Joy in Communicating
‘He who bends to himself a Joy doth the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the Joy as it flies Lives in Eternity’s sunrise.’
William Blake
In this situation, the emphasis is on a free flow of communication in a spirit of goodwill. Be optimistic and outgoing. Others can help you to accomplish your aims. If you approach people in a friendly way, you will get a positive response. Discussion must take place in an atmosphere which encourages freedom of expression. If people are confident that their views will be given a fair hearing, ideas will flow freely. Communication then becomes enjoyable and stimulating for all. You can learn from others and they from you. New approaches can be found and creative thinking generated. When people are enjoying themselves, troubles begin to fade into the background. With the support and encouragement of others, even the most difficult or disagreeable tasks will seem less problematic. A most successful outcome is indicated.
An opportunity for personal growth
You cannot run after joy. The more you try to catch it, the more elusive it becomes. Pursuing it will at best bring moments of pleasure which do not last. Do not rely on other people or on particular circumstances for your happiness. Over-dependence on anything outside yourself is bound to create anxiety. As a result of feeling insecure, you may try very hard to control whoever or whatever is involved. But to approach life in this way is to invite disappointment. If you want to experience joy from within, you must create the right conditions for it. Be true to yourself. Trust that you have within you the resources you need. Take pleasure in living life as it comes. Focus on giving rather than getting. You have it in you to be a source of inspiration and encouragement to others.
Further aspects of the situation
Be content with life as it is. You do not need to look further than where you are in order to feel good about life. Do not make demands on others. Rest assured that you have everything you need to make you happy, just as you are.
Be sincere and true to yourself. Don’t waste time and energy on activities which are inappropriate for you in order to be ‘one of the crowd’. Success will be a result of putting a proper value on yourself.
True and lasting joy comes from within. If you plunge headlong into mindless distractions you will certainly fill up your time, but such empty pleasures will bring you no real fulfilment. Do not demean yourself in an attempt to further your ambitions.
In which direction does your happiness lie? The fact that you are indecisive indicates that you don’t yet know what your real values are. If you are looking for peace of mind, follow the path which will give you lasting benefit. The alternative is to allow yourself to be seduced by temporary pleasures. But these will not ultimately bring you joy.
It would be easy for you to place your trust in unscrupulous people. Or you may perhaps be considering becoming involved in a dubious situation. Be very careful. Keep your wits about you. Use all your powers of discrimination to make sure that you are not in danger of being exploited.
If you depend on the outside world to provide you with happiness, you will be blown about like a feather in the wind. Try not to seek approval from others. Do not allow yourself to be swept along by circumstances. Maintain your integrity. If you lose touch with yourself, you will not attract the right people.