Academy City, 80–81
Acheson, Dean, 19, 73, 74, 177, 234, 240, 249, 264
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 242–44, 246, 247, 256–58, 281, 288
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 449, 455, 459, 477–78, 521
Kennedy on, 356
sense of foreboding in 1962, 410
Adenauer, Konrad, 42, 79, 81, 133, 150–51, 155, 159, 219, 225, 240–42, 245, 284, 340, 372n, 373, 604, 645
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 269–70
border closing, 276
Brandt and, 274
personal background of, 240
Adzhubei, Alexei, 53, 153, 208, 238–39, 335, 341–48, 364, 372, 379n, 394, 395, 677, 695–96, 700, 705, 706
interview with Kennedy, 341, 342, 345–46, 347–48
January, 1962 visit to White House, 361–62
personal characteristics of, 342–43
Adzhubei, Rada, 208, 342, 343n, 361, 372
Aiken, George, 629
Akalovsky, Alexander, 194n, 455
Alexeyev, Alexander, 96–97, 157, 389–91, 413, 531, 538, 539, 541n, 543
Algeria, 19
Allen, George, 27n
Allen, Robert, 460
Alliance for Progress, 105
Alphand, Herve, 263n, 548, 611
Alsop, Joseph, 9, 228–29, 329, 403, 453, 657
Alsop, Susan Mary, 9
American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), Kennedy speech to, 125, 128–29
American University, Kennedy’s “peace speech” at, 598–600
AM/LASH, 639
Amory, Robert, 102, 275, 340–41, 347
Anderson, Clinton, 84
Anderson, Maj. Rudolph, 531n
Andropov, Yuri, 697
Angleton, James, 685
Anticommunism, Kennedy’s, 25
Anti-missile missiles, Soviet, 363, 407
Anti-Party Coup, 157, 323, 380
Anti-Party Group, 51, 170, 552
Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union, 580
Apollo One, 113n
Aragones, Maj. Emilio, 390, 398, 399, 539, 560
Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 92
Arms control, 41
Arms race, Eisenhower on, 600n
Arvad Fejos, Inga, 613–14
Asia, 62
Attlee, Clement, 240
Attwood, William, 638, 658, 659, 693
Ayer, A. J., 402
Aynesworth, Hugh, 543
Badger bombers, 647
Baker, Bobby, 513, 615–16, 635
Baker, Robert “Barney,” 686
Ball, George, 164, 396, 444, 446, 464, 540, 652, 669, 674
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 490, 502–3, 523, 544, 553, 570
Stevenson and, 465–68
Barghoorn, Frederick, 660–62, 668
Bartlett, Charles, 56–57, 83, 157, 206, 229, 408, 426n, 513, 515, 643, 700
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 500–2, 557, 569
Bartlett, Martha, 56
Batista, Fulgencio, 91–92, 94, 99
Bell, Jack, 284
Bergquist, Laura, 99–100
Berlin, 41, 79, 121, 133, 154, 174–78, 316, 348, 365, 366, 369, 455–56, 549, 618–19, 645–47, 659, 668, 702
as 1960 campaign issue, 30–31
1961 crisis, 231–48, 255–90, 450. See also Berlin Wall
battle group sent by Kennedy, 277, 284–85
consequences for Khrushchev, 351–52
end of, 314–15
Johnson’s trip to Berlin, 277, 283–86
July 25 speech by Kennedy, 259–62, 279, 286, 287
Khrushchev’s reasons for provoking, 232–34, 242–43
leak of Pentagon contingency plan, 244
McCloy-Khrushchev meeting, 262–65
military buildup proposal, Acheson’s, 243, 244, 256–58
national emergency declaration, proposal for, 243, 257, 258
NSC meeting of July 19, 256–58
nuclear weapons and, 255–56, 258–59
private channel between Kennedy and Khrushchev, possibility of, 280–81
sealing of border, 266–68, 271–73, 277–79
tank confrontation at Checkpoint Charlie, 334–35, 350, 373
views of Kennedy’s advisers, 242–44
Western access to Berlin, 271, 272, 287, 288
1962 proposals and counter-proposals, 399–400
aerial harassments by Soviets, 366
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 428, 432, 434, 444, 462, 489–90, 503
de Gaulle and, 184
division of, 171
Eisenhower policy, 217, 243, 256, 350
German peace treaty and, 171–72
Gromyko’s presentation of Soviet policy, 325
informal contacts between Kennedy and Khrushchev, 309, 320
Khrushchev’s six-month ultimatum, 219, 220, 223, 224, 230–32, 235
Khrushchev’s ultimatum of 1958, 174
lack of progress in talks on (early 1962), 365–66
October 1961 incidents, 333–35
Vienna summit and (1961), 171, 199, 215–20, 223, 225–26, 231
Berlin, Isaiah, 9
Berlin Wall, 277–80, 294, 334, 335, 373, 660, 696, 701
failure to use force against, 279–82
Kennedy’s public silence on, 277–78, 282–83
B-47 bombers, 647
Biddle, Anthony, 164
Billings, LeMoyne, 10, 17, 18, 116, 124, 143–44, 145, 160, 178–79, 183, 192, 208, 271, 297, 474, 512, 544
on Robert Kennedy, 296, 300, 304
Biryuzov, Marshal Sergei, 388, 390–91, 413
Bissell, Richard, 89, 102, 103, 105n, 106, 114–16, 119, 122, 252
covert operations against Castro and, 134, 135, 138
Bohlen, Charles (Chip), 4, 9, 17–18, 50, 68–70, 72, 77, 86, 90, 100, 110, 128, 145, 151, 155, 159, 163, 209, 224, 277, 320, 355, 365, 424, 425, 585, 673–74
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 283, 284
career in Soviet affairs, 38–39
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 431, 449, 453
Thompson and, 51
Vienna summit and, 168
Bolshakov, Georgi N., 152–57, 161, 178, 180, 181, 213, 233, 234, 255, 305, 312, 316, 319, 335, 336, 345, 347, 355, 360, 364, 397, 399, 408, 409, 594
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 233, 234, 255, 280–81
called back to Moscow, 573
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 425, 426, 500, 514, 559, 560
Dobrynin and, 368–69
Robert Kennedy trip to Moscow suggested by, 361
Bondarenko, Lt. Valentin, 112–13
Borman, Frank, 166
Boun Oum, Prince, 86
Bowles, Chester, 25, 56, 147, 149, 253
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 428–29
Bradlee, Ben, 138, 234, 249, 308, 347, 360, 364, 473, 512, 568, 582, 617, 658
Brandon, Henry, 83–84, 146, 205, 680–81
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 273–76, 284
personal background of, 273–74
Brezhnev, Leonid, 49, 227, 523, 662, 695, 697–700, 702–4
Brown, Pat, 574
Brown, Winthrop, 160
Bruce, David, 45, 74, 76, 226–27, 261n, 477, 494, 609, 610
Bulganin, Nikolai, 32, 170, 318n
Bundy, Mary, 4
Bundy, McGeorge, 4, 29n, 58, 68, 77, 96, 184, 248–55, 316, 326, 333, 360, 363, 427–28, 570, 574, 588, 595, 605, 608, 633, 643, 648, 649, 661, 662, 663, 666, 673, 675–76
on Adzhubei-Kennedy talk on Cuba, 362n
appointed Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 254
Berlin and, 399
Crisis of 1961 and, 259, 264, 279, 280, 287n, 352
Cuba and, 659
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 423, 429, 435, 436, 441, 442–45, 447–48n, 448, 455, 459, 480, 485, 489, 490, 498, 499, 504, 507, 527, 528, 533, 541, 567, 583
invasion of Cuba and, 105, 107, 121, 146
Jacqueline Kennedy and, 471
“peace speech” and, 597
personal background of, 251–53
personal characteristics of, 254
poem on Jacqueline Kennedy, 250–51
relationship with Kennedy, 249–50, 254–55
resumption of nuclear testing by Soviets and, 306, 307
on Vienna summit, 167
Vietnam and, 656
Burke, Adm. Arleigh, 59, 122, 146
Burkley, Adm. George, 189
Burlatsky, Fyodor, 228, 255, 264, 282, 294, 352, 384, 391, 393
Burns, James MacGregor, 20, 125
Bush, George, 581
Bush, Prescott, 166
Cabell, Gen. C. Pearre, 116
Cal-Neva Lodge, 141
Cambodia, 650
Campbell, Judith, 141–43, 367, 611
Can, Ngo Dinh, 655
Capitalism vs. communism, discussed at Vienna summit, 195–96, 199, 205–6
Caplin, Mortimer, 302n
Captive Nations Week, 409
Caramanlis, Constantine, 124
Carter, Gen. Marshall, 414, 418, 440
Carver, George, 651
Casey, Ralph, 416n
Cassini, Igor, 304
Cassini, Oleg, 467
Castro, Felix, 377
Castro, Fidel, 92–106, 157, 200, 201, 702–3. See also Cuba; specific topics
1959 visit to the U.S., 95–96
1963 visit to the Soviet Union, 595
Bay of Pigs invasion and, 118–19
CIA assessment of (April 1962), 374
covert operations against, 6, 134–40, 375, 376, 411, 674, 683, 693, 703
