
3–5–7 model


AACWA (Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act)

AAPI-II (Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory)

abuse (of substances): after aging out of the system; Casey Family Programs young adult survey

abuse (of children), prevention programs

ACLSA (Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment)

ACYF (Administration on Children, Youth, and Families)

adolescents (11–18): care beyond age eighteen; exit data; reunification rates. See also older youth (11–25); youth (13–17)

adolescents (11–18), out-of-home care: group care; placement rates; reunification rates. See also identity development

—reunification, demonstration program: aging out of the system; collaboration and teamwork; concrete services; early referral; family meetings; goals and principles; in-depth assessment; parent-child visits; reunification, definition; reunification rates; service planning; services for; staff competency, 236–37; therapeutic services; training resources; youth involvement, ethical considerations

Adopt Uskids

adoption: adjustment issues; Alaskan Native children; American Indian children; Asian children; behavioral problems; Black children; caseworkers’ attitudes towards; Casey Family services Postadoption Services; Caucasian children; children's emotional problems; disruption of; federal funding; by foster families; Hispanic children; LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) youth; married adopters, vs. single; number of previous placements, effects of; outcome study; postadoption support services; preparation for; PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder); race matching policies; racial disparity (see also specific racial groups): research needs; support, Title IV-E, Social Security Act. See also ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997); permanent exits

—federal legislation: AACWA (Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act); Adoption Opportunities Program; Children's Health act of 2000; Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008; IEP (Interethnic Provisions); Keeping Children and Families Safe Act; MEPA (Multi-Ethnic Placement Act of 1994); MEPA-IEPA (Interethnic Placement Act Amendments of 1996); Promoting Safe and Stable Families Amendments of 2001. See also ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997)

—financial assistance: adoption incentives; for children with special needs; federal subsidies; state subsidies

—rates: by age; from guardianship; from kinship care; Project KEEP; by time since first admission

Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (ASFA). See ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997)

Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act (AACWA)

Adoption Opportunities Program

ADR (alternate dispute resolution) programs

Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI-II)

adulthood, transition to: Casey Family services; prerequisites. See also independent living services

AFCARS (Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System)

AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children)

African American children. See Black children

after-care services. See discharge outcomes

age: adoption rates; birth to 18; childhood, percentage spent in foster care; at removal, nonpermanent exits. See also adolescents (11–18); alumni (19–25); older youth (11–25); youth (13–17)

—at entry into foster care: duration of stay, effects on; likelihood of staying; placement type; by race or ethnicity – 20; reunification, effects on; as a factor in reentry

—infants: aging out of the system; percent of total admissions; placement rates

age of majority, raising

aggravated circumstances

aggression replacement training (ART)

aging out of the system: among babies at entry; education; frequency; health care; kinship care; likelihood, by age at admission; number of (2002); out-of-home care; reunification demonstration program; risks associated with; vs. adoption. See also growing up in foster care

—outcomes: child bearing; divorce rates; economic self sufficiency; education; employment; family formation; family relations; homelessness; housing; involvement with criminal justice system; marriage rates; mean earnings; mental health; parenting; physical health; separation rates; substance abuse; unemployment

AHA (American Humane Association)

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

AIDS/HIV, effects on foster care

Alabama, Family to Family Initiative

Alaska, Family to Family Initiative

Alaskan Native children, adoption

alcohol abuse. See substance abuse

Alexandria, VA, mentor programs

Allerhand, M. E.

alternate dispute resolution (ADR) programs

alternative responses

alumni (19–25): Casey Family services study; northwest study. See also Casey Family Programs, young adult survey; older youth (11–25); Reilly Nevada study

American Humane association (AHA)

American Indian children, adoption

Annie E. Casey Foundation: Family to Family Initiative; independent living services; Making Connections; UPS school to Career Program. See also Casey Family Services

Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment (ACLSA)

APPLA (Another Planned Parenthood Living Arrangement)

appointment of counsel. See legal representation

ARIES program

Arizona: adolescent-specific training; dual case management; Family to Family Initiative; FGDM (Family Group Decision Making)

ART (aggression replacement training)

ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997): Adoption Incentive Program; adoption provisions; aggravated circumstances; court reform; effects on adoption; needed research; overview; permanence, effects on; “reasonable efforts” provision; reunification bypass; TPR (termination of parental rights)

Asian children, adoption

assessing performance: child and family well-being; independent living programs; permanence outcomes; safety outcomes; state level. See also waiver demonstrations

—CFSRS (Child and Family Ser-vice Reviews): assessing state performance; child and family well-being, assessing; monitoring reentries; permanence outcomes, assessing; safety outcomes, assessing

—guardianship subsidies: California; Delaware; Georgia; Illinois; Maryland; Montana; New Mexico; North Carolina; Ohio; Oregon; Texas; Title IV-E waiver demonstrations; Washington, D.C.

assessment instruments: AAPI-II (Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory); ACLSA (Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment); NCFAS-R-I (North Carolina Family Assessment Scale for Reunification); TAPIS (Transition to Adulthood Program Information System) Progress Tracker; WAI (Worker-Family Alliance)

attachment theory

attorneys. See legal representation


babies. See infants

“baby boom,”

bachelor's degrees, among former foster children

Barth, R.

behavioral problems: adopted children; evidence-informed practices; factor in placement instability; kinship care; permanence


benchmark permanence hearings

best-practice guidelines. See policy directions; practice directions; Resource Guidelines: Improving Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases; resources

BEST (Belonging and Emotional Security) tool

Bilaver, L.

