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Date: March 12; Time: Evening, Full Moon
The streetlights are calm. The moon is full. In this car, my co-worker drives. We're on our way towards the organic restaurant, which opened last week in the city. It's been getting tons of Yip reviews, so we want to see what the fuss is all about. We heard from another co-worker who went there with his girlfriend. That's why he invited me.
"Are you excited?" he asked with his lively voice.
"Yes, I am!" I shake my fists in ecstasy. Gosh, this is so exciting! I'm with the guy I like.
By the way, I work as a secretary for the Moulin City Police Department. Some of my girlfriends think it's cool because I get to date tons of guys.
But the truth is I hate my job. The hours are long, the commute sucks, and I push papers like a slave. I know I shouldn't complain. At least I'm getting paid. Yet the kicker is most cops I see are in relationships. The few free ones are boring, weird, or not good looking.
The co-worker who's driving is okay. He's single like me, young but a few years older. He isn't the best looking, but I'm okay since we know each other. Don't get me wrong! I'm a good-looking gal with short golden hair, wearing a red plaid dress he gave me on my birthday. The skirt is short, considering what will come after the date.
What? You expect me to return home after that? No way! We'll go to his place to sleep together. That’s right, we've done it. We'll spend the night once we're done with the date. After eating, we'll pour some drinks, get drunk, and have sex like we've always done. But one thing is clear though: we're not in a relationship. I've slept with him more than the other guys because I trust him.
As I look through the car window, I receive a text from my girlfriend BFF. "Hey, bitch! What are you up to?" That's the line she uses as an opener. We lived as roommates before I moved out.
"Nothing," I replied, "I'm getting ready for a date."
"Oh, is it from that guy?" she asked, referring to the time I hooked on Christmas Eve.
"No, I'm going out with my co-worker to the new restaurant," I replied again. We continue texting back and forth, catching up on many things.
I'm getting sleepy, so I must stop the texting. The ride to the restaurant is longer than I thought. Just as my eyes droop to a close, my co-worker receives a call from his boss. "Listen, there is a robbery at the Moulin City Museum. I repeat, theft at the Moulin City Museum. Sorry to do this on your night off but you're the only one close to the facility."
He groaned in frustration. Aw, man! I was looking forward to the new restaurant. Looks like it isn't happening anytime soon. He turns the car in a direction towards the museum. Then he looks at me, knowing my disappointment. "I'm sorry, Glen." Yep, I'm Glendolyn Villem. But people call me Glen. Yeah, I know Glen is a guy's name. Deal with it!
I didn’t complain because I already know. Why should I? I work with the cops, after all. He finally parks his car across the museum's entrance.
He spots what looks like a suspicious black van parked in the corner. Since it’s already night time, the museum is closed. Damn, it’s so rude of them to go steal while we’re out on a date!
“Stay here,” he said as he exits the car. I watch him cross the street to talk to the security guard before they enter the museum. I take a deep breath and wait for his return.
20 minutes passed since he went inside. I was getting worried, so I exit the car. I know it’s silly of me to go inside without anything to protect myself, but I need to see what’s taking him so long. I’m missing out on a great meal here!
I enter the museum through the half-open door. It’s dark and empty inside. Creepy... I advance through the hallway taking care not to bump into any of the artifacts.
Moulin City used to be a medieval farming town. It evolved into an industrial complex thanks to its many factories. Of course, this was all in the past. Now it’s a city thriving on the arts thanks to the single people who populate it. It also helps the rent is cheap too. As much as I want to walk around and enjoy the artifacts, I must keep going.
I hear a faint scream. It’s my co-worker!!
I run the hallway towards the scream, and I make it to the open space. I find both my co-worker and the security guard lying on the floor. However, the security guard lies with a bullet shot in the chest. My co-worker has a visible injury to his head that knocked him cold.
I turn around to see four crooks. That’s right! Four of them! But these aren’t ordinary crooks. They seem to be wearing long white robes that cover their entire body! I can’t tell. They spotted me and pointed their monster guns to shoot.
