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“Get going you two! We’ve got this. I’ve raised four of my own and helped raise Hillary. I think Frank and I can handle three little ones.”
“If you’re sure, Anita.” Hillary stood just inside the door, nervously looking out at Frank surrounded by the kids playing outside.
Pushing Luke and Hillary outside, Anita chuckled. They’re acting like first time parents, it’s kind of cute.
“Thank you, Anita. We’ll see you later tonight.” Luke put his arm around Hillary to steer her to the car.
“You two have fun.”
Waving goodbye, Anita watched them walk to Luke’s SUV and she smiled as he helped Hillary into the car. They make a lovely couple.
Frank came up behind her and asked, “Did they finally leave?”
“Yes.” Leaning into his arms, she looked up at his gray eyes. “Were we ever that young?”
Frank smiled into his lovely wife’s eyes, married forty-two years and she still takes my breath away.
“Yes, but it’s been a while.” Before she could reply, he continued, “But you still look as beautiful as the first day I saw you working in that restaurant with your red hair and the most stunning smile I’ve ever seen.”
Pleased with his comment, Anita kissed him lightly, before saying, “You’ve always known just what to say. It’s one of the reasons why I love you. Let’s go watch the kids.”
“Daniel, Magda,” Anita called, “Let’s play a game.” Walking back to the living room, Anita looked forward to a fun evening, knowing Luke and Hillary would enjoy themselves. I’ve already gotten used to the kids calling me aunt.
Luke pulled out on the interstate and said to Hillary, “I’m glad they were able to babysit tonight. I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to go when Krissy’s daughter, Sara couldn’t take care of the kids.”
Watching the cars, Hillary said, “I can’t believe how excited Anita was when I mentioned we couldn’t find anyone and we were thinking about canceling.”
“Excited about babysitting or our date.”
Hillary turned toward Luke, “Both, I think.”
“We haven’t talked about where to eat, but I know of a great Cuban place if you’re up for it.”
“I love Cuban food.”
“I thought you might.”
Shifting her seat belt, Hillary said, “Ana Sophia gave me the recipes for some of her favorite family dishes and I thought the next Sunday you’re off, we could invite them over for dinner.”
“They would love that.” This feels so right making plans, future plans. Luke played with the radio, “Is there something you want to listen to?”
“A Christian station’s fine.” While Luke was finding one, Hillary continued, “I think Daniel’s musically inclined... I don’t know if you’ve thought about getting him involved in the kid’s choir at church, but I think it would be a good thing for him, and for Magda, if she’d like to go. She’s shyer, but it’d be good for her to make more friends.”
“You’re right, he’d love that.” Quiet for a moment, Luke said, “You don’t need my permission, Ree, to take the kids to children’s choir. I’m working this Sunday, but that doesn’t mean you can’t check it out.”
Sighing with relief, Hillary said with a smirk, “Before we came to an understanding, I probably would’ve just taken them and asked for forgiveness, but since we’re getting along much better, I thought I’d bring it up first.”
Smiling, Luke said, “Good to know.” Turning toward her quickly, he winked, “Honestly as long as you’re not taking them to get tattoos or piercings, I trust your judgement with the kids.”
Hillary smiled, “Thanks. And don’t worry I wasn’t going to get them inked until my last day. I want to make sure they’ll always remember me and the ‘I love Hillary’ tattoo I have planned will be the perfect reminder for all of you.”
Laughing so hard, he had to force himself to pay attention to the road, he said, “I know that won’t be an issue. The kids will always remember you, Ree, tattoos or not.”
They continued talking about the kids until Luke pulled into La Fonda Latina’s parking lot. Hillary got out of the car exclaiming, “I have a friend who loves this place, she talks about it all the time, but I’ve never been.”
“It’s one of my favorites.” Putting his arm around her, they walked inside the crowded restaurant and were pleased when they were seated almost immediately.
Hillary slid into the booth and Luke took in her long flowing dress with her hair hanging down. After the waiter walked off with their drink order, Luke said, “You look beautiful tonight, Ree. I’ve never seen you with your hair down before.”
Hillary ran her hands down her hair, smiling wistfully, “I usually wear it up, especially around Camilla who loves playing with it. When I’m working, it just gets in the way at school, and I keep it up in a French braid or ponytail most of the time.”
“Are you excited to be going back to school? You have less than a month.”
Before Hillary could figure out how to reply, she heard a voice say, “Hi, Hillary. I haven’t seen you all summer.”
Hillary looked over to see a brown-haired young woman walking up to the table. “Hi, Christy. How are you?” She stood up for a hug while saying, “I was just telling Luke this is one of your favorite places.”
Christy laughed, her green eyes sparkling, “It’s been hard since I live in Cartersville now to come down this way, but I find I have to make the trip every so often or I start going through withdrawal.”
