150, 150n

HUAC and, 523, 524–25

illegal break-ins by, 84–87, 159n

Jencks and, 380, 384, 386

maritime unions and, 404–8, 411

Marzani case and, 152–55

Matusow as double agent for, 97, 99, 107, 387n

organized crime and, 93–94, 93n

OSS and, 154

public image of, 81

Rosenberg case and, 180

Sachs and, 394–95

Scales and, 226–27

Service case and, 159–60

Shaftel and, 432–33, 435

Sobell case and, 181, 182–183, 186–87, 190, 192, 193–94

surveillance by, 87–88

T designation used by, 142–43

teachers and, 422

Top Hood program of, 93–94

Weavers and, 362, 369

Federal Bureau of Investigation, The (Lowenthal), 139n

Federal Employees Loyalty Program, 112n, 128–30, 138, 163–64, 420

civil liberties and, 40–41

Congress and, 37–38

deaths resulting from, 42–43

Eisenhower administration and, 41

private industry and, 42

public and, 40, 41

security officers and, 82–83

State Department and, 41, 129

Truman's launching of, 36–40

Federation of Former Communists, 98

Fefer, Itzik, 230n

Feinberg Law (1949), 424

Fellowship of Reconciliation, 508

Ferencz, Benny, 333

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 508

Ferman, Irving, 133n

Fidelifax, Inc., 42

File 13, 316

Fine, Fred, 87

Finger of Guilt (film), 275

Finkelstein, Sidney, 453, 455

Firing Line, 259, 316

“five minutes to midnight” policy, 202, 215n, 236–38

Blake and, 251–54

Brown in, 241–42, 243

levels of, 237

Passen and, 249–51

Scales in, 239–40

Thompson and, 247–49

Flanner, Janet, 334, 336

Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 355

Ford, Henry, 199n–200n

Foreign Aid Administration, 174

Forer, Joe, 228

Fortune, 44, 379

Foster, William Z., 201, 236, 546, 547n

Fox, David, 197n

Fox, Ernest, 212n

France, 34, 100, 185–86

Francis, Arlene, 320

Franckenstein, Joseph von, 331, 333, 334–36

Franco, Francisco, 195n, 318n, 320

Frank, Jerome, 184n

Frankfurter, Felix, 139, 151

Freedom, 453n

Freedom of Information Act (1966), 104, 149, 187, 225, 249n, 293, 446, 528, 536

Freedomways, 505

Friedman, Max, 197n

Friedman, Milton, 501

Fuchs, Klaus, 27, 177–179, 439n

Fund for the Republic, 116

Gang, Martin, 274, 307–9, 310

Gangbusters (radio show), 267

Garfield, John, 43, 116–17, 260

Garland, Judy, 214

Garrett, Betty, 301

Gates, Daryl, 536n

Gates, John, 201n

Geber, Anthony, 170–74

Geer, Will, 259

Genovese, Vito, 93n

George, Tex, 416, 417

George II, King of Greece, 33

Germany, Nazi, 31, 101, 199, 200, 215n

Gilbert, Ronnie, 362, 367, 370–74

Gilford, Jack, 321

Give Us This Day (film), 305

God That Failed, The (Crossman), 303n

Go East Young Man (Douglas), 151

Goebbels, Josef, 256n

Goheen, Robert, 233

Gold, Ben, 375n–76n

Gold, Harry, 179, 439n

Goldberg, Harold, 348–49

Goldberg, Ruth, 455–58

Goldwyn, Sam, 258

Gompers, Samuel, 382n

Goodson, Mark, 320–26

Good War, The (Terkel), 23

Gordon, Max, 186

Gordon, Michael, 265, 302n

Gordon, Murray, 133

Goudsmit, S. A., 82

Gouzenko, Igor, 177n

Gray, Fred, 487

Graylist, 259, 266

Great Britain, 32–35

Greek crisis (1947), 32–36

Green, Adolph, 371

Green, Ann, 273, 274, 275

Green, Gilbert, 56, 87, 201n, 202n

Greenbaum, General, 336–37

Greene, Richard, 275

Greenglass, David, 48, 133, 178–79, 182n, 184n, 185, 187

Greenglass, Ruth, 48, 179n, 184n

Gregory, Yvonne, 453

Groves, Leslie, 188n

Grutzner, Charles, 356

Guardian, 52

Guilty of Treason (film), 259n

Guinier, Lani, 44

Guthrie, Woody, 76n, 79, 363

Gutride, Minnie, 425

Gwinn Amendment (1952), 219n

Hagen, Uta, 321

Hall, Gus, 201n, 202n

Hall, Sam, 247, 248, 482–87, 544

Hallinan, Vincent, 216, 245

Hallinan, Vivian, 216

Halliwell, Leslie, 208n

Hamby, Alonzo, 30

Hamilton, Scott, 475–76

Hammarskjöld, Dag, 514

Hammer, Al, 371

Hammett, Dashiell, 165n, 338n, 453

Hanford, Ben, 253n

Hansberry, Lorraine, 453

Harding, Ann, 273n

Hard Times (Dickens), 253–54

Harriman, Averell, 31, 167, 169

Harris, Dr., 196

Harris, M. Lafayette, 498

Hartford, Bruce, 397, 399

Hartford, Claire, 395–401

Hartford, Ken, 396–400

Hartle, Barbara, 231n

Hartnett, Vincent, 341n

Hatch Act (1939), 127

Havighurst, Robert, 523

Havoc, June, 261

Hawaii (film), 66

Hawkins, David, 197n

Hay, Harry, 236n

Hayden, Sterling, 274n

Haymarket Square riot, 75n, 546

Hays, Lee, 362, 363, 374

Healey, Dorothy, 2l2n, 214, 219–25

Health, Education and Welfare Department, U.S. (HEW), 427–28

Hearst, William Randolph, 300n, 466

Hecht, Selig, 177

Heilbroner, Robert, 233n

Heller, George, 351

Hellerman, Fred, 362, 367–70

Hellman, Lillian, 165–67, 168n, 302, 338–39

Hemingway, Ernest, 130n

Hendry, Whitey, 309

Hepburn, Katharine, 269

Herblock, 27n

Herbst, Josephine, 319

Hickenlooper, Bourke, 139

High Noon (film), 287