Shit! I am so dead...
A white light flashed! I see something that looks like a feline stuffed animal beat the four crooks with a single magical blow. They fall, but they also vanish without a trace. The feline steps forward upon the clearing dust.
Okay, so like, I see this black feminine cat on two legs with two bushy-tipped whitetails. Its fur is dress-like with a white collar that acts like a scarf covering its tiny nose and mouth. Its ears are long and curved with a white toupee in the middle. Its arms and legs are cone-shaped with a white tip on each limb. It's small and light enough to hold in my hands. I pick it up, and it stares at me with its emotionless green eyes without a blink.
I’m starting to freak out a bit. Who would expect to find a stuffed animal inside a museum? It’s probably someone’s lost toy. Anyway, I was getting ready to call it a night. The cute cat suddenly speaks with a voice that resembles mine with a more profound pitch.
“Go to Simona College. Ask for Aster. Tell it Gwen sent you. Please hurry!”
Yep and just like that, the cat left the building. Not a trace. I considered chasing after it, but I hear officers storming inside the building. They found me standing alone next to the dead guard and my knocked co-worker.
The officers took me to the police station’s questioning room. At this point, I didn’t care, and I want to go home. I lost my appetite after seeing everything. So much for trying the new restaurant...
I know the detective here. He’s the middle age man who’s my co-worker’s boss. He always looks at me with an evil eye. Tonight’s no exception.
“What were you doing at this hour?”
“On a date with your employee,” I said, lowering my gaze with my arms crossed. I braced myself for some lecture of his as if he’s my dad or something. Dammit! I’m 22 years old, and I can date whomever I want. Is that a problem?!
“Look, at least you weren’t hurt. But could you have stayed inside the car?”
“I’m sorry, but I wanted to see him. How is he doing?” I asked while bracing for the worst.
“Don't worry, he's recovered," he said with his hoarse voice. Thank goodness!
“Because of your involvement, we would have to suspend you until further notice. I didn’t give the order. My superiors did. Sorry...”
Well, that's unexpected saying all this while turning his back as it is too painful to tell me. I can’t believe I’m out of work. Shit! How am I going to pay my rent?!
“This means I don’t have to show up for work tomorrow, right?” I asked. He cued. “Come, I’ll take you home. It’s already too late.”
Bummer but I’m getting a free ride home. Shoot, I forgot it’s already late at night. I check my smartphone stating it’s close to midnight. The detective watches me enter the building after dropping me off. He may be rough, but at least he’s okay.
I like to flirt and date guys, but attached ones got me into trouble before. He’s one of the few officers I haven’t dated because he is married with kids. Thus, I make it my personal policy to date single guys only.
I take out the keys and open the door. I march straight to bed without taking off my dress or even brush my teeth. I’m just too tired.
Date: March 13
Time: Morning
I wake up the next morning to see it has been way past the time I leave for work. Then I realize I don’t have a job. I lie in my bed trying to get what happened last night with the museum, the cat, and the other stuff.
Speaking of the cat, I haven’t seen it since last night. I’m not sure if I should do what the cat says. Oh well, I’ll sleep away for the day.
Date: March 15
Time: Morning
I've decided to go to the place the cat told me. I don’t want to ignore, but I’m out of work and bored. This trip will also give me an excuse to get out of the house. The problem is getting there takes a two-hour train ride, and I need money to buy tickets.
I should have some money saved up, so I check the coffers. After finding the money, I dress up, hit the train station, buy my ticket, and hop on the train. Okay, next stop is Simona College!
There’s nothing much to do for the next two hours except look at the rural scenery. Beautiful but boring. At least my smartphone is charged. Oh hey, I got a call! It’s my BFF! “What the hell you’re doing? We’ve been trying to contact you!”
Like by ‘we,’ she meant her and our other friends. Looks like I have over 50 missed calls.
“Sorry, but my thing was off,” I said.
“Why would you do that?” she asked.
Should I tell her the truth? I don’t know. She’ll probably think I’m crazy if I were to say about the stuff that happened to me three days ago.
