I’d like to tell you a story first.
When I was young, and dreamed of being a published author, there was no Internet or Amazon or anything but bookstores and libraries. If you wanted to learn about the craft of writing, or how to get published, there was one important company that helped you do that.
Writer’s Digest.
They distributed Writer’s Digest magazine, and maintained a book club where you could order books on writing through the mail, or purchase them at local bookstores. I scraped my wages together and bought a subscription to both the magazine and book club. This is how I began to study writing craft. I went to the library to pour over Writer’s Market—which listed names of agents, editors, and publishers to submit your work. I learned how to write a query letter. I learned how to write a synopsis. It was my Bible.
When I was young, I dreamed about one day being published by Writer’s Digest Books. It was an item on my bucket list, kind of like hitting the best-seller list or being successful enough to write full time. I thought if Writer’s Digest Books ever wanted to publish me, I’d be a real writer. I’d be important. I’d have something worth saying, and a way to give back to the world of writing.
Thirty years later, this book is getting published.
Dreams do come true.
Thank you to Writer’s Digest Books for believing in this book.
Thank you to Cris Freese, my wonderful editor, who loved my voice, fine-tuned it to perfection, and made this book something truly special. It was a pleasure working with you.
Thank you to my agent, Kevan Lyon, who had as much passion for my first work of nonfiction as she does my romance novels. You worked tirelessly trying to find the right home for this book, and I couldn’t have done it without you.