
Chapter Three


Hillary pulled into a parking space in front of the coffee shop at 1:15 and turned off the engine. She wanted to be early so she didn’t give this man any reason not to hire her. Checking her purse for her lipstick, she looked in the rearview mirror to check her hair and makeup. She hadn’t put much on, but wanted to seem professional, and was afraid she was so nervous and naturally pale she might look like death warmed over without a little pink gloss on her lips. Her platinum blonde hair was up in a professional French braid, it was so long she often had it up. Satisfied everything was still in place, she took a deep breath and climbed out of the car. It was raining, part of the reason she wanted to arrive early in case of traffic. Dashing to the entrance, she stepped inside and looked to see if someone was waiting for her.

Not seeing anyone, she moved to the counter and ordered a green tea she liked fairly well. While they didn’t use loose leaf, it was still pretty good. After her drink arrived, she turned and almost ran into the most gorgeous man she had ever seen in her life. Openly staring at her, he had dark brown eyes, framed by long lashes, caramel skin paired with long, black hair that fell in waves below his ears, emphasizing a light five o’clock shadow. Well-muscled, he was taller than her own 5’ 9” height even wearing two-inch heels. She told herself she was in trouble. Not a woman to fall for tall, dark and handsome, she felt her heart go pitter patter for the first time in her life. This spells trouble, Hillary, if he’s your new boss.

“Hillary?” Disbelief filled his deep voice.

“Yes, Luke?” I’m in real trouble. She held out her hand, but he didn’t extend his own.

“You can’t be a teacher, you’re umm... a rich princess.”

A little less handsome now. Hillary felt herself getting angry, she knew she was dressed really well, Anne Klein business suit and nice black pumps, but this was an interview wasn’t it? It’s not like I don’t own t-shirts and blue jeans. “Yes, I’m a teacher. I got my BA from Kennesaw State in education and a Master’s with a focus on children with learning disabilities.”

Luke realized he was being rude but couldn’t get over the fact that this prim and proper young woman was looking to work for him and take care of three young, and very messy kids. On the phone she had sounded so down to earth, not a spoiled rich girl. He needed to get her out of here and fast. “Look princess, I don’t...”

Hillary didn’t even let him finish, “Look Mister...”

“Toledo, Luke Toledo.”

Hands on her hips, Hillary continued without missing a beat, “Mr. Toledo, you need a nanny and teacher for your kids and I need this job, today. I’m qualified for both and have a resume here to prove it.”

Pulling out her resume from a black Prada bag her mother gave her for Christmas, might should have left the bag at home, she thought as she saw his eyes widen at the brand name. She handed him a one-page summary of her work experience, before the disaster less than a week ago.

Taking the paper, he motioned for her to take a seat at one of the empty tables in the cafe. After she was seated, he flipped the chair closest to him around before he plopped down. Resting his arms on the back of the chair he read over her resume and tried to hide how impressed he was with her credentials. “Miss. Blake, I’m not saying you’re not qualified, but...”

“Do you have any other offers? Anyone who can start tomorrow morning and be with the kids for at least the next few months?”

Luke’s chestnut brown eyes blazed in panic as he frowned, I really do need someone today, right this minute. I’ve got to be at work by seven a.m. tomorrow. He was as desperate as she was so it seemed. Asking with a bit of a snarl, “You seem in an awful hurry to take this job.”

Fudging the truth as her mother would say, Hillary calmly replied, “My landlady gave me three days’ notice to be out by tonight for her daughter to move into my apartment and I understand this job comes with living arrangements. Plus, being a teacher, I have the summer off and can help get your nieces and nephew be ready by fall.” Lord, what will I do if he doesn’t want me to take this job?

Realizing she had given him a way out with this fall business, it meant it was only temporary and he was desperate. Reluctantly agreeing he said, “I was able to move into a house with a downstairs apartment for a live-in nanny. A guy at my church let me move in at the same rent I was paying when I didn’t have the kids, as long as I do some home improvements around the house.”

“That’s sounds similar to the apartment I had and would work for me.”

Realizing he had no choice, he continued with the job description he had worked out. “I work a twenty-four hour shift and then have forty-eight hours off and repeat that schedule for the most part. I expect you to be with the kids the whole day I’m at work, and then the other two days we would spilt. I’m studying for a big exam, the NREMT to become a paramedic, it was the plan before the munchkins, but I’m trying to accelerate it because the money’s better and I want them to have a real, permanent home.” His voice softening, he said, “I really want that for them.”

Some of Hillary’s anger and frustration with this grumbling ape man disappeared as she realized he really cared for his new family. It made it easier for her to say, “I’ll be happy to work on some of your days off too, so you can study.”

“Thanks, Princess.”

Bristling, she thought, He’s not that cute, the arrogant nitwit. She ignored his comment and asked about salary. What he told her with apartment included would mean she wouldn’t starve, but her exotic tea budget was out the door, as well as anything extra until she got her old job back. “That’s fine. Can I move in today?”

Arms crossed he asked, “Are you always this pushy?”

She didn’t answer but raised her eyebrow, she knew desperation when she saw it, because it mirrored her own. He shrugged and stood up, “Fine.” He quickly rattled off his address, as a smirk showed on his face. “It’s a tiny apartment and a lot of your things probably won’t fit. It’s furnished, probably not to your usual taste, but it’s clean.”

“I’m sure it will be fine. I’ll be there later today.”

“When you get there, I’ll introduce you to the munchkins. I leave for work at 6:30 in the morning and won’t be back until around 7:30 Tuesday morning.”

“I can handle this, Luke. I’ve been babysitting since I was sixteen.”

Grinning he asked, “And you’re like what now, twenty?”

“I am twenty-seven years old, almost twenty-eight.” Realizing she had taken his bait, she asked, “The kids, how are they doing?”

For the first time since they met, Luke’s face changed as he thought of the kids, his eyes shined showing a ring of gold as he said, “They’re doing ok. Still a bit in shock. I don’t think they saw Marissa much. I’m pretty sure she left them on their own a lot.”

Trying to get a grip on the fresh grief, he thought, it still hurts knowing what they went through without my knowledge. He continued without looking at her, “Magda’s six and will hopefully start first grade this year. Daniel’s four, but will be five soon. He’ll start kindergarten, and the youngest is Camilla who’s only eight months old.”

He turned back to face Hillary, looking her in the eye, he said, “They’re good kids and I’m going to do my best to make sure they’re well taken care of and loved.”

Sensing a challenge, Hillary said, “I’m sure they are. I’ll call you when I have an idea of when I’ll be at your place.”

Nodding he moved to hold the door for her, he grumbled, “I’ll be waiting, Princess.”

Not answering, Hillary walked to her car. She didn’t see him shake his head at her new little silver Prius. She wouldn’t have liked his comment if she told him it was a graduation gift from her parents when she earned her Master’s degree. Happy to have a job, Hillary ignored him as she prayed, Please Lord don’t let working for him be as terrible as I think it might be. At least I don’t have to worry about falling for him anymore. I could never love a man who calls me princess. He’ll never know how much that comment hurts. She spent the rest of the drive organizing her packing for the fastest move in history.