I owe her to tell some truth: “I lost my job.”
“You lost your job? Sorry, but how did it happen?”
“I got involved in some incident, and suddenly I was out of work.”
“Bummer... Are you on a train ride?” She can tell because she hears the tracks. “Where are you going?”
“Simona College.”
“You mean that place? Are you studying?
“No,” I said, “I’m going on a mission.”
“Mission? Girl, you’re crazy! You just want to see the celebrities,” she said.
The ancient family of Simone is famous. No one in this country or in the world has NOT heard of them. They have descendants all over: actors, artists, athletes, politicians, even Me-Tube video casters!
“Hey, I almost forgot,” she said. “Don’t forget this Saturday is my super awesome bachelorette party!” Ah, shoot! I almost forgot the party with all the crazy stuff. You see, my BFF is engaged to an older guy she met at some party. He got her this six-figure engagement ring, and she posted it with pride on the Haze-Look. I can tell that ring spells QUALITY!
“My party is going to be in Galicia City! You better not miss it!”
I can just picture her shaking her pointy finger. Anyway, we continue the conversation until I see the college from a distance. This signals the train is about to stop soon.
The Simona City Station is the last stop. I got out quickly because sitting for two hours straight made my body stiff. Well, that’s nothing compared to the 8-plus hours of sitting at my former desk job. Thus, being able to stand is a huge relief.
Now I need to get to the college, but walking would take a while. I could use the bus, but instead, I choose Lubber because it would be easier to leave me at the gates.
The ride left me at the gates as expected. I take my time walking around the campus seeing lots of students everywhere. Then I make it to the reception hall. Security is tight, so I must hand over my ID.
“What is the name of the person you wish to see?” asked the elegant female guard. I must state my purpose.
“Um, Aster?” I said bashfully.
“I’m afraid there is no such person on campus...” Then a co-worker of the same age as the guard whispers something into her ear. “I see... I’ll call them. You may have a seat, miss.” The guard pointed out to sit on a nearby bench while I wait for this “Aster” to show up.
Great! I must sit once again.
I look at my smartphone as soon as I sit and set the ringtone to vibrate. Then I put it away to look at my surroundings. The reception hall is not only classy but huge! This was a royal castle. It’s expected to be flashy!
There are so many people going in and out of the hall that I wonder if I made it here at a wrong time. If this person doesn’t show up for an hour, I’ll take my leave and call it a day.
Meanwhile, I decide to flip through some of the pages of the campus magazine. A short interview caught my attention of a professor’s promotion despite graduation. There’s also a small picture of her. She’s probably my age, slightly older. I skim a bit before putting the magazine back on the table.
And so, I wait and wait some more, and wait once again before I start to lose my patience. I stand up, unable to take crap anymore, to walk away towards the exit. Just then, I hear the voice of a young woman calling out to me.
“Sorry to keep you waiting. I was at a meeting. I hope you didn’t wait long.”
I shift my head towards her. Wow, she’s stunning! Why am I blushing? Crap, my heart’s beating! She’s even prettier in person. I wonder if she is this “Aster” I’ve been waiting for.
“Good morning! Are you Professor Aster?” I could act informally here, but she looks wise, so I figure that I could go for a formal greeting.
I moan, but her appearance makes me look like the girl next door. I’m not unattractive. I just happen to be... different. Fine, I’m flat and skinny. You happy now?
Compared to me, she’s a beauty with her shoulder-length navy colored hair and fair complexion. She’s wearing eyeglasses, a designer poncho (possibly to cover her curves), and a long skirt. She has this stoic expression on her face. I guess that’s expected of someone like her.
“Come with me,” she said, turning her back as she quickly walks away. I don’t get what’s going on, but I decide to follow her before I lose track. I follow her to the nearest elevator. Luckily, we’re the only two inside. And even so, the tensions are suffocating.
She gets off the elevator with me following her. I wonder where she's taking me. I don’t know about you, but I sense something odd about her; like I sense a presence beyond this world within her. I can’t put my finger on it.