Kennedy’s knowledge of, 137–39
Mafia, 135
McCone and, 418
Nixon’s role, 135–37
getting rid of, as top priority, 5–6
Kennedy’s antagonism toward, 101
Kennedy’s assassination and, 678, 683
Missile Crisis and, 538–39
acceptance of missiles, 389–91
reaction to Kennedy-Khrushchev deal, 549–52
resolution of crisis, 543
threat to down U.S. spy planes, 550, 554
mobilization ordered by, 479
old-line Communists and, 375
personal background of, 92–95
Venezuelan coup attempt and, 692–93
wish to restore communications with the U.S., 638, 659
Castro, Raul, 96
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 398
Celebrezze, Anthony, 474
Central Europe, 341
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 146, 192, 193, 342, 596, 650. See also individual directors
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 277, 278n
covert operations against Castro, 6, 102–4, 134–40, 376, 412, 639–40, 674, 683
Kennedy’s knowledge of, 137–39
Cuban exiles trained by, 29n
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 424, 425, 428, 461, 524
blockade, assessment of effects of, 490n
intelligence reports on missile sites, 413–14
missiles considered operational, 503
Dulles, Allen, 102
invasion of Cuba and, 104–5, 130, 132, 134
Kennedy’s assassination and, 686–87
Kennedy’s personality, 102–3
potentially damaging information on Kennedy, 103
“The President’s Intelligence Checklist” prepared by, 3
profile of Khrushchev, 167
Sino-Soviet Task Force, 44n
Vienna summit and, 167–68
Chang, Suzy, 610
Chase, Gordon, 638, 640, 657, 693
Chennault, Gen. Claire, 403
Cheston, Frazier, 487n
Chicago Tribune, 505
China, 31, 69, 82, 84, 160, 176, 332, 618, 620, 676. See also Sino-Soviet relations
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 571
first nuclear weapon detonated by, 700–1
Laos conflict and, 161, 395, 397
nuclear test ban treaty and, 619, 622, 624–26
Vienna summit and (1961), 202–3
Vietnam War and, 338
Chou En-lai, 330–31n
Christmas Island, atmospheric nuclear tests on, 363, 369
Church, Frank, 657n
Churchill, Randolph, 207
Civil defense, 258
Civil rights, Robert Kennedy on, 304
Clay, Gen. Lucius, 277, 574, 605
in Berlin, 281, 283, 369, 333–35
Clifford, Clark, 143, 302, 417
Clifton, Gen. Chester, 86, 162, 285, 307, 475
Cohen, Eliot, 695n
Colson, Charles, 614n
Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance (COMOR), 423
Communism vs. capitalism, discussed at Vienna summit, 195–96, 199, 205–6
Communist movement (world communism), 67, 70, 701
Communist Party, Soviet Union, Twenty- second Congress of, 319, 327, 329, 335, 336
Conein, Lucein, 655–57
Congress, U.S. See also specific Senators and Representatives
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 414, 415
leaders informed of missiles, 480–81
relationship with Kennedy, 511
Connally, John, 597, 598, 665, 666, 669
Cook, Chauncey, 660
Counterforce strategy, 406–7
Cousins, Norman, 586–88, 597, 696
Couve de Murville, Maurice, 282, 603
Covert operations. See Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA);
Cuba, covert operations against
Castro regime
Crabmeat, Soviet, 59–60
Crankshaw, Edward, 344
Crete, 582
Cuba, 69, 87–110. See also Castro, Fidel; and specific topics
before 1959, 91–95
as 1960 campaign issue, 28–30
anti-Castro Guerrillas in, 374
Bay of Pigs invasion of (1961), 88, 114–15, 200, 241, 518
aftermath of, 123, 128–34, 143–51
air strikes, 114–16, 122–23, 145, 149
board of inquiry established by Kennedy, 146–48
Eisenhower and, 144–45
Kennedy’s decision to go ahead with, 107–8
Kennedy’s worries about, 105–6
Khrushchev and, 145–46, 148–49
Nixon and, 145
plan for, 106
prisoners taken in, 427–28
Republicans and, 144–46
CIA covert operations against, 6, 102–4, 134–40, 376, 412, 639–46, 658, 674, 683
Castro, Fidel, covert operations against, 376
Kennedy’s knowledge of, 137–39
Operation Mongoose, 6, 375–76, 411–12, 418
after Cuban Missile Crisis, 594–96
economic blockade of, after Missile Crisis, 658, 659
Eisenhower’s policy toward, 97, 101–2, 104, 374n
Hurricane Flora, 658
Kennedy’s 1957 and 1958 vacations in, 98, 99
new invasion seen as imminent in 1962, 375, 377–79
Organization of American States (OAS) expulsion of, 375
possibility of plans for invasion in, 1962, 361, 362
prisoners’ release, 574
public opinion in the U.S. (1962), 379
restoration of communications with the U.S., 638, 659
Soviet military aid to, 377–79
Soviet missiles in, 2–4, 147. See also Cuban Missile Crisis
sugar embargo against, 97
tractors-for-prisoners deal, 427–28
trade with the Soviet Union, 97, 98
Venezuelan coup and, 666–67, 692–93
Vienna summit and (1961), 200, 201, 204, 362n
covert operations against Castro, 104
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 543
resolution of crisis, 556
invasion of Cuba and, 106
jailed in Cuba after the Bay of Pigs, 427–28
Cuban Families Committee, 428
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), 2–12, 423–24. See also specific people and countries
1962 elections and, 449, 555–57
acceptance of missiles, 389–91
acknowledgment by Khrushchev of presence of missiles and nuclear warheads, 496
consequences for Khrushchev, 562–63
failure to get Cuban pledge not to export revolution, 566–67
Kennedy’s immunity from criticism, 564
pledge not to invade Cuba, 565–66, 568, 667
public’s belief in official U.S. version, 564, 568
Soviet troops and military equipment in Cuba, 581–83, 657
Stevenson’s role, assessment of, 569, 570
air-strike option, 440–41, 443–44, 449, 452–54, 459, 469, 509–10, 530, 540, 542
assumption of existence of nuclear warheads, 494–95
Brazilian proposal, 509
Castro’s reaction, 543, 549–52, 559–60
commanding role of Kennedy questioned, 446–47
Congress and, 414, 415, 480–81, 545
context and events preceding, 374–93
Cuban-Soviet relations, effects on, 552
defensive nature of weapons, Soviet claims about, 426, 456–57, 488, 517
demonstrations in the Soviet Union, 495–96
dismantling of missile sites, 549
Ex Comm (Executive Committee of the National Security Council), 450–55, 459, 469, 470, 489–90, 503, 510n, 561
first reports of missiles, 2–4
formal document, absence of, 561, 562
Gromyko-Kennedy meeting (October 18), 455–58
Il-28 nuclear light bombers, 428, 429
demand for removal of, 555, 557–61
inspections of Soviet military sites in Cuba, 552, 554, 559–61
intelligence reports and aerial photographs of missiles, 413–14, 423, 424, 425, 428, 440, 460, 461
intelligence reports on nuclear warheads, 495n
invasion considered, 436, 480, 540n
invasion of Cuba, U.S. promise not to launch a new, 561, 562
Joint Chiefs’ reaction, 544
Kennedy’s surprise at revelation of the missiles, reasons for, 437
Kennedy told of presence of missiles, 4–5
Khrushchev’s first public appearance since start of crisis, 489
Khrushchev’s response to Castro, 550–51
letter from Khrushchev (October 24), 501–2
letter to Khrushchev considered, 453–55
lifting of quarantine, 560
Lippmann’s proposals, 529
message to Castro considered, 432, 440, 443
military personnel, 558
mobilization by Cuba, 479
Monroe Doctrine and, 447
naval blockade, 423, 455, 458, 459, 462, 469, 479, 489–92
announced in television speech by Kennedy (October 22), 484
Cuban reaction, 486
East German ship allowed to pass, 507
expansion of, 509
first enforcement of quarantine, 508
first Soviet ship allowed to pass, 504
Khrushchev’s response, 487–88, 496
quarantine zone, 494
rule of quarantine given to Soviet Foreign Ministry, 495
Senators opposed to, 480
signing of formal instrument of quarantine, 491
Soviet captains told to defy American blockade, 491, 492
Soviet submarine, 497–98
