Being Adaptable


‘Hitch your wagon to a star.’

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Follow your conscience. Set yourself the highest standards. Make sure that what you are aiming for will truly enhance your life. Be careful about who you choose to associate with. You cannot afford to waste your time. There is so much that is worthwhile to be accomplished. Be patient if things do not seem to be moving as quickly as you would like. Adapt to the way things are rather than struggling to make them as you would like them to be. This will only exhaust you. Be open-minded and ready to learn from others. Outstanding success is indicated here but only if you are prepared to explore new possibilities. You cannot pursue a new path if at the same time you are trying to follow the old, familiar ways. This means that you must overcome your prejudices and adopt a more flexible approach to situations and to people. Widen your outlook and you will discover that the world is your oyster.

An opportunity for personal growth

Be true to your highest values, no matter what the circumstances. Your integrity will win the respect of others. This is especially important if you are in a position of influence or authority, however modest. You must learn to serve the interests of those you have responsibility for. Trying to exert power by force, or underhand methods, or by setting people against each other will create resistance to you. Rightly so, because you cannot expect the willing cooperation of others if you behave badly. Whereas if people know you can be trusted to do what is right, they will be happy to follow your lead. The same principle applies in situations where your role is to follow somebody else. You will want to feel confident that the leader has your best interests at heart.

Further aspects of the situation


You need a wider viewpoint. Listen to the views of others and be open to the possibility of learning something new. Use your discrimination to decide what you can accept and what you must reject.


Taking the easy way out will be totally unproductive. If you make no effort to develop your potential, you will miss out on opportunities for success. Likewise, if you associate with people who have nothing to offer, you will lose out on more worthwhile relationships. People will judge you by the company you keep. Put a higher value on yourself.


If you are to succeed, you must act in your own best interests. This will involve letting go of relationships which, although familiar, are no longer right for you. However difficult this is, you must be firm. You need to pave the way for meeting people with whom you can have relationships of an altogether higher quality.


Be sincere. Do not be taken in by flattery. And do not even think of flattering others as a way of currying favour with them. Stick to your principles and let truth be your guide. You will easily see through people who have wormed their way into your affections for their own ulterior motives.


Aim high. Do not settle for anything second-best or mediocre. If you sincerely want the best, you will get it.


Spiritual well-being is more important to you than material wealth and status. Your wish to develop yourself means that you will receive the guidance you need. As a result of the wisdom you acquire during this process, others will look to you for help and advice.