The Lost Roanoke Colony

The Roanoke colony was first inhabited by a set of colonists who were sent by Water Raleigh in order to see how people would respond if all their food supplies would be stopped. As he did so, he noticed something he hardly expected would turn up for him…

The Roanoke Colony was either the first permanent settlement in America, or it was a farfetched illusion. Walter Raleigh sent the colonists there and then left them without supplies for three years, perhaps just to test how the things would unfold. Of all his assumptions, what he never thought was that the colony would vanish completely. When new settlers finally arrived, none of the original inhabitants remained at the settlement (except for the old skeleton of a random guy) and the mysterious word “Croatan” was engraved in the tree’s bark.

When the whole community of colonists disappear suddenly, some perceived it to be a case of UFO abduction? Perhaps the colonists were held in some kind of suspended animation and are still being anally probed till today.

The issue was deeply looked into and it was found that the second group of habitants didn’t ever got the chance to investigate what happened to the original bunch of people because after few years passed away, a more mysterious phenomena occurred. It was noticed that some blue-eyed, pale-complexioned Indians were to be seen on the nearby Croatan Island. The sight of them gave birth to a lot of speculations but no one could arrive at one singlr convincing answer or justification for the presence of such beings.

Can you derive as to what made these mysterious children appear who looked like they might have been the descendents of white and Indian mixed race parents? It’s almost as vague today as it was that time that a certain group of settlers realized their colony was not up to the mark and went to locate some natives settling nearby who seemed to know how to live off the land. After which, they also left their shitty colony forever to go and live with contentment on the Croatan Islan.