turning back of Soviet ships, 497–501, 507
U Thant’s proposals for suspension of, 502–3
warships involved in, 490
November 20 letter from Khrushchev, 560
nuclear superiority of the United States and, 385–86, 562–64
October 16 Cabinet meetings, 431–36, 440–48
October 19 developments, 459–60
October 21 developments, 469–71
October 22 developments, 477–86
October 23 developments, 489–95
October 24 developments, 495–503
October 25 developments, 503–7
October 26 developments, 508–10, 514–22
first enforcement of quarantine, 508
Khrushchev’s attendance at concert, 523
letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy, 516–23, 532, 533, 548
Scali’s meetings with Fomin, 514–15, 521–22
U Thant proposals, 515–16
October 27 developments, 523–38
Castro’s views, 538–39
Kennedy’s letter to Khrushchev, 534–35
Radio Moscow broadcast of message from Khrushchev to Kennedy, 524–26
Scali-Fomin meeting, 534
Turkish missiles issue, 533–38
October 28 developments, 540–45
dismantling of missiles offered by Khrushchev, 541
Kennedy’s response to Khrushchev, 544
Khrushchev’s letter to Kennedy, 540–44
options available to end crisis, 509–10
origins of, 362
press coverage, 548–49
public announcement of missiles suggested by Cubans, 398–99
Republicans and, 415
resolution of
Castro’s reaction, 543, 549–52, 559–60
congressional leaders, meeting with, 545
formal document, absence of, 561, 562
invasion of Cuba, U.S. promise not to launch a new, 561, 562
Joint Chiefs’ reaction, 544
joint declaration, failure to agree on, 562
Khrushchev’s response to Castro, 550–51
lifting of the embargo, 560
negotiations, 552–62
as neither victory nor defeat, 567–68
November 20 letter from Khrushchev, 560
secret concession concerning Turkish missiles, 536–38, 546–47, 554n
Soviet public’s reaction to, 544
Soviet submarine base, 558, 562n
revealing presence of missiles, option of, 441, 443
secrecy and deception by Khrushchev, 447–48
Senate told about missiles, 414
September warnings by Kennedy, 423, 429, 437–38, 441, 448, 456
six days of quiet deliberation by Kennedy administration, 470
Soviet-Cuban military accord and, 389, 399
Soviet public’s reaction to, 544
Soviet ships carrying troops and missiles, 412–13, 423, 424
Soviet submarine base on Cuba, 558
split between Russians and Cubans sought by Rusk, 432–40
strategic balance question, 442, 447, 450–51
television speech by Kennedy (October 22), 461, 468, 478, 486
reactions to, 486–87
U Thant’s proposals, 502–7, 515–16
U-2 pictures of missiles, 6, 7
Cubela, Rolando, 639, 658, 674, 683
Curtis, Thomas, 556
Cushing, Cardinal, 574
Cutler, Robert, 252
Czechoslovakia, 174
Daley, Richard, 141
Dallas Morning News, 510, 514, 670, 671
D’Amato, Paul “Skinny,” 140–41
Daniel, Clifton, 109n
Darcel, Denise, 99
Davies, John Paton, 358
Davies, Richard, 8, 461, 482, 495, 516, 612n
Dealey, E. M. “Ted,” 327–28, 514
Dean, Arthur, 292, 306, 400, 553n, 570, 572, 573, 633
Decker, Gen. Bernard, 396
Defense budget. See Military spending
Defense Department, U.S., 68
De Gaulle, Charles, 3, 81, 162, 208, 306–7, 676, 681. See also France
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 263, 269
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 477–78
meetings with Kennedy before Vienna summit, 182–86
nuclear test ban treaty and, 603–4, 626
Del Valle, Sergio, 479
Democratic Party, 19
Denney, George, 639n
Des Moines Register, 616
De-Stalinization, 170, 335–36, 580
Dick, Jane, 506
Diefenbaker, John, 163
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 337, 339n, 650–57
Dillon, Douglas, 46, 258, 435, 442–45, 460, 468, 668, 681
Dirksen, Everett, 480, 616, 629
nuclear test ban treaty and, 635–36
DiSalle, Michael, 14–15
complete and general, discussed at Vienna summit, 213, 214
eighteen-nation Geneva talks on, 363–64
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 80, 81, 180, 395, 408, 645, 658n, 662, 691
appointed ambassador to the United States, 368
Bolshakov and, 368–69
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 421, 429, 445, 455, 481, 491–92, 494, 515, 524n, 542, 546–47, 560, 582–83
October 27 meeting with Robert Kennedy, 536, 537
indictment of American foreign policy delivered by, 584
Laos and, 396
nuclear test ban treaty and, 596
Dobrynin, Irina, 368
Dominic, Operation, 369
Domino theory, 339
Donovan, Hedley, 130
Doolittle, Gen. James, 148
Douglas, William O., 300, 359, 643
Drummond, Roscoe, 240
Dryfoos, Orvil, 109
Duffy, LaVern, 616
Duke, Angier Biddle, 229
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 286
covert operations against Castro and, 102–4, 138
Cuba and, 375
first full intelligence briefing of Kennedy, 102–4
invasion of Cuba and, 91, 119, 130, 134, 132
Joseph Kennedy and, 103
missile gap issue and, 26
Dulles, John Foster, 37–39, 172, 195, 358, 392
Bohlen and, 39
Dungan, Ralph, 248
Dutton, Frederick, 635
East Berlin. See Berlin
Oder-Neisse Line as Eastern
Frontier of, 242
peace treaty with. See German peace treaty
Eckhardt, Felix von, 242n
Economic growth
U.S., as 1960 campaign issue, 27
Eddowes, Michael, 685n
Eden, Anthony, 119
Edinburgh, Duke of, 681
Edwards, India, 187
Edwards, Sheffield, 135, 137, 139
Egypt, 154
Eichmann, Adolf, 241
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 19, 32, 39, 47, 59n, 60, 66, 134, 140–41n, 146–47, 240, 331, 344n, 478, 496, 600, 657n
Adams case and, 634–35
Berlin and, 174, 176, 177, 217, 256, 350
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 281, 286
Castro and, 95
correspondence between Bulganin and Khrushchev and, 318, 319
Cuba policy, 97, 101–2, 104, 374n
invasion of Cuba and, 144–45
Kennedy briefing on Cuba and, 29n, 30
Kennedy’s foreign policy style compared to that of, 350
Kennedy on Soviet policy of, 22–23
Khrushchev’s 1959 meeting with, 20–21, 77, 198, 217–19
Laos conflict and, 396
McCone and, 416–17
missile gap issue and, 25–27
missiles in Western Europe and, 439
Nixon and, 23–24
nuclear test ban treaty and, 628, 634–36
nuclear testing and, 292
Open Skies proposal, 215
U-2 incident and (1960), 21, 31–32, 149
Eisenhower, Milton, 303
1960, 141
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 229, 493
Ellsberg, Daniel, 329–30
Estes, Billy Sol, 556n
Europe, Kennedy’s 1963 trip to, 602, 603–10
Ex Comm (Executive Committee of the National Security Council), 450–55, 459, 469, 470, 489–90, 503, 510n, 561
Factor, “Jake the Barber,” 574
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 157, 302
Cuban refugees interviewed by, 556
potentially damaging information on Kennedy, 103, 367
Mafia connections, 140–42
Federov, Yevgeni, 572–73
Fischetti, Joseph, 140
Fisher, Eddie, 190
FitzGerald, Desmond, 639, 658, 693
Fleming, Ian, 134–35
Flexible response, 371
Fomin, Alexander, 83, 514–15, 597
Foreign Ministry, Soviet, 157, 158
Foreign policy establishment, American, 19
Foreign Service, 358
Formosa Straits crisis of 1958, 445
Forrestal, Michael, 652–54, 657, 668
Foster, William, 577
France, 52, 82. See also De Gaulle, Charles
Kennedy’s visit to (1961), 182–87
nuclear test ban treaty and, 425, 603–4, 622, 626
Frankel, Rear Adm. Samuel, 59n
Franqui, Carlos, 531n
Frasca, Dom, 610
Freers, Edward, 119
Fullbright, J. William, 74, 75, 106, 108, 164, 230, 629
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 264, 267, 269, 280, 392–93
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 480
Khrushchev reception and (1959), 15–16
Gagarin, Yuri, 197
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 25–27, 76, 161, 248, 249, 408, 460n, 649, 657n
Jacqueline Kennedy and, 474–75
Galyukov, Vasily, 697–98
Gardner, Arthur, 94
Garthoff, Raymond, 478, 540n, 558n
