absolute power, of electoral
majority, 32
abstract labour, 68
crisis of, 58
logic of, 131
accumulation drive, 71–2
acquis communautaire, 88
advanced liberalism, 2
Agamben, Giorgio, xxvii
alternative imaginary, 65
‘America First’ slogan, xvi–xvii
about, 29–30
demarchy, 36–9
ordo-liberal idea of economic constitution, 39–47
‘popular sovereignty’, 31–3
pre-eminence of private law over government and state, 33–6
appropriation of nature, 61–4
archè, 38
Arendt, Hannah, 162
Aristophanes, 10
Aristotle, 13n10, 111–2, 169–70
austerity policies, 112–3
banks, osmosis of, 139–43
Barnier, Michel, 142
Barre, Raymond, 147
Becker, Gary, 68n27
becoming-global of capital, 60
Bercy, 140
Billeter, Jean-François, 60n15
biodiversity compensation, 63
Böhm, Franz, 45
Boone, Laurence, 147n43
Brecht, Bertolt, 103
Brown, Wendy, xix, 13n10, 27, 59
Brussels bureaucracy, 88
budget, as a disciplinary tool, 91–5
business competitiveness, 135–6
cahiers de doléances (list of grievances), 156
becoming-global of, 60
labour broken down into income and, 69–70
logic of, xii
welfare of, 115
Capital (Marx), 71n30
Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 57–8
centrality, strategy of, 160–1
Charlemagne, 77–8
Chomsky, Noam, 145
Churchill, Winston, 20
citizenship, entrepreneurship as a form of, 66
Ciudadanos, 160–1
Civil War government, xxi–xxiii
classical liberalism, 78–9
cognitive division of labour, 51
Colau, Ada, 161
collective enrichment, 78–9
common good, 117
between capitals, 25–6
disciplinary system of, 50–4
between financial actors, 113n28
forms of, 51
policies of, 18
rules of, 82
competitiveness, struggle for, 94
Competitiveness Act, 62
comprehensive normative framework, xxix, 26–7
conditionality, of the loan, 116
Condorcet, Marquis de, 158
confidence, restoration of, 114
conspicuous abuse, 162
Constitution of liberty, 36
constitutional court, 36–7
constitutional preference, 44
Constitutional Treaty (2005), 97
consumer choice, principle of, 52n5
consumer sovereignty, 44–5
consumers, producers compared with, 44
consumption, democracy of, 45
corporate power, age of, 134–8
counter-power, 145
courageous policies, 19
creditors, sovereign power of, 111–5
criminal law, 34–6
Crimp, Martin, 73–4
of accumulation, 58
of the euro, 94
governing by, 9–27
of governmentality, 58
of liberal democracy, xvii–xix
as a method of government, 17–23
as a mode of government, xii–xiv
self-aggravation of, 17
as a weapon of war, 23–7
Crouch, Colin, 52
The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism, 15
currency, as a disciplinary tool, 91–5
de Galhau, François Villeroy, 147
about, 99
as a government tool, 100–3
new conception of sovereignty, 103–7
political war, 109–11
societies enslaved to, 115–21
sovereign power of creditors, 111–5
debtocracy, 111–5
Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789), 2
de-democratization, 27
Delors Report, 93
demarchy, 36–9
acceleration in the exit from, 1
Aristotle on, 13n10
of consumption, 45
crisis of liberal, xvii–xix
demarchy compared with, 37–8
entrepreneurial, 67–8
as experimenting with the Commons, 149–70
liberal-social, xix
mass, 31
oligarchy against, 10–4
recourse to the law against, xxvi–xxix
threatening of, 11
totalitarian, 33
war on, 104
democratic bloc, strategy of the, 159–70
democratic coalitions, 169
demokratia, 13–14
Dijsselbloem, Jeroen, 107n15, 118
direct government, 106
disciplining, 23
division of labour, 51
Draghi, Mario, 90n26, 95n32, 138
Drexl, Josef, 82
economic constitution, 39–47
economic expertise, 143–6
economic growth, growing inequalities and, 18
economy, financialization of the, 11
ecosystemic services, 63–4
Ekasteria, 12–13
Ekklesia, 12–13
El Khomri ‘labour law’, 3–4n4
electoral majority, absolute power of, 32
empire of law, 87
The End of Laissez-Faire (Keynes), 14–15
entrepreneurial democracy, 67–8
entrepreneurial imaginary, 64–5
entrepreneurial power, 134–5
entrepreneurship, as a form of citizenship, 66
environmental dumping, 134
EPP (European People’s Party), 96–7
Eurocracy, 88
Eurogroup, 103–4, 107n15, 109, 110–1
European Central Bank, 93–5, 95n32
European Community, 76, 82, 85
European Constitutional Treaty, 145
European governance, 89–90
European market, 78
European People’s Party (EPP), 96–7
European Project, 76–80
European Social Charter, 118
European Union
about, 75–6