Hill, Gladman, 106

Hill, Joe, 355n

Hill, Russell, 267

Hiss, Alger, 27, 102n–3n, 109, 144–52, 258

History of the Civil War in the USSR, 222n

Hitler, Adolf, 113, 124n, 195n, 199, 444

Hitler-Stalin Nonaggression Pact (1939), 113n, 199, 444

Hobby, Oveta Culp, 427n

Hoffa, Jimmy, 59

Hoffman, Abbie, 509

Holcomb, Robert, 480n

Holiday, Billy, 53n

Holiday Song (radio show), 271

Holliday, Judy, 260, 321, 371

Holloway, David, 176n

Hollywood Nineteen, 257n, 258, 274, 333n

Hollywood Reporter, 66, 119n, 267, 268, 288

Hollywood Ten, 63, 63n, 64n, 65n, 114n, 118n, 257n, 258–59, 260, 268, 269, 276, 284, 370, 398, 532

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 144

Holt, Henry, 139n

Home of the Brave (film), 284

Homolka, Oscar, 273n

Hook, Sidney, 233n

Hook, The (Miller), 120, 341–42

Hoover, J. Edgar, 18n, 28, 38n, 83, 86, 91, 96n, 97, 122, 123n, 133n, 138, 139, 145, 175, 187, 194, 234, 237, 380, 392–93, 442, 500, 523, 524, 536

Cohn and, 101

Custodial Detention list and, 249n

Eisenhower and, 83

Hiss and, 147–48

homosexuality of, 101

JFK blackmailed by, 81n, 147

King and, 504n

Matusow and, 97, 100–101, 107

Nixon and, 83

organized crime and, 93n

OSS and, 153n, 154

Palmer Raids and, 353n

power of, 83

public image of, 81

Rosenberg case and, 180, 185n, 187

Swearingen on, 93–94

wiretap directives and, 100n–111n

Hopkins, Harry, 533

Hopper, Hedda, 297

Horton, Myles, 488

House Committee on Appropriations, 110n, 161n

House Committee on Education and Labor, 385, 425

House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 36n, 43, 63n, 64, 99n, 109n, 112, 114, 120n, 128, 139n, 194, 196n–97n, 198n, 220, 225, 279, 379, 387, 390n, 397, 443, 477, 494

abolition of 526–27

atomic secrets hearings of, 175, 176

Broadway theater hearings of, 317, 318

Canal Zone and, 392

civil rights movement and, 470–72, 502

FBI and, 523, 524–25

Garfield and, 116

graylist of, 259, 266

Hellman and, 167, 338–39

Hiss case and, 102n, 146, 148

history of, 17

Hollywood allies of, 255–57, 299–300

Hollywood hearings of, see Hollywood Nineteen; Hollywood Ten

Nixon and, 175

Oxnam and, 352 n

peace movement and, 507–9

renaming of, 526

Rusk and, 169

Shaftel and, 429, 435, 436–37

teachers and, 419, 420, 422, 423

Weavers and, 362, 371, 374

Wilkinson and, 531–32

House I Live In, The (film), 448–49

“House I Live In, The” (song), 53, 337n

House in the Country, A (radio show), 267

Houseman, John, 312, 314

House of Representatives, U.S., 161, 262, 526–27

Housing Administration Act, 219n

Howe, Irving, 233n

Hoyer, Louis, 424

Hruska, Roman Lee, 523

Hughes, Howard, 278

Hughes, Langston, 130n

Hungary, 170–71, 174, 203, 230, 288, 411n

Hunter, Ian, 65, 264

Hurley, Patrick, 161

Huston, John, 64n, 261

Huston, Walter, 273n, 515

Ichord, Richard H., 17

I Led Three Lives (TV show), 68, 98

I Married a Communist (film), 259n

Immigration and Nationality (McCarran-Walter) Act (1952), 18–19, 43–44, 202–3

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 355n, 380n

Institute for the Study of Nonviolence, 508

Interior Department, U.S., 43, 143

Internal Security (McCarran) Act (1950), 17, 18, 94n, 202, 223, 224, 229, 249n, 394–95, 450n, 453n–54n, 525, 527

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), 112, 114, 256, 283

International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union (ILWU), 58, 61n, 242, 403–4, 406, 410, 449n

International Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union, 103, 280, 37[??], 380–81, 387n, 388

International Monetary Fund, 109

International Publishers, 104, 452, 455

Isaacs, Stan, 450

Italy, 34, 204, 215n, 375n

Ivanhoe (film), 55

Ivanov, Peter, 198n

I've Got a Secret (TV show), 320, 321

I Was a Communist for the FBI (TV series), 98, 208–9, 259n

Jack (security officer), 122–23

Jackson, Donald, 281, 286, 310–11, 385

Jackson, Jesse, 505n

Jackson, Robert H., 110n

Jaffe, Philip, 159–60

Jaffe, Sam, 350

Jahoda, Marie, 130

Japan, 153n, 161, 177, 402

Japanese-American Citizens League, 525

Jarrico, Paul, 119n, 259n, 276–84, 326

Jefferson, Thomas, 287

Jencks, Clinton, 100n, 103–4, 280, 281, 354–55, 380–90

Jencks, Virginia, 280

Jenkins, Becky, 69–73, 518, 520

Jenkins, Dave, 69, 447–51, 516, 520

Jenkins, Edith, 515–20

Jenkins, Margie, 71

Jenner, William E., 17, 445

Jerome, V. J., 132

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, 230n

Jewish Board of Guardians, 51

Jewish Restitution Committee, 333

Jimmie Higgins (Sinclair), 253n

Johnson, Haynes, 44n

Johnson, Laurence A., 324–25, 350

Johnson, Lyndon, 489

Johnson, Manning, 471

Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, 157, 320, 348, 440, 442, 443