Gavin, James, 306
Geneva summit (1955), 19
German Democratic Republic (GDR). See East Germany
German peace treaty, 171–72, 175, 180, 184, 216–20, 222–24, 263, 321, 645
Germany, 18. See also Berlin; East Germany; West Germany
reunification of, 172
Ghali, Paul, 524n
Giancana, Sam, 6, 135, 139–43, 301, 367, 685
Gilpatric, Roswell, 329–333, 350, 351, 431, 446, 474, 475, 544, 553, 652
Glenn, John, 408
Glen Ora, 115–16
Gleysteen, Culver, 49
Goldberg, Arthur, 164
Goldfine, Bernard, 634
Goldwater, Barry, 49, 59, 129, 145, 415, 486, 556, 581, 642, 696
nuclear test ban treaty and, 633–34
Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew, 29, 249
Goodwin, Richard, 28–30, 129, 138, 147, 357, 359, 411, 427, 475, 522n
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 324n, 539n, 703
Gottlieb, Sidney, 135
Graham, Philip, 643
Graves, Maj. Gen. William, 519
Gray, Gordon, 249n
Graybeal, Sidney, 7
Great Britain, 52. See also Macmillan, Harold
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 244
nuclear test ban treaty and, 425
Grewe, Wilhelm, 340
Gribanov, Gen. Oleg, 661–62
Gromyko, Anatoly, 536n
Gromyko, Andrei, 43, 80, 86, 87, 157, 159, 180, 197, 208, 212, 321–25, 365, 630, 645, 661, 679, 696n
Cuba and, 378
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 387–90, 392, 429, 444–45, 481n, 483, 503, 516, 523, 540
October 18 meeting with Kennedy, 455–58
Kennedy’s death and, 674
nonaggression pact and, 623
nuclear test ban treaty and, 623, 629
October 1963 meeting with Kennedy, 646
personal background of, 321–23
personal characteristics of, 323–24
Rusk’s meeting with, on Berlin, 311–12
Guantanamo naval base, 7, 91, 379, 468, 484, 547, 550
Guatemala, 134
Guerrilla warfare (wars of national liberation), 86, 203–4
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 694
Gunther, John, 17
Haekkerup, Per, 668
Hailsham, Lord, 621–23
Haiti, 104
Hall, Gus, 32
Hall, Leonard, 101
Halleck, Charles, 477
Hallier, Jean-Edern, 539n
Hammarskjöld, Dag, 75, 80–82, 311, 315
Harkins, Gen. Paul, 654
Harlow, Bryce, 635
Harr, Karl, 439
Harriman, Averell, 35, 40, 46, 48, 69, 177, 234, 304, 382, 555–56, 643, 649, 657n
1963 visit to Khrushchev, 588
at Geneva conference on Laos, 161, 231
Laos conflict and, 591–93
as nuclear test ban treaty negotiator, 601, 619–26
Khrushchev, meeting with, 622
negotiating instructions, 619
personal background of, 588–90
rise in Kennedy administration, 590–92
Harrison, Gilbert, 109
Hart, Liddell, 351n
Hartmann, Robert, 261
Harvey, William, 376
Harwood, Richard, 569
Hayden, Carl, 513
Heckrotte, Warren, 572n
Helms, Richard, 138, 139, 316, 478, 580n, 632n, 661, 666, 667, 671–72, 682, 685, 693
Cuba and, 376
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 5, 414
Herrick, Capt. John, 694
Herter, Christian, 39, 95, 331, 416–17
Hickenlooper, Bourke, 164, 629, 633
Higgins, Marguerite, 76, 262, 276
Hilsman, Roger, 328, 329, 357, 396n, 418, 504, 515, 652
Hispanic American Report, 109
Hitch, Charles, 401
Hoffa, James, 101, 139, 140n, 301, 320
Holeman, Frank, 152–56, 193, 369, 408, 409
Holt, Pat, 106
Honecker, Erich, 267, 268, 271
Hoover, J. Edgar, 46, 71, 83, 103, 302, 524, 610, 616
covert operations against Castro and, 139
Judith Campbell affair and, 367
Horan, James, 610
“Hot line,” 602
Hughes, Howard, 135
Hughes, Thomas, 429
Humphrey, Hubert, 14, 172, 644, 645
Hundley, William, 634
Hunt, H. L., 328n
Hunter, Oakley, 140n
American, 344–45
hardened sites for, 370
“Ich bin ein Berliner” speech, 605–8
Il-28 bombers, in Cuba, 428, 429, 555, 557–61
Illinois, in 1960 election, 141
Ilyichev, Leonid, 580
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Pact; 1947), 483
Iran, 200–1
Iraq, 154
IRBM sites in Cuba. See Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
1963 Kennedy visit to, 608–9
Irish Republican Army, 86
1963 Kennedy visit to, 610
U.S. missiles in, 439, 440, 468, 536n, 588n
Ivanov, Yevgeny, 685n
Adzhubei as editor-in-chief, 343
on Kennedy’s death, 677
Kennedy interview in, 341, 347–48
Jackson, Henry, 22
Jackson, Robert, 302n
Jacobson, Dr. Max, 189–93, 205, 226, 315
Jaipur, Maharajah and Maharani of, 492–93
“January Speech,” Khrushchev’s, 60, 64–65
John Birch Society, 59n
Johnson, Lyndon B., 10, 22, 68, 125, 143, 159, 160, 166, 234, 247, 248, 258, 261, 295, 474n, 510–14, 556n
1960 presidential campaign and, 463–64
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 277, 283–86
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 480, 532–33, 543
leak to Dallas Morning News, 510
Kennedy’s 1963 Texas trip and, 665, 666, 669
Robert Kennedy and, 296, 302–3, 675, 700
Kennedy’s assassination and, 672–74, 675, 682, 683
Kennedy’s assessment of, 463–64
on Laos, 161
as President, 675–76, 677, 680, 682, 688
1964 campaign, 696–97
Khrushchev and, 690–92
Venezuelan coup evidence and, 692
Vietnam and, 693–95
relationship with Kennedy, 512, 513
responsibilities as Vice President, 512
selection as Vice Presidential candidate, 511
Vietnam and, 654
1961 visit, 337
wheat sale to the Soviet Union and, 644
Johnson, U. Alexis, 674
Jupiter missiles
deployment of, 439–40
in Turkey. See Turkey, U.S. missiles in
Justice Department, U.S., 139–40
Karpovich, Michael, 17
Katanga, 79
Kaysen, Carl, 255–56, 307, 330, 344, 360, 423, 598, 618
Keating, Kenneth, 414, 487, 581
Kendall, David, 22
Kennan, George, 19–20, 47, 68, 69, 90, 275, 682
Kennedy, Edward (Ted), 14–15, 367, 493–94
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 9, 24, 49, 56, 98, 115, 124, 183, 184, 186, 189, 225, 229, 235, 246, 259, 315, 329, 345, 347, 357n, 361, 367, 408, 469, 512, 544, 573, 574, 591, 631, 668, 670–71, 706
aesthetic approach of, 471–72
Bundy poem on, 250–51
letter to Khrushchev, after Kennedy’s death, 688–89
marriage to John, 472–74
at Vienna summit (1961), 207–9, 220
Kennedy, John, Jr., 3, 184, 345, 666
Kennedy, John F. See also specific topics
1957 and 1958 vacations in Cuba, 98, 99
1960 campaign. See Presidential campaign (1960)
1960 primaries, 21
1962 elections and, 383
1964 campaign plans, 641–42
affairs with women, 522, 613–17
blackmail, possibility of, 611
Ellen Fimmel Rometsch, 615–17
assassination of, 672–81
Castro’s reaction to, 678
Mafia and, 685–86
Oswald as assassin
Soviet intelligence and, 683–84
Soviet reaction to, 676–80
Warren Commission investigation of, 682
on being President, 349–50
Cabinet appointments, 46
CIA “Intelligence Checklist” for, 3
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 2–12
funeral of, 681
health of, 206
Addison’s disease, 187–89
back problem, 163, 167, 178, 186, 189, 190–91, 235
cortisone shots, 187
decision-making ability, effect on, 187–88
Max Jacobson (Dr. Feelgood), shots given by, 189–93
laryngitis, 315
spinal fusion operation, 188, 189
Inaugural Address, 47, 49, 54–55, 57
Khrushchev’s view of, 33–34
“peace speech” of (June 1963), 597–601
meeting of advisers on U.S.-Soviet relations (February 11, 1961), 68–70
personal characteristics of, 10, 297–98
personal dealings with Khrushchev. See Personal dealings and communications between Kennedy and Khrushchev
post-election, pre-inauguration contacts and communications, 37–48
second State of the Union address (1961), 165
State of the Union address (1961), 61–65
Kennedy, Joseph, 16, 103, 141, 166–67, 178, 179, 271, 296–98, 302, 472
foreign affairs views of, 108
invasion of Cuba and, 107–8
Stevenson and, 464
stroke, 348
Kennedy, Joseph (Joe), Jr., 16
Kennedy; Kathleen, 16
Kennedy, Patrick, 631
Kennedy, Robert, 9, 11, 41, 75, 76, 139, 146, 153, 178, 248, 316, 344, 347, 348, 408, 461, 573, 595, 601, 610, 625
1955 trip to the Soviet Union, 300, 301
