
To Allie at Makeready Designs, for always being there and creating the most amazing covers. And, for not killing me when I decide to change the cover a few days before the reveal. THANK YOU!!!

To Kristina from Red Road Editing, for aways fitting me in and being excited along with me. I wish I could get you a goat!

To Kay with KMS Editing for proofing my books and always being flexible. I appreciate it!

To Ann and Raine, my wonderful Alpha readers, for your constant feedback and support. It wouldn’t be the same without you.

To Jennifer, Lori, and Christina for Beta reading and loving these characters as much as I do. I always look forward to your input.

To Rachel Brookes for stepping in and helping me make sure I was true to Shane’s Australian roots. Thanks so much for the insight.

To my ARC team for reading, reviewing, and helping spread excitement for Jasmine, Shane, and all the Lewis Cousins.

And, last, but not least, to my family, who had to put up with me meeting a deadline during Spring Break. Thanks for your patience and support. I’ll make it up to you!