The week had been exhausting so far and working opposite schedules as Shane, when we had Daisy and Loki, made getting any kind of sleep impossible.
The puppy was just as mischievous as his namesake and didn’t get the concept of bedtime, at least not at three in the morning. I swear, every time I started to doze, one or both of our new babies did their best to keep me up.
Shane wasn’t faring any better on the day shift.
I knew logically animals were completely different than human babies, but if the last couple of sleepless nights were any indication, I definitely wanted the father of my children to work the same shift as me so we could at least take turns getting some sleep.
Jazzy with no sleep was not a happy woman.
Dillon had started complaining about my grumpiness at work, but I told him to just wait until his baby was born and then come talk to me about being sleep-deprived.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the only thing putting me in a bad mood.
I found myself missing Shane like we’d been together for years rather than weeks. I missed his teasing, good humor, easy-going personality, and … dammit … I missed the sex. And, the kissing.
Gah, every time he kissed my nose I wanted to throw him down and give him the business. And, by the business, I meant I wanted to ride his dick.
I know, how very uncivilized, but now that I knew what I was missing, I wanted to go back to that day at camp and agree to continuing the pursuit of an actual relationship … er, marriage … with Shane.
Unfortunately, I was just as stubborn as everyone accused me of being, and I hated to admit I was wrong. So, for now, I was walking around tired, frustrated, and angry. I was basically a nightmare.
Plus, I had PMS, so … yeah, fuck everyone.
This was why I walked into the house an hour earlier than usual, and, much to Shane’s detriment, he hadn’t left for work yet.
He smelled and looked amazing, which only fueled my fire.
“Hey, Jazzy, you’re home early,” he said, looking up from the floor, where he was sitting cross-legged with Daisy and Loki’s heads in his lap.
His hair was wet from the shower, and his blue eyes sparkled with delight.
What an asshole.
“Don’t you look handsome,” I began, and his brow furrowed at my tone.
Yeah, that’s right, buddy, I’m about to cloud up and rain all over you.
“Mmmm, thanks?” he asked, warily.
“Smell good, too,” I accused. “Becs working tonight?”
“Ah, I’m not sure, I think so … Are you okay?”
I threw my hands up in the air.
Yes, it occurred to me that I was being totally irrational, but I had to take my anger out on somebody, so why not the blond Adonis looking all adorable with the goat and puppy?
“Am I okay? I don’t know, Shane, am I?” I started pacing, and all three sets of eyes followed my every move.
Even Daisy looked scared.
“I haven’t gotten any sleep in three days, I’ve stepped in pee and dog poop more times than I care to remember, and my hottie husband is the talk of the town.”
“I haven’t done anything wro…”
I held up my hand to stop him right there.
“Remember before, when we talked about that behind-the-scenes look at women? Sorry to say, buddy, but this is it,” I told him. “Some months, a few days before my period, I get angry. I mean, everything pisses me off. Now, usually on those days, when I realize what’s causing my frustrations, I settle in for the night with lots of chocolate, some good wine, and either a comedy or tear-jerker, depending on the severity of my mood.”
“Why would you want to make yourself cry?” Shane asked, like a moron.
I ignored him and kept talking.
“That’s what I was coming home to do tonight. Of course, I have the delightful addition of the peeing, pooping, and nonsleeping puppy, but I figured his cuteness would even it all out. What I did not need was to see you all gussied up to go work at the bar where everyone with a vagina, and some with penises, are trolling to get in your pants.”
Shane shifted Loki off his lap and stood.
We stared at each other for a few seconds.
“Should I say something now, or will that just piss you off?” he asked cautiously.
“If you must,” I said, and that time, I felt the bitchiness of my words. That usually meant the mood was easing up a bit.
When you were so bitchy that you didn’t want to be around yourself, you knew wine, chocolate, and a good cry were in order.
Looks like Steel Magnolias is on the agenda for tonight.
“I know it’s been tough with the animals and I’m sorry I’m gone at night and you can’t sleep. I’ve been thinking it’s time for me to look for something else, something with better hours so we’re not always at odds,” Shane said softly, hesitantly, like he was talking to a wild animal. Which, I guess he kind of is. “Also, I’ve already promised you that as your husband, I’m in this with you one hundred percent. There are no other women as far as I’m concerned. Becs is now, and has always been, just a friend and co-worker. I promise you that.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” I said, my eyes beginning to fill as the fight left me.
His face was so gentle and understanding. He didn’t seem at all upset that I’d come in like a battering ram.
“Tomorrow night I’m off. What do ya say I take you out for a nice dinner and we can talk?” Shane asked, his eyes searching my face. “There’s some stuff we need to work out, I think.”
“What about the demon pets?” I joked, smiling slightly for the first time all day.
“We’ll get a sitter.”
“Okay. You’re good?” he asked, moving closer and brushing a tear off my cheek.
“Yup. All better,” I said, taking a deep breath and letting it out. I looked at the clock and added, “I know you need to get going.”
He lifted his chin in agreement. “I’ll call The Eaves for a reservation and see if I can drop the kids off at Jed’s.”
“Sounds perfect.”
“Hey, Jazz,” he prodded softly, his tone sweet.
“I can handle it, yeah?”
“What?” I asked.
“Anything you throw at me,” he said, and kissed my nose gently before leaving.
Shane was going to be the death of me.