as Attorney General, 302–4
Berlin and, 399
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 235–36, 255, 280, 281, 284, 285, 296
Bolshakov and, 154–56
as counsel for Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor and Management, 301–2
covert operations against Castro and
Operation Mongoose, 411–12
tractors-for-prisoners deal, 427, 428
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 5, 435–36, 438, 443, 444, 449n, 458–62, 468, 469, 479, 490, 497, 498, 507, 521, 524, 528, 534, 535–39, 542, 552–53, 554, 555, 556n, 559, 582–83, 632
Bolshakov and, 500–1n
Dobrynin, meeting with, 491–92, 494
Ex Comm, 451–53
Johnson and, 510
distortions in 1964 and 1965 oral histories, 334–35n
invasion of Cuba and, 119, 123–25, 132, 133, 143, 144, 147, 148, 304
John Kennedy’s assassination and, 672–73
Kohler and, 578
Laos conflict and, 161–62, 397, 398
in Moscow, suggested by Soviets, 361
organized crime and, 139–40
personal background of, 296–301
possibility of 1968 presidential candidacy, 643
resumption of nuclear testing and, 295, 296, 305
Rometsch episode and, 615–16
on Rusk, 358–59
Salinger and, 313
Soviet portfolio given up by, 584
State Department appointment sought by, 643
as top adviser to brother, 296, 303–5
Vienna summit and, 180–81, 234
Vietnam War and, 337
Kennedy, Rose, 16–17, 123, 182–83, 208
“Kennedy Doctrine,” 447n
Kennedy or Nixon: Does It Make Any Difference? (Schlesinger), 24
Kent, Carleton, 460
KGB, 158
Kennedy’s assassination and, 684
Khan, Ayub, 367
Khanh, Gen. Nguyen, 693
Kharmalov, Mikhail, 206–7, 238, 312, 314, 316, 341, 524
Khrushchev, Leonid, 34n
Khrushchev, Nikita S. See also specific topics
1959 Camp David meeting with Eisenhower, 20–21, 77, 198, 217–19
1959 visit to the U.S., 12–16, 348n
meeting with Eisenhower, 20–21, 77, 198, 217–19
at 1960 New Year’s Eve reception, 46, 52
1960 presidential campaign and, 23, 31–37, 174
1960 visit to New York, 23, 31
at 1962 New Year’s celebration, 354
Black Sea retreat, 110–11
calculated gambles of, 380–81
Central Committee rebuff (1962), 365
China and, 42–43
compared by Kennedy to McCarthy and Hoffa, 320
Cuba and, 377
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 8, 11, 377–93
Cuban acceptance of missiles, 390–91
decision and rationale to send missiles, 382–93
defense of Cuba given as reason, 385, 386
Gromyko and, 397–90
in memoirs of Khrushchev, 386–87
military accord and public announcement, Cuban request for, 398–99
military spending, 378–80, 382–85, 392
secrecy and deception, 384–85, 426–27
Soviet nuclear inferiority and, 385–86, 391
Cuban-Soviet relations and, 96–98
death of, 704
deposed, 699–700
on elections in the U.S., 31
Foreign Ministry and, 157, 158
internal enemies of, 580–81
invasion of Cuba and, 109–10, 111–12, 117–20, 131, 145–46, 148–49
at jazz concert, 394–95
Kennedy’s death and, 676–77, 679
Jacqueline Kennedy’s letter to (after Kennedy’s death), 688–89
missiles in Cuba, 2
personal background of, 169–70
personal characteristics of, 49–50, 52
personal dealings between Kennedy and. See Personal dealings and communications between Kennedy and Khrushchev
personality cult of, 355–56
political decline of, 583
political health at the beginning of 1962, 354, 361
in retirement, 703–4
rumors of plots against, 697–98
Secret Speech at Twentieth Party Congress, 170, 380
Thompson relationship with, 49–53
Twenty-second Party Congress, 160
U.S. missiles along the Soviet periphery and, 381–82
U-2 affair (1960), 21, 31–32, 40, 41, 54
Khrushchev, Nina Petrovna, 52, 53, 207, 208, 220, 409, 681, 699
Khrushchev, Sergei, 109, 228, 295, 352, 388, 532, 690–91, 697, 698, 705, 706
King, Robert, 135–36
Kirk, Vice Adm. Alan, 252
Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 418
Kissinger, Henry, 146n, 241, 562n
Kistiakowsky, George, 417
Klein, Herbert, 312
Klosson, Boris, 52, 53, 80, 120, 245
Kohler, Foy, 8, 11, 209, 248, 272, 273, 319, 363, 401, 438–39, 461, 581, 659–60
appointed ambassador to the Soviet Union, 408
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 481, 482, 487, 488, 495, 496, 516
Kennedy’s death and, 679
nuclear test ban treaty and, 577, 580
personal background of, 577–78
Kommunist, 586
Komsomolskaya Pravda, 343
Korean War, 197
Korneichuk, Alexander, 40
Kornienko, Georgi, 15, 110, 228, 526, 534n
Kozlov, Frol, 44, 53, 355, 388, 461, 523, 583–84, 596
death of, 585–86
Kreisky, Bruno, 533
Krulak, Maj. Gen. Victor, 654
Krylov, Ivan, 325
Kudryatsev, Sergei, 375
Kurile Islands, 19
Kuznetsov, Vasily, 8, 40, 41n, 57, 487, 488, 553–55, 558, 559, 561–63, 572
Labouisse, Harry, 582
La Coubre explosion, 97
Landis, James, 304
Lansdale, Gen. Edward, 375–76
Laos, 55, 69, 84, 86–87, 160–63, 231, 316, 321, 337, 395–98, 591–93
de Gaulle on, 184–85
Geneva agreement on, 650
Geneva conference on, 161, 231, 398
settlement of conflict, 398
at Vienna summit (1961), 211–213
Laski, Harold, 16
Latin America, 62–63, 96, 595. See also Organization of American States (OAS)
Castro’s pledge not to export revolution to, 565–66, 568, 667
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 440, 443, 509, 566–67
Lausche, Frank, 636
Lawford, Peter, 107, 141n, 312, 467
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, 367
Lebanon, 153–54
Lebow, Richard Ned, 383n
Lemnitzer, Gen., 328, 339, 341, 474
Leonhard, Wolfgang, 282
Leuchtenburg, William, 511n
Lightner, Allan, 177, 277, 333
Lincoln, Evelyn, 58, 163, 346, 482, 513, 530
Lippmann, Helen, 110–12
Lippmann, Walter, 48, 110–12, 145, 168, 176, 253, 325, 529, 548
Lisagor, Peter, 313
L’Unità, 355
Litvinov, Maxim, 321–22
Liu Hsiao, 430
Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 475
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 35, 40n, 66, 253, 512n, 614, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 669
Kennedy’s visit to, after Vienna summit, 225–29
Long, Russell, 633
Lovett, Robert, 74, 75, 253, 404, 449, 458
Luce, Henry, 297n
McArdle, Mal, 99
McCarthy, Joseph, 39, 64, 299, 320
McCloy, John, 74, 85, 246, 449, 553, 555, 558, 559, 561–62, 563, 601
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 262–65
McCone, John, 29n, 57–58, 306, 355, 396, 413–14, 462, 478, 498, 671–72, 692
appointed CIA Director, 417–18
covert operations against Castro and, 418
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 419, 424, 425, 428, 430, 434, 437, 442, 448, 468, 469, 489, 503, 508–9, 532, 581
marriage to Theiline Pigott, 419
nuclear test ban treaty and, 632–33
personal background of, 416–17
Vietnam and, 655–56
Macdonald, Torbert, 2, 430, 665
MacDuffie, Marshall, 169
McElroy, Neil, 439
McGrory, Mary, 259
McHugh, Godfrey, 225
Macmillan, Harold, 81, 223, 226–27, 236, 264, 292, 348, 493, 631, 676
1963 meeting with Kennedy, 609
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 477, 481, 494, 499–500, 558
nuclear test ban treaty and, 362–63, 596, 597, 598, 599, 623–24
resumption of nuclear testing by Soviets and, 307
McNamara, Robert, 46, 61, 72, 138, 295, 329, 331, 340, 344, 400–7, 475, 652, 673, 675, 691
1968 presidential candidacy, possibility of, 643–44
appointed Secretary of Defense, 404
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 246–47, 258, 259
covert operations against Castro and, 411–12
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 7, 441–43, 446, 449, 450, 451, 459–60, 462, 468, 491, 494, 498, 507, 527, 537–38, 540n, 544–45, 581, 588n
air strike option, 433, 436, 441
Khrushchev’s October 26 letter, 532
October 16 Cabinet meeting, 433–36
plans for 1962 invasion denied, 378
Turkey-for-Cuba trade, 528–29
invasion of Cuba and, 108
Robert Kennedy and, 358
