I took a deep breath and let serenity set in.
I loved coming to camp. I always had.
When we were younger, our parents sent us to camp together every summer. I’d always looked forward to it all year, and can’t think of even one bad trip.
Being outdoors, hanging out with my brother and my cousins, and living every day to the fullest. It was a kid’s dream.
When we were all grown up and Gabe retired from the NFL, he’d told us about his idea to open Camp Gabriel Lewis, and we’d all agreed it was a great idea. But, we had a stipulation … not that he needed to heed it … that every year we’d all take a week off and go to camp.
Just like we had as kids.
Gabe had agreed and we’d started the tradition.
The past couple of years, work, new babies, and weddings had gotten in the way, and as I stood at the entrance, taking in the lush green trees, the sun sparkling off the lake, and the view of the cabins I knew so well, I realized how much I missed it.
“I’m never missing another year,” I whispered, making a promise to myself.
“It’s even nicer than I’d imagined,” Shane said, coming to stand next to me, his duffel hanging from his hand.
I looked up to see him gazing out over the camp. When he took a deep breath, I grinned.
“There’s nothing like it,” I told him. “Come on, let’s go see who’s here and I’ll show you around.”
I’d sent Gabe a text last night to tell him I was bringing Shane along. I didn’t want to get into it over the phone, but I didn’t want to show up without letting him know either. I’d said we’d explain everything once we got here, but that we’d be sharing a cabin.
To be honest, sharing a cabin with Shane made me a little nervous.
I mean, the guy was hot. Like, Charlie Hunnam hot. Young Brad Pitt hot. Hemsworth hot.
We would be playing the part of a married couple for the foreseeable future, and this was a little like throwing ourselves straight into the flame.
There would be no separate bedrooms, or even separate beds. As a couple who supposedly went to Vegas for a weekend and were so in love got married on a whim, everyone would expect us to be affectionate. Handsy even. Like, disgustingly so.
Just like they had all been when they’d found each other.
I’d been unable to sleep all night after I’d texted Gabe and all of those realizations had started hitting me.
Shane had no such problem. He’d slept like a baby. Either the level of PDA we’d be displaying didn’t bother him, or he hadn’t thought much about it. Whatever the case, we were here and the show was about to begin.
“Are you ready?” I asked him as we walked up the path.
“You bet,” he replied, taking my hand in his.
The first cabin was Gabe’s, which was where everyone usually hung out. He had a nice big table in the backyard, which was where we always gathered for meals. Since it was lunchtime, I assumed that’s where we’d find everyone now.
As we moved along the side of the cabin toward the back, I no longer saw the trees or smelled the flowers blooming; all I could focus on was my hand in Shane’s.
His was larger than mine, but didn’t feel overpowering. It felt nice, like we were connected, a team, and although I’d never thought of hand holding as foreplay, I couldn’t deny that my pulse had quickened and I was aware of his heat and strength.
I liked it.
As we rounded the corner, we heard, “Hey!”
“There they are…”
“The couple of the hour.”
“Were your ears burning?”
“This I gotta hear…”
Gabe, Zoey, Rear, Chloe, Jed, and Rena were all sitting at the table. It was set up family style, with all the fixings for burgers, potato salad, baked beans, garden salad, and condiments running down the center of the table.
Everyone was looking at us, and Reardon was the only person who remained silent.
“Afternoon, everyone,” Shane said with his signature grin. Then, he put his arm around my shoulder and tucked me into his side. “I believe you’ve met my wife…”
A couple of them cheered and both Gabe and Jed got up and crossed to us.
“This is crazy,” Gabe said, giving me a kiss on the cheek before turning to Shane. “Congratulations, brother, welcome to the family.”
“I’m so happy for you,” Jed agreed, clapping Shane on the shoulder and adding, “But I’m gonna need full details later … with a six pack.”
“You got it,” Shane replied with a happy smile.
Zoey and Chloe, who were not only cousins-in-law, but sister, each came up to give me a hug, which forced Shane to remove his arm.
I tried not to admit that I felt the loss, as I accepted their congratulations.
“You sly fox, you’ve been holding out,” Chloe said, glancing at her husband, who was still sitting and watching it all unfold silently, and giving him a questioning look.
“Holy Toledo, I didn’t even know you guys were dating!” Zoey exclaimed. “But, now that I see you two together, I really dig it.”
“Thanks, it was pretty sudden,” I said, sticking to our cover story. “I’ll admit we got a little swept up, but I’m really happy.”
“Well, I concur with my man,” my cousin, Serena, said as she approached. “I’m calling an official women only chat tonight. I’ll bring the wine. You’ve got some explaining to do, Jazzy.”