Black children: adoption; in foster care; health rates; identity issues; inequalities in federal policies; kinship care; likelihood of leaving foster care; risk of entry into foster care

Bost, N.

Brookhart, A.

Buffalo, NY


California: Family to Family initiative; guardianship subsidies; Kin-GAP; los angeles, mentor programs; reentry rates; reunification bypass; san Diego study of placement instability; San Jose, dispute resolution; studies of placement instability; TPR reversals

California Permanency for youth Project

California youth Connections

CARE (Court Agency Record Exchange)

CASA (court-appointed special advocate)

case management: dual; monitoring kinship care; specialized. See also collaboration

case mining

caseload management, court reform

caseworkers, attitudes towards adoption

Casey Family Programs, young adult survey: description; findings; homelessness; housing; mental health; physical health; preparation for adulthood; substance abuse

—policy and program implications: after-care services; educational remediation; extending Medicaid coverage; housing funds; housing planning; mental health services; placement stability; preparation for adulthood; providing important documents; raising the age of majority; societal gains; specialized case management

Casey Family Services: alumni (19–25) study; BEST (Belonging and Emotional Security) tool; evidence-informed practices; extended care outcomes; independent living services; transitional services. See also Annie E. Casey Foundation; reunification, demonstration program

—permanency practices: adoption preparation; adulthood, preparation for; case mining; collaborative teaming; concurrent planning; family preservation and support, 351–55; identifying and engaging family resources

Casey Family Services Postadoption Services

Center for Community Partnerships in Child Welfare

Center for the Study of Social Policy

CFSRs (Child and Family Service Reviews): assessing state performance; child and family well-being, assessing; monitoring reentries; permanence outcomes, assessing; safety outcomes, assessing

Chafee Act. See FCIA (Foster Care Independence Act)

Chapin Hall Midwest evaluations

Chapin Hall Multi-State Foster Care Data Archive

checklists, Model Courts

Chicago, IL, benchmark permanence hearings

child advocates

child bearing, after aging out of the system

Child Victims Act Model Courts (VAMC)

child welfare services, vs. reunification demonstration program

childhood, percentage spent in foster care

children's emotional problems: adopted children; evidence-informed practices; factor in placement instability

Children's Health act of 2000

CIP (Court Improvement Program): collaboration, forms of; collaboration requirements; establishment of; federal evaluation; funding for court reform; funding for data collection; grants

cluster courts

collaboration: court reform; between courts and welfare agencies; electronic data sharing; federally mandated; forms of; model Courts; multisystem; policy implications; practice implications; recommended; requirements; research implications; reunification demonstration program; voluntary joint taskforces; workgroups

Collaboration to Adopt Uskids

collaborative teaming

Colorado: Denver, FGDM (Family Group Decision Making); Family to Family Initiative; truancy

Commitment to Kin: A Report from the Casey Family Programs,

community-based practices, research on: abuse prevention programs; alternative responses; CPPC (Community Partnerships for Protecting Children); differential response; early intervention; EITC (earned income tax credit); kinship care; Making Connections; multiple track responses; overview; poverty; practice and policy implications; research agenda

community development

community life, independent living services

Community Partnerships for Protecting Children (CPPC)

concurrent planning, Casey Family services

congregate care: discharge outcomes; kinship care; placement instability; reentry rates; reunification rates. See also out-of-home care

Connected by 25 program

Connecticut: legal representation of parents; service coordination

connection with birth families, kinship care

Cook, R.

Cook, S. K.

counsel. See legal representation

Court Agency Record Exchange (CARE)

court-appointed special advocate (CASA)

court hearings. See hearings

Court Improvement Program (CIP). See CIP (Court Improvement Program)

court performance measures

court reform: research, state of. See also system reform

—local practice (see also Model Courts): appointment of counsel; attorneys, adolescent-specific training; CASA (court-appointed special advocate); caseload management; child development knowledge; collaboration; court hearings, quality of; delinquency; docketing system; family group conferencing; GAL (guardian ad litem) appointment; independent living services; judges, adolescent-specific training; judicial oversight; judicial rotation; juvenile drug courts; legal representation, children and parents; mediation; National Resource Center for Youth Development; time-certain docketing; timelines for permanence; TPR (termination of parental rights); TPR (termination of parental rights), appeals; training for stakeholders; truancy; youth issues

court reform, national efforts: ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997); best-practice guidelines; collaboration between courts and welfare agencies; court hearings, sequence of; court performance, tracking; court role in dependency cases; dispute resolution programs; federal evaluation; federal funding; federal legislation and directives; hearing guidelines; incentives for permanence; judge-to-family ratio; judicial workload measurement, ; legal representation rules; Model Courts; monitoring outcomes; multidisciplinary commissions; no-continuance rules; OJJDP (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention); oversight of dependency cases; permanency planning deadlines; Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care; “reasonable effort” mandate; Resource Guidelines: Improving Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases,; SANCA grants; special demonstrations; time-certain docketing; timeline of key dates; timelines for permanence. See also model Courts

