Acton, John Emerich Dalberg, Lord, xiii, 104, 108 and n.
American revolution, the, 13, 73–4, 78
Armitage, David, 65n.
Austin, John, 98 and n.
Bailyn, Bernard, 13n.
Baldwin, Tom, 114n.
Baron, Hans, 10n.
Beacon, Richard, 11
Bentham, Jeremy, 82, 83n., 98 and n.
Berlin, Isaiah, 28n., 60n., 113–15, 116.
Blackstone, William, 97 and n.
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount, 12, 72
Brett, Annabel S., 8n.
Burrow, J. W., xn., 95n., 111 n.
Butterfield, Herbert, 104, 105
alleged tyranny of, 47–9, 51, 75–6
Chartist movement, ix and n.
Charvet, John, 20n.
civil society, 17 and n.
of natural bodies, 68–9, 98–9, 113–15, 119
Collingwood, R. G., 102 and n.
Collinson, Patrick, xiii–xiv, 11 and n., 44n., 108n.
Constant, Benjamin, 60n., 117n.
corruption, 33n., 90, 91–3, 94
Davidson, Donald, 117n.
and natural bodies, 69–77, 84–93, 119
Digest, the, of Roman Law, 5n., 6n., 38
Elton, G. R., xiii–xiv, 3n., 106
Filmer, Robert, 6 and n., 9, 10, 60
Foucault, Michel, 112n.
freedom, see under free states, liberty
free states,
glory, as goal of states, 61–2, 63–5, 89
Hall, John, 14 and n.
civil rights, 20
enslaved states, 37
monarchy, 55
personal servitude, 71
republics, 57
Hampden, John, 69
Harrington, James, 15 and n., 19
civil society, 17n.
consent, 28
gentlemen, 95
law, 75
Machiavelli, 47
Sallust, 63
Hayward, John, 3n.
Hobbes, Thomas,
free states, 10–11, 59–60, 68, 77, 85
liberty of subjects, 6–10, 79–80, 97n.
Houston, Alan, 20n., 37n., 46n.
Hunton, Philip, 3 and n.
Independence, Declaration of, 50
Jefferson, Thomas, 20n.
Jonson, Ben, 12
Laslett, Peter, 103
and civil liberty, 5–7, 33n., 83n.
liberty, civil,
in free states, 23–4, 60, 66–77
Hobbesian view of, 5–10, 59–60
liberal view of, x, 77–84, 97–9, 112–16
neo-roman view of, ix–x, 10–16
Livy, 10, 42n., 44–6, 55, 94n.
Locke, John, 21, 27n., 55n., 103
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord, 47–8
MacCallum, Gerald C., Jr., 85n.
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 10 and n., 11, 46–7, 63–4
enslaved states, 37 and n., 38
free states, 10, 26 and n., 37n.
glory, 63
rights, 18 and n.
Maitland, F. W., 110 and n., 111
Marx, Karl, xn.
Maxwell, John, 2n.
Mill, John Stuart, ix.
enslaved states, 37–8, 48–9, 51–3
federation, 31
participation, 30
personal servitude, 73–4, 75–6
representation, 34
tyranny, 69
Namier, L. B., 104
Nedham, Marchamont, 13–14, 15 and n.
body politic, 24
civil liberty, 67
consent, 27
participation, 30
personal servitude, 71
enslaved states, 53
Machiavelli, 47
mixed monarchy, 54 and n.
representation, 35
rights, 21
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 118
Osborne, Francis, 15 and n.
majorities, 29
personal servitude, 71
representation, 33
royal veto, 51
Paley, William, 78, 80–1, 81n., 82 and n., 84, 97
Parker, Henry, 1–2, 21n., 22n., 23n., 47n., 76n.
participation in government, 30–5
Pettit, Philip, xi, 22n., 37n., 70n., 74n., 78n., 82 and n.
Pitkin, Hanna Fenichel, 17n., 82n.
Plautus, 40 and n.
Pocock, J. G. A., 11n., 22n., 104–5
prerogative, royal, 51–3, 69–70, 72–3
Price, Richard, 12–13, 26n., 50
Priestley, Joseph, 80n.
Pufendorf, Samuel, 4 and n.
Rapin de Thoryas, Paul de, 48n., 73n.
Rawls, John, 79n.
republicanism, 22 and n., 23n., 55–7
Runciman, David, 110n.
Sallust, 42, 43 and n., 47, 61–2, 63, 64–5, 66
Sidney, Algernon, 12 and n., 16
consent, 28
democracy, 32
enslaved states, 38
majorities, 29
participation, 30
personal servitude, 71–2, 86–7, 90–3
rights, 21
Sidney, Philip, 12
of natural bodies, 68–74, 75–6, 84–7, 89–93
political bodies, 36–8, 45–6, 47–51
of king, 2
as artificial person, 2–5, 109
Streater, John, 15
Tacitus, 43, 44 and n., 90 and n., 91, 92
Taylor, Charles, 114n.
Viroli, Maurizio, l0n.
virtue, 23 and n., 32n., 33n., 74n.
Warrender, Howard, 102n., 106n.
Williams, Griffith, 6
Wirszubski, C., 22n., 37n., 66n.