
Chapter Fourteen


Hillary walked downstairs to her apartment at Luke’s house, uncomfortable in the silence. She was used to hearing the kids moving around playing. Lord, what will I do when I go back to my life in Cartersville? She felt tears welling up, Lord, am I going back?

Luke texted her during lunch they wouldn’t be home until late and he would put the kids to bed. He had to be at the fire station at six a.m. and she knew he was avoiding her.

Putting away her cooking supplies and a few of the kitchen gadgets she brought from her parent’s house, she decided to watch the cooking channel while she caught up on her reading. She had a new book on teaching bilingual children and was really enjoying it. Changing into sweats and an old SPLASH t-shirt, Hillary spent a few hours reading and writing down recipes from the cooking channel. She didn’t know how late it had gotten until she felt her phone vibrating and saw it was from Jessica Jamison.

“Hi, Jess.”

“Hillary, oh good. I need to ask a huge favor.”


“This is terrible of me to ask and with such late notice, but I don’t know what else to do?”

Jess sounded distraught, Hillary worried, asked, “What’s wrong?”

“For Father’s Day we have a tradition at the Fire Station called Wife Week... I’m sure you’ve heard us talking about it at the Memorial Day picnic.”

“Yes, I’ve heard the ladies mention it at the cookout, but didn’t pay attention, because I’m the nanny.”

“Well, during the week of Father’s Day one of the wives or girlfriends cooks a special meal for the firemen’s dinner. Our way of saying thank you and Happy Father’s Day. Sam was going to do it, but one of her kids is sick and she can’t.”

“Jess, I’m not dating Luke.” Good grief, the guy’s avoiding me like the plague and on a good day barely tolerates me. What would he think?

“I know... but I desperately need a meal for the guys. I’ve got plans that night and Krissy can’t, because she’s out of town, and Nicole can’t cook. She attempted it last year and nearly burnt down the fire station!” Panic rising over the phone she continued, “Jett hasn’t had a girlfriend I’d let near my happily married husband, much less one able to cook and, well, Riley did remind me about your amazing potato salad... PLEASE?”

Hillary thought about Luke’s reaction, it isn’t just about him, but the other firefighters. What do I do, Lord? Feeling a peace wash over her, she said to Jessica, “I’ll do it, but I don’t know how Luke will feel about this.”

“Don’t worry, Riley said he’d make sure everyone knew you were a pitch hitter. Thank you so much Hillary. I can’t tell you how worried I’ve been over this. I’ve called everyone, even wives whose husbands aren’t working Monday’s shift.”

“What do I need to do?”

“Cook a big meal for the men, something filling that can feed a small army. You bring the food and serve; the men will help and it’s totally okay to bring the kids. I’m sure the guys will love whatever you make.”

“Sounds simple enough.” Hillary started mentally going through possible recipes.

“Sam said she would pay for everything, just give the receipts to her husband tomorrow night.”

“Tell Sam I’ll split it with her.”

“Thank you for all of this, I’m really sorry for the late notice.”

“It’s okay. I’m happy to help.”

“Call me if you have any questions. I’ll have my phone on me while I’m traveling.”

After Jessica hung up, Hillary flipped the television off while she began to write out ideas for dinner.

What should I fix that would be filling and make enough to feed a huge army? Looking to the little galley kitchen, she noticed the pasta maker and thought, I brought it because it would be good to fix homemade pasta for the kids sometime. Homemade spaghetti and meatballs! It’ll be perfect for the firemen. Hillary knew the pasta noodles she made from scratch with the huge meatballs stuffed with cheese would make the perfect meal. They’ll love it.

Hillary spent the next hour making a grocery list and running over meal prep. When it was time for bed, she fell into the covers tired, but happy. Even if Luke isn’t happy with me cooking the meal, he’ll have to be okay with the food, especially when the other guys love it!

Luke couldn’t believe it took so long to get home on Sunday night. He had been in the car for hours and was thankful the kids slept through the accident that stopped all traffic on the interstate. He was grateful God had delayed them getting on the road when Camilla got sick all over her car seat and he had to drive back to his friend’s house to clean up both Camilla and the car.

At the time, I’d been frustrated, not used to the unbelievable smells that could come out of such a small body, but when I was sitting in traffic I realized if we had left at the time I wanted, we would’ve been in the middle of that terrible accident. He spent much of the drive home glancing in the rearview mirror, thankful his kids were sleeping and safe. He prayed for the people involved in the accident, and the first responders who had to work a horrific scene.

It was after midnight when he pulled into the garage and he could tuck the kids in bed. He took his time, praying over each child as he pulled up the blankets. When he finally pulled the covers over his head, he knew he would only have about five hours sleep and hoped the day at work would be slow so he could nap.