—CIP (Court Improvement Program): collaboration, forms of; collaboration requirements; establishment of; federal evaluation; funding court reform; funding for data collection; grants

Courtney, M. E.

courts, role in dependency cases

CPPC (Community Partnerships for Protecting Children)

crack use, effects on foster care

cultural identity, family meetings

cultural permanence

CWLA Standards of Excellence for Transition …


data on child welfare, sources for. See also specific topics

data sharing

Delaware: legal representation of parents; service coordination; subsidized guardianship

delinquency, juvenile

delinquency, school

demonstration waivers. See waiver demonstrations

Denney, D. D.

Denver, CO, FGDM (Family Group Decision Making)

developmental problems, health care for

differential response

directions in permanence. See policy directions; practice directions; research directions

discharge outcomes: after-care services; congregate care; extended services; monitoring; New York : out-of-home care; placement instability, effects of; policy directions; policy implications; practice directions; Project KEEP; research directions; research implications. See also aging out of the system; leaving foster care; permanent exits

—alumni (19–25) (see also Casey Family Programs, young adult survey): Casey Family Services study; Northwest study

—for older youth (11–25) (see also adolescents [11–18]; alumni [19–25]): out-of-home care; overview; reentry to foster care; reunification

—studies: alumni (19–25) (see Casey Family Programs, young adult survey; Casey Family Services, alumni study; Reilly Nevada Study); summary of

disproportionality. See also racial disparity

dispute resolution programs

divorce rates, after aging out of the system

DMC (Disproportionate Minority Contact)

docketing system

Downs, A. C.

drug abuse. See substance abuse

duration of foster care. See time in foster care

Dworsky, a.


earnings. See employment; income

economic self sufficiency, after aging out of the system

Edna mcConnell Clark Foundation

education, former foster children: after aging out of the system; bachelor's degrees; GED rates; high school completion rates; post-secondary; reilly nevada study of discharge outcomes; West virginia

educational remediation, policy direction

EITC (earned income tax credit)

electronic data sharing

emancipation, as case goal

emotional healing, family meetings

emotional permanence

emotional problems: adopted children; evidence-informed practices; factor in placement instability

employment, after foster care: aging out of the system; income levels; JCYOI (Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative); Reilly Nevada Study of discharge outcomes

English, D.

entering foster care: admission rate, by race or ethnicity; placement type, by age at admission

ethnic identity, family meetings

evidence-informed practices: ARIES program; Casey Family ser-vices; handling emotional and behavioral disturbances; overview; Project RENEW; TIP (Transition to Independence Process)

extended services, discharge outcomes


family-based care: age at first admission; MST (Multisystemic Therapy); MTFC (Multi-dimensional Treatment Foster Care). See also out-of-home care; placement types

family development theory

family formation, after aging out of the system

Family Group Conferencing (FGC)

Family Group Decision Making (FGDM)

family meetings: characteristics of; child welfare reform; cultural identities; ethnic identities; FGC (Family Group Conferencing); FGDM (Family Group Decision Making); LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) youth; practice implications; purpose of; research implications; reunification demonstration program; sexual identities; TDM (team Decision making); teaming practices

—for older youth (11–25): child advocates; family engagement; overview; permanence planning; success predictors; support persons; youth engagement

—research on: emotional healing; family satisfaction; overview; PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder); Texas study

family preservation

Family Preservation and Family support Program

family relations, after aging out of the system

family resources, identifying and engaging

family reunification services

Family to Family Initiative

Fanshel, D.

FCIA (Foster Care Independence Act): financial support for transitional services; focus of; monitoring outcomes; post-care health care; results of

federal funding: adoption incentives; adoption subsidies; care beyond age eighteen; CIP (Court Improvement Program); coordination of services; court performance, tracking; court reform; current, limitations; for dependency court reform; family preservation; guidelines for expenditures; housing for independent living; for independent living; John Chaffee Foster Care independence Program; OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act); primary source of; reforms; SANCA-MIS (Strengthening Abuse and Neglect Courts in America-Management Information Systems); state use of, guidelines for; support services; transitional services. See also Medicaid

federal legislation: Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act (1980); aid to Families with Dependent Children; court reform; DMC (Disproportionate Minority Contact); Family Preservation and Family support Program; Foster Care Independent Initiative Act of 1999; ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978); Juvenile Justice and Prevention act; performance assessment (see CFSRS [Child and family Service Reviews]); PSSF (Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program); racial inequalities. See also ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997); court reform; social Security Act

—adoption: AACWA (Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act); Adoption Opportunities Program; Children's Health Act of 2000; Collaboration to Adopt UsKids; Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008

federal policies, health care: after aging out; after foster care; barriers to services; developmental problems; differential access; insurance; medical problems; psychiatric disorders; SCHIPs (State Children's Health Insurance Programs). See also Medicaid

federal policies, youth: FCIA (Foster Care Independence Act); independent living programs; John H. Chaffee Foster Care Independence Program; race-based inequalities; service coordination

federally mandated collaboration

Festinger, T.