nuclear strategy and, 370, 406–7
nuclear test ban treaty and, 632
personal background of, 403–4
personal characteristics of, 405
relationship with Kennedy, 401, 402
Rusk and, 401
McWillie, Lewis, 686
Maddox (destroyer), 693–94
Mafia (organized crime), 685–86
covert operations against Castro and, 135, 136, 139, 143
Robert Kennedy and, 139
John Kennedy and, 140–43
Malinovsky, Marshal Rodion, 245, 332, 373, 381, 388, 389, 523, 524n, 532
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 391, 398
Malraux, André, 619
Mansfield, Mike, 15, 164, 234, 239, 264, 269, 616, 629, 636, 645
Marcello, Carlos, 140, 685, 686
Marines, U.S., 414
Marshall, George, 70
Martin, Edwin, 443
Martin, John Bartlow, 138
Mendenhall, Joseph, 654
Menshikov, Mikhail, 14, 32, 35, 40–42, 49, 50, 85, 86, 110, 122, 129, 162, 238
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 255
removed as ambassador, 368
Middle East, 647–48
MiG-23 fighter-bomber, in Cuba, 568
Mikoyan, Anastas, 32n, 53, 97, 111, 172, 227, 245, 382, 570, 589n, 618, 698, 699
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 385, 386, 388, 391, 398, 425, 426, 551, 559–60
at Kennedy’s funeral, 681–82
personal background of, 551–52
Mikoyan, Sergo, 382, 385, 388, 389, 413, 552n
Military buildup
Soviet, Gilpatric speech and, 351
U.S., 351–52
Military spending, 22, 646. See also Military buildup
Soviet, 245
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 563
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 257–58, 260
Miller, Murray “Dusty,” 686
Miller, William, 487
Mills, Wilbur, 258n
Minh, Maj. Gen. Duong Van “Big,” 655, 656
Minow, Newton, 465
Missile gap, 20, 65, 66, 328, 329, 351
as 1960 campaign issue, 25–28
Missiles. See also Cuban Missile Crisis (1962); ICBMs
anti-missile, 363
comparisons of U.S. vs. Soviet strength, 328–29
in Europe, 439
Moats, Alice-Leone, 17
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 200, 201
Moley, Raymond, 187–88
Molotov, Paulina, 322n
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 44, 157–58, 191–2, 212, 322–23
Mongoose, Operation, 6, 375–76, 411–12, 418
Moon landing program, 165–67
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 564–65
MRBM sites in Cuba. See Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Multilateral Force (MLF), 620
Murphy, Frank, 302n
Murret, Charles “Dutz,” 686
Murrow, Edward R., 260, 277, 295
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 166. See also Space flights, United States
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 177, 239, 340, 439
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 242, 243, 263
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 559
Turkish missiles issue and, 535–37, 546–47, 588n
Navy, U.S.
blockade of Cuba, 490–91, 494, 507
Navy Times, 59n
Neustadt, Richard, 127
Nevada nuclear test site, 363n
New Frontier, 64
Newman, Edwin, 114
New Republic, 415
Newsweek, 244
New York Daily News, 569
New York Times, 30, 59, 109, 231, 356
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 469
Nhu, Ngo Dinh, 651, 652, 654, 655, 657
Nicaragua, 104
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 255, 256
Nixon, Richard M., 14, 32, 94, 95, 187, 198, 261, 302, 346n, 417, 424, 425, 427, 487, 557, 583
Cuban policy, 28–30
debates, 31
Khrushchev’s views, 33–37
missile gap issue, 25–26
covert operations against Castro and, 135–37
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 415
Cuban policy and, 101–2
Gvozdev and, 153–54
invasion of Cuba and, 145–46
Nkrumah, Kwame, 310
Nolting, Frederick, 653
Nonaggression pact, 618, 622, 623, 624, 630–31
Norman, Lloyd, 347
Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 129, 341, 439–40 North Vietnam, 160, 338–40, 650
bombing of, 694
Laos conflict and, 396, 398, 592
Nosenko, Yuri, 661, 662, 684–85
NSC-68, 63n
Nuclear disarmament, 84
Nuclear-free zones, Soviet suggestion of, 647
Nuclear test ban treaty, 32, 33, 40–41, 84–86, 426, 576, 580, 593, 596–97, 618–38
1963 target date for, 425
atmospheric test ban with no inspection proposed by Kennedy and Macmillan, 307
Cousins visit to Moscow and, 586–87
after Cuban Missile Crisis, 570, 572–73
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 563
Eisenhower and, 416–17, 628, 634–36
Geneva talks on, 82, 84, 85, 292, 293
Harriman as chief negotiator, 601, 619–26
initialing of, 624
Kennedy speech announcing, 627
limited, 292
Khrushchev’s willingness to accept, 425, 427
Macmillan and, 362–63
first day of formal talks, 623
Multilateral Force (MLF), 620
secret channel to Kennedy, 622
on-site inspections, 85, 155, 213, 400, 572, 573, 577, 586–88
Khrushchev’s withdrawal of offer for, 618, 621
Senate delegation to Moscow, 628–29
Senate hearings and ratification of, 631–36
at Vienna summit (1961), 180, 213–15, 233–34
Nuclear testing
American resumption of, 307, 364, 369, 365
back problem, 192
NSC meeting on, 295
Soviet resumption of, 291–96, 400
American response to, 306, 307
fifty-megaton bomb, 327
Robert Kennedy and, 295, 296, 305
Khrushchev’s justification for, 308–9
motives for, 294–95
Sakharov, Andrei and, 293–94
thirty-megaton bomb, 332
voluntary moratorium on, 84, 234
Nuclear war
Kennedy’s “peace speech,” 598–99
plans for evacuation of highest officials, 471
risk of
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 243, 352
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 453, 454
secret U.S. plans for general nuclear war against the “Sino-Soviet bloc,” 309–10
Nuclear weapons, 27
American superiority, 310, 380, 437
Castro on, 391
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 385–86, 562–64
Gilpatric speech on, 329–333, 350, 351
Kennedy on, 370–71
Khrushchev and attempt to refute Gilpatric’s assertions of, 348
McNamara on, 370
“nuclear pushiness,” Kennedy’s aversion to, 350
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 243, 255, 258–59, 268, 271
counterforce strategy, 406–7
in Cuba. See Cuban Missile Crisis
Alsop’s Saturday Evening Post article, 371
non-proliferation of, 411
Sino-Soviet relations and, 411
West Germany and, 173–74
O’Brien, Lawrence, 137
Oder-Neisse Line, 242–43n, 243, 341
O’Donnell, Kenneth, 77, 123, 158, 185, 194, 198–99, 225, 238, 277, 278, 302, 303, 321, 346, 359, 402, 404, 418, 419n, 427, 460, 512, 522, 574, 608, 644, 675
O’Leary, Muggsy, 13
Olmstead, Freeman, 57–58
Open Skies proposal, 215
Operation.… See specific name of operation
Orange Bowl rally (1962), 573–74
Organization of American States (OAS), 124, 163
expulsion of Cuba, 375
Organized crime. See Mafia
Ormsby-Gore, David, 84, 235, 476, 493, 494, 499, 623, 625, 626n
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 59n, 674, 677, 678, 680, 682–87
Overseas Weekly, 59n
Panama, 104
Parmet, Herbert, 127
Pastore, John, 629
Pathet Lao, 86, 203, 231, 395–98, 650
Patterson, Eugene, 486
“Peace speech,” Kennedy’s (June 1963), 597–601
Peake, Hershel, 666
Pearson, Drew, 98n, 140n, 288–89, 292–93, 382
Pearson, Luvie, 289
Pecora, Nofio, 686
Penkovsky, Col. Oleg, 268
arrest of, 478
Permissive Action Links (PALs), 406n
Personal dealings and communications between Kennedy and Khrushchev. See also Summit meetings; and specific topics
during 1959 visit to the U.S., 13–14, 16, 17, 194
assessment of 1961 and prospects for 1962, 352–53
after Cuban Missile Crisis, 570–72, 577, 584–85
dog given by Khrushchev to Kennedy, 238
exchange of telegrams after Kennedy’s election victory, 37–39
first letter from Kennedy to Khrushchev, 77, 80, 81
Khrushchev’s feelings about Kennedy, 150
October 10, 1963 letter from Khrushchev, 662–63
present from Kennedy to Khrushchev, 178–79
private letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy (September, 1961), 316–320, 326
private letters, exchange of, 318–319, 326, 336, 348–49, 424, 425
Sulzberger as conduit for secret message from Khrushchev to Kennedy, 309
television exchanges proposed by Salinger, 361, 364, 365
Pistrak, Lazar, 167
Platt Amendment, 91
Plimpton, Francis, 506n
Plisetskaya, Maya, 554, 560–61, 594
Post Office U.S., 59
Power, Gen. Thomas, 367
Powers, David, 6, 205, 259, 346, 448, 469, 537, 542
Powers, Thomas, 138n
Pravda, 57, 119, 165, 235, 371, 586, 695
on Kennedy’s death, 677–78
Presidential campaign (1960), 23–37, 463–64
Berlin as issue in, 30–31
Cuba as issue in, 28–30
debates, 31
economic growth as issue in, 27
Khrushchev and, 23, 31–37, 174
missile gap issue, 25–28
soft-on-communism issue, 24
Soviet views on, 33–34
Press, the
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 548
Kennedy’s call for self-restraint by, 313–14
wiretapping of reporters, 347
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 126–27, 350
Profumo, John, 609–10
Quemoy and Matsu, 31
Radford, Adm. Arthur, 187
October 27 message from Khrushchev to Kennedy, 524–26
Radziwill, Stanislas, 191
Rapacki, Adam, 174
Rapacki Plan, 174
Raskin, Marcus, 256
Rathbone, Basil, 472
RB-47 incident (1960), 23, 35–36, 40, 41, 54–58, 197
Rebozo, Charles “Bebe,” 94, 415n
Remembering America (Goodwin), 30n
Republicans, 250
Reston, James, 34, 121, 165, 168, 224, 262, 308, 337–38, 360n, 378–79, 469
on McNamara, 406
Ribicoff, Abraham, 449
Rice-Davies, Mandy, 610
Right, the (United States), 64, 106, 305, 617
Kennedy’s assassination and, 677
Rio Pact (Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance; 1947), 483, 562, 565–66
Roberts, Sir Frank, 244
Robinson, William, 304
Roca, Blas, 390
Rockefeller, David, 696–97
Rockefeller, Nelson, 302n, 594, 642
Rogers, William, 24–25
Rometsch, Ellen Fimmel, 615–17
Romney, George, 642
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 18–19, 218, 298
Roselli, John, 135, 139, 140, 142, 376, 686
Rostow, Walt, 9–10, 24, 41, 57, 58, 59n, 124, 255, 265, 284, 440
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 509, 529, 547n, 568
Khrushchev at Bay memo (1962), 410
nuclear test ban treaty and, 620
Vietnam War and, 338
Rovere, Richard, 164, 568, 583
Rowen, Henry, 255–56
Rubirosa, Porfirio, 312
Rusk, Dean, 46, 56, 58, 59n, 68, 70–77, 85, 101, 122, 138, 147, 178, 185, 295, 304n, 309, 316, 317, 324, 331, 365–66, 551, 574, 610, 642, 650, 674, 691
Berlin and, 369
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 244, 246, 247, 258, 259, 264, 269–70, 272–73, 275, 287, 288
Gromyko, talk with, 311–12
on counterforce strategy, 406–7n
Cuba and, 375
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 7, 11, 414, 428, 442, 451, 452n, 455, 457. 458, 462, 469–71, 480, 498, 504, 507, 515, 521, 523, 538, 542, 549, 567n, 582–83
October 16 Cabinet meeting, 432–35
invasion of Cuba and, 108, 115, 116, 125, 130
John Kennedy’s assessment of, 356–60
Robert Kennedy on, 358–59
Laos conflict and, 161, 395, 397
leaks and, 71
McNamara and, 401
nonaggression pact and, 630
nuclear test ban treaty and, 597, 601–2, 629
nuclear testing and, 369
personal background of, 72–73
personal characteristics of, 70, 357
relationship with Kennedy, 71–72, 357–60
resumption of nuclear testing by Soviets and, 307
Schlesinger on, 359
selection as Secretary of State, 73–76
in the Soviet Union (August 1963, 630–31
on space-based anti-ICBM system, 369n
Stevenson, 465–66
summit meeting proposal and, 162, 163
on summit meetings, 76–77
in Truman administration, 71–73
at Vienna summit (1961), 197, 209, 210, 224
Vietnam and, 651
Rusk, Richard, 71n
Russell, Richard, 303, 480, 486, 633
Ryzhov, Nikita, 65
Safire, William, 427
Sakhalin Island, 412
Sakharov, Andrei, 369
Salinger, Pierre, 1, 6–7, 57, 58, 162, 180, 185, 224, 235, 238, 285, 301, 314–15, 316, 317, 341, 494
1962 trip to the Soviet Union, 372–74
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 460, 461, 523, 549
personal background of, 313
personal characteristics of, 312–13
television exchanges proposed by Salinger, 361, 364, 365
at Vienna summit (1961), 206–7
Saltonstall, Leverett, 629
SAMs (surface-to-air missiles), 424, 425
in Cuba, 413, 419, 423, 425, 426, 461, 490, 531, 533, 537, 554
Sanford, Terry, 669
San Roman, Pepe, 574
Sardar (horse), 367
Saturday Evening Post, 396, 569
Scali, John, 514–15, 572n, 597
Schiff, Dorothy, 472
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 24, 107, 108, 109, 246, 253, 304n, 306, 402, 571, 576–77, 669n, 676
covert operations against Castro and, 412n
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 544
Jacqueline Kennedy and, 471, 475
on Rusk, 359
Schlesinger, Arthur, Sr., 359n
Schwirkmann, Horst, 696
Scott, Paul, 460
SEATO, 339
Seaton, Fred, 29
Secret Service, 612
secret taping system installed by, 346–47
Semichastny, Vladimir, 343, 662, 697–98
Semyonov, Vladimir, 455
Sex for blackmail, Soviet use of, 612
Sexual relationships, Kennedy’s. See Women, Kennedy’s relationships with
Shelepin, Alexander, 343, (1961), 88
Shepard, Commander Alan, 160
Shevchenko, Arkady, 148–49, 246, 505
Shirer, William, 241
Shoemaker, Mervin, 22
Shriver, Eunice, 208
Shriver, Sargent, 75, 253, 404
Sino-Soviet relations, 42–44, 63, 69, 158n, 160, 330, 355, 430, 579–80, 600, 659, 704
nuclear weapons and, 411
Thompson on, 67–68
Six Crises (Nixon), 29n
Slusser, Robert, 79
Smathers, George, 10, 29n, 101, 107, 139, 141, 302, 466–67, 633, 665, 666
Joseph Kennedy and, 98–99
Smirnov, Andrei, 276
Smirnovsky, Mikhail, 8, 83, 84, 360, 661
Smith, Arnold, 148
Smith, Benjamin, 643
Smith, David, 655
invasion of Cuba and, 107, 108
Smith, Margaret Chase, 320–21, 636
Smith, William, 540n
Sorensen, C. A., 126
Sorensen, Theodore, 6, 57, 58, 63, 77, 114, 125–28, 132, 138, 146, 241, 248, 256, 315, 326, 344, 364n, 379, 428, 449, 644, 645, 659, 668, 682
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 257, 287
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 421, 452, 453, 459, 460, 506, 522, 542, 562
draft of possible television address by Kennedy, 454, 461, 484n
on Laos, 395–96
“peace speech” and, 597
Souphanouvong, Prince, 337, 396, 398
domino theory and, 339
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 203
South Vietnam, 337–40, 649–57, 664, 669
infiltration into, from Laos, 650
Souvanna Phouma, Prince, 211, 337, 395, 397, 398
Soviet-American relations Kennedy’s death and, 677
during post-election, pre-inauguration contacts and communications, 37–48
Soviet Union. See also specific topics
Kennedy’s views on, as young man, 16, 17
space flights, 112–14
U.S. policy toward. See also Soviet-American relations
Kennedy’s views as Senator, 19–23
Space flights
United States, 160
moon project, 165–67
Spalding, Betty, 100
Spalding, Charles, 9, 144, 190, 476, 643
Sparkman, John, 629
Special Group (Augmented), 5
Spivak, Lawrence, 648n
Sputnik, 112
Spy flights. See also U-2 flights over Cuba, low-level, 559, 560
Stalin, Joseph, 54, 169, 171. See also De-Stalinization
State Department, U.S., 358, 360
failure to reply to Khrushchev’s Berlin aide mémoire, 246–48
Foreign Service, 358
Kennedy’s view of, 248–49
selection of Rusk as Secretary of, 73–76
Stevenson, Adlai, 1–2, 24n, 32, 40, 43n, 46, 47–48, 129, 173, 241, 307, 381–82, 462–69, 630, 647–48, 665
1960 presidential campaign and, 30, 32–33, 463–64
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 448–49, 454n, 462–63, 508–9
Kuznetsov, meeting with, 553
negotiations to end crisis, 553
press assessment of Stevenson’s role, 569, 570
