How to Use This Book

CONGRATULATIONS: You now possess the book that has guided nearly two million students to USMLE success for over 25 years. With appropriate care, the binding should last the useful life of the book. Keep in mind that putting excessive flattening pressure on any binding will accelerate its failure. If you purchased a book that you believe is defective, please immediately return it to the place of purchase. If you encounter ongoing issues, you can also contact Customer Service at our publisher, McGraw-Hill Education, at

START EARLY: Use this book as early as possible while learning the basic medical sciences. The first semester of your first year is not too early! Devise a study plan by reading Section I: Guide to Efficient Exam Preparation, and make an early decision on resources to use by checking Section IV: Top-Rated Review Resources. Note that First Aid is neither a textbook nor a comprehensive review book, and it is not a panacea for inadequate preparation.

CONSIDER FIRST AID YOUR ANNOTATION HUB: Annotate material from other resources, such as class notes or comprehensive textbooks, into your book. This will keep all the high-yield information you need in one place. Other tips on keeping yourself organized:

  For best results, use fine-tipped ballpoint pens (eg, BIC Pro+, Uni-Ball Jetstream Sports, Pilot Drawing Pen, Zebra F-301). If you like gel pens, try Pentel Slicci, and for markers that dry almost immediately, consider Staedtler Triplus Fineliner, Pilot Drawing Pen, and Sharpies.

  Consider using pens with different colors of ink to indicate different sources of information (eg, blue for USMLE-Rx Step 1 Qmax, green for UWorld Step 1 Qbank).

  Choose highlighters that are bright and dry quickly to minimize smudging and bleeding through the page (eg, Tombow Kei Coat, Sharpie Gel).

  Many students de-spine their book and get it 3-hole-punched. This will allow you to insert materials from other sources, including curricular materials.

INTEGRATE STUDY WITH CASES, FLASH CARDS, AND QUESTIONS: To broaden your learning strategy, consider integrating your First Aid study with case-based reviews (eg, First Aid Cases for the USMLE Step 1), flash cards (eg, First Aid Flash Facts), and practice questions (eg, the USMLE-Rx Step 1 Qmax). Read the chapter in the book, then test your comprehension by using cases, flash cards, and questions that cover the same topics. Maintain access to more comprehensive resources (eg, First Aid for the Basic Sciences: General Principles and Organ Systems and First Aid Express videos) for deeper review as needed.

PRIME YOUR MEMORY: Return to your annotated Sections II and III several days before taking the USMLE Step 1. The book can serve as a useful way of retaining key associations and keeping high-yield facts fresh in your memory just prior to the exam. The Rapid Review section includes high-yield topics to help guide your studying.

CONTRIBUTE TO FIRST AID: Reviewing the book immediately after your exam can help us improve the next edition. Decide what was truly high and low yield and send us your comments. Feel free to send us scanned images from your annotated First Aid book as additional support. Of course, always remember that all examinees are under agreement with the NBME to not disclose the specific details of copyrighted test material.