FGC (Family Group Conferencing)

FGDM (Family Group Decision Making)

financial assistance: Kin-GAP program. See also federal funding

—adoption: ASFA incentives; for children with special needs; federal subsidies; state subsidies

—kinship care (see also guardianship subsidies): foster care payments; Kin-GAP program; TANF (temporary assistance for needy Families)

Finch, S. J.

Fleischman, E.

Florida, independent living services

formal kinship care

Foster Care independence act (FCIA). See FCIA (Foster Care independence act)

Foster Care Independent Initiative Act of 1999

foster care support, Title IV-E, Social Security Act

foster families, types of. See placement types; specific types

Fostering Connections to success and increasing adoptions act of 2008

Frey, lauren

Frost, S.

funding. See federal funding; financial assistance


GAL (guardian ad litem) appointment

GED rates, former foster children

George, R.

Georgia: legal representation; One Child/One Lawyer program; pro bono legal representation; subsidized guardianship

grief assistance

Grimes, V.

Grogan-Kaylor, A.

group care: adolescents; age at first admission; causing impermanence; permanence planning, adolescent involvement. See also out-of-home care

growing up in foster care: percentage of childhood. See also aging out of the system

—likelihood of staying: by age at entry; children in care at age sixteen

Grundy, J. F.

guardian ad litem (GAL) appointment

guardianship: benefits of; care-giver demographics; Gal (guardian ad litem) appointment; growth of, contributing factors. See also kinship care

guardianship subsidies: effects of; Kin-GAP program; TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

—evaluating: California; Delaware; Georgia; Illinois; Maryland; Montana; New Mexico; North Carolina; Ohio; Oregon; Texas; Title IV-E waiver demonstrations; Washington, D.C.

guidelines. See policy directions; practice directions; Resource Guidelines: Improving Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases; resources


Harari, T.

hard skills, independent living services

Haug, M.

Havlicek, J.

Hawaii: ADR (alternate dispute resolution); Honolulu; legal representation; Model Courts; unbundling services

health care: after aging out of the system; after foster care; barriers to services; developmental problems; differential access; insurance; medical problems; psychiatric disorders; SCHIPs (state Children's Health Insurance Programs). See also federal policies, health care; Medicaid

health care insurance

hearings: benchmark; docketing system; guidelines for; Model Courts; quality of; sequence of

Heston, L. L.

high school completion rates, former foster children

Hiripi, E.

Hispanic children: adoption; inequalities in federal policies; risk of entry into foster care, 19–21; HIV/AIDS, effects on foster care

Holmes, K.

homelessness: after aging out of the system; Casey Family Programs young adult survey; Reilly Nevada Study of discharge outcomes

Honolulu, HI: ADR (alternate dispute resolution); Model Courts

housing: after aging out of the system; assistance, kinship care; Casey Family Programs young adult survey; funds for; independent living services; planning for; reilly nevada study of discharge outcomes


ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978)

identity development: assistance; challenges; community development; cultural identity; ethnic identity; family development theory; family meetings; foster care, effects of; sexual identity

IEP (Interethnic Provisions)

Illinois: Chicago, benchmark permanence hearings; discharging older youth (11–25); Family to Family Initiative; guardianship subsidies, evaluating; placement instability studies; service coordination; subsidized guardianship

ILPS (Independent Living Programs)

impermanence. See permanence

important documents, providing

incentives for permanence

income, among former foster children

Independent living act (1985)

Independent living initiative

independent living services: ACLSA (Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment); ART (aggression replacement training); assessment instruments; community life; Connected by 25 program; court reform; effectiveness, assessing; employment; federal policies; Foster Care independent initiative act of 1999; hard skills; housing; ILPs (Independent Living Programs); Independent Living Strategies …; JCYOI (Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative); Medicaid coverage; money management; NC LINKS; necessary features of; Opportunity Passport; policy implications; practice implications; re- search implications; social capital; social life skills; soft skills; strategies for; TAPIS (Transition to Adulthood Program Information System) Progress Tracker; uPs school to Career Program; Westat Project

—evidence-informed practices: ARIES program; Casey Family services; handling emotional and behavioral disturb—ances; overview; Project RENEW; TIP (Transition to Independence Process)

—program evaluations: Chapin Hall midwest evaluations; early studies; north Carolina ILP evaluations; northwest alumni study; recent studies

Independent Living Strategies …

index of child stability

Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA)

Indiana, independent living services

infants: aging out of the system; percent of total admissions; placement rates

informal kinship care

Interethnic Placement act Amendments of 1996 (MEPAIEPA)

Interethnic Provisions (IEP)

intervention: behavioral; community-based practices, research on; early; programs

involvement with the legal system


Jackman, W.

JCYOI (Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative)

John H. Chaffee Foster Care Independence Program

Jones, M. A.

