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Chapter 1: Meeting Trump
1. Thomas de Monchaux, “Seeing Trump Tower,” The New Yorker, October 6, 2016,
2. Paul Krugman, “Realistic Growth Prospects,” The New York Times, February 23, 2016,
3. Stephen Moore and Larry Kudlow, “Is Donald Trump a 21st-Century Protectionist Herbert Hoover?” National Review, August 27, 2015,
4. Ashley Killough, “Jeb Bush: ‘I Can Guarantee’ Donald Trump Won’t Be the Nominee,” CNN, December 9, 2015,
5. Buck Sexton, “Trump, Carson, Fiorina—Rise of the Outsiders,” CNN, September 1, 2015,
6. Betsy McCaughey, “Obamacare Is Making the Middle Class the New Uninsured,” New York Post, September 6, 2017,
7. “The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2015 to 2025,” Congressional Budget Office, January 2015,
8. Gallup, “Direction of the Country,” Polling Report, June 1–13, 2018,
9. Steve Benen, “Jeb Bush Urges Audience, ‘Please Clap,’” MSNBC, February 3, 2016,
10. Peggy Noonan, “Noonan: America and the Aggressive Left,” The Wall Street Journal, February 28, 2014,
11. Ted Lieu (@tedlieu), “Trump tax plan is Voodoo . . . ,” Twitter, April 26, 2017,
Chapter 2: Battle Scars from the Biggest Political Upset in American History
1. Bret Stephens, “2016’s Big Reveal,” The Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2016,
2. Jonah Goldberg, “Conservative Purists Are Capitulating with Support of Trump,” National Review, March 9, 2016,
3. Jonah Goldberg, “The Impossible Weirdness of 2016,” National Review, October 29, 2016,
4. CNN Staff, “Here’s the Full Text of Donald Trump’s Victory Speech,” CNN, November 9, 2016,
5. Michael Gerson, “Republicans Deserve Their Fate,” The Washington Post, October 10, 2016,
6. “Transcript of Mitt Romney’s Speech on Trump,” The New York Times, March 3, 2016,
7. The five counties are Loudoun County, VA; Falls Church City, VA; Fairfax County, VA; Howard County, MD; and Arlington County, VA. “Commuting Times, Median Rents and Language Other Than English Use in the Home on the Rise,” U.S. Census Bureau, December 7, 2017,
8. Arthur B. Laffer, “Game On,” Laffer Associates, May 19, 2016.
9. The points in this memo originated in Andy Puzder and Stephen Moore, “A Trump Economy Beats Clinton’s,” The Wall Street Journal, July 14, 2016,
10. Jonathan Swain, “Trump Adviser Tells House Republicans: You’re No Longer Reagan’s Party,” The Hill, November 23, 2016,
11. Jeffrey Lord, “Ford Versus Reagan: The Sequel,” The American Spectator, May 24, 2011,
12. Frank Rich, “What the Donald Shares with the Ronald,” New York magazine, June 1, 2016,
Chapter 3: Obamanomics and the Assault on Growth
1. David Freddoso, “Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits Create More Jobs Than Any Other Initiative,” Washington Examiner, June 30, 2010,
2. Arthur Laffer, Stephen Moore, and Peter Tanous, The End of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom the Economy—If We Let It Happen (New York: Threshold Editions, 2008), p. 9.
3. “Transcript: Obama and Clinton Debate,” ABC News, April 16, 2008,
4. Kyle-Anne Shiver, “Obama, the Closer,” National Review, May 27, 2008,
5. Paul Krugman, “On the Inadequacy of the Stimulus,” The New York Times, September 5, 2011,
6. Robert Barro, “Robert Barro: Stimulus Spending Keeps Failing,” The Wall Street Journal, May 9, 2012,
7. Casey B. Mulligan, “How ObamaCare Wrecks the Work Ethic,” The Wall Street Journal, October 2, 2013,
8. Michael D. Tanner, “Welfare: A Better Deal Than Work,” Cato Institute, August 21, 2013,
9. “Trends in the Joblessness and Incarceration of Young Men,” Congressional Budget Office, May 2016,
10. “Press Release: Household Income Down by 3.1 Percent Overall Post Recession, but Many Groups Have Started to Recover Following 2011 Low Point,” Sentier Research, 2014.