Joliot-Curie, Madame, 510–11, 517

Jones, Dorothy, 257n

Jones, Howard P., 174

Jones, Joseph, 34

Jones, Roger, 169

Josephson, Leon, 436

Journal American, 134, 326, 342n

Justice Department, U.S., 39, 84, 94n, 97–98, 101n–2n, 109n, 110n, 116n, 151, 154n, 162n, 178, 179, 237, 352, 404, 434n, 443, 471, 505, 508

labor movement and, 378–79

labor schools and, 423

Matusow and, 353–55

Smith Act prosecutions by, 201–2

Kael, Pauline, 276

Kahn, Albert, 107, 352, 354

Kahn, Gordon, 65, 258n

Karesh, Joseph, 214

Katzenbach, Nicholas, 231, 234

Kaufman, Irving R., 179, 185, 185n

Kaye, Danny, 261

Kazan, Elia, 120–21, 341–12

Keeler, Christine, 504n

Keeley, Miss, 71

Kelley, Clarence, 96

Kempton, Murray, 192

Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,” 547

Kennedy, John F., 59, 169, 531

civil rights movement and, 503–4, 505

Hoover's blackmailing of, 81n, 147

Sobell and, 193

Kennedy, Joseph, Sr., 200n

Kennedy, Robert F., 59, 193, 547

Gladys Scales and, 234

Kenny, Robert, 279, 286

Kent, Rockwell, 264–65

Kepler, Roy, 508

Kerr, Jean, 105, 105n

KGB, 151

Khrushchev, Nikita, 68, 96, 288, 505

Stalin denunciation by, 72–73, 203, 230, 276, 411n, 522

Kibre, Jeff, 113–14, 113n

Kilgallen, Dorothy, 320

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 59, 233, 471, 472, 500, 503–4, 508, 532, 534

Kinoy, Arthur, 481

Klein, Lawrence, 435–36

Knight, Frances, 5l2n

Knopf, Alfred, 355

Koch, Howard, 258n, 272–76

Kochler, Dan, 449

Koenig, Lester, 118

Koestler, Arthur, 303

Korean War, 42, 71, 73n, 104, 180, 206, 258, 263, 268–69, 386, 404, 406, 417, 440, 486, 508, 5l7n

KPFK, 221, 223

Ku Klux Klan, 471–72, 483, 486, 487, 502, 506

Kundera, Milan, 23

Kuntsler, William, 481

Kuntz (Sobell's attorney), 186, 191

Kuomintang Party (KMT), 144, 159, 161, 164

Kushner, Sam, 88

labor schools, 69, 291n, 423–24

Labor's Nonpartisan League, 220

Labor Youth League (LYL), 73, 420

La Guardia, Fiorello, 414

Lambert, Carl, 212n

Lampell, Millard, 363

Lancaster, Burt, 260

Lane, Myles, 179

Lang, David, 326

Lannon, Al, 414n

Lardner, David, 266–67, 270, 272

Lardner, Jim, 267

Lardner, John, 270

Lardner, Ring, Jr., 63n, 65, 67, 157, 258n, 259n, 260–66, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272, 276, 370

Lardner, Silvia, 268

Larsen, Emannuel, 159–60

Las Vegas Story, The (film), 278

Lattimore, Owen, 162, 303n

Laura (film), 305

Lautner, John, 222, 228

Law of the Soviet State, The (Vishinsky), 104, 107

Lawrence, Ernest, 197n

Lawrence, Marc, 284n, 285

Lawrence of Arabia (film), 281n

Lawrenson, Jack, 414n

Lawson, John Howard, 113–14, 258n, 259n, 262–63, 287, 296, 297, 312, 398

Lay, Huston, 334n–35n

Lee, Anna, 323–24

Lee, Gypsy Rose, 321, 348 n

Lee, Robert E., 161n

Lees, Robert, 259

Legal Education Advisory Committee, 471

Legion Magazine, 259, 260

Lenin, V. I., 138, 157, 208, 215, 217, 221, 235, 397, 481

Leonard, Sheldon, 328

Leontiev, Wassily W., 134

Le Sueur, Meridel, 319

Leventhal, Harold, 368–69

Levison, Stanley, 472

Lewis (attorney), 208

Lewis, John L., 59, 63

Liberator, 321n

Life, 214, 498, 515

Lightfoot, Claude, 88–89, 91, 92, 97

Lima, Albert, 212n

Lindbergh, Charles, 200n

Linschitz, Henry, 188n

Lippmann, Walter, 36

Lloyd, David, 139–40

Loeb, Louis, 356, 357, 359

Loeb, Philip, 43, 350–51

Lomanitz, Giovanni R, 197n

Long View From the Left, A (Richmond), 223n

Lorch, Alice, 496–97

Lorch, Grace, 490, 495–96

Lorch, Lee, 489–99

Los Angeles Times, 428, 531n

Losey, Joe, 275

Lowenfels, Walter, 374

Lowenthal, John, 152n

Lowenthal, Max, 139

loyalty oaths, 24–25, 42, 154, 321–22, 419, 424, 426, 440, 462

Loyalty Review Board, 129, 158, 163

Luce, Claire Boothe, 214

Luckel Act (1953), 424

Lumet, Sidney, 350

Lundeberg, Harry, 60n

MacArthur, Douglas, 445n, 545

McCarey, Leo, 99n

McCarran, Pat, 17, 319

McCarran (Internal Security) Act (1950), 17, 18, 94n, 202, 223, 224, 229, 249n, 394–95, 450n, 453n–54n, 525, 527