Joo Lee, B.

judge-to-family ratio

judges: adolescent-specific training; judicial recall; retired, reinstating

judicial oversight

judicial rotation

Jurich, A. P.

juvenile drug courts

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention act


Kansas, independent living services


Keeping Children and Families safe act

Keller, T.

Kentucky: Family to Family initiative; truancy

Kessler, J. R. C.

Kin-GAP (Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment)

kinship care: abuse reports; adoption rates; age at first admission; aging out of the system; “baby boom,”; behavioral problems; benefits of; Black children; caregiver demographics; case monitoring; child care; in communities of color; community-based responses; connection with birth families; disadvantages; drawbacks; effects on foster care; Family to Family initiative; formal; housing assistance, 159; index of child stability; informal; Kinship navigator Program; legal assistance; mental health problems; mental health services; net permanence rate; older youth (11–25); optimal program; permanence; physical health problems; physical health services; quality of care; racial disparity; racial overrepresentation; RAPP (Relatives as Parents Program); reentry rates; respite care; reunification rates; runaway rates; safety; support groups; time in care; vs. congregate care, reentry rates; well-being of children. See also guardianship

—financial assistance (see also guardianship subsidies): foster care payments; Kin-GAP program; TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

—implications: policies; practice; research

Kinship navigator Program


Labrador, FGDM (Family Group Decision Making)

LAS (Local Agency Survey)

Latino children. See Hispanic children

laws. See court reform; federal legislation

lawyers. See legal representation

leaving foster care: number of exits (2000–2005); other exits, vs. emancipation. See also aging out; discharge outcomes; nonpermanent exits; permanent exits; running away

—emancipation: as case goal; vs. other exits

—family exits: discharge to relatives (see guardianship; kinship care); frequency

—likelihood of exit: to adoption; black children; children age sixteen; by reason; to reunification; White children

legal permanence

legal representation: appointment of counsel; ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997); best-practice guidelines; caseload management; child development knowledge; for children; collaboration; court hearings, quality of; court hearings, sequence of; court performance, tracking; court role in dependency cases; delinquency; dispute resolution programs; docketing system; family group conferencing; federal evaluation; federal funding; federal legislation and directives; GAL (guardian ad litem) appointment; hearing guidelines; incentives for permanence; independent living services; indigent parents; judge-to-family ratio; judges, adolescent-specific training; judicial oversight; judicial rotation; juvenile drug courts; kinship care; law students as; legal representation rules; mediation; Model Courts; monitoring outcomes; multidisciplinary commissions; National Resource Center for Youth Development; no-continuance rules; oversight of dependency cases; parent facilitators; Parents representation Program; permanency planning deadlines; Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care; pro bono; “reasonable effort” mandate; Resource Guidelines: Improving Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases,; rules for; SANCA grants; special demonstrations; time-certain docketing; timeline of key dates; timelines for permanence; TPR (termination of parental rights); truancy; unbundling services; volunteers as; youth issues

—CIP (Court Improvement Program): collaboration, forms of; collaboration requirements; establishment of; federal evaluation; funding for court reform; funding for data collection; grants

—training: adolescent-specific; attorneys; stakeholders

legislation. See court reform; federal legislation; policy directions

LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) youth: adoption; family meetings

life skills development. See independent living services

Living Classrooms Foundation

Local Agency Survey (LAS)

Los Angeles, CA, mentor programs


Making Connections

maltreatment. See abuse; safety

marriage rates, after aging out of the system

Maryland: Family to Family Initiative; guardianship subsidies, evaluating; independent living services; subsidized guardianship; training attorneys; uPs school to Career Program

Massachusetts, judicial recall

Mccord, J.

Mccord, W.

measurement instruments. See assessment instruments


Medicaid: automatic enrollment in; extending coverage; finding health care providers; former foster youth; for foster youth exiting to independent living; limiting targeted case management; losing coverage after foster care; mental health expenditures. See also federal funding

medical problems. See health care

Meier, E. G.

mental health: after aging out of the system; Casey Family Programs young adult survey; kinship care; rates, new york; services, kinship care; services, policy direction

mentor programs

MEPA (Multi-Ethnic Placement Act of 1994)

MEPA-IEPA (Interethnic Placement Act Amendments of 1996)

Michigan, Family to Family Initiative

Minnesota, legal representation of children

Model Courts: ADR (alternate dispute resolution) programs; benchbooks; benchmark permanence hearings; best-practice guidelines; checklists; court performance measures; Honolulu; mentor programs; multidisciplinary training programs; multisystem collaboration; New York City; resource guides; service provision programs; special demonstrations; VAMC (Child Victims Act Model Courts); youth-focused reform activities. See also court reform

money management, independent living services

monitoring: ASFA effects on adoption; discharge outcomes; placement instability

Montana, subsidized guardianship

Morello, S.

Moses, B.