Anyway, I’m trying to keep pace. I wish she stopped, but I’m so exhausted from the train ride that I drag my feet without lifting them up. Then we finally make it to the library.
Why the library? There are tons of students here! We enter the elevator once again, but there are students this time so no tensions here. I wanted to say something, but I'm too tired to say a single word.
We get out of the elevator to the lowest level of the library that has little lighting. I see few students studying there. We walk to an isolated area where there are no students. She escorts me to a table in the most further and darkest part. This is creepy...
“Okay, what’s the big deal?” I asked, demanding her to explain the situation.
“We’re in a library. Keep your voice down,” she said in a hushed tone.
“Are you really Aster? Why would you—” She pointed out to the black hooded individual sitting across from us. This person seems to be writing something. I can’t make out this person’s face, but from what I can tell, this person is a guy.
Wait, who is the professor here?
Who is this hooded guy? The silence between the three of us is so uncomfortable that I decide to strike a conversation. I must say something!
“Hi! Are you Aster?” From how the gal pointed before means that he is Aster.
“Say, nice weather outside.” He ignored me. At least I said something.
Okay, let’s get to business because this shit is getting awkward.
I take a deep breath before speaking. “I came here because a black cat named Gwen told me so.” I hope this works and to my surprise, he looks up. All right let’s keep at it!
“This cat,” I continued, “well more of a stuffed animal as a cat, showed up at the museum where I live. The cat came in, fought some bad guys, and told me to see you here.”
“Have you seen the cat?” he asked.
“No, I have not seen the cat,” I answered.
What the hell is up with them? They won’t even talk! So I stand up, slam my palm on the table demanding they either speak or I leave. They didn't cringe a bit.
“If Gwen sent you here, it is for a reason,” he said. I walk over towards him. He is wearing a long black hood upon closer look. I stand there next to him with hands on my hips. I let out a frustrated huff through my nostrils.
“You know something about this Gwen, do you?” He ignores me once again as he continues his writing. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” He ignored me yet again. I’m getting pissed off.
“Internet tough guy, huh?” I paused. "What’s with the robe? Are you a member of some cult? Okay, I had enough of your bullshit! Now you’re going to listen to me!” I pulled his hood out of impulse. The gal rush to place his hoodie back.
I step back, covering my mouth in horror.
What is this shit? Is he a monster?!
“What the hell is that thing?!” I asked, pointing out at the guy. She rushes to cover my mouth, preventing me from raising my voice, which has drawn attention. The unwanted stares rattled the guy as he pulls his hood closer. The professor drags me outside.
“Okay, you have a lot of explaining to do!”
“I’ll explain if you calm down,” she said. She grabs my hand and takes me to the campus quad. I need some fresh air. We sit at the closest but furthest bench we could find.
I’m still shaky. Is he wearing a costume? I doubt it. It was quick before she covered him, but I got a glimpse of his metal face and fairy ears even in the dark.
“The one you saw is Aster. He’s not a professor of anything. Not even from this school," she said.
“Then why is he here?” I asked.
“It’s complicated,” she said. “You said a cat named Gwen asked you to come here?”
“Yep, she did. Do you know the reason?”
“No, I don’t.”
I sigh, so much for asking the reason. I decide to switch the subject in hopes of cheering myself up. “I would like a tour of the campus. But if you’re busy, that’s fine.”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t mind. But let me check my calendar first.” She pulls out the same brand of Bobby smartphone I own to check her calendar. Damn, her smartphone is better than mine with the bigger screen! “I’ll be teaching a class an hour from now, so I wouldn’t mind giving you a tour.”
Yes, I made her smile!
Date: March 15
Time: Afternoon
We begin our tour starting with the campus quad. She explains that the campus is crowded during midterms and finals but empty the rest of the year. She also says of the many degrees offered in engineering, the arts, etc.
The branch she teaches —Simona College— is part of The Royal House of Simone University system. Since it’s a private college, its tuition prices are through the roof. Only a millionaire could afford to be here.
