

“What’s going on here?!” demanded Yusuf’s dad. However, before Ibrahim could explain, Mariam cut in.

“I’m sorry Mr. Ali,” she sobbed. “Please don’t call the police!”

A moment later a sleepy-looking Kamran stepped out of the house.

“Omar? What are you doing in my yard?” he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Omar didn’t answer as he lay tangled on the grass.

“Why don’t we go inside?” Ibrahim suggested.

Mr. Ali nodded as he stepped back inside. The Khan boys began to free Omar and Mariam from the fishing net, as Yusuf and Kamran followed their dad into the house. Once everyone had assembled around the kitchen table, Ibrahim noticed how pale Yusuf looked.

“It’s okay Yusuf, it’s over now,” Ibrahim said, trying to comfort him.

“Why? Why would they do that to me?” Yusuf whispered.

At first no one answered. Then Ibrahim saw Omar’s face twist in anger.

“It’s all your fault!” he yelled. But to everyone’s surprise he wasn’t yelling at Yusuf, he was yelling at Kamran.

“What! What did I do!” Kamran yelled back.

Omar stood, shaking with anger.

“Don’t you remember when we were in Mrs. Morris’ class?” Omar began. “It was the same thing then. You never let anyone play with your ‘cool toys’, never let us come over and didn’t even let us climb the trees in your yard. It’s not like you planted them there!”

No one dared to speak as Omar continued.

“I remember when your dad built that tree house. You bragged to the whole class about it, but we all knew we’d never be allowed near it. Everyone knew how selfish you were. When Mariam came home from school last month complaining about how your little brother wouldn’t share his markers when she had forgotten hers, because he thought she would ruin them, I had had enough. It was time for revenge!”

Omar turned his attention to Yusuf who seemed to tremble under his glare. “What makes you guys think you’re better than the rest of us? Why is it so hard for you to share?” he demanded.

“Enough!” Kamran shouted as he too stood, but instead of facing Omar he stood looking out of the window by the backyard. “It’s not Yusuf’s fault,” he spoke in a whisper. “It’s me, I’m the one who doesn’t like to share. I know it’s not right, but I just can’t, I’m afraid to… It started after Yusuf was born, I was always scared he would take my things and break them. Whenever he came near my things I’d yell at him. Eventually I couldn’t share with anyone, not even my friends. Yusuf learned not to share… from me.” Kamran turned to face Omar as he continued. “But you had no right to scare my little brother.”


As the boys fell silent, Mr. Ali addressed both his sons.

“Boys, I’m really disappointed in you. Your mother and I have always thought that by giving regularly to charity ourselves, the two of you would also learn to be generous,” he said. “Omar, I’ve known you for a long time and know you’re a good boy, but jealousy can make people do things they wouldn’t normally do. Scaring Yusuf like that wasn’t very nice.”

“No it wasn’t, Mr. Ali,” replied Omar, in a much calmer voice. “And I’m sorry. I figured if Kamran and Yusuf wouldn’t let us play in their yard, then they shouldn’t get to play in it either. And that was very, um—selfish of me.”

Omar looked down at his hands. “I’m sorry I scared you Yusuf. Mariam, I’m sorry I dragged you into this. The markers really weren’t a big deal. I… I was jealous and wanted to get back at Kamran, through Yusuf.”

Kamran was the first to extend his hand to Omar.

“It’s okay man, we all make mistakes,” he said, with a smile.

Soon all the boys shook hands and forgave each other.

“I have a question,” said Mariam. “How did you guys figure it out? I’ve been snooping around here quite a lot and I was pretty sure you guys didn’t believe Yusuf’s story. When did you realize there were no wild animals around?”

Everyone turned to look at Ibrahim for an answer, but he just shook his head.

“Sorry Mariam, that’s between me and my brown sack. I’d be out of business if I gave all my secrets away,” Ibrahim replied with a smile.
