Getting Down to Essentials
‘That truth lies somewhere, if we knew but where.’
William Cowper
In the ancient text, this hexagram represented legal issues. It may indeed literally mean that legal action is unavoidable. More often, however, it indicates the need to take a firm stand. Take the bull by the horns. There is no point in dithering. You must cut through to the bare bones of the situation and see what it is that really matters. All other considerations are irrelevant. Deal first and foremost with essentials. Whatever is undermining you must be identified and tackled with determination. If someone is taking advantage of you or holding you back in some respect, you must take decisive action. There can be no half measures. The problem will not disappear of its own accord. In tackling it, however, do not be too hasty or overly aggressive. On the other hand, an attitude which is too gentle and understanding would be ineffective. A successful outcome will be the result of an approach which is firm yet reasonable.
An opportunity for personal growth
If something in your current situation is not working for you, lose no time in finding out why. A negative attitude of your own might be a contributory factor. In this case, it is up to you to change it. There is little point in being your own worst enemy. Or it may be that somebody else is trying to undermine you. Once you have identified the problem, it is a case of finding the most appropriate way to counteract it. This will involve direct confrontation. Be courageous. Do not procrastinate. No compromise is possible. If you are the subject of an injustice, it is up to you to change matters.
Further aspects of the situation
Aggressive or stubborn attitudes must be firmly kept in check. This may apply to yourself or to others you are responsible for, particularly children. Destructive tendencies need correcting as soon as they appear. This prevents them from getting out of hand and causing serious trouble.
Have the courage to support what you know to be right. You may be concerned that your reactions are unusually strong or that you are being too hard. Do not worry. Your feelings are justified. When somebody deliberately continues to cause trouble, they must be taught a lesson.
The issue is a long-standing one. You do not have the power or authority which would enable you to deal with it. If you try to do so, you will meet with resentment. You may feel somewhat humiliated because you are unable to take effective action. Yet you cannot be blamed for trying.
You face a difficult task. Persevere. To achieve your aim, you need a positive attitude coupled with ruthless determination. It is as though you have to chew through something tough. To succeed, you must deal with one morsel at a time until you have come to the end.
The issue is clear-cut. You would like to be lenient. But you must balance your own personal preference with what is appropriate to the situation. You have a responsibility to be impartial and objective. This will ensure a fortunate outcome.
Someone – and it could be yourself – simply will not learn. This person refuses to recognize that what they are doing is wrong. Nor do they pay the slightest attention when warned about their behaviour. They ignore good advice and continue to invite trouble. The end result can only be misfortune.