‘“That’s the reason they’re called lessons,” the Gryphon remarked: “because they lessen from day to day.”’
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
DECREASE implies having less of something. This is part of a natural cycle of events and is therefore unavoidable. It means accepting that you must give up something or some aspect of your life. This will be to your advantage in the longer term. Take stock of the situation and decide where your priorities lie. Simplify your life accordingly. You may feel at a disadvantage compared to others who have more than you do. But in this situation who you are is far more important than what you have in the material sense. What matters above all is to be sincere. Do not pretend to be something you are not. Have faith in yourself and act with integrity. You will find that others respond positively. Be prepared to give rather than expecting to be given to. If you have to take a back seat, do so gracefully. Do not worry about the outcome. Great success is indicated.
An opportunity for personal growth.
Do not over-react. In respect of your personality, DECREASE involves overcoming self-indulgence. It means being in control of your emotions rather than letting them run away with you. Making a drama out of the situation will prevent you from having a balanced perspective. Do not confuse molehills with mountains. Exercise self-restraint. Be open to different ways of doing things. Do not insist on trying to get your own way. Be prepared to make a positive contribution to the situation. Putting your abilities at the service of others will help you to develop your own potential. This will inevitably bring good fortune.
Further aspects of the situation
Complete the tasks for which you are responsible. You can then offer your assistance to others. Give only as much as is needed to help them to help themselves. Think about what you are doing. It is not useful to give somebody so much help that they become dependent on you. This also holds true in reverse. Do not take from another more than is absolutely necessary.
Give only as much as feels comfortable for you. Do nothing which goes against the grain. Keep your dignity and self-respect intact. Only from this standpoint are you in a position to truly help others. You serve nobody, least of all yourself, by catering to the unreasonable expectations of others.
Two’s company and three’s a crowd and makes for an unbalanced situation. If you stand alone, you will get the help you need. Whereas if you try to become part of an established partnership because you fear being alone, problems are bound to arise. Do not try to force matters. Wait until the solution presents itself.
A negative outlook is bad for your well-being and can only isolate you. If you project ill will, people who could help you will not feel inspired to seek out your company. Instead of being critical of others, focus on dealing with your own shortcomings. By developing a more positive outlook, you will attract friends and helpers. Life will be far more enjoyable.
You have nothing to worry about. Fate is on your side. Working to improve yourself now brings great rewards. Nothing can prevent your success and good fortune.
You have a great deal to contribute. Be unselfish. Look at the wider picture. Offer your resources in the service of others. People will be willing to help you achieve your aims. The more you give, the more you and everybody else will benefit.