MST (Multisystemic Therapy)

MTFC (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care)

MTFC-P (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care—for Preschoolers)

Multi-Ethnic Placement Act of 1994 (MEPA)

multidisciplinary commissions

multidisciplinary training programs

multiple track responses

multisystem collaboration


National Center for State Courts (NCSC)

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). See NCJFCJ (National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges)

National Governors’ Association Policy Academy for Youth in Transition

National Resource Center for Youth Development

National Survey of Child and Adoles-cent Well-Being (NSCAW): ASFA effects on adoption; reentry rates, after reunification

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)


NCFAS-R-I (North Carolina Family Assessment Scale for Reunification)

NCJFCJ (National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges): best-practice guidelines; court performance measures; model Courts; Permanency Planning for Children Department

NCSC (National Center for State Courts)

Nebraska, independent living services

Needell, B.

Nesmith, A.

net permanence rate, kinship care

Nevada. See reilly nevada study

New Hampshire, independent living services

New Jersey, benchmark permanence hearings

New Mexico: Family to Family Initiative; legal representation of children; subsidized guardianship

New york: Buffalo, benchmark permanence hearings; Family to Family Initiative; mental health rates; state Charities Aid; study of discharge outcomes; TPR reversals

New york City, Model Courts

New Zealand, FGC (Family Group Conferencing)

Newark, benchmark permanence hearings

Newfoundland, FGDM (Family Group Decision Making)

no-continuance rules

nonpermanent exits: by age at removal; demographics; by length of stay; length of stay at last removal; vs. permanent; youth (16–18). See also leaving foster care; permanent exits

North Carolina: family meetings; Family to Family initiative; ILP evaluations; independent living services; NC LINKS program; subsidized guardianship

North Carolina Family assessment scale for reunification (NCFAS-RI)

Northwest alumni study

NSCAW (National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being): ASFA effects on adoption; reentry rates, after reunification

NYTD (National Youth in Transition Database)


OBRA (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)

O'Brien, K.

Ohio: Cincinnati, mentor programs; Family to Family initiative; placement instability studies; subsidized guardianship

OJJDP (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)

older youth (11–25): kinship care. See also adolescents (11–18); alumni (19–25); youth (13–17)

—discharge outcomes: out-of-home care; overview; re- entry to foster care; reunification

—family meetings: child advocates; family engagement; overview; permanence planning; success predictors; support persons; youth engagement

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)

One Child/one lawyer program

Opportunity Passport

Oregon: ARIES program; Family to Family Initiative; guardianship subsidies, evaluating; independent living services; subsidized guardianship; training, for independent living

outcomes. See discharge outcomes

out-of-home care: aging out of the system; reentry rates; reunification rates; unrelated foster families. See also adoles-cents (11–18), out-of-home care; family-based care; placement types

—congregate care: placement instability; reentry rates; reunification rates; vs. kinship care

—discharge outcomes, for older youth (11–25): overview; reentry to foster care; reunification

—group care: adolescents; age at first admission; causing impermanence; permanence planning, adolescent involvement


parent-child visits, reunification demonstration program

parental incarceration, effects on foster care population

parenting, after aging out of the system

Parents Representation Program

Pauley, J. b.

Pecora, P. J.

Pennsylvania: Family to Family Initiative; independent living services

—Philadelphia: case management conferences; independent living services; pretrial conferences

performance assessment. See assessing performance

permanence: cultural; emotional; factors affecting (see placement instability; TPR [termination of parental rights]); grief assistance; identity formation; index of child stability; kinship care; legal; new directions (see court reform; policy directions; practice directions; research directions); outcomes (see discharge outcomes); physical; placement rates, reunification demonstration program; planning deadlines; policy implications; post-permanency practice; practice implications; pre-permanency practice; relational; research implications

—assessment and intervention: 3–5–7 model; attachment theory; behavioral interventions; BEST (Belonging and Emotional Security) tool

—definitions: Barth and Chintapalli; Casey Family Services

Permanency Achieved variable

permanency planning: adolescent involvement; family meetings

Permanency Planning for Children Department (NCJFCJ)

permanency practices, Casey Family Services: adoption preparation; adulthood, preparation for; case mining; collaborative teaming; concurrent planning; family preservation and support; identifying and engaging family resources

permanent exits: by age at removal; demographics; factors associated with; by last placement setting; by length of stay; length of stay at last removal; outcome data; by reason for discharge; trends in; vs. nonpermanent; youth (16–18). See also adoption; leaving foster care; nonpermanent exits; reunification

Pettiford, P.

Pew Commission on Children in Foster Care

Philadelphia, PA: case management conferences; independent living services; pretrial conferences

physical health: after aging out of the system; Casey Family Programs young adult survey; kinship care; reilly nevada study of discharge outcomes; services, kinship care

physical permanence

Piliavin, I.

