Label selecting

Each Hapi connection can be labeled with one or more identifiers, which can in turn be used to conditionally register plugins and define routes or perform other connection-specific tasks.

Let's copy the app folder from our main recipe to label-app:

$ node index.js

Now we'll alter our index.js to the following:

const hapi = require('hapi') 
const inert = require('inert') 
const routes = { 
  index: require('./routes/index'), 
  devStatic: require('./routes/dev-static') 
const devPort = process.env.DEV_PORT || 3000 
const prodPort = process.env.PORT || 8080 
const server = new hapi.Server() 
  host: 'localhost', 
  port: devPort, 
  labels: ['dev', 'staging'] 
  host: '', 
  port: prodPort, 
  labels: ['prod'] 
  register: inert, 
  select: ['dev', 'staging'] 
}, start) 
function start (err) { 
  if (err) throw err 
  server.start((err) => { 
    if (err) throw err 
    console.log(`Dev/Staging server listening on port ${devPort}`) 
    console.log(`Prod server listening on port ${prodPort}`) 

We removed the dev constant as we're using Hapi labels to handle conditional environment logic. We now have two port constants, devPort , and prodPort and we use them to create two server connections. The first listens on the local loopback interface (localhost) as normal, on the devPort which defaults to port 3000. The second listens on the public interface (, on the prodPort that defaults to port 8080.

We add a label property to each connection, on the first we supply an array of ['dev', 'staging'] and to the second a string containing prod. This means we can treat our development connection as a staging connection when it makes sense - for instance in our case we're using inert for static file hosting on both development and staging, but in production we assume a separate layer in the deployment architecture is handling this.

We've removed the if statement checking for dev and have instead housed the inert plugin in an object as we pass it to server.register. Passing inert directly or passing as the register property of an object are equivalent. However, passing it inside an object allows us to supply other configuration. In this case add a select property, which is set to ['dev', 'staging']. This means the inert plugin will only register on the development connection, but will not be present on the production connection.

In the start function we've also removed the if(dev) statement preceding our call to routes.devStatic. We need to modify routes/dev-static.js so that the static route handler is only registered for the development connection.

Let's change routes/dev-static.js to the following:

module.exports = devStatic  
function devStatic (server) {['dev', 'staging']).route({ 
    method: 'GET', 
    path: '/{param*}', 
    handler: { 
      directory: { 
        path: 'public' 

We've added in a call to When we call route on the resulting object, the route is only applied to connections that match the supplied labels.

We can confirm that our changes are working by running our server:

$ node index.js  

And using curl to check whether the development server delivers static assets (which it should) and the production server responds with 404:

$ curl http://localhost:3000/styles.css  

This should respond with the contents of public/styles.css.

However, the following should respond with {"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found"}:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/styles.css  

This approach does use more ports than necessary in production, which may lead to reduced performance and does beg some security questions. However, we could side step these problems while still getting the benefits of labeling (in this specific case) by reintroducing the dev constant and only conditionally creating the connections based on whether dev is true or false.

For example:

const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' 
if (dev) server.connection({ 
  host: 'localhost', 
  port: devPort, 
  labels: ['dev', 'staging'] 
if (!dev) server.connection({ 
  host: '', 
  port: prodPort, 
  labels: 'prod' 

However, this would require a modification to any conditional routing, since there Hapi requires at least one connection before a route can be added. For instance in our case we would have to modify the top of the function exported from routes/dev-static.js like so:

function devStatic (server) { 
  const devServer =['dev', 'staging']) 
  if (!devServer.connections.length) return 
  devServer.route({ /* ... etc ... */ }) 