11. Larry Summers, “Why Stagnation Could Prove to Be the New Normal,”, December 15, 2013,
12. The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines “U-6 unemployment” as total unemployed plus all marginally attached workers and all employed part-time for economic reasons as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers. “Marginally attached workers” are defined as persons who are not in the labor force, want and are available for work, have looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months, but are no longer looking. Marginally attached workers include discouraged workers who did not search for work because they believed no jobs were available to them. “Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization for States, Second Quarter of 2017 Through First Quarter of 2018 Averages,” Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 27, 2018,
13. “Remarks by Sen. Barack Obama,” Congressional Record, March 16, 2006,
14. “Individual Market Premium Changes: 2013–2017,” Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Office of Health Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, May 23, 2017, p. 4,
15. “Federal Subsidies for Health Insurance Coverage for People Under Age 65: 2017 to 2027,” Congressional Budget Office, September 2017,
16. “Updated Estimates for the Insurance Coverage Provisions of the Affordable Care Act,” Congressional Budget Office, March 2012,
17. Anne Case and Angus Deaton, “Rising Morbidity and Mortality in Midlife Among White Non-Hispanic Americans in the 21st Century,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, December 8, 2015,
18. W. Mark Crain and Nicole V. Crain, “The Cost of Federal Regulation to the U.S. Economy, Manufacturing and Small Business,” National Association of Manufacturers, September 10, 2014,
19. Stanley Druckenmiller, “Where’s the Invisible Hand When You Need It?” The Wall Street Journal, May 2, 2018,
Chapter 4: What Is Trumponomics?
1. Mick Mulvaney, “Introducing MAGAnomics,” The White House, July 13, 2017,
2. “Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act 1990–2020, the Second Prospective Study,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, April 2011,
3. Mick Mulvaney, “Introducing MAGAnomics,” The Wall Street Journal, July 12, 2017,
4. Michael Tanner and Charles Hughes, “The Work Versus Welfare Trade-Off: 2013,” Cato Institute, August 19, 2013,
5. Simon Evenett and Johannes Fritz, “The 21st Global Trade Alert Report: Will Awe Trump Rules?” Global Trade Alert, July 4, 2017,
Chapter 5: Designing the Trump Tax Plan
1. Nolan McCaskill, “Clinton’s Camp Attacks Trump as Heartless Tycoon,” Politico, May 9, 2016,
2. Shane Goldmacher, “Trump Launches Tax Plan Rewrite,” Politico, May 11, 2016,
3. Ibid.
4. Scott A. Hodge, “The U.S. Has More Individually Owned Businesses Than Corporations,” Tax Foundation, January 13, 2014,
5. “ ‘This Week’ Transcript: Donald Trump,” ABC News, May 8, 2016,
6. John F. Kennedy, “Address and Question and Answer Period at the Economic Club of New York,” December 14, 1962, The American Presidency Project,
7. Tim Hains, “WSJ’s Henninger: Trump Delivered ‘Excellent Speech’ About Economy; Now His Task Is to Stay on Message,” RealClearPolitics, August 8, 2016,
8. William Randolph, “International Burdens of the Corporate Income Tax,” Congressional Budget Office, August 2006,
9. “Real Stimulus for a Caving Economy? Corporate Tax Cuts,” Investor’s Business Daily, January 20, 2016,
10. Andrew Lundeen, “A Cut in the Corporate Tax Rate Would Provide a Significant Boost to the Economy,” Tax Foundation, February 19, 2015,
Chapter 6: The Tax Cut Heard Round the World
1. Arthur Laffer, “Border Adjustment Tax,” Laffer Associates, March 21, 2017.
2. Steve Forbes, Larry Kudlow, Arthur B. Laffer, and Stephen Moore, “Why Are Republicans Making Tax Reform So Hard?” The New York Times, April 19, 2017,
3. Stephen Moore, “Growth Can Solve the Debt Dilemma,” The Wall Street Journal, April 25, 2017,
4. Peter Baker, “Arthur Laffer’s Theory on Tax Cuts Comes to Life Once More,” The New York Times, April 25, 2017,
5. Allysia Finley, “Richard Vedder: The Real Reason College Costs So Much,” The Wall Street Journal, August 26, 2013,
Chapter 7: Deregulator in Chief
1. OSHA Director of Safety Standards Program Marthe Kent in the National Review’s Internet Update, June 26, 2000.
2. Jason Pye, “Regulator-in-Chief: Obama Administration Has Issued 600 Regulations with Costs of $100 Million or More,” FreedomWorks, August 8, 2016,
3. “President Donald J. Trump Is Delivering on Deregulation,” The White House, December 14, 2017,
4. Kenneth Clarkson, Charles Kadlec, and Arthur Laffer, “The Impact of Government Regulations on Competition in the U.S. Automobile Industry,” H.C. Wainwright & Co. Economics, May 4, 1979.
5. Peter Fricke, “Study: Dodd-Frank Crushes Small Banks,” Daily Caller, February 17, 2015,
6. Fannie Mae was first chartered by the U.S. government in 1938 to help ensure a reliable and affordable supply of mortgage funds throughout the country. Today it is a shareholder-owned company that operates under a congressional charter. Freddie Mac was chartered by Congress in 1970 as a private company to likewise help ensure a reliable and affordable supply of mortgage funds throughout the country. Today is a shareholder-owned company that operates under a congressional charter.”
