
• Thirty-Three •

“I’ve been in your bedroom, little doll. I’ve seen your things.”


Thatcher picked me up and moved me over to the built-in bench without a word. I sank down onto it. I had no strength left in my legs to stand. He didn’t say anything as he picked up the shampoo and squeezed some into his hand, then proceeded to wash my hair.

I closed my eyes as his strong hands massaged my scalp. He worked his hands down the strands, making sure he didn’t miss a spot, then reached for a handheld water sprayer and began to rinse it. I reached up and wiped the water from my face and looked up at him. He was getting the other bottle, which I assumed was the conditioner. His eyes shifted to mine as he put some into his palm.

Without saying a word, he began running his fingers through my locks, working the conditioner in as he got out the tangles. I blinked against the water as my eyes watched his lower stomach muscles move, then followed the trail of hair that led to his still semi-hard penis. Which had been inside me.

I dropped my eyes down to my thighs and opened them a little. The thick fluid that leaked from between them took a moment to register. When it did, my head snapped up to stare at Thatcher. There had been no condom. Of course there hadn’t. We’d gotten in the shower, naked. Why hadn’t that dawned on me?

Because I had lost my mind, and all I’d wanted was to be fucked by this man. He’d given me my wish, and it had been … spectacular. It had hurt at first. Bad. But then it had turned into something else. I’d have done anything he asked of me at that moment.

His eyes met mine. He’d rinsed my hair. Did he realize he’d been inside me without a condom? I took birth control daily because my periods were awful if I didn’t. But there was more than just pregnancy to worry about. How often did he get checked?

He’d been in another woman earlier today. I winced. God, I was so stupid. How did this man make me do such irresponsible things?

Thatcher took my hand and pulled me up.

“You came inside me?” I said, still not believing that I hadn’t thought about it.

He nodded.

I licked my lips, and he reached behind me and turned off the water.

“Stay in here where it’s warm, and I’ll get you a towel.”

That was all he was going to say? I had his cum leaking between my legs, and he was getting me a towel. I’d just had sex with a crazy man, and I’d known it when I let him touch me. I had basically begged him to. Once he put his hands on my body, I lost common sense.

He stepped out, and my eyes went to his muscular, round ass and the two dimples right above it on his lower back. He was a walking wet dream. Could I truly blame myself? Most girls didn’t get to lose their virginity to a man who looked like that one. Or fucked like him.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I was in trouble. I’d convinced myself my feelings for him weren’t real deep, and I’d almost believed it. But now that I’d had the man buried inside me, I knew better. What I felt went well beyond what it should. I was in dangerous territory. Instead of trying to figure out how to get out of here, I was trying to figure out how to keep Thatcher from getting in trouble. I wasn’t going to press charges, and I would lie and say I ran off with him if asked.

He stepped back inside with a large, fluffy white towel opened up and came over to me, wrapping me up in it. The towel was almost hot, as if it had been heated. I shivered into it, and he pulled me to him, holding me for a moment before placing a hand on my back and leading me out of the rain cave, which was what his shower reminded me of.

When I stepped out onto the rug, he picked up another towel and started drying my hair. He was not helping matters. I needed to be mad. He’d come inside of me. Gone without a condom. I could have some sexually transmitted disease! Had he considered that? He didn’t want to hurt me, but he sure hadn’t thought of my safety when he entered me bare.

“When were you tested last?” I asked him.

“Two weeks ago. I get tested monthly. But I’ll be tested again immediately.” He cupped the side of my face and looked at me. “You’re the first cunt I’ve taken raw.”

So … that meant without a condom?

His eyes traveled down to my lips. “I’ve never forgotten before.”

“Then, I should be fine?”

He nodded. “Yeah, you’re okay. I wouldn’t lie to you about that.”

“I’m on birth control.”

“I know.”

I tensed as he finished with my hair, and I grabbed the towel that he’d wrapped around me to turn and glare up at him. “How do you know?”

His lips curled up at the corners. “I’ve been in your bedroom, little doll. I’ve seen your things.”

I raised my eyebrows. “You’ve snooped, you mean?”

A deep chuckle came from his chest. “You get pissy, and I’ll spread those legs before your tender cunt is ready.”

I sucked in a breath and felt my nipples harden. Thank God the towel was hiding it.

He ran the back of his hand down my cheek and over my collarbone. “Getting flushed doesn’t help either.”


I spun around and stalked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom I’d woken up in earlier. The T-shirt I’d been wearing was gone, and I had nothing to put on. My grip on the towel tightened as I stood there, not sure what to do.

I felt him come up behind me. He ran a hand down my bare arm.

“Is it sore? Are you hurt?” The concern in his tone was gonna do me in.

I closed my eyes and inhaled through my nose. “No. I mean, I’m not hurt, but I can feel it.” The way he’d filled me and stretched me was still a nice ache between my legs.

He pulled my damp hair back away from my shoulders. “Lie down, and I’ll make it feel better.”

My entire body felt warm. He did that so easily. I shook my head, not sure I trusted my words.

He pressed his lips just below my ear. “You sure? I know it hurt. I can make it all better.”

“Thatcher.” I said his name more for myself than anything. I had to stop this. The more I was with him, the more difficult it would be in the end. “How long are we staying here? My parents are going to be worried. I don’t have my phone. They can’t get in touch with me.”

His hand gripped my waist and pulled me back against him. I could hear him breathing hard and fast in my ear.

“I’m keeping you.”

Keeping me?!

Remember, Capri, the sexy man who you lose your head over isn’t mentally stable. He says weird stuff that belongs on crime documentaries. This is not a romantic story taking place. He can’t do that.

“My parents will be worried,” I repeated.

He ran his tongue over the curve of my earlobe. “I’ll make sure they know you’re safe,” he said.


The towel around me was jerked away before I could react and grab it. My feet left the floor as he lifted me up and tossed me onto the bed. I scrambled back and looked at him as he crawled onto the bed, his eyes on me.

“Open your legs,” he demanded.

“Thatcher, I have concerns. I’m worried about my parents,” I argued as he moved toward me.

His sculpted, tanned body reminded me of a lion’s sauntered movements. God, I was already achy again. How was I supposed to stop my reaction to him?

“And I’m worried about your little abused cunt.”

The darkness behind his eyes should scare me. It did at first. But the more I experienced it, the more I welcomed it.

Giving in, I let my legs fall open.

“Fuck, that’s nice. All swollen and used,” he said in a hoarse whisper.

I squirmed. That hedonistic spark in his expression excited me. I watched him as he ran a finger along the entrance, and I hissed because it was more tender than I’d realized.

Lifting his finger, he brought it to my mouth. “Still a little of my cum left,” he told me, then ran it along my bottom lip.

I licked it off, tasting the saltiness.

“Mmmm, you already saw what happens when I’m pushed.”

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and waited. My clit was already tingling and anxious. I knew what was coming, and I wanted it. He’d given me a taste, and now, I was an addict.