He avoided thinking about Hillary and knew the kids would be happy to see her in the morning. Magda and Daniel asked for her constantly. He didn’t know what he was going to do about how attached they were to her. Lord, can you help me? I don’t want to admit to anyone but You that I missed her smile this weekend too! I saw she fell asleep on the couch, and I wanted to wake her to see that smile, but I have to stick to the plan. My family can’t be attached this woman. She’s not meant to be a part of our family, she’s too much of... well... a princess.

“Miss Ree, are you supposed to mush it like that?”

Hillary looked down at her hands and saw she was gripping her pasta dough so hard she was shredding it to ribbons. “No, Magda. You’re such a smart girl. I think the dough is ready to go through the pasta maker now. Want to help me like last time?”

The little girl nodded, her braids bouncing on her shoulders. The two of them ran the dough through her pasta machine several times to thin it out and then Hillary changed the tools to create long ribbons of fresh pasta.

“This is fun, Miss Ree.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it. We’ll make the meatballs next and you can help me mix that up, too! We’ll be messy, but it’s fun!”

“Can we count the meatballs as we make them?”

“Of course, and we can do it in Spanish and English!”

As Hillary watched Magda dance around in excitement, she felt anger well up in her over their thoughtless Uncle. She had been furious to wake up this morning and realize he had avoided her by leaving the baby monitor on the coffee table in the upstairs living room where she fell asleep waiting for him to get home. He texted her around ten to say traffic was bad and they would be getting in later than he thought.

“Do we cook the pasta now?”

“Not yet, ladybug. Let’s lay it out with the rest and start on the meatballs. Daniel do you want to help?”

“Yes, Miss Ree. I’m bored coloring in my t-rex coloring book.”

“Okay, go wash your hands and use soap young man.”

The little boy grinned before rushing over to the sink to stand on a stool she put out so the kids could wash their hands as needed. They had been up early this morning to make pounds of pasta for the wife dinner at six o'clock tonight. Wiping her forehead carefully with her arm, she moved to get the ingredients for the meatballs. I’ll need a ton, she thought, to feed all those hungry firemen.

Thankfully, Daniel and Magda were great helpers and she was using the time for teaching basics like numbers. The kids knew they were learning but were having fun. Magda was soaking everything up like a sponge and most mornings they had school, spending two hours teaching the little girl all the basics she missed.

I love watching her eagerness to learn, it reminds me why I became a teacher. Holding back tears, she thought, I can’t start crying. I’m just sensitive because things are bad with Mr. Toledo. I really hoped time away would’ve mellowed him out from whatever upset him Saturday. The fact he ran out this morning without even waking me up to say goodbye, shows he’s still avoiding me.

“Okay, Miss Ree, what do I do now?”

Inspecting Daniel hands, she smiled, Lord, I do love these little ones. Why does their Uncle have to be such a poopy head? At least that’s what my third graders would call him!

“Perfect Dan the man! Can you bring me the cheese from the fridge and we’ll get started?”

Daniel ran over to the fridge, flinging open the door. He brought over the bags of cheese she bought late yesterday evening. I’m glad I didn’t ask him for the eggs!

After he skid to a stop in front of her, Hillary helped the kids get organized to start making meatballs. “Ok I’m going to combine everything in a big bowl and the two of you can help me mix it all together.”

While she was combining the ingredients, she kept the kids entertained with a story. Soon, she and the kids were up to their elbows making meatballs. The giggling was contagious and Hillary felt her anger melting away. “Okay, Magda let’s start counting meatballs.”

Rolling a bit of the mixture in her hands, she showed them how big to make them and to fold in a little bit of cheese. The firemen would be eating lumpy meatballs, but the kids were having so much fun and they would still taste good.

“One, Miss Ree.”

“Correct, and one in Spanish?”



Hillary made five to Magda’s one, but was pleased with how well the work was going. Daniel cleaned his hands, bored and went to color again. I’ll need to find another dinosaur coloring book soon!




“Excellent! You’re going to do great in school, Ladybug!”

“I wish you could be my teacher, Miss Ree.”

Me too little one, me too! Smiling Hillary said, “You’ll have a wonderful teacher and will love first grade.”

Daniel piped up, “I want to go into third grade and learn more about dinosaurs.”

Hillary laughed, “You’ll be there before you know it, young man, but first you’ve got to learn to read!”

“Oh yeah,” Daniel said smiling up at her.

The day passed quickly, and before Hillary was ready, it was time to pack up the largest meal she had ever made to drive to the fire station. Taking a moment to pray, Hillary whispered “Lord, please let things change with Luke and me. I’m not saying a dating relationship, you know how conflicted I feel, but he and I have to get along for the sake of these kids. I don’t like fighting with him or being ignored, none of this is like me. Help us to accept each other for who we are and love these kids. Amen.”