We toured the labs, hubs, dorms, museums, theater, library, dining hall, and the stadium. She was very talkative throughout the entire tour. I can tell she is very passionate about all this.
“So, what do you teach?” I asked.
“I teach history and religion to undergrads,” she said, checking her smartphone. “Look at the time. I have to go, but there is one last thing I need to show you.”
She takes me to a large memorial. At the end of the hall displays a large painting of a royal family. The picture shows a young wife, an older husband, and three children (two males and a female.) I’ve seen this painting before, but this is my first time seeing it in person.
“You know who they are, right?”
“Yeah, that’s Queen Liz and King Morris. What about it?”
“You know about the descendants, right? There are many all over the world. In fact, one of them founded this campus, and some preach like me.” As proof, she pulls out her smartphone to show a certification photo.
I feel my heart skip a beat. Again, that odd presence and yet I still can’t see it. It's coming from her. Is she...? Nah!
“Hey, did you get promoted because of it?”
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
“I saw an article about your sudden promotion.” I’m not sure if I should celebrate or not. The fact she got promoted after graduation is excellent, but it’s still weird.
“I don’t understand what you’re saying,” she said, looking away with an uncertain pose. Does she deny this? There’s something more into this promotion, but for now, I’m hungry and tired. I want to eat something and go home before it gets dark.
“It’s late already. I need to teach my class.”
“Okay, thanks but what’s your name.”
“Agneyastra, Agnes for short. Yours?”
“Glendolyn, Glen for short.”
“But Glen is a man’s name...” she said with an embarrassed sweatdrop.
“Yeah... I know,” I said, looking away with a bashful look. “Say let’s keep in touch, okay?”
To be honest, I’m not sure if I want to keep in touch with her. She’s not the type I hang out with, but it doesn’t hurt to add someone new to my network. We take each other’s smartphone to exchange contact information through Bluetooth. Technology is incredible!
Shortly, we part ways. I grab something to eat before riding the car back to the train station for another two-hour ride home. This will give me time to think all this.
Date: March 16
Time: Afternoon
A lot of things happened yesterday, so I slept way to the afternoon. I was tired! Yesterday’s events still linger in my mind. I look at Agnes’ contact info on my phone. I considered deleting it but kept it just in case.
As for Aster, it’s hard to tell. He seems young and yet looks older. He’s made of metal but has this magenta dye on his face along with smoky bronze eyes. It's hard to tell if it's cosplay or not.
Whatever! They’re both mysterious, and I don’t care. Moving on...
Date: March 17
Time: Evening
Yay for St. Patrick’s Day! I’m here with my buddies dancing on tables. Yes, I hooked up.
Date: March 18
Time: Evening
Yeah, tonight’s the party, baby! We’re here in Galicia City to celebrate my BFF’s party. The reason we celebrate here instead of at home is because my BFF invited a ton of friends! Dance joints at home are small, and the ones in Simona City are already taken. It sucks going to the country of Izberia to hit the dance floor, but the trip is worth it.
It’s a giant joint with three DJ’s with one in the left, one in the right, and one in the center. The hall after it contains three bars also with one located on the left, one on the right and one in the middle.
There are lots of lounge chairs in every corner; naturally placed far from the center so people can dance.
The joint is unusually crowded. The only person missing is her fiancé, of course. There are tons of guys here, meaning many chances for some insane hookup.
I’m sitting with my BFF and the other girls drinking our martinis. We make cheers to my happily engaged best friend.
“Let’s make a toast,” boasts one of them.
We raise our glasses while shouting praises.
“She’s getting hitched!” said another one.
“Woo, this is the best time of my life!” shouted my BFF, already drunk.
I’ve been happy for her since she announced her engagement, but the truth is I’m envious. I don’t understand why the guy wants to marry her when she’s done the same thing I did. I bet she’s marrying him for the money while he gets to have a trophy wife. Still...
But hey! This isn’t the time to get depressed! We must keep dancing all night long!
I watch the clock on my smartphone: it's like seconds before midnight. My stomach knots like something is about to happen. I should warn my friends, but they would ignore me. They’ll think I’m crazy or something. I lost my appetite.
