
Month Two - April


Date: April 1; Time: Morning

“Good morning. Please wake up.”

I sit upon hearing a sudden voice. I scan around to see something odd on my bed, which I let out a shriek. Eek!

I shake the sheets, knocking the figure facepalm to the floor. The thing slowly lifts its head up and stares at me with an annoyed expression.

“Is this how you always greet someone?!”

Upon opening my eyes, I notice this is the same feminine cat from two weeks before. Well, it’s a stuffed animal posing as a cat.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

How did it get in here? The doors and windows are shut tight!

Unless... maybe a burglar?

I sprint out of my bed and rush straight to the living room. And I skid in my tracks, standing in the middle of the open space. Nothing has changed.

The cat shrugs with a sweatdrop.

With that settled, I make my breakfast.

“So, this is where you live. Not bad.” The cat makes acute observations about my apartment. It wanders around, looking at every corner, making comments, and nodding. I still don’t get why it’s here in the first place.

“Do you live alone here?” the cat asked.

“Yes, I live alone here,” I replied. It’s so weird to hear a cat speak.

Upon finishing my breakfast, I decide to do some house cleaning. The cleaning takes an hour or so of my time, so I might as well get it out of the way. The cat quietly stands in a corner to observe me. Somehow, I find its presence comforting and distracting at the same time. Then after cleaning, I sit on my sofa to watch TV.

The cat sits on the sofa with me, but I keep my distance from it. “So, you did what I asked you to do?” the cat asked, looking towards me. I nodded but didn’t felt like saying it. The cat follows up with more questions.

“How are you doing? Are you eating well? Did you sleep well last night? Are you feeling well? Did you drink eight glasses of water a day? This last one is half a joke, ha-ha!”

I ignored its questions. The cat's not my mom, so I don't reply. Sensing that, the cat backs off with a sigh. I loop through the channels by pressing the remote.

“Wow! I see little people in the box!” shouted the cat in amaze. I don’t get what’s to be excited about TV. Maybe the thing is old school. I stop at a news channel talking about a specific drug company’s stock going up. Yawn!

“How do you reach out to them?”

“You don’t. You just watch.”

“Really?” The cat gets closer to the TV and lightly taps the screen. “Ah!”

“Get away from it!” I barked. The cat steps back to the sofa. I loop the channels again, hoping to find something that catches my interest.

I’ve been terribly bored since the incident. There’s no one I can talk to; no one to text. I feel like my smartphone is collecting dust as it sits still on my nightstand.

Next, I stop on a movie channel. It shows a young sorceress on an adventure. She looks familiar somehow. Suddenly, my heart beats faster. Why is this happening? A mere movie couldn’t trigger me like this!

It’s those visions again!!

I curled up on the sofa with my head lowered down. The cat looks at me with concern.


I calmed somehow. Now I’m sweating up a cold sweat. I turn off the TV, so I can go to the kitchen to make a cup of latte.

The cat followed me and stood at the kitchen entrance. I dropped my latte in surprise when I saw it. The cup didn’t break since it’s made of plastic but still annoying.

“Please allow me.” The cat uses its powers to pick up the cup and place it on the table.

“In case you forgot, my name is Gwen. I’m going to live here from now on.”

WHAT?! This isn't an April Fools’ joke? What kind of bullshit is this?! I can’t believe I have a stuffed talking cat living in my house. I have no choice but to accept it here.

Date: April 3

Time: Afternoon, Half Moon

Gwen and I officially live together. It’s settled. There’s no going around it.

We sit on the sofa to talk about ourselves. Oh well, it’s better to talk to someone (even if it is a stuffed animal) over no one.

“As you already know, I’m Gwen, short for ‘Gwendolyn.' I used to be human once, but that was long, long ago. It’s nice to meet you.”

I see, so she shares the same name as me except hers fit the feminine mode. Get it? Gwen is a girl's name. Therefore, Gwen is a female cat.

Although, it’s kind of confusing. I mean, there’s a difference in a letter. But eh, I can live with it.

“So why you're here?” I asked.

“To watch you, of course,” she replied.

“Like, take care of me?”

“Yes, to make sure you’re doing alright.”

“Okay, so how do you know me?”

“I know you far more than you think. I’ve been watching you for a long time.”

“Like exactly for how long?”

“Three years.”

I get this discomfort in the pit of my stomach of the mere mention of three years ago. I decide to switch the topic for my relief.

“You said you were human once. How long?”

“Heh! You'd be in a shock if I were to tell you. Are you familiar with peasant life? Castles? Royalty? Crusades? How about sorcery?”

I sit back with my arms crossed and brows furrowed as I try to picture what Gwen asked me. Castles? Peasant life? Sorcery? What does she have to do with these things?

“Are you getting the hint?” she asked.

After struggling to piece a picture, I give up. But then something hit me: I remember seeing a poster for an upcoming movie of a dragon flying over a castle. Of course! Castles, peasants, sorcery... these are staples of medieval life!

“No way, Gwen, you’re from that period?”

“You finally get it, huh?”