recommendations to Kennedy, 468
U Thant and, 502–6
Zorin exchange with, 505–6
invasion of Cuba and, 115, 116, 145, 149
Robert Kennedy and, 301
Kennedy’s assassination and, 676
nuclear test ban treaty and, 629
relationship with Kennedy, 463–67
UN job offered to, 465
Vienna summit and, 168
women and, 467–68
Stone, Irving, 516
Stoughton, Capt. Cecil, 431
Strategic Air Command (SAC), 26, 27, 370
Strategy of Peace, The (Kennedy), 101
Strauss, Franz-Josef, 3, 222, 249–50, 282, 341
Strauss, Lewis, 628
Sturua, Melor, 524
Sukhodrev, Viktor, 8, 455, 456
Sullivan, William, 556n
Sulzberger, C. L., 308, 309, 320, 321
Summit meetings
American-Soviet-British, proposed by Macmillan, 620–21
Geneva (1955), 19
Kennedy-Khrushchev, 70, 81, 158–60. See also Vienna, summit meeting in (1961)
Bolshakov-Robert Kennedy channel, 155–57
Kennedy’s proposal for, 150–51, 155
Kennedy’s reply to Khrushchev’s acceptance, 162–63
Khrushchev’s acceptance of Kennedy’s proposal for, 151, 155, 162
Khrushchev’s call for another (September 5, 1961), 308, 309, 314
Khrushchev’s reluctance to meet, 87–88
Menshikov’s proposal for, 45, 47
November 1962 suggested by Gromyko, 456, 458
nuclear test ban treaty and, 621
October 1962 proposal by Khrushchev, 497
orally transmitted proposal for a second summit, 314, 316
Rush’s skepticism about, 76–77
Soviet desire for, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47
Zhukov’s inquiry regarding (October 29, 1962), 549
Paris (1960; cancelled), 20–21
Surface-to-air missiles. See SAMs
Sweeney, Walter General, 469
Switzerland, 100
Sylvester, Arthur, 59n
Symington, James, 156–57
Symington, Stuart, 511
Taft, Robert, 39
Taiwan, 202–3
Taping system, secret, 346–47
Taubman, William, 697n
Taylor, Gen. Maxwell, 146–47, 246, 260, 275, 338, 673
covert operations against Castro and, 411
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 433, 434, 436, 443, 459, 462, 469, 531
Teamsters Union, 140n, 313, 320n
Television exchanges proposed by Salinger, 361, 364, 365
Teller, Edward, 633
Test ban treaty. See Nuclear test ban treaty
Texas, November 1963 trip to, 664–65, 668–71
Thirteen Days (Robert Kennedy), 419n, 536n
Thompson, Jane, 36, 46, 50–54, 245, 394–95, 535, 705
Thompson, Llewellyn, 35–37, 39, 41, 43n, 44n, 45, 46, 49–50, 66–70, 77–78, 80–83, 86, 98, 119, 129, 156, 175, 180, 231, 245, 309, 348, 356, 368, 377n, 394–95, 397, 589, 613, 619, 662, 673, 674
appointment of successor to, Soviet view of, 360–61
Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 243–44, 263, 265
Berlin issue and, 175–78, 365, 366
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 424, 425, 453, 458, 520, 523, 528, 533, 544, 554
television speech by Kennedy (October 22), 482
January 1961 with Khrushchev, 54–56
on Khrushchev’s January Speech, 61
on Kozlov, 584
March 1961 meeting with Khrushchev, 81–83
at meeting of advisers on
U.S.-Soviet relations February, 11, 1961, 68–70
personal background of, 50–51
RB-47 fliers and, 54–57
relationship with Khrushchev, 49–53
selection of successor to, 408
on Sino-Soviet relations, 355
summit meeting and, 159–60
tutorial telegrams to Kennedy, 67–68
valedictory talk with Khrushchev, 409
weekend at Khrushchev’s dacha (1960), 52–54
Thompson, Sherry, 245
Thompson, William, 141
Thousand Days, A (Schlesinger), 24n, 473n
Time, 22
Togliatti, Palmiro, 355n
Tower, John, 415
Tractors for Freedom Committee, 427
Trade, Soviet-American, 660
Trafficante, Santos, 135, 140n, 685
Travell, Jane, 56, 188, 189, 208
Trevelyan, Humphrey, 601
Trewhitt, Henry, 405
Trujillo, Rafael, 92, 94n, 185
nuclear test ban treaty and, 627–28
Tsarapkin, Semyon, 85
Tse-tung, Mao, 42
Tshombe, Moise, 81
Tuchman, Barbara, 491
U.S. missiles in, 8, 65, 381–82, 434, 439–40, 444, 453, 468, 508, 524–30, 533–38, 546–47, 553–566, 588n
October 27 Khrushchev speech, 524–26
secret concession by Kennedy to end Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), 536–38, 546–47
Turner Joy (destroyer), 694
Tyree, Lt. Colonel Thomas, 334
Udall, Stewart, 421–22
Ulam, Adam, 44
Ulbricht, Walter, Berlin Crisis of 1961 and, 266–68, 271, 281
United Nations. See also Hammarskjöld, Dag; Thant, U
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 521–22, 544, 558, 561, 565–66
idea of moving the UN to West Berlin, 310–11
Kennedy’s maiden speech, 310–12, 315–16
United States. See also specific topics
Soviet relations with. See Soviet-American relations
world respect for, 27
United States Information Agency (USIA), 27, 165
U Thant, 466
Cuban Missile Crisis and, 502–7, 515–16, 518, 537, 538, 550
U-2 flights
1960 incident (1960), 21–23, 31–32, 40, 41, 54, 149
over Cuba, 423–25
Castro’s threat to down planes, 550, 554
downing of U-2 (1962), 530–33, 536n
incursion into Siberian air space (1962), 412, 530
Van Allen radiation belt, nuclear testing and, 369n
Vance, Cyrus, 658n
Van Fleet, James, 149n
Van Zandt, James, 504
Vidal, Gore, 11
Vienna, summit meeting in (1961), 163, 193–231
announcement of, 164
CIA briefing paper, 167–68
emotional impact on Kennedy, 234
exchange of gifts, 221
first day’s meetings, 194–207
issues discussed at
Berlin, 199, 215–20, 223, 225–26, 231
China, 202–3
communism vs. capitalism, 195–96, 199, 205–6
German peace treaty, 216–20, 222–24
guerrilla warfare, 203–4
interim agreement on Germany and Berlin, 219, 220, 223
“miscalculations,” 196–97, 200
nuclear test ban, 213–14, 233–34, 291–92
Kennedy on usefulness of, 320
Kennedy’s preparation and planning for, 167–68, 186
Khrushchev’s report to colleagues on, 227–28
London visit by Kennedy after, 225–29
luncheon conversation, 196–97
opening remarks at, 194–95
responses to announcement of, 164–65
second day’s meetings, 210–225
television speech by Kennedy after, 229–31
walk in the woods, 198
in Laos, 592
Geneva records on (1954), 339–40
Vise Island incident (1961), 58–59
Vishinsky, Andrei, 322
Volkogonov, Gen. Dimitri, 413n, 451, 461, 495
Vorontsov, Yuri, 562n
Vostok, 113
Wahl, Nicholas, 183
Walker, John, 272
Walker, Maj. Gen. Edwin, 59n
Wallace, Edgar, 11
Walters, Vernon, 347
War Powers Act (1973), 481
Warren, Earl, 682
Warren Commission, 687
Wars of national liberation, 60
Washington Evening Star, 556n
Washington Star, 21
Watergate, 137
Watkiris, John, 612n
Wechsler, James, 311
Wedge, Bryant, 168
Weintal, Edward, 360
Wessel, Gen. Gerhard, 241, 606
West Berlin, 121. See also Berlin 1963 Kennedy visit to, 605–8
American troops in, 239
idea of moving the UN to, 310–11
willingness to use nuclear weapons to defend, 370
Western Europe, U.S. missiles in, 439–40
West Germany, 52, 69, 171–75, 226, 645. See also Adenauer, Konrad
1963 Kennedy visit to, 604
Adzhubei sent by Khrushchev to, 695–96
nuclear weapons and, 173–74
rearmament of, 348
Vienna summit and (1961), 215
Wheat sale to the Soviet Union, 644–45
Wheeler, Gen. Earle, 650
White, Theodore, 312, 313, 356–60, 642, 648
White, William S., 505
White House
bomb shelter, 476
record-keeping at, 360
staff, 360
Why England Slept (Kennedy), 18
Wicker, Tom, 259
Wiesner, Jerome, 26, 41, 366, 344, 572
Will, George, 565
Williams, G. Mennen, 72
Williams, John J., 616
Wilson, Don, 541
Winchell, Walter, 141n
Winckler, Jean-Claude, 548
Wiretapping, 347
Wise, David, 57
Wisner, Frank, 67
Wofford, Harris, 301
Women, Kennedy’s relationships with, 522, 613–17
Inga Arvad Fejos, 613–14
blackmail, possibility of, 611
Ellen Fimmel Rometsch, 615–17
Woods, Rose Mary, 136
Wrightsman, Charles, 102
Yarborough, Ralph, 665–66, 669
Yarmolinsky, Adam, 401
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 130, 580
Zapata, Operation, 89, 106, 108, See also Cuba, Bay of Pigs invasion of