Cooperating With Others
‘Harmony between two individuals is never granted – it has to be conquered indefinitely.’
Simone de Beauvoir
Your aim can best be achieved within the context of a group of like-minded people. They may be friends, co-workers, a political organization or spiritual group, or any other group of which you are a member. Participating in a joint effort will help you to achieve more than you could alone. The energy generated by a group of people united in a single purpose can move mountains. Give your whole-hearted support. This will help others to do the same. An atmosphere must be created which encourages each individual to make their contribution. If you are strong-minded and centred within yourself, there is scope for you to have considerable influence. When problems arise, do not lose heart. If you are open-minded and determined to succeed, solutions will occur to you. Do not hesitate to communicate these to others.
An opportunity for personal growth
The group will work well only if cliques do not form within it. If you are involved in an organizational capacity, you must try to discourage separatist attitudes. Keep your aims firmly in mind and support the efforts of the group to achieve them. Each person needs a role which will help him or her to function most effectively within the group. If individuals feel that their abilities are being used and valued, ill-feeling will be avoided. A spirit of generosity and openness will prevail. This is what will give the group its power. At the same time, it would be unrealistic to expect all concerned to form close bonds immediately. People need time and opportunity to get to know and trust each other.
Further aspects of the situation
A group of people with similar aims comes together. All are in agreement as to what needs to be achieved. Nobody misunderstands the position or has a hidden agenda of their own. As long as everybody involved remains committed to the same goal, all will be well.
Factions have formed within the group. Some of its members feel superior to others and have formed themselves into an exclusive clique. The potential of the group is therefore limited. Unless something is done, the group will not achieve its aims.
A conflict of interests has arisen amongst those who are meant to be working towards a common goal. The result is that people no longer trust one another. Competition has replaced cooperation. This is most unfortunate because it prevents progress being made. You must examine your aims again. It is essential that each person involved is in agreement with them.
Misunderstandings separate you from others, leaving you on the defensive. In the end all concerned will come to their senses and realize that fighting will achieve nothing. The situation will then improve.
The situation is distressing. You are meant to be part of a group or a partnership. Yet you are prevented from gaining access to the person or people involved. Be patient. The bonds between you are so strong that nothing can ultimately stand in your way. If you make your feelings known, you will meet with a response. Together you can work to overcome the obstacles which separate you. The result will be a joyful reunion.
You can certainly gain some benefit from joining with others. But nothing of outstanding significance will be achieved.