McCarran-Walter (Immigration and Nationality) Act (1952), 18–19, 43–44, 202–3

McCarthy, Joseph R., 18, 24, 40, 41, 97, 101, 106n, 108, 109, 111, 123, 139n, 158, 167, 234n, 263, 319, 353, 367n, 383, 401, 417, 471, 472, 514

career of, 27–28

Manheim case and, 136–37

Matusow and, 97, 99, 105–6

Nixon and, 23, 28n

State Department and, 28, 40, 161–62

Tydings Committee and, 162

Wheeling speech of, 145, 161–62

“McCarthyism,” 27n

defined, 28

McClellan, John L., 18, 353

McCullough, David, 29–30

McElroy, Robert, 413n

McGrath (HUAC attorney), 392–93

McGrath, J. Howard, 27

McGrath, Tom, 319

McGuire, Father, 167

Mclnerney, James, 159n

McKenzie, Howard, 415n–16n

MacLcish, Archibald, 24

McLeod, Scott, 41, 128, 145, 167, 173

Macmillan, Harold, 504n

McNeil, W. H., 33

McSurely, Al, 480

McSurely, Margaret, 480

Mafia, 93, 303, 526, 527

Magnuson (Screening) Act (1950), 404, 405, 406, 524n

Mailer, Norman, 53

Malin, Patrick, 360

Maltz, Albert, 65, 119n, 258n, 266, 295–97, 299n, 330

Mandel, Benjamin, 102

Manheim, Carl, 134

Manheim, Jerry, 131–37, 131n

Manheim, Sylvia, 131, 132, 134, 135–36

Mann, Thomas, 157

Mannix, Eddie, 291, 292, 311

Mao Tse-tung, 144, 160n, 481

March on Washington for Integrated Schools, 502

Margolis, Ben, 217n, 220, 279, 281

Marine Engineers Union, 404

Marine Firemen, Oilers and Watertenders Union, 404

Marine Workers Industrial Union (MWIU), 405, 406

Marion, Paul, 284

Markert, Clement, 435n

Marsh, Reginald, 130n

Marshall, Burke, 503

Marshall, Daniel, 185, 185n

Marshall, George C, 36, 155

Marshall Plan, 414, 416

Marty (film), 271

Marx, Karl, 138, 208, 221, 222, 235, 397, 481, 500

Marxist Commentary (radio program), 221n

Marzani, Carl, 144, 152–58

Mason, Edward, 155

Masses, The, 320, 321n

Masters, Mates and Pilots Union, 404

Mathes, William C, 221

Mathews, J. B., 318n, 471

Mattachine Society, 236n

Matthiessen, F. O., 43, 422

Matusow, Harvey Job, 97–108, 109–10, 352

as FBI double agent, 97, 99, 107, 387n

Hoover and, 97, 100–101, 107

HUAC and, 368

Jencks and, 385–87

Justice Department and, 353–55

McCarthy and, 97, 99, 105–6

Supreme Court and, 387n

teachers’ blacklist and, 425

Weavers and, 367–68, 372

May, Alan Nunn, 177n

May Day parades, 75–76

Mayer, Louis B., 261, 311

Mazzei, Joseph, 211

Meany, George, 234

media, 24, 42, 175, 258

blacklist and, 319–20

red-baiting by, 43, 318

security program and, 130–31

Medina, Harold, 111

Meeropol, Abel, 51–53

Meeropol, Ann, 51–52

Meeropol, Michael, 50n, 51, 53

Meeropol, Robert, 47–54

Meet the Press, 140, 148n, 323

Meiklejohn, Alexander, 531, 539

Melby, John, 165–69

Melson, Inez, 312, 314

Memoirs (Truman), 35, 37

Menjou, Adolphe, 257, 261, 297

Meredith, James, 505

Metaxis, John, 33n

Meyer, Howard, 184n, 187

Meyers, Blackie, 414

Miami Daily News, 318n

“Midnight Special, The” (song), 364

Milestone, Lewis, 258n

Miller, Arthur, 43, 53, 120–22, 302, 303n, 317, 340–45

Mills, Saul, 154

Minority of One, 515

Mission to Moscow (film) 256n, 273, 276

Modem Times (film), 305

Monroe, Marilyn, 312, 343

Montgomery, Judge, 206–8, 209

Montgomery, Robert, 257, 261

Mooney, Tom, 188, 447

Moore, Garry, 322, 325

Moore, Harry T., 506

Morgan, Henry, 322–23

Morley, Karen, 259

Morris, Mr., 445

Morse, Wayne Lyman, 512

Mosk, Ed, 278

Mostel, Zero, 59

Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals (MPAPAI), 112, 115, 255, 297n

Motion Picture Industry Council, 119, 300n

“Moving Forward” (Maltz), 297n

Moy, Eugene, 145n

Mr. District Attorney (radio show), 267

Muir, Jean, 316

Mundt, Karl, 175

Murder My Sweet (film), 296, 304

Murphy (writer), 119

Murphy, Charles, 139–40, 139n

Murphy, Frank, 58, 404

Murphy, George, 257

Murray, James, 198n

Murray, Philip, 377, 394, 415n, 482n

Murrow, Edward R, 337

Musmanno, Michael Angelo, 204–5, 208

Mussolini, Benito, 195n, 402

My Son John (film), 99, 259n

Nagy, Imre, 539n

Nash, John, 275

Nashville Tennessean, 493

Nation, 41, 191n

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 42, 471, 490, 492, 497, 502, 506

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), 18, 376, 378

National Broadcasting Company (NBC), 362

National Catholic Welfare, 167

National Committee Against Repressive Legislation, 525

National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, 514

National Committee to Abolish HUAC, 91n, 521, 525, 528, 533

National Committee to Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case, 192, 192n

