Monsieur Methot


Yet another of the numerous New York plumassiers was a Frenchman called H. Method who operated his business from 29 West 34th Street under the trading name of ‘French Feather Dyer and Dresser’. Method tempted potential customers with a sort of ‘drop in’ service by offering ‘Feathers Curled on Your Hat While You Wait’ and ‘Willow and French Plumes also Handsome Paris Novelties made from fine old Discarded Feathers – YOU WILL BE SURPRISED WITH THE RESULT.’

Method determinedly advertised that ‘The Dying and Curling of Plumes takes its place as one of the FINE ARTS.’

He also goes on to say that: ‘Bleaching and Cleansing have long been a Scientific Speciality with us – delicate operations, which require the most care. With the Method facilities, the cost is very slight and the work quickly done.’

He further points out that You will be surprised at the possibilities of old pieces. They serve in rebuilding the most elaborate plumes at half the cost.

As an early sort of ‘mail order’ service he requests that the customer ‘Send two-cent stamp for our special mailing envelope in which you send your feathers to us and we will gladly advise you as to the best manner of remodelling them. Seems like Monsieur Method was something of a lateral thinker with his eye on the half chance.

An advertisement in the programme of Boston’s Plymouth Theatre in 1913 shows us that Method was by then also providing his services in that city from 59 Temple Place, Blake Building, Elevator – ‘Sign of the Golden Ostrich.’ Had he moved out of New York to the slightly more genteel Boston or was this just another branch that he had set up as part of his business expansion?

At any rate, he was offering: ‘Ostrich Feathers Dyed, Cleaned or Curled – Willow Plumes Cleaned or Dyed Successfully.

He also states that:

Your old feathers can be made into beautiful French Plumes by the small addition of new tops, or any of the 1912 novelties at small cost.

The fact that we are the pioneer firm in Boston specializing in OSTRICH FEATHER WORK, having been in business for over 33 years, assures you better work and lower prices than elsewhere.

We would like to advise you about your feather work for the Fall. Samples shown for the latest Ostrich Novelties. Why not inspect our fall line of Ostrich Feathers.