
Acton, John Emerich Dalberg, Lord, xiii, 104, 108 and n.

American revolution, the, 13, 734, 78

Armitage, David, 65n.

Austin, John, 98 and n.

Bacon, Francis, 11, 94

Bailyn, Bernard, 13n.

Baldwin, Tom, 114n.

Baron, Hans, 10n.

Beacon, Richard, 11

Bentham, Jeremy, 82, 83n., 98 and n.

Berlin, Isaiah, 28n., 60n., 11315, 116.

Blackstone, William, 97 and n.

body politic, the, 245

enslavement of, 4753

liberty of, 256, 368, 68.

will of, 257, 289

Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount, 12, 72

Bramhall, John, 6 and n., 9

Brett, Annabel S., 8n.

Burrow, J. W., xn., 95n., 111 n.

Butterfield, Herbert, 104, 105

Charles I, 1, 2, 13, 56

alleged tyranny of, 479, 51, 756

Charles II, 16, 90, 103

Chartist movement, ix and n.

Charvet, John, 20n.

civil society, 17 and n.


of natural bodies, 689, 989, 11315, 119

political bodies, 479, 68

Collingwood, R. G., 102 and n.

Collinson, Patrick, xiiixiv, 11 and n., 44n., 108n.

consent, 27 and n., 289

Constant, Benjamin, 60n., 117n.

Corns, Thomas N., 14n., 76n.

corruption, 33n., 90, 913, 94

courtiers, 56, 8993, 96

Cromwell, Oliver, 15, 16, 65

Davidson, Donald, 117n.


and natural bodies, 6977, 8493, 119

political bodies, 456, 4953

Digest, the, of Roman Law, 5n., 6n., 38

on slavery, 3941

Digges, Dudley, 6 and n., 9

Dunn, John, 27n., 103n.

Elton, G. R., xiiixiv, 3n., 106

Filmer, Robert, 6 and n., 9, 10, 60

Foucault, Michel, 112n.

freedom, see under free states, liberty

free states,

and civil liberty, 60, 6677

constitutions of, 268, 306

England as example, 13, 23n.

and glory, 615

idea of, 236

Livy on, 446

theorists of, 1016

glory, as goal of states, 612, 635, 89

Hall, John, 14 and n.

civil rights, 20

enslaved states, 37

monarchy, 55

personal servitude, 71

republics, 57

Hampden, John, 69

Harrington, James, 15 and n., 19

body politic, 24, 29

civil liberty, 667, 767, 85

civil society, 17n.

consent, 28

free states, 23, 46, 63

gentlemen, 95

law, 75

Machiavelli, 47

personal servitude, 86, 91

representation, 345

Sallust, 63

Hayward, John, 3n.

Hobbes, Thomas,

free states, 1011, 5960, 68, 77, 85

law and liberty, 6, 910

liberty of subjects, 610, 7980, 97n.

the state, 45

Houston, Alan, 20n., 37n., 46n.

Hunton, Philip, 3 and n.

independence, 46, 4950, 956

Independence, Declaration of, 50

Jefferson, Thomas, 20n.

Jonson, Ben, 12

Laslett, Peter, 103


and civil liberty, 57, 33n., 83n.

in free states, 445

liberty, civil,

in free states, 234, 60, 6677

Hobbesian view of, 510, 5960

liberal view of, x, 7784, 979, 11216

neo-roman view of, ixx, 1016

and rights, 1821

Livy, 10, 42n., 446, 55, 94n.

Locke, John, 21, 27n., 55n., 103

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord, 478

MacCallum, Gerald C., Jr., 85n.

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 10 and n., 11, 467, 634

civil liberty, 61, 66

enslaved states, 37 and n., 38

free states, 10, 26 and n., 37n.

glory, 63

rights, 18 and n.

self-government, 545

Maitland, F. W., 110 and n., 111

Marx, Karl, xn.

Maxwell, John, 2n.

Mill, John Stuart, ix.

Milton, John, 14, 16, 33n.

civil liberty, 19, 67

enslaved states, 378, 489, 513

federation, 31

free states, 23, 756

participation, 30

personal servitude, 734, 756

representation, 34

rights, 1920

royal veto, 513

tyranny, 69


and free states, 45, 537

tyranny, 479, 503

More, Thomas, 31, 889

Namier, L. B., 104

Nedham, Marchamont, 1314, 15 and n.

body politic, 24

civil liberty, 67

consent, 27

free states, 234, 27

glory, 634

participation, 30

personal servitude, 71

representation, 334

rights, 201

Neville, Henry, 12 and n., 16

body politic, 245

enslaved states, 53

Machiavelli, 47

mixed monarchy, 54 and n.

representation, 35

rights, 21

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 118

Osborne, Francis, 15 and n.

majorities, 29

monarchy, 557

personal servitude, 71

representation, 33

royal veto, 51

Paley, William, 78, 801, 81n., 82 and n., 84, 97

Parker, Henry, 12, 21n., 22n., 23n., 47n., 76n.

participation in government, 305

Pettit, Philip, xi, 22n., 37n., 70n., 74n., 78n., 82 and n.

Pitkin, Hanna Fenichel, 17n., 82n.

Plautus, 40 and n.

Pocock, J. G. A., 11n., 22n., 1045

prerogative, royal, 513, 6970, 723

Price, Richard, 1213, 26n., 50

Priestley, Joseph, 80n.

Pufendorf, Samuel, 4 and n.

Rahe, Paul A., 13n., 36n.

Rapin de Thoryas, Paul de, 48n., 73n.

Rawls, John, 79n.

representation, 12, 5, 325

republicanism, 22 and n., 23n., 557


civil, 18, 19n., 21, 668

natural, 1921

Rump Parliament, 33, 55, 65

Runciman, David, 110n.

Sallust, 42, 43 and n., 47, 612, 63, 645, 66

Scott, Jonathan, 35n., 86n.

security, 7981, 84, 979

Seneca, 42n., 43 and n.

Sidgwick, Henry, 989

Sidney, Algernon, 12 and n., 16

civil liberty, 67n., 87

consent, 28

courtiers, 903

democracy, 32

enslaved states, 38

free states, 23, 26

majorities, 29

participation, 30

personal servitude, 712, 867, 903

representation, 356

rights, 21

Sidney, Philip, 12


colonisation and, 4950, 59

monarchy and, 45, 537

of natural bodies, 6874, 756, 847, 8993

political bodies, 368, 456, 4751

Roman idea of, 3846


of king, 2

king-in-parliament, 23

people, 12, 21n.

state, 35, 109110


as artificial person, 25, 109

and civil liberty, 57

as sovereign, 2, 109

state of nature, 1920

Streater, John, 15

Sulla, Lucius, 64, 65

Tacitus, 43, 44 and n., 90 and n., 91, 92

Taylor, Charles, 114n.

Tuck, Richard, 9n., 22n.

Tully, James, 21n., 27n.

Viroli, Maurizio, l0n.

virtue, 23 and n., 32n., 33n., 74n.

Walpole, Robert, 12, 72

Warrender, Howard, 102n., 106n.

Williams, Griffith, 6

Wirszubski, C., 22n., 37n., 66n.

Wither, George, 14 and n., 94 and n.

Worden, Blair, 13n., 14n., 23n., 65n.