

To my beloved Rose, my ever bright and shining star. For your love, your loyalty and happy smile, your valued critiques and totally unstinting patience in trying to help me master my computer and for your stoicism in failure!

And for dearest Jess – one of life’s special people – an ordinary yet outstanding and joyous human being who left us in 2005 in her nineties. Born in 1912 – and from an age long since passed, she was an object lesson to us all with the grace, affection, wit and wisdom she showed in accepting all that life sent her way. Your humility and love will stay with us always Jess – God bless you.

Also for my daughters Rachael and Elizabeth, and grandchildren Sam and Tommy, Josie and Henry, Isaac and Esme – for the future with my love. Special mention also to Paul, Chris and Renate.

And not forgetting Nana Rosie, Brian the soldier and 2nd Lieutenant Norman Herbert Kimpton, who was killed aged 20 at Boesinghe near Ypres, in Flanders, on 14 July 1917.

Finally, I would be remiss if I forgot to mention all my many Edwardian ‘girlfriends’ featured in this book from within my personal postcard archive, who, although sadly now long gone, have remained captured in time, ghosts of the past – ever-happy and ever-beautiful with their enigmatic and knowing smiles still greeting us from over a hundred years ago. And even though we shall never meet, just a small thank you, ladies, for the pleasure you have given.