construction of the mega market, 81–6
European Project, 76–80
expertocratic governance of the, 86–91
socialness of, 95–8
Europeanism, 168n32
executive power, 42
expertocracy, experience of the Commons against, 155–8
Extreme Right, 151
about, xiv–xvii
neoliberal, xvi
Fassin, Éric, 159
Federal Constitutional Court, 42–3
Fernández-Savater, Amador, 163–4
financial capitalism (M-M'), 70
financial crisis of 2008, 15–16, 144
of the economy, 11
neoliberal, 71
Foucault, Michel, xiv, 38–9, 55–6, 59n13, 81
The Birth of Biopolitics, 78
framework policy, 81
Franco-German alliance, 84
Franks, 77–8
full-fledged neoliberal actor, 155
full-fledged political actors, 134–5
fundamental law, 43
fundamentally oligarchic institutions, 162
Galbraith, James, 14n11
Giraud, Gaël, 101
Giroux, Henry, xvi
global financial system, 16–17
of markets, 50–1
ultra-liberal, 153
globalization game, 135
governance, European, 89–90
Civil War, xxi–xxiii
crisis as a method of, 17–23
crisis as a mode of, xii–xiv
direct, 106
pre-eminence of private law over, 33–6
through crisis, xii–xiv
government debt, 21
governmental assembly, 36–7
governmentality, crisis of, 58
great regression, 150
Greece, 99–121
Harcourt, Bernard E., xxii, xxvii
Hardt, Michael, 159
Hayek, Friedrich, xv, xxvii, 31–3, 34–5, 36, 37, 38–9, 45, 83n13
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 10
Hollande, François, 146–7, 150n3
Host, Michel, 9n1
human capital, 68, 69–70, 72–3, 116
Iglesias, Pablo, 161n22
In the Republic of Happiness (play), 73–4
income, labour broken down into capital and, 69–70
individual liberties, 154
between European citizens, 88n21
growing, 18
rise of, 16
innovation, as a form of competition, 51
institutional application, 59–60
inter alia, 22–3
internal devaluation, 117
iron system, 121
Islam, neoliberalism and, 4
Jospin, Lionel, 124n2
judicial dumping, 22
Juncker, Jean-Claude, 104
jury theorem, 158
Keynes, John Maynard, 14–15, 123
Keynesian pact, 112–3
Klein, Naomi, 24
Krugman, Paul, 58n11, 100, 112–3, 144
Kuttner, Robert, xvii
abstract, 68
activity of, 68–9
broken down into capital and income, 69–70
labour-power, 69–70
Laclau, Ernesto, 160
Lagarde, Christine, 67
empire of, 87
of the infinite, 60n15
laws of capital, neoliberal system and, 55–60
laws of nature, 39n17
Le Barzic, Marie-Vorgan, 66
Lebaron, Frédéric, 92
Left, 25, 96–7, 129, 146–8, 150–5, 159, 160–1
legislative assembly, 36–7
legislative power, 33
classical, 78–9
compared with neoliberalism, 2–3
free trade and markets promoted under, 2n1
liberal-social democracy, xix, xxii
liberty, security and, 2n1
limitlessness, as a regime of subjectivity, 64–74
Lindbergh, Charles, xvii
Lippmann, Walter, 32
Lippmann Colloquium, 33
Lisbon Treaty, 88
loans for reforms, 108
Locke, John, 32–3
logic of accumulation, 131
logic of capital, xii
Maastricht Treaty, 92, 94n31, 167
Macron, Emmanuel, xv, xxiii–xxvi, xxviii, 147, 147n43
Mamou, Yves, 139–40
managerial Bonapartism, xxvi
Mansholt Plan, 81
Marine Le Pen, xxiv
market confidence, 113
market globalization, 50–1
market-makers, 86
Marx, Karl, 22, 24–5, 51n3, 68, 71–2, 130–1
Capital, 71n30
mass democracy, 31
mega market, construction of the, 81–6
Mélenchon, Jean-Luc, 39n17
mixed mechanism of governance, 87
M-M' (financial capitalism), 70
monetary arbitrariness, 41
Monnet, Jan, 84
Monti, François, 90n26
Morin, François, 137–8
Moscovici, Pierre, 142
Müller-Armack, Alfred, 45
National Revolution, 84
nationalist rage, 6
national-popular, 155n10
appropriation of, 61–4
laws of, 39n17
Negri, Antonio, 159
neofascism, victory of, 5
neoliberal domination, 127–30
neoliberal fascism, xvi
neoliberal financialization, 71
neoliberal governance, 14
neoliberal oligarchic bloc
about, 123–4
age of corporate power, 134–8
agents of radicalization, 124–7
economic expertise, 143–6
mediatic shaping of reality, 143–6
neoliberal domination, 127–30
oligarchic bloc, 146–8
osmosis of banks and senior civil servants, 139–43
professional politics, 127–30
right-wing Left, 146–8
systemic corruption, 130–4
neoliberal system, laws of capital and, 55–60
free trade and markets promoted under, 2n1
Islam and, 4
liberalism compared with, 2–3
of Macron, xxiii–xxvi
metamorphosis of, xiii
new, xx–xxi
radicalization of, 14–17
systemic character of, 4–5
neoliberalization, of societies, 6–7
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 6