Feeling at peace, Hillary rounded everyone up and put Camilla in her car seat. For the short drive, the Christian worship CD played and she enjoyed singing with the kids. I need to see if there’s a kid’s choir at the church, especially for Daniel. He’s always singing and making up songs. He made up a making meatball song today that was a little catchy - I’m a little meatball, short and round... I’ve found myself humming it all day.

Pulling into the parking lot, she sent up a quick prayer before she began to unload the kids. Thankfully, Riley was on the lookout for her, and came running out to help carry in food. As she walked past the door, Luke stood there with his mouth slightly opening, glaring at her. Oh well, hopefully he won’t say anything until we’re both at home.

“Wuncle Luke, I helped make your dinner! I want to be a cooking fireman when I grow up.”

Thank You, Lord, for that sweet little boy! Hillary thought as she sat the baby carrier in a kitchen chair. Riley laughed, before saying, “Daniel my little man, all firemen have to be cooks!”

Mark piped up bringing in the spaghetti, “Except for Jett, he can’t cook anything!”

The men laughed, and Hillary felt relieved everyone was joking around. She began to direct where the food needed to go and was pleased the men had already set the large kitchen table with seats for her and the kids along with a high chair for Camilla.

“Okay gentlemen, everything’s still warm and ready to eat. I made...” Hillary paused looking down at Magda and Daniel’s little faces before continuing, “With Magda and Daniel’s help, pasta and stuffed meatballs. There’s garlic bread and a small salad as sides. For dessert...”

She didn’t get to finish, because Daniel started jumping up and down, shouting, “A gooey-ooey marshmallow chocolate something.”

As everyone laughed, Hillary remembered learning this morning Daniel LOVED marshmallows and had never had one before. “Yes, Daniel for dessert is a s’mores cake.”

“Marry me, Hillary.” Jett said laughing.

The men laughed along as Hillary said smiling, “Now Tony, I know you only want me for my cooking skills.”

Evan slapped Jett on the back and said to Hillary, “Well, it’s one of the reason we all love you. I was relieved when Carl said you were stepping in, because Sam couldn’t. Our smallest one has strep and Sam felt awful she couldn’t cook.”

“It’s not a problem, Evan. I’m glad I could help out. I actually have some homemade chicken noodle soup you can take home tomorrow for your family with some crusty bread. It’s a recipe our housekeeper always made when I was sick and it always made me feel better.”

“Sam will be grateful. She’s been crazy busy taking care of the little one. Thank you, Hillary, that’s so nice of you.”

Luke walked near Hillary, and said quietly, sarcasm lacing his voice, “Housekeeper, Princess?”

Hillary ignored him and said to the group, “The table’s loaded with food, we can eat now.”

Carl walked to the head of the table and the men gathered around, as Daniel cried out, “I want to sit by Wuncle Luke.”

Among chuckling, room was made for Daniel to sit next to Luke and Hillary strategically positioned herself at the far end of the table next to Riley. Magda sat next to her chatting away with Bill about a cartoon. After Carl blessed the meal, talk broke out among the men and Hillary was grateful for the laughter and the many compliments for her meal. I was so worried the men wouldn’t like it or it wouldn’t be filling enough.

“And I made thirty-two meatballs all by myself.” Magda told Bill.

“Wow, that’s amazing. I’m probably eating one that you made right now.”

Magda beamed, and Hillary was proud of how far the little girl had come in the last few weeks.

Riley leaned forward and said quietly, “How’s everything going?”

“Good, the kids and I have a schedule which includes time for teaching. Magda’s a wonderful student, so eager to learn. Daniel has a harder time, he’s so active, constantly on the move, so much of the learning with him is interactive play to work his mind and body.”

Riley smiled at the kids, “They’ve really come a long way since you’ve been with them. I’ve never seen Magda so chatty.”

Hillary’s eyes sparkled as she said, “I’ve loved seeing her grow in confidence and lose her shyness. I truly feel I was brought here to help these kids.”

“And Luke?”

Hillary looked down at her plate, “I don’t know what to do about Luke. We had a sort of truce, but something happened and he seems mad at me. I don’t understand why.”

She clamped her hand over her mouth, “I didn’t mean to say that. He’s my boss and I need this job.”

“Don’t worry, Hillary.” Compassion filling Riley’s eyes. “I won’t say anything, but a prayer.”

“Thank you.” Looking relieved, she said, “I could use some prayer.”

“Done. Now tell me about the pasta, I have never tasted anything so good. What brand do you use?”

