The _read method on readable streams does not accept a callback. Since a stream usually contains more than just a single buffer of data, the stream needs to call the _read method more than once.
The way it does this is by waiting for us to call push and then calling _read again if the internal buffer of the stream has available space.
A problem with this approach is that, if we want to call push more than once in an asynchronous way, this becomes problematic.
Let's create a folder called readable-flow-control, initialize it as a package, install readable-stream, and create a file called undefined-behavior.js:
$ mkdir readable-flow-control
$ cd readable-flow-control
$ npm init -y $ npm install --save readable-stream
$ touch undefined-behavior.js
The undefined-behavior.js file should contain the following:
const { Readable } = require('readable-stream')
const rs = Readable({
read: () => {
setTimeout(() => {
rs.push('Data 0')
setTimeout(() => {
rs.push('Data 1')
}, 50)
}, 100)
rs.on('data', (data) => {
If we run:
$ node undefined-behavior.js
We might expect it to produce a stream of alternating Data 0, Data 1 buffers but in reality it has undefined behavior.
Luckily, as we will show in this recipe, there are more user-friendly modules available (such as as from2) to make all of this easier.
Let's install from2 into our folder and create a file called expected-behavior.js:
$ npm install --save from2
$ touch expected-behavior.js
Let's make the expected-behavior.js file contain the following content:
const from = require('from2')
const rs = from((size, cb) => {
setTimeout(() => {
rs.push('Data 0')
setTimeout(() => {
rs.push('Data 1')
}, 50)
}, 100)
rs.on('data', (data) => {
Now if we run:
$ node expected-behavior.js
We'll see alternating messages, as expected.