nomocracy, 37
NUMA, 66
Obama, Barack, 61
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), 116–7
oligarchic bloc, 146–8
oligarchies, 10–14, 125, 130–1
one-party system, 5
one-political-rationality system, 5
Orbán, Viktor, xxiv
ordering policy, 39
Ordnungspolitik, 39
ordo-liberal idea, of economic constitution, 39–47
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 116–7
originating accord, 158
Papadermos, Lucas, 104–5
Papandreou, George, 104–5
party, 12n6
Party of European Socialists (PES), 96–7
path dependence, 53
Paxton, Robert, xvi
Pébereau, Michel, 140–1
pensée unique, 147
PES (Party of European Socialists), 96–7
Peyrefitte, Alain, 2
PIIGS, 102
Piketty, Thomas
Capital in the Twenty-First Century, 57–8
Pinçon, Michel, 128n7
Pinçon-Charlot, Monique, 128n7
pleasure drive, 71–2
Plutus, 9–10
Podemos, 127–8, 160, 161, 163, 164
polis, 12
politeia, 158
political role, of mainstream economic expertise, 143
political war, 109–11
politico-institutional system, 29
politics, professional, 127–30
pooling of experience, 158
popular sovereignty, xx, 31–3, 154
populist style, xxiv–xxv
power, components of, 125–6
price, as a form of competition, 51
principle of the commons, 157
private law
constitutionalization of, 36–9
pre-eminence over government and state of, 33–6
producers, consumers compared with, 44
professional politics, 127–30
property law, 36
public cover, 143
public slaves (demosioi), 157
quantitative easing, 17n14
rabies nationalis, 6
agents of, 124–7
of neoliberalism, 14–17
Ranciére, Jacques, 154–5
ratings agencies, 20–1
reactions, 152
Reaganites’ governmental doctrine, 14n11
reality, mediatic shaping of, 143–6
Rechsstaat, xxvii, xxviii, 6, 6n6, 35, 82, 154
regalian rights, 41
regulatory dumping, 22
Réponses à la violence (Peyrefitte), 2
representative democracy, 33, 38
restoration of confidence, 114
right to dumping, 134
right-wing Left, 146–8
risk society, 23
Roosevelt, Franklin D., xvii
Roth, Philip, xvii
Rougier, Louis, 33
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 2–3, 37
Royer-Collard, Pierre Paul, 46
Rueff, Jacques, 83–4
rules capital, 21n17
rules of competition, 82
ruling capital, 21n17
Salvini, Matteo, xxiv
Sarkozy, Nicolas, xxv, xxviii, 67, 105, 147
Schäuble, Wolfgang, 90n26, 109, 119
Schulz, Theodor W., 68n27
Schuman, Robert, 84
Schumpeter, Joseph, 51n3
liberty and, 2n1
as the number one freedom, 2
Security and Liberty law (1981), 2
seisachtheia, 111–2
self-aggravation, of crisis, 17
self-enterprise, 70–1
self-entrepreneur, 67
self-valorization (S-S'), 70
senior civil servants, osmosis of, 139–43
separation of powers, 35
shock doctrine, 24
Smith, Adam, 78
social democracy, 25, 31, 150, 151
social democrats, 97
social justice, 151
social market economy, 82
social reality, 24
social-democratic Left, 25
societies, accelerated
neoliberalization of, 6–7
sovereign debt crisis, 101–2, 142
sovereign debts, 21
defined, 46
new conception of, 103–7
popular, 154
S-S' (self-valorization), 70
stasis, 12
as cause of bank failures, 19
pre-eminence of private law over, 33–6
state securitarianism, 2
statism, 155
Stiglitz, Joseph, 14–15
The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism (Crouch), 15
structural adjustment programmes, 54
subjectivity, limitlessness as a regime of, 64–74
Supiot, Alain, 153
supreme authority, 36
supreme power, 33
surplus, 22
sustainability, of the debt, 116
symbolic formatting, 59–60
Syriza. See Greece
systemic corruption, 130–4
Taylorist division of labour, 51
Temer, Michel, xxi
terra nullius, 61, 61n17, 62–3
totalitarian democracy, 33
Toussaint, Éric, 101n3
Treaty of Rome (1957), 82, 167
Treaty of Westphalia (1648), 78
Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance (TSCG) (2012), 93
Trichet, Jean-Claude, 105–6
Trudeau, Justin, xxiv
Trump, Donald, xxiv
Trumpism, xiv–xvii
TSCG (Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance) (2012), 93
Tsipras, Alexis, 166
uberization, 152
ultra-liberal globalization, 153
ultra-liberalism, 153
valorization, 64
value, accumulation of, 22
Varoufakis, Yanis, 76, 90n25, 97–8, 103, 107n15, 109, 118
Vichy, 84
war on democracy, 104
Ward-Perkins, Bryan, 77–8
weapons of political war, 118
Weidmann, Jens, 106n14
welfare of capital, 115
welfare state, 132
Winshaw, Henry, 19–20n16
workplace collectives, xix
xenophobia, 16
zero taxes, 21