National Guardian, 191n, 349

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 256, 378, 379

National Lawyers Guild, 300n

National Liberation Front (EAM), 33–34

National Maritime Union, 403, 404, 413, 414, 415, 416, 447, 500

National Student League, 515

Nature of the Chemical Bond, The (Pauling), 511

Navasky, Victor, 313

Navy Department, U.S., 82

Nazi Party, U.S., 66, 472

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 511–12

Nellor, Ed, 161n

Nelson, Margaret, 196

Nelson, Steve, 176–77, 195–98, 204–12, 478

New Deal, 30, 128, 144, 146, 147, 175, 233, 274, 344, 375, 376, 378, 452, 515

New Masses, 130, 132, 297

New Orleans Tribune, 500–501

New Republic, The, 41, 191n

News Leader, 499n

Newsweek, 268

New York Daily News, 52, 193, 360

New Yorker, 276, 319, 331, 335–36

New York Herald Tribune, 129, 130, 318, 332, 336n

New York Mirror, 187, 360

New York Newspaper Guild, 359

New York Post, 52, 106, 107, 134, 234, 319, 353, 358

New York Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 51n

New York Times, 52, 102, 106, 107, 108, 110n, 134,175, 234, 282, 288, 319, 339, 355, 358–61, 431, 435, 438, 441, 456, 480n, 491, 492, 495, 496, 512, 522, 545

New York World-Telegram, 342, 363

Nickerson, Mark, 435n

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 233, 534

Nitti, Frank, 256n, 283n

Nixon, Richard M., 23, 28, 59, 84, 94, 144, 369, 466

Hiss case and, 102n, 148, 150–51

Hoover and, 83

HUAC and, 175

McCarthy and, 23, 28n

Nizer, Louis, 116–17

Nofziger, Lyn, 460, 461, 466n

Now, Robert, 43, 415n

nuclear freeze movement, 43

Nye, Gerald P., 148n

Nye Committee, 148

Obenhouse, Victor, 523, 525

O’Brien, Jack, 325–26

O’Dell, Jack, 413–18, 472, 500–506

O’Dwyer, Thomas J., 529–30

Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), 153, 160

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 127, 152, 153, 162

Hoover and, 153n, 154

U.S. Communist Party and, 154n

Office of War Information, 162

O’Herlihy, Dan, 285

Olson, Governor, 447n

Onda, Andy, 205, 209

Only the Valiant (film), 287

On the Waterfront (film), 341n–42n

Open Door policy, 159

Operation Abolition (film), 543

Operation Correction (film), 543n

Operation Dixie, 413, 482

Operation Mind, 435

Oppenheimer, Frank, 196

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 168, 176, 196–97, 421–22, 488

Oppenheimer, Kitty, 195–96, 197

“Ordinary Spring, An” (Koch), 275

Ornitz, Samuel, 258n

O’Shea, Danny, 323

O’Toole, Tara, 44

Owen, Richard, 151

Oxnam, G. Bromley, 107, 352, 443

Pacifica Radio Network, 221, 508

Palazzi, Paul, 415n–16n

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 353n

Palmer Raids, 353

Panama Canal Zone, 390–95

Panken, Jacob, 51n

Parker, Chief (LAPD), 530

Parks, Larry, 258n, 270, 278, 301, 313

Parks, Rosa, 470, 479, 480, 487

Parkinson, Thomas, 43, 422

Parsons, Bishop, 450

Partisan Review, 458

Passen, Joe, 249–51

Patterson, William L., 454

Pauling, linus, 287, 426–28, 508, 509–15

Paxton, Johnny, 296

Peace Information Center, 434n, 509

peace movement, 507–9

Pearson, Drew, 107, 352

Peekskill Evening Star, 74, 75

Peekskill riots, 74–80, 362, 364, 368, 372

Black and, 78–80

injuries in, 75, 77n

Robeson and, 74–79

Silber and, 75–78

Pegler, Westbrook, 318n

Pennock, William, 203

People’s Artists, Inc., 75, 76, 373

People’s Education and Press Association, 247

People’s Folksay, 78

People’s Liberation Army (ELAS), 33–34

People’s Songs, 373

People’s World, 121–22, 197, 222, 461

Pepper, George, 65

Perlin, Marshall, 188n

Perlo, Victor, 455

Philbrick, Herbert, 68n, 98, 318

Philco Playhouse (radio show), 270–71

Photoplay, 64n

Pichel, Irving, 258n

Pidgeon, Walter, 281

Pieces, The (Manheim), 131

Pittsburgh Courier, 492

Pittsburgh Press, 208, 441

Place in the Sun, A (film), 304

Plessy v. Ferguson, 530

Poindexter, John M., 155

Political Economy (Leontiev), 134, 135

Polk, George, 34n

Port Security Program, 405

“Possible Resurrection of the Communist International, Resumption of Extreme Leftist Activities, Possible Effect on United States” (State Department), 38

Potash, Irving, 201n

Preminger, Otto, 264

President’s Temporary Commission on Employee Loyalty, 128

Pressman, Lee, 377, 393–94

Price, Bill, 360

Profumo, John, 504

Progressive Labor Party, 67

Progressive Party, U.S., 507

Prokofiev, Sergey, 306n

Public Law 733 (1950), 128

Pumpkin Papers, 102, 149–50

Quayle, Dan, 369

Quill, Mike, 377

Quinn, Anthony, 350

Radosh, Ronald, 180n

Raft, George, 294

Raintree County (film), 294, 304

Raksin, David, 305–14

Rand, Ayn, 261, 273

Randolph, A. Philip, 233, 502n

Randolph, John, 345–51

Rank, J. Arthur, 275, 298, 305

Rankin, John, 256, 469, 470–71

Ratliff, Thomas, 480n, 481–82

Rauh, Joseph, 136–41, 338–39, 344

Ray, Tommy, 414n

Reagan, Ronald, 43, 119, 155, 257, 261, 265, 300

Rebel, The (TV show), 321

Red Channels, 259, 272, 315–16, 320, 322, 323, 324, 325, 351n, 367

Red Planet Mars (film), 259n

Reed, Stanley F., 151

Rein, David, 228, 229

Remington, William, 43, 131, 140–41

Republican Party, U.S., 39, 40, 144–45, 146, 147, 199, 344, 383

China issue and, 158n

Reserve Index, 95

Reuben, William, 191n

Reuther, Walter, 59

Revueltas, Rosaura, 281–82

Rice, Charles Owen, 443

Rich, Robert, 63

Richmond, Al, 212n, 214, 215n, 218, 223

Riefenstahl, Leni, 257n

Riesel, Victor, 117, 316, 318n, 392

Riess, Bernard, 446

Roberson, Mason, 280

Roberts, Holland, 448

Roberts, Marguerite, 289, 290, 291, 292, 294

Robeson, Paul, 53n, 181, 280, 303n, 325, 333, 337, 362, 372, 396, 414, 420, 435, 451, 453n, 460–61, 505n, 515–16