Luke laughed, “I feel the same way. There’s just something about their black beans and rice that I can’t seem to make right on my own.”
“Oh, Christy, this is Luke Toledo. I’ve been taking care of his kids this summer in Marietta and that’s why I haven’t been around Cartersville.”
“Your dad mentioned that when I asked him at SPLASH this week.”
“What’s SPLASH?” Luke asked perplexed. That’s what that crazy bright green t-shirt she wears all the time says on the front.
“Hillary, you haven’t explained SPLASH to Luke?”
Hillary blushed, “No, we’ve never talked about it before.”
Christy turned to Luke and said with a smile, “SPLASH stands for Show People Love and Share Him. It started in 2008 with several churches coming together and for three days teenagers and adults of all ages participate in service projects all over Bartow County, anything from Backyard Bible Clubs to building wheelchair ramps and yard work.”
Hillary nodded, “It’s grown a lot over the years, and we now have over four hundred youth that participate and even more adult volunteers.” Smiling at Christy, she continued, “We met last year when Christy started leading the photography team and I was a student team leader.”
Christy’s eyes lit up, “Hillary’s a wonderful photographer and brought me some of the best pictures last year.”
“Wow, that many teens working together must be an awesome sight to see.”
Christy nodded, “We finished yesterday and it’s wonderful the stories that came out this year. That’s why I love being a photographer, I get to see a little bit of everything.”
Hillary moved to sit back down, “I never cease to be amazed what God does each year, but since I’ve been in Marietta, I wasn’t able to participate this year.”
Christy’s phone began to ring, “That’s my Mom wondering if I’ve picked up the food yet to bring back to Cartersville.” Answering the phone, the brunette said, “Just a second, Mom.” Turning back to Hillary, “I’m heading home, but I’m glad I got to see you. We need to do lunch soon.”
“I’ll call you later this week and we can set up a time. Drive safe.”
“See you soon. I know you’re probably prepping for school, but I would love to get together for lunch, before school starts.”
Waving goodbye, Christy didn’t see Hillary turn away to brush a tear from her eyes.
“Are you okay?”
When Hillary didn’t speak, Luke continued, “You haven’t mentioned school at all, and I’ve noticed you avoid the conversation when it’s brought up over the past few weeks.” Seeing her still and upset, he said quietly, reaching out for her hand, “We’ve not discussed your leaving and it should be soon. Daniel and Magda start school August 5th.”
Hillary turned to face Luke and wiped a few tears away. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it, but I’ve been too ashamed. Before my landlord said I needed to move out, my principal at school told me I was suspended pending an investigation about me helping my students cheat on the big state test.”
“I don’t believe it. There’s no way that you would’ve helped your kids cheat. I know that about you.”
He had raised his voice, and people turned to stare, but Hillary was touched he was defending her. Smiling through her tears, she whispered, “Thank you...”
Luke leaned forward to grab her hand. “Ree, I’ve only known you for a few months and I already know that you’re kind and thoughtful, always ready to lend a hand, or a meal. You love to cook and love my kids like they’re your own.”
Hillary blushed, his words calming her down as he continued speaking softly holding her hand.
“You drink your specialty tea all the time, you put fuzzy socks on after nine o’clock because your feet get cold no matter the temperature outside, you wrinkle your nose when you’re deep in thought, and when you get embarrassed you duck your head, because you think no one will be able to see you blush that way.”
Hillary’s mouth fell open. “That’s a lot to notice in just a few months.”
“I can’t help it. I find you fascinating.”
Hillary didn’t know what to say and was saved from answering when the waiter came to take their orders. She ordered the same thing Luke did after his recommendation. Once the waiter walked away, Hillary said, “The kids are to be tested again sometime in August and I will have to attend a hearing in September to see if I will be reinstated.”
“That’s awful, Ree. No wonder you haven’t talked about school.” Seeing her tears, Luke thought, I always avoided the subject, because I didn’t want to think about her leaving us, but I hate that’s she been treated so badly. Anyone who knows her knows this is an outright lie.
Hillary sighed, “I’m glad I’ve told you. Ivy’s the only one I’ve talked to about it and now that July’s halfway over, I’m starting to worry just a bit.” Her mind began running in circles wondering, what kids will be in my new class? Who will they would get as their substitute teacher? Will she be good for them, help them to embrace learning? And poor Tim, I’ve got to make sure his fourth-grade teacher gets his stability ball... I promised him. Looking up to find Luke watching her, his eyes kind, she told him her biggest fear, “Kids forget so much over the summer and they’ll be tested again right after they get back and if they don’t...”
Luke reached for her hand, “Ree, you’re an excellent teacher. I’ve seen you with Magda and Daniel.”
Waiting for her to smile at him, he continued, “Magda’s ready for first grade because of you, and Daniel... well Daniel’s probably better prepared than any other kindergartener starting out.”
