The Creative Force


‘I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man’s;

I will not Reason and Compare; my business is to Create.’

William Blake

Success is assured when you draw this hexagram. Provided that your goals are worthwhile and not merely selfish, significant achievement is possible. Make this a time of great activity. Use your initiative to set your plans in motion. Others will look to you to take the lead. A high level of confidence will give you abundant energy. Use this for the benefit of all concerned. You can find creative ways to resolve problems and accomplish ambitious goals. Look ahead. Be aware of the consequences of your actions. Good timing is essential. Do not allow yourself to be pressured into taking action prematurely. Consolidate your position of strength by refusing to waste your resources on trivial or irrelevant issues. Be positive and determined to achieve your aims. Do not get involved in anything unworthy of you. This is a most favourable time. Be sure to make the most of it.

An opportunity for personal growth

Dynamic energy, unless it is used wisely, can be destructive. The more power you have, the more careful you must be not to abuse it. In the current situation, you are in a position of considerable influence. Direct this to positive ends and you will be a source of inspiration to others. Use it negatively and you could create havoc. Take responsibility for your actions. Be supportive of others. Beware of over-ambition and excessive pride. Be especially sensitive to other people’s feelings. Take their views seriously. Be kind and tolerant. If matters do not go exactly according to plan, be patient. Guard against arrogance and look for opportunities to learn.

Further aspects of the situation


Be patient. The time is not yet ripe for action. As yet you do not fully understand what is involved. Wait until matters become clear. Until then, keep a low profile.


Aim high. Your abilities qualify you to make a major contribution to the situation. But you are not yet in a position where your value can be fully appreciated. It would be to your great advantage to cooperate with somebody who is already involved in your field of interest.


New opportunities are offered. With your goals firmly in mind, make careful choices based on what feels right for you. Do not be concerned about pleasing others or trying to satisfy their needs. Know your priorities and refuse to be side-tracked. Do not be over-ambitious.


You are at a crossroads. You can take a higher profile in the situation or withdraw from it so as to pursue other interests. Neither path is in itself better than the other. Your choice depends on what best suits your temperament. If you are true to yourself and follow your intuition, you will make the right decision.


This is one of the most favourable positions of all. It indicates that you can accomplish almost anything. Make full use of all your resources. Aim high and do the very best you can. You have considerable influence. Use it well.


You have become too ambitious. If you push matters any further you will lose touch with reality. You have to know when to hold back. This will protect you from the danger of going to extremes. Remember that pride comes before a fall.

Note: When all the lines have the value of nine, every aspect of the situation is changing. The Creative and Receptive Forces are perfectly balanced. Exceptional good fortune is indicated. Your influence will be extremely beneficial.