Peekskill riots and, 74–79

Scales and, 231

Robinson, Edward G., 64n

Roemer, Bill, 93

Rogers, Ginger, 301n

Rogers, Lela, 301n

Roman (juror), 210–11

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 146, 187, 233n, 456, 472, 488

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 28–31, 33, 41, 110, 112, 127, 144, 147, 220n, 256, 273, 274, 344, 375, 459, 533

Roosevelt, James, 526

Rosenberg, Ethel, 47, 133n, 177–88, 190, 191–92, 350, 439n

Rosenberg, Julius, 47, 133n, 177–88, 190, 191–92, 350, 439n

Rosenberg, Meta, 274n

Rosenberg Fund for Children, 47, 53

Ross, Harold W., 335–36

Rosselson, Leon, 366

Rossen, Robert, 258n

Roth, Andrew, 160, 160n

Rubin, Jerry, 509

Rukeyser, Muriel, 423

Rumania, 33, 36, 62, 170

Rushmore, Howard, 318n

Rusk, Dean, 167n, 169

Russell (HUAC investigator), 307, 309

Russell, Bertrand, 194, 508

Russell, Harold, 117–18

Rustin, Bayard, 502n

Ruthven, Madeleine, 307n

Ryan, Joe, 342

Sacco, Nicola, 188, 188n

Sachs, Joe, 390–95

Sackler, Arthur M., 360

Saillant, Louis, 519

Sailors Union of the Pacific, 60n

Salt, Waldo, 67, 258n

Salt of the Earth (film), 276, 280–82, 384–85

Sandperl, Ira, 508

Sanford, John, 289–94, 319

San Francisco Chronicle, 542

San Francisco Examiner, 218, 449, 466

San Francisco General Strike (1934), 389

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 441

Satterthwaite, Joe, 168

Saturday Evening Post, 119, 130, 300

Saturday Review of Literature, 354

Saunders, Butch, 215n

Saypol (attorney), 181n, 188

Sayre, Francis, 149

Scales, Gladys, 228, 233–34

Scales, Junius, 193n, 226–35, 239–40, 470

Schafer, Jack, 360

Senary, Dore, 258, 290–91, 300n, 329

Schine, David, 123, 334–35

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 547

Schlesinger, Hyman, 206

Schmidt, Godfrey, 348

Schnaubelt, Rudolph, 546n

Schneiderman, William, 212n

School for Scoundrels (film), 330

Schulberg, Budd, 265–66, 341n–42n

Schumach, Murray, 288

Schumlun, Herman, 348

Science and History (Bernal), 517

Science and Society, 442

Scientific American, 191n

“Scientist X,” 177, 195, 197n

Scott, Adrian, 258n, 295, 296, 297, 314

Scott, Hazel, 321

Scottsboro Defense Fund, 129

Screen Actors Guild, 257n, 281, 288

Screen Cartoonists Guild, 257

Screening (Magnuson) Act, 404, 405, 406, 524n

Screen Writers Guild, 68, 14, 278

Seabury, Samuel, 430n

Seabury Committee, 430

Security Index, 84, 94–97, 249n

Seeger, Pete, 76n, 78–79, 99, 362, 363–67, 369, 373n, 508, 535, 539

Seeger, Toshi, 80, 365, 539

Selsam, Howard, 452

Senate, U.S., 28, 103, 139, 162

Senate Committee on Government Operations, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of, 18

Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 145, 162

Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS), 17, 319, 352, 353, 355, 387, 423, 425, 429, 441, 443, 488, 496, 500, 502, 509, 512, 523, 527

civil rights movement and, 470–72

Smith and, 444, 445

Weavers and, 364

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, 94n

Sennett, William, 86, 88, 91, 95

Serpico (film), 350

Serreo, Rudolfo, 415n

Service, John Stewart, 158–65, 168

Severeid, Eric, 423

Shaftel, Oscar, 429–34

Sharp, Malcolm, 192

Shawn, William, 335–36

Sherwood, William, 43, 422

Shipley, Ruth, 154n, 512

Shirer, William, 337

Shively Newsweek, 474

Shlakman, Vera, 429

Shostakovich, Dmitry, 306n, 517

Shuttlesworth, Fred, 502

Sierra Club, 43

Silber, Irwin, 75–78

Silver City Daily Press, 383

Sim, Alastair, 330

Sinatra, Frank, 448–49

Sinclair, Upton, 253n

Sing Out!, 76, 364, 373n

Sipes, John, 334n

Slack, Alfred, 439

Smith, Al, 39

Smith, Ferdinand, 404, 413, 414–16

Smith, M. Brewster, 144–47

Smith, McNeil, 231–32

Smith Act (1940), 18, 39, 54, 55, 68, 85, 87n, 98n, 104, 105n, 156, 186n, 201, 205, 211, 221, 229, 230–31, 237, 242, 247, 387, 451, 452n, 478, 506

