
Dinner had been good.

We’d hashed out the finance stuff, which was important to me, and delved a little deeper into Jasmine’s worries about taking our relationship to the next level.

I wasn’t the type to force myself on anyone.

I’d laid out my feelings on the matter, twice, and both times she’d relayed her concerns. Bottom line, I had to respect her decision and keep to the original plan. The only problem was, I no longer knew if I could.

Spending this time with Jasmine, getting to know her on a deeper level, knowing how good we were together, just pushed me closer and closer to the edge.

Sex between us was fire. Pure magic. By far the best I’d ever had, not that I’d had that many. But, I’d had enough to know we were special and women like Jasmine Lewis didn’t come around every day.

She’s dangerous. Too dangerous for a bloke like me.

I’d been fending for myself for so long and the thought of having a family of my own was so sweet I could practically taste sugar on my lips.

I wanted everything, but I wanted Jasmine to want everything too, and I wouldn’t force her to get there.

We were on our way to Gabe’s and Zoey’s, all decked out in our Sunday best because we were pretty certain we were walking into a huge celebration with us as the guests of honor. Jasmine had decided on a pretty white summer dress and I was wearing black.

“You ready?” I asked when we pulled up to the equivalent to a parking lot full of cars.

Jasmine let out a breath and dipped her head.

“I’m going to feel so guilty if they all brought presents.”

“You know they did,” I warned her. “So, you may as well wrap your head around it now and put on your happy face. You’re a young, happy newlywed about to walk into a party in our honor. They’re going to expect joy and excitement because that’s what they’re feeling. You’ve got this.”

She nodded, but her eyes were sad when she looked at me.

“I didn’t think it through this far. I saw a way for you and I to both get what we wanted, and I didn’t take everyone else’s feelings into consideration.”

“Hey,” I said softly, reaching out to caress her exposed neck. “They love you, no matter what, and you don’t need to feel guilty for going after what you want. It’s one of your best qualities. You’re driven, a fighter. Your plan worked. Now, go in there with your head high and we’ll dance the night away.”

“Okay, let’s do this.”

“That’s my girl,” I said fondly, getting out of the car and going around to open her door.

“Hey, guys,” Zoey called, coming toward us, her face full of excitement. She paused when she took in our clothes and put her hands on her hips. “You already guessed.”

“Even if we hadn’t the cars would’ve given it away,” Jasmine said with a laugh, moving to wrap her arms around Zoey.

“I guess that’s true,” Zoey said, her frown clearing as she said, “But, you didn’t know it’s a barn dance in your honor. Happy Wedding Reception!”

“Thanks, Zoey, although, you shouldn’t have,” I said, shifting to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“We wanted to,” she replied moving her hips so her skirt swung around her ankles. “Let’s go!”

We let Zoey lead us to the barn. And as we walked up, we could see strings of lights hanging inside and outside, and a large flower wreath above the door. Once in the threshold, we were greeted by what had to be all of Cherry Springs.

While they all clapped and whistled at our entrance, I leaned down and whispered in Jazzy’s ear, “Is the whole town closed?”

She smiled up at me, her eyes bright and happy.

“It’s how we roll, you know that.”

I guess I did, but I’d never been on the receiving end before. It was pretty overwhelming.

“Shane and Jasmine,” Gabe said into a microphone.

I surveyed the barn, which was full of white tablecloths, flowers, and people, and found him standing on a small stage in the back of the barn.

“Come on down,” he continued with a grin.

We walked through the crowd, our progress slow since we were shaking hands and thanking people as weaved through tables.

When we got to the stage, Gabe helped Jazzy up and pulled me in for a one-armed hug.

“We are here to celebrate the nuptials of our dear Jasmine and my mate, Shane,” Gabe said proudly, turning back to the gathering crowd. “Zoey and I are so happy to have you all here today, and hope you’ll eat all of the food and drink all the booze before it’s said and done … no leftovers! But seriously, since we couldn’t be to their wedding, we wanted to open our home and share this momentous occasion with all of you. And to kick it off … Shane, we’re gonna need you to kiss the bride.”

Everyone stared clinking their glasses, so I looked at Gabe and said, “You got it, mate.”

When I turned to Jasmine, she was already waiting, head tilted up for a kiss. She was probably expecting a perfunctory peck, but, seeing as this was a party and all eyes were on us, I knew I had to make it good.

I put my hand on her neck, careful not to mess up her special hair-do.

That was one thing I learned during behind-the-scenes time – when Jasmine spent over an hour to get her hair just so, she didn’t want it messed up. I’d learned that one the hard way and nearly got my ass kicked.

Turning my head slightly, I shot a wink to the crowd, grinning madly when they let out a cheer, then turned my attention back to Jazzy and began to dip her slow and low.

I could see the laughter in her eyes, which only meant the kiss would be that much sweeter.

Taking my time, I lowered my head until my lips were a breath away, then tilted my head slightly and went in for the kill. Her lips parted beneath mine, so I deepened the kiss and our tongues tangled as her hands gripped my biceps.

She needn’t worry, there was no way I’d drop her. She was exactly where I wanted her to be.