Overall Harmony
‘All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.’
Julian of Norwich
Everything is set for a period of growth. A time of peace, harmony and prosperity is indicated. This hexagram is associated with the beginning of spring when everything begins to flourish. Existing relationships will be more harmonious. New ones can be developed. Projects will thrive. Fresh beginnings are possible in all areas of life, but changes will not simply happen of their own accord. It is true that time conditions are favourable, but it is up to you to make the most of them. You must act now to lay the foundations of future success. Take full advantage of every opportunity which beckons. Use networking to further your contacts. Letting people know what you want will bring positive results. One note of caution needs to be sounded. When everything is going well, it can be tempting to sit back and let matters take care of themselves. They will not. You must keep the kettle on the boil.
An opportunity for personal growth
This is an excellent time for ‘spring-cleaning’ in all areas of your life. Clearing out the old makes room for the new. Let go of anything which is no longer useful to you. This applies as much to the emotional and spiritual side of life as to material possessions. Forgive long-standing hurts and resentments. Such negative emotional clutter keeps you locked into the past. Now that you have an opportunity to make great strides in your development, nothing should be allowed to hold you hack. Expand your horizons by trying new activities. By developing yourself and your skills you can use this time to best advantage.
Further aspects of the situation
You can make your influence more widely felt. Go out into life and be prepared to accomplish something. People who have similar values and aims will be drawn to cooperate with you. Projects which benefit others will meet with particular success.
Be kind and tolerant. Even the most apparently unlikely person may have something to contribute if approached with an open mind. Do not show favouritism or allow other people to sway your judgment. Think for yourself.
Everything changes. This is a fundamental law of life. Difficulties will no doubt arise sooner or later, but there is no point in being depressed about this. What matters is to live fully in the here and now. This approach to life will give you the inner strength to handle future problems as they arise. Do not rely on people or circumstances to make you happy. Over-dependence on others will weaken your spirit.
Cooperate with others without having ulterior motives for doing so. People will be more receptive to you if they sense you are genuine. Do not try to impress.
Do not be arrogant. Great success is indicated provided that you are willing to be of service to others. In doing so, you will gain their support. Everybody concerned will benefit.
With the end of the favourable cycle comes the beginning of the inevitable decline. Because this is part of a natural process, you can do nothing to stop it. There is no point in struggling against what you cannot change. Instead, pay attention to your responsibilities and strengthen your ties with those closest to you. Self-control is essential.