Date: March 18
Time: Late Night
Just as the clock strikes midnight...
Just as the DJs start their next round...
We hear the roof collapse in the other hall. Lots of screams arise. My friends and I rush to the collapsed room, and to our horror, we see splattered blood everywhere. Shit! I even spotted a person’s severed hand. The girls immediately begin to scream.
The rest of the survivors begin to run. Then I see robed individuals coming from above the hole. These cloaked-in-white folks look like the crooks from the museum. Are they related? There’s no time because we must leave now.
They didn’t waste time firing their machine guns at us! I see people run towards the front door only to find out it’s blocked! Then I turn to look at them run towards the emergency exit. That one’s stuck too.
Wait! How come the emergency exit is blocked?
As for me, I run to hide under the table with my girls. However, the girls were so desperate to escape that they burst out towards the exits.
The cloaked people started shooting all over the place, and the girls are caught in the shot. I see them fall one by one with blood spread out on the floor. My BFF wanted to scream, but I covered her mouth.
The cloaked shooters turn their backs and walk further from us. I don’t know how many of them are and frankly, I don’t care. I just want to get out.
I take this as the perfect opportunity to escape from under the table, grabbing my BFF. An explosion suddenly hit us as we run! My BFF is knocked towards the wall where the rubble fell on her. She’s not buried entirely, but the wreckage landed on the lower part of her body which made her bleed.
Thank the stars I’m not hurt, but my shiny new blue dress is ruined by the explosion and dust. Then I hear more explosions coming in. I don’t get where they’re coming from when it’s just machine guns here. But that’s not all! I even witness an explosion taking out on the crowds at the exit doors in one blow!
What?! Is there a more massive explosion coming?!
It’s faint, but I hear a clock ticking.
I must grab my BFF fast, but she's trapped under heavy rubble. I try pulling the wreckage away with no relief. She’s still bleeding, which has spread on the floor. I notice her getting weaker with her head lowering down.
“Glen, ugh ...save yourself...” she muttered, but I can still hear her. “No! I have to get you out of here!” I try in vain to pull her out from the rubble by grabbing her hand. She’s going to be married soon, and I don’t want her to die like this.
I keep trying to pull her out despite the bomb threat. I’ve noticed she’s not moving.
The timer of the bomb has set off to its last countdown. The most massive explosion has begun. I don’t have time to run, and there's nowhere to escape. I’m about to be engulfed by the fiery blast ready to die on the spot.
Shit! It’s all over...
When I open my eyes, I find myself outside the dance joint. The explosion left a volcano-like crater. Nothing of the building remained as if it were vaporized. Usually, a bomb wouldn’t produce an explosion like this. Some rubble would stay, but there is none of that. The people inside it vaporized too. All I see is smoke coming from the crater.
I’m located far from the joint between some trees. I considered running towards the scene, but I was stopped by a mysterious voice behind me.
“You shouldn’t continue any further...”
I tried turning around, but I was teleported back to my apartment. Was it the voice? I don’t know! I thought I heard a male voice. Anyway, I didn’t care. I was beyond exhausted. I just want to lie down, but first I turn on the TV. Breaking news shows the incident with police and military troops surrounding the crater.
I was horrified. I’m the only survivor of this incident. All my friends died in one night... I collapsed in front of the TV and started crying. I switch it off because I didn’t want to hear any more.
Then I hear something drop from my hand: my BFF’s engagement ring. I must’ve taken it off while I was pulling her from the rubble.
Date: March 27
Time: Morning, New Moon
I’ve been invited by some relatives of my dead friends to attend the memorial at the church. The ceremony ended, and as I make my way outside the church, I hear a sob from my BFF’s fiancé.
Somehow, I took the engagement ring with me to the church. I considered returning it to him. Instead, I keep the ring to myself. I didn’t want to give him more pain than he already is.
Shortly after, I return home. I lay on my bed in tears with my lips shut. My mind is entirely blank, unable to think anything. Then I close my eyes, hoping to forget it all.