Smith Act Families Defense Fund, 56

Sobell, Helen, 189–94

Sobell, Morton, 178, 181–88, 190, 193

Sobell, Sidney, 189, 190

Socialist Party, 67n

Socialist Study Club, 131–32

Socialist Workers Party, 67n, 201n

Socialist Workers Party v. Attorneys General, 110n

Sokolsky, George, 318n

Sondergaard, Gale, 317–18

Song of Russia (film), 119n, 256n, 261

Sons of the American Revolution, 424

Sontag, Susan, 59

Sorrell, Herbert, 114, 256

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 472, 500, 503, 532

Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF), 472, 479–80, 481, 532

Southern Conference for Human Welfare, 472

Southern Mountain Project, 480

Southern News Almanac, 247n

Southern Worker, 247

Soviet Union, 24, 34, 35, 55n, 92n, 112, 132n, 144, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 200, 236, 332, 364, 444, 511

Bridges’ views of, 61–62

Great Purge trials in, 104n

Hungarian Revolution and, 203, 288, 411n

onset of Cold War and, 24

U.S. Communist Party and, 38, 109, 199, 295

World War II aftermath and, 31–32

Spain, 127, 152, 195–96, 318n, 320

Spanish Civil War, 127, 152, 195, 425, 452

Spartacus (film), 66, 280, 330

Spector, Frank, 212n, 223

Spellman, Francis, 101

Stachel, Jacob, 201n

Stack, Joe, 403, 414

Stalin, Joseph, 31, 32, 33, 44, 71 n, 72n, 124n, 132n, 147n, 201n, 203, 406, 444, 522

Stanford, Sally, 60

Stapleton, Maureen, 271

Star Chamber hearings, 287, 387

Stars and Stripes, 336n

Starvus, Loretta, 212–19

Stassen, Harold, 111

State Department, U.S., 27, 32, 38, 333, 337, 508

China issue and, 158, 164

China White Paper of, 161, 164, 165

Conference for Peace and, 340n

Greek crisis and, 34

Hiss case and, 144–45

homosexuals and, 123, 124

loyalty program and, 41, 129

McCarthy and, 28, 40, 161–62

Miller and, 343

OSS and, 153

Panama and, 393

passport denial and, 265n, 279, 393, 435, 511–12

security officers in, 82, 122–26

security program and, 144–46

Service and, 160, 161, 162–64

Stauffer, Samuel, 41

Stein, Art, 142

Steinbeck, John, 340, 354

Steinberg (attorney), 206

Steinberg, Harry, 212n, 223

Steinmetz Club, 181

Sterling, Wallace, 421

Stevenson, Adlai, 151

Stimson, Henry, 29

Stockholm Peace Petition, 434, 486

Stone, I. F., 30, 233n

Stookey, Paul, 364n, 508

Strack, Celeste, 465

“Strange Fruit” (song), 53

Student Peace Union, 508

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 43, 91n

Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB), 17–18, 379–80, 387, 423, 450n, 509

Sullivan, Ed, 316

Sullivan, William, 83

Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 357n, 358, 360

Supreme Court, U.S., 84, 104, 110n, 131, 211, 241, 376n, 388n, 394, 490, 512n, 521, 531

Barenblatt decision of, 438–39

Bridges case and, 58, 404

Brown decision of, 473, 492–93, 499n, 502

Communist Party prosecution and, 111, 215n, 217–19, 221, 223–24

Hiss case and, 151

Hollywood Ten and, 263

Jencks case and, 104n, 387, 389

Lightfoot case and, 88n

maritime workers and, 402

Marzani case and, 156

Matusow and, 387n

Nelson case and, 478, 481

passport issue and, 264–65, 279

poll tax and, 487n

Remington case and, 141

Rosenberg case and, 50

Scales case and, 231

Service case and, 158, 163

Smith Act and, 97, 237

Taft-Hartley Act and, 380

Swearingen, M. Wesley, 84–97, 249n

on harassment of Reds, 90–91

on Hoover, 93–94

on illegal break-ins, 84–87

on informants, 92–93

Lightfoot arrest and, 88–89

on Security Index, 94–97

on surveillance, 87–88

Syracuse Herald-Journal, 102n

Szago, Stephen, 75

Szluk, Peter, 122–26

Taft-Hartley Act (1947), 18, 39, 202, 375n–76n, 378, 380, 383, 388, 396

Tarloff, Frank, 326–31

Tavenner, Frank S., 309

Taylor, Robert, 55, 257, 261, 297n

Taylor, Telford, 229–30, 231, 232n

Teachers’ Defense Committee, 463

Teachers Union of New York, 425

Teamsters Union, 59n

Tender Commies (film), 301n

Tenney, Jack B., 220–21, 449n, 450, 459, 460

Tenney Committee, 449–50, 459n, 466

Terkel, Studs, 23–24

Terry and the Pirates (radio show), 267

Thau, Ben, 291, 292

Theobald, John Jacob, 105, 431n

Thomas, Bob, 288

Thomas, Danny, 328

Thomas, J. Parnell, 17, 157, 257, 261–62, 263

Thomas, Norman, 233, 234

Thomas, Stephen, 43, 422

Thompson, Robert, 43, 201n, 202n, 203–4, 247, 544–48

Thompson, Sylvia, 9, 202n, 247–49, 482–87, 544–48

Thurmond, J. Strom, 501, 504, 534

Time, 106, 107, 164, 268, 282, 389, 439n

Timebends (Miller), 120n

Tito, Marshall, (Josip Broz), 161

Tolin, Ernest, 213n

Tolson, Clyde, 85, 85n

Tomara, Sonia, 336n

To Tell the Truth (TV show), 320

Townshend, Pauline, 326

Trachtenberg, Alexander, 104–5, 107–8, 333n, 354, 355, 452

Trading with the Enemy Act, 145n

Trafficante, Santos, 93n

Travers, Mary, 364n, 508

Travis, Maurice, 377, 388

Treasury Department, U.S., 450n

Trotsky, Leon, 67n, 132n, 235, 287, 481

Truman, Harry S., 17, 24, 27, 28, 84, 112, 139–40, 147, 163, 175, 405, 445n, 456, 461–62