Hillary smiled at Luke, thankful for his kind words and encouragement. “I’m afraid Daniel might be a little like me. I begged my parents to learn to read the summer before I would’ve been taught in school and my dad agreed. I was the terror of my first-grade teacher, because I was constantly blurting out the answer before anyone else had a chance to sound it out.”
Luke chuckled, “You, Ree. My quiet, demure girlfriend?”
Hillary didn’t miss his sarcasm, but laughed, “I was a little more outgoing when I was younger but starting at age seven I was taking etiquette lessons, piano lessons, and everything else my mother could think of to make me a lady.”
Luke was quiet for a moment, and Hillary wondered, is he going to make fun of my wealthy upbringing?
Taking Hillary’s hand, Luke said while brushing his thumb back and forth, “I think you’ve always been a lady, Ree. Everything I’ve ever seen about you screams beautiful, elegant, and thoughtful. I seriously doubt a class taught you all that.”
Whispering, Hillary said, “Thank you, Luke.” Please don’t let me start crying.
The food came breaking the moment, and Hillary took her first bite of the pollo a la parrilla and sighed with pleasure. “This is really good. Now, I know why Christy talks about it so much.”
For the rest of the meal, talk centered on childhoods, the kids, and plans for the rest of the summer. It warmed Hillary’s heart that Luke was being supportive.
When Luke looked at his watch after they had finished dessert, he said, “I’m afraid we’ve missed most of the movie.”
Hillary smiled, “It’s okay, I’ve enjoyed the company.”
Luke stood to pay the check. “There’s a coffee shop in the mall near here. Want to get coffee and people watch? I think they’ll have a decaf tea this late in the evening for you to drink.”
Hillary reached for her purse. “That sounds perfect.” He does know me really well.
While they walked to the car, Hillary loved the feel of Luke’s arm around her waist. Thirty minutes later they were settled on a bench and made a game of guessing who people were and what their jobs might be.
After Luke swore up and down the large, body builder had a poodle at home, he said, “My mom would take us to the mall when we were little to get my sister and I an ice cream. She created this game for us to play, making up stories about the people we saw. Some of my favorite memories are of her laughing at the funny stories my sister and I made up with her.” Shifting a bit on the bench, he said, “I can still see her laughing.”
Snuggling closer, Hillary said, “I don’t have too many memories of my mom and I laughing together, but once a month my dad and I would sneak off for a daddy-daughter date. Sometimes I would get dressed up, but other times we’d just sneak off to go play at the park or watch a movie that Mother wouldn’t approve of because it wasn’t educational.”
“Ree, why haven’t you told your dad about the school suspension?”
Looking into Luke’s warm brown eyes, Hillary thought for a moment before replying, “At first it was pride and fear.”
Seeing worry lines on her brow, Luke leaned over to kiss them away and said, “And now?”
Frowning, Hillary said, “Now... well now for the first time in my life, my desire to go back to teach isn’t as strong. It was at first, but after spending all of the time with your family and friends, my whole identity isn’t wrapped up in being a teacher.” I feel so much more than that now, more accepting of who I am.
“I know you’re a planner, so what’s the plan?”
Hillary pondered for a moment, and said, “Well... I’ll stay with you through August, definitely. I’ll keep taking care of Camilla, while Daniel and Magda are in school and we’ll keep everything else the same.”
“I like that, I’m certainly getting the best deal out of this.”
“How would you like an ex-teacher for a permanent nanny if I lose my job?”
“Ree, you’re not going to lose your job, you’re too good a teacher.”
“Yes, I can see your point, but I also know if I’d never lost my job, I wouldn’t have started working with you and taking care of your sweet kids.”
Luke leaned back, she’s right. God does work in mysterious ways. “I’ve couldn’t be more prepared for my test in three weeks. You’re tips and tricks for memorizing have helped me a ton. My practice test scores have soared since you’ve been helping me.”
“You’ll make a great paramedic, Luke.”
“Thanks.” Looking at his watch, he reluctantly said, “We should probably leave for home. It’s getting late. Anita and Frank still need to drive back to Cartersville.”
Helping Hillary to stand, they walked slowly back to his SUV. Opening the door for her, Luke leaned close, “I really enjoyed tonight. What are your plans for next weekend?”
“Well, let me see. We promised Daniel and Magda a trip to the aquarium Friday afternoon, but that should tire them out for us to have a date night.”
“Perfect!” Leaning down, he slowly kissed her and for a few moments time stood still.
Stepping back, Luke grinned. “I wanted to make sure I was able to kiss you with no possible distractions.” Winking he continued, “At least for the first time.”
Fumbling to get in the car, Hillary felt dazed but very content. After he shut the door, she thought, Wow, what a kisser! Ivy would be thrilled to know.