I HAVE MANY people to thank who helped me to write this book.

First and foremost is Nancy Flight, love of my life, who after hearing me talk on the benefits of personalized medicine recognized a potential book and found a way to get me to write it. Without her this book would not have happened. I thank her for that, for her incisive advice and encouragement and so much more. Next, I thank my collaborators on the Personalized Medicine Initiative: Mike Burgess, Martin Dawes, Rob Fraser, David Huntsman, Bruce McManus, and Jim Russell. It has been a remarkable privilege and education working with such consummate professionals and, even better, an enormous amount of fun as we scheme to change the medical system. I also thank my children, Jane Cullis and Jeffrey Cullis, for their pointed, intelligent, and gratefully received criticisms. Lastly, I thank my editors: Iva Cheung, who helped enormously in the initial stages of putting this manuscript together, and Catherine Plear, who was of tremendous help in transforming my fevered jottings into a manuscript that is much more readable.

With all this help, I should have produced a much better book. Any errors, omissions, or terminological inexactitudes are, of course, purely my fault. I do hope, however, that the central theme of this book—that personalized medicine is and will be the major revolution of our time—is clear. We do live in exciting times.