Dealing With Decay


‘A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.’

Alexander Pope

Things have been going wrong for some time. Inertia on your part has meant that the situation has simply drifted along in its own way. By not taking decisive action, you have lost control of events. Matters are now thoroughly out of hand. However, the situation can be transformed. If you are prepared to pay serious attention to what has been neglected, you can repair the damage. Then you can start a new chapter in your life. But you must proceed with the utmost sensitivity and caution. Begin by considering how you have come to be in this position. This may involve unresolved issues in your background or your current environment, or both. Or perhaps you have been careless where attention to detail was essential. Insight into how the problem has been caused will help you to identify the most appropriate way to remedy it. Be determined to take constructive action. If you persevere, the outcome will be highly successful.

An opportunity for personal growth

You have been unable to fulfil your potential. But your commitment to working on the problems involved will pave the way to a far more satisfying situation. Be patient. Considerable effort may be needed. Things which have gone wrong in the past can take time to put right. Notice where negative attitudes or patterns of behaviour have been holding you back. With determination, and perhaps some help, you can change them. You now have the opportunity to make amends for past wrongs. The way forward is through forgiveness. Continuing to blame yourself or others will achieve nothing. Whereas by forgiving, you can free yourself from the destructive effects of the past and begin to create your own well-being. Once you accept responsibility for yourself, your self-respect will benefit hugely.

Further aspects of the situation


Doing the expected thing has prevented you from being as effective as you might be. Traditional ways are by their nature resistant to change. But if you proceed very cautiously, with great awareness, your efforts will meet with success.


Past mistakes must now be resolved. You must approach the matter with gentleness and sensitivity so as not to tread on the feelings of others.


You are keen to put the effects of past mistakes behind you so that you are free to move forward. You are right to do so. Your energetic and assertive approach will meet with some resistance from others. But in the end no great harm will be done.


Lack of action over a period of time has caused the situation to deteriorate. Further indecision and weakness on your part will only serve to make matters worse. Carrying on in this way will have a disastrous effect on your self-confidence.


You are faced with the results of a long-standing problem. If you are willing to take responsibility for putting things right, others will be only too happy to support you. Everybody concerned will appreciate your efforts.


Your concern is with the spiritual rather than the material side of life. Worldly ambition, money and status are not a priority at this time. This does not mean that you are lazy or uncaring. On the contrary, your sincere efforts at self-development are a step in the direction of transforming the world for the better. Each individual who tries to discover their true worth, as opposed to their market value, introduces a little more light into a greedy, over-materialistic culture.