Difficulty in the Beginning
‘In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity’
Albert Einstein
A new cycle is beginning. This means that you cannot avoid change in some area of your life. Things which until now have seemed important may no longer have the same meaning for you. You find yourself questioning beliefs which you have previously taken for granted. The situation is confusing. You are venturing from the comfort of what is familiar and safe into unknown territory. There are so many different possibilities that it’s hard to know what to do for the best. You would benefit from the advice of someone who has the experience to understand your predicament. In the end, you will have to decide for yourself what to do. But at present you are working in the dark and could do with help in casting some light on the situation. A more experienced point of view will help you to clarify your own thoughts and feelings.
An opportunity for personal growth
The challenge is to deal with impatience. You may be tempted to jump at the first opportunity which appears to offer a way forward. Such a move would be premature and bring trouble. Stay calm and wait. In the ancient text, your position is compared to that of a blade of grass having to push up through the earth to the light of day. It can only do this when it has grown strong enough. But the process of growth cannot be hurried. In the meantime, hold back and conserve your energy. It is only a matter of time before your course of action becomes clear. Rest assured that, in the end, there will be a highly successful outcome.
Further aspects of the situation
Right at the start you have encountered an obstacle to your plans. Although you are determined to succeed, you must not try to push ahead regardless. To deal with the situation effectively, you need to take advice. Be open-minded. If you are prepared to listen and learn, you will find the help you need.
The situation is frustrating. You would like to forge ahead but cannot. Out of the blue, an unexpected solution is offered. You may be tempted to grasp it as a quick way out of your difficulties. But the offer, although perfectly genuine, is not the right one for you at this point. You could eventually end up paying a high price for acting hastily now. When the time is right, the help you need will come from the right quarter. Until then, be patient and wait.
Because you are on unfamiliar ground, you do not have the experience to deal with the situation. Under these circumstances, any action you take will only make matters worse. For now, give up chasing after this particular goal.
The situation is too difficult for you to deal with on your own. You need help and it is available. But it is up to you to make the first move and ask for the assistance you need.
You know what must be done to resolve the situation but circumstances are such that you must be very cautious. Stay in the background and take one step at a time, using the utmost tact and sensitivity. In the end, your patience will be rewarded.
You have been offered an opportunity to leave behind an unsatisfactory situation and move on to better things. Yet you feel that it is all too much for you. Such a defeatist attitude must be overcome at all costs. Nothing is holding you back except yourself.