Being Restricted
‘Where griping griefs the heart would wound, And doleful dumps the mind oppress…’
Anon., A Song to the Lute in Musicke
You are trapped in an oppressive situation which is beyond your control. Life appears to be conspiring against you. There is nothing you can do at this point to change things for the better. The situation will improve in due course. In the meantime, do not waste your energy or resources trying to struggle against the odds. Hold back and wait. There is no point in trying to influence others at present. Your words will only fall on deaf ears. All in all, you may well feel at the end of your tether. Yet there is one thing you can do. That is to hold tightly on to your faith in yourself. Nothing can destroy this unless you allow it to. You must remain absolutely determined to succeed. With inner strength, you can survive this period and come out winning.
An opportunity for personal growth
You must summon up all your resources of determination and will-power. Do not allow yourself to be dragged down by circumstances or wallow in self-pity. Life is not always fair. Yet the show must go on. If you give in to depression, you will be the ultimate loser. You owe it to yourself to think positively. Fight your negative thoughts and feelings tooth and nail. Anybody can be optimistic when things are going well. It takes considerably more effort to stay positive in difficult times like these. But if you succeed, you will gain immensely in terms of your inner strength and self-confidence.
Further aspects of the situation
Matters have reached a very low point indeed. You can see no light at the end of the tunnel. Giving in to your fears and doubts will make you feel even worse, creating a vicious circle of negativity. Refuse to see yourself as a victim of circumstances.
Outwardly there are no major problems. You have what you need. Yet you are bored or unaccountably depressed. Life seems banal, meaningless. Possibly you have become too self-indulgent or have made too many compromises in order to be comfortable. But help is on the way provided that you are willing to be of service to others. Getting involved in something beyond your own personal interests will give you back your zest for living.
You need to get your priorities straight. You turn first one way and then another and look for support in the wrong places. Your impatience and indecisiveness prevent you from seeing what is before your eyes. You then make mountains out of molehills. Calm down and get matters in perspective.
Your intentions are good. Doubts have crept in, however, and made you slow to act. It is therefore all too easy for you to be side-tracked almost before you have begun. This is a source of embarrassment. But if you remain determined to achieve your aim, you will succeed.
The position is frustrating. You have excellent intentions and the ability to carry them out, but you cannot get the help you need. People misunderstand your motives. Be patient and calm. Little by little, the situation will change for the better.
The difficulties are coming to an end. You can quite easily break free from whatever has been holding you back. Put the past behind you. Nothing now stands in your way except your own attitudes. Do not allow yesterday’s bad experiences to stop you from facing today with confidence or looking forward to tomorrow with optimism.