“Thanks for the invite,” I said, stooping to kiss Laurel on the cheek before handing her the flowers I’d brought.
It may seem silly to bring flowers to the woman who owned a flower shop and party planning company, but I was raised to never arrive at someone’s house empty-handed, and since I bought them at her shop, I figured I was safe.
“You’re welcome anytime, you know that.”
Laurel looked gorgeous, with her perfectly round belly and long blonde hair flowing and healthy around her shoulders.
I’d been resigned to another night off alone in my studio apartment, watching Rake on Netflix, when I’d run into Laurel in the market. I’d been picking up a few items to get me through the week and got behind her in line at checkout.
She’d taken one look at my basket and told me to come over for dinner. Being a single man who never turned down a homecooked meal, I’d happily agreed.
“Shane, how’s it going, man?” Dillon asked, coming up behind Laurel when we stepped inside. “Can I get you a beer?”
“Yeah, I could use a cold one, thanks,” I said with a grin.
I followed them into the kitchen and crouched down when their golden retrievers, Copper and Penny, came over for some attention.
I was rubbing them both down, telling them how beautiful they were and thinking how much I’d love to have a place that would allow dogs, when I heard the front door open and someone call out.
“You are not going to believe this…”
Recognizing the voice as Jasmine’s, I gave the dogs one last pat and stood, turning toward the entry to the kitchen so I could watch her walk in.
She did not disappoint.
“I saw the perfect house today, and … get this … I can’t buy it because I’m single. What is this, the fifties? How can it possibly be legal to say I’m not fit to buy a house because I don’t have a husband or kids? I’m so mad I could scream.”
I bit back a grin as I watched her.
Her cheeks were flushed, her green eyes sparkling with temper, and her fists were clenched at her sides.
She looked ready to take on the world, and I had no doubt she could do it.
She was magnificent.
“What? You’re buying a house?” Laurel asked, rushing over to her best friend and putting a soothing arm over her shoulder.
“I just found out today. I was going to tell you, but figured Jazzy would fill us both in when she came over,” Dillon told his wife as he handed me a beer.
“Thanks,” I said, my eyes never leaving Jasmine, so I watched as her head swung my way and her vision cleared.
“Oh, Shane, I didn’t know you were here,” she said, and just like that the fire had been extinguished. “Sorry about my entrance.”
“No worries,” I assured her with a grin. “Sounds like you had a bad day.”
“Is that really what they said, that you couldn’t buy a house because you’re single?” Laurel asked.
“Yes, can you believe it? What kind of archaic stipulation is that?” Jazzy asked, letting out a puff of breath. “I stopped by Reardon’s office on the way here, hoping he could help me, and guess what?”
“He helped the owner write the stipulation…” Dillon guessed.
“Yup,” Jasmine said with a sneer. “Freakin’ Ass. Of course, he made it ironclad, too.”
“And, he said it’s legal to only offer the house to heterosexual couples? That doesn’t seem right,” Laurel said with a frown, her arm tightening around Jasmine.
“No, not just heterosexual couples. They can be anyone as long as they’re in a legal, committed relationship. The owner, Imogene, originally bought the house with her fiancé, but never ended up getting married or having kids, so she had no one to leave it to. She wants to make sure the house goes to a family, and, hopefully, stays in that family for generations to come.”
“But, even if it did go to a couple, or family, there’s no way to know if the family would keep the home forever,” I said, thinking the whole thing sounded batty.
“Yeah, I said the same thing to Rear. He said, no, of course she couldn’t know that, or have any control over it, but she could control at least the possibility it could happen. And, since she ended up alone, she didn’t want to take the chance on someone else who wasn’t already in a committed relationship.”
“That’s terrible, I’m so sorry. It’s obvious you really wanted the house, but if Reardon says it’s ironclad, then it is,” Dillon said, causing his sister to frown at him. “Sorry, Jazz, but I’m sure you’ll find something else just as great.”
Jasmine pouted prettily, and I couldn’t help but wish I could take her into my arms and comfort her myself.
Instead, I joked, “I’d be happy to step up to the plate and marry you so you get the house of your dreams.”
Jasmine rolled her eyes and looked to her brother.
“Can I get one of those?” she asked, nodding at the beer in my hand.
“You got it,” he said.
Before he could turn, Jasmine shot me a smirk, then added, “Oh, and last night, Shane offered to give Laurel back rubs whenever she wants.”
Laurel looked at me, her face lighting up.
“Really? That sounds great. My lower back hurts all the time.”
“Absolutely, why don’t you go grab some oil and lay on the couch,” I offered, not bothering to fight back a grin.
I didn’t have to turn to know Dillon was glaring at me; I could feel the heat of his stare on the back of my head.
“You go anywhere near my wife with oil, or anything else, and you’re a dead man.”
“Sorry, sweets,” I told Laurel with a shrug, “Guess your man will need to step up and take care a you himself.”
“I’ll hold him to it.”