Day 12
Well, I’ve been writing so much about my story as Herobrine and everything about the agencies, that I forgot to tell more about my daily life!
So, back to my life now. Like I said previously, life here in the agency is quite good. I can’t say it’s super exciting and dangerous, as most people think of a secret undercover agency, but I really like it.
I spend most of the day at the office with Zack and Patt, writing reports and reading the latest news about the cities. As for Carley and Mark, our two other members, they are what we call field agents.
Field agents are Herobrines who spend the day disguised as normal humans, living regular lives and pretending to be regular players. Just for you to have an idea of how perfect their disguises are, Carley works at a potion clinic in the city of Arlington, where I lived before, and Mark is the head of security in the city of Brelsh!
They have normal jobs and live normally among humans. But at night, they return to the agency and write reports about everything they’ve seen or witnessed during the day. Field agents are important because they’re always on the run, seeing and living things by themselves.
We, the office agents, only go outside when needed. We receive the reports from the newspapers, magazines, TV broadcasts and from our field agents that send us messages.