“Brand...? This is homemade. I made it from stratched as Daniel would say. Everything’s homemade even the bread. I love making bread.”

“Homemade? Good grief, Hillary, that’s amazing! This is a ton of food.”

Hillary beamed, “I love to cook, especially baking fresh bread. All of Luke’s sandwiches I send are on bread I’ve made. He doesn’t know it, but I haven’t used store bought bread, since I started cooking for the family. I’ve also been storing freezer meals for them after I leave.”

“You’re a saint, my dear.”

“Oh no,” Hillary said shaking her head, “I’m not. I just really want to help this family. Even with Luke’s grumpy mood sometimes, I know what a sacrifice he’s making for these kids and want to help anyway I can.”

Riley hugged her, “I stand by my words and want you to know I’m rooting for you.”

“Thank you!”

When Hillary leaned over to help Magda cut her meatballs into smaller bites, Riley leaned over to tell Carl about Hillary’s homemade meal.

Carl’s eyebrows widen and his mouth formed a large O.

Looking at the young woman in a new light, Carl wondered, why isn’t Luke snapping this gem up? She’s perfect for this new little family. Clearing his throat, he said, “Hillary, this is excellent.”

“Thank you, Captain!”

The rest of the meal was filled with talk and laughter. Luke has a wonderful family in these men. The kids will be surrounded by people who love them. She watched Evan talking to Daniel and loved seeing Daniel animatedly talking to everyone at the end of the table. Even Luke was smiling down at the little boy.

“It’s about time for me to heat up dessert.” Hillary said while rising.

Riley started to get up, but she laid a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t get up, finish your meal. It won’t take me a moment.”

Walking to the kitchen, Hillary put the dessert in the oven to warm up the gooey ooey goodness Daniel loved. Smiling at the thought of the little kids who had never had marshmallows before, she didn’t know anyone was in the room and until she backed up into someone. “Sorry.”

She turned to see Luke standing there, an angry look on his face. Uh oh.

“Well Princess, have you enjoyed waltzing in here for wife week? Is this an audition?”

Feeling like she had been slapped, Hillary stepped back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about? Jess called needing help and since I know how to cook...”

“Save it, I heard Jett propose.”

“You know what Luke. You’re a jerk! That was a joke. No one took it seriously and you know it. I’m here to help out, because the men you work with needed a meal. I’m sick of you berating me and acting worse than one of my third graders. Grow up! You’re a father now and I’m only here to help.” Tears welling in her eyes, she spat out, “I just want to help your family and you’re being mean for no reason. I’ve not thrown myself at you or done anything that would comprise myself as a Christian. So, get over it.”

Reaching down to take the dessert out of the oven, she snapped, “I’m taking this dessert out to your coworkers and just so you know, I’m taking the next two days off when you get home tomorrow. I think you need a time out.”

She ignored the shocked look on Luke’s face with his mouth hanging open and turned to march out of the kitchen. Hillary paused for a moment when she saw Riley and Carl standing at the door, but when they winked at her, she smiled and said, “Dessert is served, gentlemen.”

Carl chuckled, looking at Luke. “Oh yes, it was my dear. Let me carry that!”

Taking the cake pan from her, Carl escorted Hillary to the hungry crowd in the dining room, calling out, “Desserts ready and I’m getting the first helping, gentlemen.”

Luke heard cheering, but stayed glued in his spot, Riley pinning him with an angry stare. “Luke, I’ve not called anyone stupid, since I’ve became a Christian, but man are you stupid.” Walking forward, he continued, “That woman’s a gem! She’s a Christian, loving, a great cook, and even better, a mother to those kids who’ve never known a loving, caring Mom. You’re an idiot to be pushing her away.”

Luke started to speak, but Riley shook his head, “Nope, you’ve done enough talking. Do you know she handmade the pasta from scratch? The garlic bread she baked this morning and... and... the sandwiches she sends for your lunch that the men have been jealous of because they are gourmet... well... she bakes that bread fresh for you.”

Luke hung his head, shame washing over him. “I’ve been a jerk one too many times, haven’t I?”

Riley nodded, “Yeah, you’ve been a class A jerk and need to get your act in gear. We all know you like her. Why else would you be fighting this hard, but joking aside, she’s wonderful and you’d be lucky to have her! Why are you fighting this so hard?”

Luke sighed thinking, because we all know she’s a princess that I don’t deserve.

“If I were you my friend, I’d take these next two days and do some soul searching, because she’s worth taking a chance on if she’ll have you after how you’ve acted.”

“Yeah,” Luke said quietly. Hearing the laughter from the dining room, he was able to pick out Hillary’s musical laugh among the men and his kids. I’m falling in love with a princess and I may have just ruined any chance I have with her. Lord, help me.