placement instability: California studies; causes of; CFSRs (Child and Family Ser-vice Reviews); children's behavior/emotional problems; congregate care; definition; enhancing placement stability; factors associated with; illinois studies; intervention programs; links to negative outcomes; meeting children's needs; monitoring; MTFC-P (Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care—for Pre-schoolers); ohio studies; policy direction; policy- related issues; by prior placements; Project KEEP; role in impermanence; san Diego study; scope of; system-related issues

placement types: by age at admission; association with running away; reentry rates; reunification rates. See also family-based care; out-of-home care

placements: income eligibility criteria; number of, effects on adoption

policy directions: after-care services; Casey Family Programs young adult survey; collaboration; community-based responses; discharge outcomes; educational remediation; extending Medicaid coverage; housing funds; housing planning; independent living services; kinship care; mental health services; permanence; placement stability; post-care outcomes; preparation for adulthood; providing important documents; raising the age of majority; Reilly Nevada Study of discharge outcomes; societal gains; specialized case management. See also federal policies; practice directions; state policies

population in foster care: 1986–1995; “baby boom,”; crack use, effects of; HIV/AIDS, effects of; parental incarceration, effects of

post-care. See discharge outcomes

post-permanency practice

post-secondary education rates, former foster children

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

poverty, community-based responses

practice directions: after-care services; Casey Family Programs young adult survey; collaboration; community-based responses (see also community-based practices); discharge outcomes; educational remediation; essential strategies; extending Medicaid coverage; family meetings; housing funds; housing planning; independent living services; kinship care; mental health services; permanence; placement stability; preparation for adulthood; providing important documents; raising the age of majority; Reilly Nevada study of discharge outcomes; societal gains; specialized case management. See also policy directions

pre-permanency practice

preparation for adulthood: Casey Family Programs young adult survey; policy direction; Reilly Nevada study of discharge outcomes. See also independent living services

Preparing Youth for Interdependent Living,

pro bono legal representation

Project KEEP

Project RENEW

Promoting Safe and Stable Families Amendments of 2001

Prosecution Project

PSSF (Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program)

psychiatric disorders, health care for

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)

Public law 96–272

Public law 99–272

Public law 105–89. See ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997)

Public law

Puerto Rico, legal representation

P.U.S.H. for Youth Goals: Leaving Home Again,


race matching policies, adoption

racial disparity: adoption; federal legislation about; federal policies; first entry into the system; kinship care. See also specific racial groups

racial overrepresentation, kinship care

RAPP (Relatives as Parents Program)

“reasonable efforts” mandate

recommended collaboration

reentry rates: age as a factor; from guardianship; Kin-GAP; kinship care; reunification demonstration program

—after reunification: association with placement types; CFSRs (Child and Family Service Reviews); congregate care; factors affecting; kinship care; new abuse/neglect reports; NSCAW (National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being); out-of-home care; by placement type; prior reentries, effects of; to relatives outside the foster care program; time spent in care, effects of

reform. See court reform; system reform

regulations. See court reform; federal legislation; policy directions

Reilly Nevada study of discharge outcomes: education; employment; homelessness; housing; income; involvement with the legal system; physical health; preparedness for adulthood; purpose of. See also Casey Family Programs, young adult survey; discharge outcomes; leaving foster care

—policy and program implications: after-care services; educational remediation; extending Medicaid coverage; housing funds; housing planning; mental health services; placement stability; preparation for adulthood; providing important documents; raising the age of majority; societal gains; specialized case management

relational permanence

relative caregivers. See family-based care; guardianship; kinship care

Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP)


research directions: adoption needs; collaboration; discharge outcomes; family meetings; independent living services; kinship care; permanence; post-care outcomes

research on: —community-based practices: abuse prevention programs; alternative responses; CPPC (Community Partnerships for Protecting Children); differential response; early intervention; EITC (earned income tax credit); kinship care; Making Connections; multiple track responses; overview; poverty; practice and policy implications; research agenda

—family meetings: emotional healing; family satisfaction; overview; PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder); Texas study

Resource Guidelines: Improving Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: appointment of counsel; best practices; judicial rotation

—Model Courts: ADR (alternate dispute resolution) programs; benchbooks; benchmark permanence hearings; best-practice guidelines; checklists; court performance measures; Honolulu; mentor programs; multidisciplinary training programs; multisystem collaboration; New York City; resource guides; service provision programs; special demonstrations; youth-focused reform activities

resources: Commitment to Kin: A Report from the Casey Family Programs,; CWLA Standards of Excellence for Transition …; Independent Living Strategies …; Preparing Youth for Interdependent Living,; P.U.S.H. for Youth Goals: Leaving Home Again,; Uncertain Futures …. See also Resource Guidelines: Improving Practice in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases

respite care

reunification: age at entry into foster care; definition; research needs. See also permanent exits; reentry rates, after reunification

reunification, demonstration program: core components; permanent placement rates; reentry rates; reunification rates; risk factor reduction; safety over time; stability over time; vs. traditional child welfare services

—adolescents in out-of-home care: aging out of the system; collaboration and teamwork; concrete services; early referral; family meetings; goals and principles; in-depth assessment; parent-child visits; permanent placement rates; reunification, definition; service planning; services for; staff competency; therapeutic services; training resources; youth involvement, ethical considerations

—evaluation of: outcome; process

reunification bypass

reunification rates: adolescents (11–18); after termination of parental rights; congregate care; kinship care; out-of-home care; by placement type; predictors; Project KEEP; reunification demonstration program; sixteen year olds; by time since admission to care

Rhode Island: legal representation of parents; truancy

risk factor reduction, reunification demonstration program

risks associated with aging out of the system

Robins, L. N.