7. Massimo Calabresi, “While Trump Is Tweeting, These 3 People Are Undoing American Government as We Know It,” Time magazine, October 26, 2017,
8. Eric Lipton and Danielle Ivory, “Under Trump, E.P.A. Has Slowed Actions Against Polluters, and Put Limits on Enforcement Officers,” The New York Times, December 10, 2017,
Chapter 8: Saudi America
1. Alister Bull, “Obama, Republicans Spar over Gasoline Prices,” Reuters, March 1, 2012,
2. Barack Obama, “Remarks by the President on America’s Energy Security,” The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, March 30, 2011,
3. Stephen Moore, “Fracking Pioneer Deserves to Win Nobel Peace Prize,” Investor’s Business Daily, October 7, 2014,
4. Nick Snow, “Industry Officials Attack Latest Call to Raise Oil, Gas Taxes,” Oil and Gas Journal, November 7, 2011,; “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” PricewaterhouseCoopers, July 2013,
5. Mark Mills, “Where the Jobs Are: Small Business Unleash America’s Energy Employment Boom,” Manhattan Institute’s Power & Growth Initiative, February 2014,
6. IHS-CERA and American Chemistry Council, “Map: Shale Brings Manufacturing Back Home,” Energy InDepth, January 2018,
7. U.S. Imports of Crude, March 2010–March 2018, U.S. Energy Information Administration,
8. “Energy Cost Impacts on American Families, 2001–2013,” American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, January 2013,
9. John Harpole, Mercator Energy, “Hydraulic Fracturing: What Informs Me,” presentation, 2013 National Energy and Utilities Affordability Conference, June 11, 2013,; “Fracking and the Poor,” The Wall Street Journal, September 6, 2013,
10. “When Was the Last Refinery Built in the United States?” U.S. Energy Information Administration, July 24, 2017,
11. The points from this memo originated in Stephen Moore and Kathleen White, Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy (Washington, D.C.: Regenery, 2016), pp. 246–47.
12. “Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Still a Disappointment,” Institute for Energy Research, April 24, 2014,
13. Justin Worland, “President Trump Says He Wants ‘Energy Dominance.’ What Does He Mean?” Time magazine, June 30, 2017,
14. Brian Spegele, “China Doubles Down on Coal Despite Climate Pledge,” The Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2016,
15. Ibid.
16. Brad Plumer, “Reality Check: Nearly 2,200 New Coal Power Plants in Planning Worldwide,” The Global Warming Policy Forum, July 11, 2015,
17. Jan Christoph Steckel, Ottmar Edenhofer, and Michael Jakob, “Drivers for the Renaissance of Coal,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, July 6, 2015,
18. “Energy Market Impacts of Recent Federal Regulations on the Electric Power Sector,” Energy Ventures Analysis, November 10, 2014,
19. Annie Leonard, “Trump as President: Here’s How We Get Through This,” Greenpeace, November 9, 2016,
20. “Energy Industry Gets Sierra Clubbed,” Investor’s Business Daily, April 22, 2016,
21. Michael E. Webber, “The Coal Industry Isn’t Coming Back,” The New York Times, November 15, 2016,
22. Matt Egan, “Why Coal Jobs Aren’t Coming Back, Despite Trump’s Actions,” CNN Money, January 24, 2017,
23. Sam Batkins, “EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Regulation Expects Coal Generation to Decline 48 Percent,” American Action Forum, August 4, 2015,
24. Electric Power Monthly, “Table 1.1: Net Generation by Energy Source: Total (All Sectors), 2008–March 2018,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, May 24, 2018,
25. “EIA Forecasts Natural Gas to Remain Primary Energy Source for Electricity Generation,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, January 22, 2018,
26. “News Release: Gross Domestic Product by Industry: First Quarter 2017,” Bureau of Economic Analysis, July 21, 2017,
27. Christopher Alessi and Alison Sider, “U.S. Oil Output Expected to Surpass Saudi Arabia, Rivaling Russia for Top Spot,” The Wall Street Journal, January 19, 2018,
28. Olga Yagova and Libby George, “Trump’s Revenge: U.S. Oil Floods Europe, Hurting OPEC and Russia,” Reuters, April 23, 2018,
Chapter 9: The Art of the Trump Trade Deal
1. Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure,” The White House, May 23, 2018,
2. “Research Milestones: Drug Policy and Strategy Analyses to Inform R&D and Strategic Planning Decisions,” Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development,
3. Ronald Reagan, “Radio Address to the Nation on International Free Trade,” November 20, 1982, online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project,
4. Christos Cabolis, “IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook: The 30th Edition,” IMD World Competitiveness Center, May 2018,
5. “Economic Report of the President,” The White House, February 2018,
1. Lucinda Shen, “Larry Summers Sees a Grim Future Under a Trump Presidency,” Fortune, June 6, 2016,
2. Daniel K. Williams, “Could Trump End Culture Wars?” The New York Times, November 9, 2016,
3. Editorial Board, “A President Trump Could Destroy the World Economy,” The Washington Post, October 5, 2016,
4. “Economy Lifts Trump to Best Score in 7 Months, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Immigration, Foreign Policy Keep Approval Down,” Quinnipiac University, February 7, 2018,
5. Jon Sindreu, Riva Gold, and Josh Mitchell, “Economic Growth in U.S. Leaves World Behind,” The Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2017,
6. Joseph Epstein, “The Only Good Thing About Donald Trump Is All His Policies,” The Wall Street Journal, February 26, 2018,