anticommunism of, 32–33

background and personality of, 29–30

Baylor speech of, 35–36

China Lobby and, 145n

civil rights movement and, 503 n, 505–6

foreign policy of, 37–39

Greek crisis and, 34–36

labor movement and, 376–78

loyalty program launched by, 36–40

OSS and, 153

presidential succession of, 28–31

White’s promotion and, 109n

Truman Doctrine, 31, 32, 34–35, 37, 377, 508–9

Trumbo, Chris, 63–69

Trumbo, Dalton, 63–68, 258n, 262–63, 264, 266, 270, 280, 295–96, 301n, 314, 326

Twain, Mark, 507

Tydings, Millard, 145, 162n

Tydings Committee, 162

Unemployment Councils, 375n

Unfriendly Nineteen, 119n

United Electrical Workers, 154

United Mine Workers, 59n

United Nations, 130, 146, 147, 287, 414, 461, 514

United Press (UP), 288

United Public Workers of America, 44, 141–42, 390, 391, 394

United States v. Stack, 218

Untermeyer, Louis, 320, 321

Untouchables, The (TV show), 288

Urey, Harold, 192

Vandenberg, Arthur, 35

Van Dorn, Daisy, 222n

Vanech, A. Devitt, 128

Van Siesteran, Urban, 106

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 188

Varkiza Agreement (1945), 33–34

Veterans Administration, 129n

Veterans of Foreign Wars, 39–40, 74, 79, 318, 531

Vietnam War, 60, 508, 509

View From the Bridge, A (Miller), 340

Vincent, John Carter, 159

Vinson, Frederick M., 185n

Vishinsky, Andrei, 104

Volkogonov, Dmitri, 151

Volpe, Joe, 168

Vorhaus, Bernard, 302n

Wade, Andrew, 472–73, 476, 479

Wade, Charlotte, 477

Wadleigh, Henry Julian, 149

Wagner, Robert, 342

Wagner Act (1935), 375n, 382

Walcott, Derek, 505n

Walker, Alice, 505n

Walker, Jimmy, 430n

Walker, Robert, 99

Wallace, Henry, 39, 41, 371, 377, 405, 415, 420, 425, 452, 457–58, 507–8

Wallach, Eli, 271

Wall Street Journal, 84

Walsh, Edmund, 139

Walsh, Richard F., 117, 117n, 118

Walter, Francis E., 17, 343n, 471

Walters Committee, 225

Warner, Harry, 273

Warner, Jack, 257, 261, 272, 304

War of the Worlds (radio show), 272

Warren, Earl, 231, 286, 499n, 531, 532

Washington Bookshop, 143

Washington Confidential, 124n

Washington Daily News, 547

Washington Post, 27n, 139, 186n, 496, 513

Washington Star, 83, 193

“Wasn’t That a Time” (song), 374

Wayne, John, 297

Weathermen, 91

Weavers, 99, 362–74, 508

Webster, William H., 526

Wechsler, James, 234, 358

Wedemeyer, Albert, 164

Weekly Domestic Intelligence Summary, 373n

Weinberg, Joseph, 176, 196–97, 197n

Weinstein, Hannah, 264

Welles, Orson, 272, 312n, 423

West, Don, 102n

Western Research Foundation, 42

Wexley, John, 296

What Makes Sammy Run? (Schulberg), 265n

“What Shall We Ask of Writers?” (Maltz), 297n

What’s My Line? (TV show), 320, 321, 322, 323

Wheeling Intelligencer, 27

Wherry, Kenneth, 124n, 158n

White, E. B., 335

White, Harry Dexter, 43, 109

White, Katherine, 335–36

White, Theodore, 146

White, Thomas, 466

White Citizens’ Councils, 471–72, 502

Whitmore, James, 346–47

Why Are They Attacking My Teacher?, 463

Wicker, Ireene, 315n

Wilde, Cornell, 262

Wilkerson, Doxey, 452

Wilkinson, Frank, 349, 464–66, 521, 526, 528–37, 538, 539

Wilkinson, Jean, 460, 464–68, 537–40

Wilkinson, Jo, 537

Wilkinson, Tony, 537

Williams, Aubrey, 488, 533–34

Williams, Edward Bennett, 275–76

Williams, Evelyn, 51n

Williamson, John, 201n

Willis, Edwin, 17, 471, 540, 541, 542

Wilson, Charles, 376

Wilson, Edmund, 233n

Wilson, Michael, 280, 281, 330

Winchell, Walter, 101

Winston, Henry, 201n, 202n

Winter, Carl, 201n

Woman of the Year (film), 260

Womert’s International League of Peace and Freedom, 474, 476

Women Strike for Peace, 509

Wood, John S., 17, 286, 287

Wood, Sam, 115n, 255, 297

Woodhouse, C. M., 33

Woodward, C. Vann, 233n

World Bank, 109n

Worid Peace Congress, 434n, 486n, 516–17

“World Turned Upside Down, The” (song), 366

World War I, 127, 155, 419, 507

World War II, 121, 376, 420, 508, 545

fading memory of, 23–24

Greek crisis and, 33

Soviet Union and, 31–32

U.S. Communist Party during, 200–201

Wright, Alexander, 211n

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 423

Wright, Henry, 456

Wyler, William, 117n, 118

Yalta Conference (1945), 28, 147

Yarrow, Peter, 364n, 508

Yates, Oleta O’Connor, 212n, 216, 218, 242

Yergjn, Daniel, 29

Yippies, 509

Young Communist League, 73n, 178–79, 181, 216, 234n, 249, 444, 465, 515, 522

Young Lions, The (film), 294, 304

Young People’s Socialist League, 116n, 133

Young Progressives, 420

Yugoslavia, 36, 61

Zanuck, Darryl, 262

Zoll, Allen, 445n

Zubilin, Vassili, 197–98