running away: association with placement types; contributing factors; destination; frequency; kinship care; most common age for; reasons for

Ruth, G.


safety of children: guardianship subsidies, effects of; kinship care; reports of mal-treatment, causes of reentry; reunification demonstration program

San Diego, CA, placement instability study

San Jose, CA, ADR (alternate dispute resolution)

SANCA grants

SANCA-MIS (Strengthening Abuse and Neglect Courts in America-management Information Systems)

SCHIPS (State Children's Health Insurance Programs)

separation rates, after aging out of the system

service coordination

service planning, reunification demonstration program

service provision programs, Model Courts

sexual identity, family meetings

sixteen year olds: exit data; reunification rates. See also adolescents (11–18); older youth (11–25)

social capital

Social Security Act, Title IV-B: family reunification services; federal guidelines for expenditures; purpose of; state use of funds

Social Security Act, Title IV-E: adoption support; foster care support; funding for independent living; independent living initiative; Public law; purpose of; relevant ASFA provisions; reunification bypass

—waiver demonstration: description; extension of; guardianship subsidies (see guardianship subsidies, evaluating); service coordination; termination of

social skills. See also independent living services

soft skills, independent living services

special demonstrations

stability over time, reunification demonstration program

staff competency, reunification demonstration program

State Charities Aid of New York

State Children's Health Insurance Programs (SCHIPs)

state legislation. See court reform, local

state policies: class action litigation; effect on permanence; financial assistance for adoption; use of funds, federal guidelines

Strengthening Abuse and Neglect Courts in America-Management Information Systems (SANCAMIS)

studies of postdischarge outcomes: adoption; education; employment; family meetings; homelessness; housing; independent living services; New York; Northwest alumni study; physical health; placement instability; summary of. See also Casey Family Programs, young adult survey; Casey Family services, alumni study; Reilly Nevada study

subsidies. See federal funding; financial assistance; guardianship subsidies

substance abuse: after aging out of the system; Casey Family Programs young adult survey; crack use, effects on foster care

support groups, kinship care

support persons

system reform. See also court reform


TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

TAPIS (Transition to Adulthood Program Information System) Progress Tracker

TDM (Team Decision Making)

teamwork. See collaboration

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Tennessee: Family to Family Initiative; placement rates, by age; training, for independent living

termination of parental rights (TPR). See TPR (termination of parental rights)

Texas: cluster courts; judicial rotation; legal representation for children; Prosecution Project; research on family meetings; subsidized guardianship

Theis, sophie van senden

Thurber, E.

time-certain docketing

time in foster care: disproportionality factor; effect on reunification; effects of age at first entry; kinship care; as portion of childhood; reentry rates

timelines for permanence

TIP (Transition to Independence Process)

Title IV-B, Social Security Act: family reunification services; federal guidelines for expenditures; purpose of; state use of funds

Title IV-E, Social Security Act: adoption support; foster care support; funding for independent living; independent living initiative; Public law; purpose of; relevant ASFA provisions; reunification bypass

—waiver demonstrations: description; extension of; guardianship subsidies (see guardian-ship subsidies, evaluating); service coordination; termination of

TPR (termination of parental rights): appeals; ASFA (Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997); court reform, local; effects on youth; fast-tracking; legal implications; legal representation; post-TPR reunification; reasonable efforts requirement, exceptions to; reasons for; reforms needed; reversals; without adoption

training: child development knowledge; for independent living; Model Courts; multi-disciplinary programs; reunification demonstration program; stakeholders; youth issues

Transition to Adulthood Program Information System (TAPIS) Progress Tracker

Transition to Independence Process (TIP)

transitional services: Casey Family Services; federal funding

transitioning to adulthood. See independent living



Uncertain Futures …

unemployment. See employment

UPS school to Career Program

Utah, data sharing


VAMC (Child Victims Act Model Courts)

VCIS (Voluntary Cooperative Information System)

Virginia: Alexandria, mentor programs; mental health rates; Model Courts

voluntary joint taskforces

volunteer legal representation


WAI (Worker-Family Alliance)

waiver demonstrations: description; extension of; guardianship subsidies (see guardianship subsidies, evaluating); service coordination; termination of

Wales, FGDM (Family Group Decision Making)

Washington, D.C.: ADR (alternate dispute resolution); benchmark permanency hearings; FTMs (family team meetings); Model Courts; subsidized guardianship

Washington State: family group conferences; Family to Family initiative; legal representation, children and parents; Parents’ Representation Program; service coordination

Weber, R. E.

well-being of children: guardianship subsidies, effects of; kinship care

West Virginia: child bearing, in care; education rates of former foster children

Westat Project

White, C. roller

White, J.

White children: adoption; health rates; likelihood of leaving foster care; risk of entry into foster care

Wiggins, T.

Williams, J.

Wisconsin, legal representation of children

Worker-Family Alliance (WAI)


Wyoming, adolescent-specific training


youth (13–17): definition; engagement in family meetings; exit data; involvement, ethical considerations

youth-focused reform activities


Zimmerman, R. B.