I covered my mouth with shock. Incredible!

“You’re a spirit inside this stuffed cat, yeah?”

“Yep, I lived, married, and died old.”

Married?! Gwen got married too!

“Did you have kids?”

“Yes, lots of them: 20 in fact.”

“What kind of sex life did you had?”

“It’s rude to reject a husband’s pleas.”

What kind of married life was that?

“Enough about me for now and let’s move on to you.” Gwen wants me to talk about myself. Usually, I never do but now since Gwen lives with me, I might as well say some.

“My name is Glendolyn Villem. I’m 22 years old, and I’ve been living here in Moulin City since I was 20. I used to be a secretary for the local police, but things happened, and I lost my job. Other than that, I had many friends and well...”

“Don’t! I sympathize with your loss.”

I perk up. “So, you know about the incident?”

“I didn’t witness, but I was told,” she said.

“I see...” I nod. I won't bother asking more questions.

“So, what about your parents?" Gwen asked, "Where are they?”

“My parents divorced when I was eight. My mom left me with grandma, who raised me until she died when I was 18. I lived with my aunt, but I was miserable, so I saved enough money from my first part-time job just to move out. Then a few years later, I moved here, and the rest is history...”

“How sad... You live on your own, and you manage to cope. I didn’t have it easy either. I never knew my birth parents (though people said my mother was a prostitute.) As a kid, I was sold as a sex slave. One day, a kind fisherman saved me from a client and adopted me to his family. He renamed me ‘Gwendolyn’ after his stillborn daughter.

“My life has been comfortable ever since. I had a family who loved me. I learned magic. I traveled and met friends. Of course, it wasn’t easy, but my friends and I conquered many foes that came before us. Then I retired after years of travel to settle and raise my own family. Raising my kids was nowhere as exciting as beating enemies, but I was so happy. Eventually, I got old, became a grandma, and died.

“I already told you my husband, and I had lots of kids. Times were tough, but we made sure food was on the table to last long winters."

“So, who was your husband?” I asked.

“He was a swordsman. We met when he saved me from an attempted rape. We had so many adventures together that it was hard for an outsider to believe we settled.”

“Did you love him?”

“Of course! He’s always been my right hand in combat. He was loyal to the very end.”

I'm getting watery eyed. Such a moving love story... The love Gwen feels for her husband transcends time and space even after death.

“What about you, Glen? Do you have someone you love?"

Huh? Why is she asking me this?

“Nah! I prefer to be single because I can date tons of guys. I say marriage is for people who want to be tied down.”

“What are you saying?” Gwen asked in shock.

“I’m saying marriage is outdated. It’s all about hookups now. Nobody likes to settle. Besides, settling has caused many a divorce.”

“But this can’t be,” Gwen protested. “You can't bond with all those men, can you? That’s just wrong!”

“What for? I use them to score free food.”

“That’s awful! You shouldn’t use men!”

“Why not? Men use me for sex so I should use them too. If they don’t care, then why should I? I rather use than to be used.”

“It’s your life, but you shouldn’t continue doing that. You will get hurt.”

She looks at me with motherly concern. I get the feeling the two of us are making a good connection. That’s the way it should be.

Date: April 4

Time: Evening

It’s been weeks since I dated a guy and months since I had sex. I was getting a dry spell, and I felt the need for physical stimulation of any kind including smokes. So I sit on my sofa with my smartphone and look up some guys using Mingle. This app will allow me to swipe some guy’s pics and pick the one I’m interested in.

I considered reaching out to some of my former co-workers, but I want to meet someone new. I notice Gwen sitting on the sofa next to me with a curious expression.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m looking for a guy,” I said.

“I see, is it for courtship?”

“No! It’s just for sex.”

“Don’t do this. You’re going to get hurt.”

“Don’t lecture me on morals, dumb cat! You didn’t marry a virgin!”

“True but this doesn’t mean it’s okay. You really need to stop right now.”

I ignore her and continue my swap. By the way, it’s not my first time using the app. I used the app many times. I like the idea of meeting a random guy for sex. No courtships or getting to know him. I show up at his place, and we hook up. That’s about it. It makes dates much more exciting.

I come across a guy my age who’s a good match. He liked my bikini selfie I took last summer. He’s not bad-looking as he’s half-shirtless. Look! He's texting me.



“U good looking...”

“Yes, u good looking too,” I replied.

“Wanna bang?”

“Yes, I wanna bang. U got smokes?”

“Yeah, I got smokes. Let’s meet. My place. 2am. Good?”

“Yeah, we meet at 2. That’s good.”



Yes, I finally have a Mingle date!

I stand up with such enthusiasm.

“You found someone, huh?” Gwen asked.

“Yep! We’re going to meet at two,” I said.

“You shouldn’t go.”


“Nothing good will happen if you go.”

What is she? A mystic?

“I don’t have to obey you. I AM going!”

“I see... Then you leave me no choice.”

Gwen used her energy to knock me off to the floor. My smartphone dropped as result of the knockdown. Damn it! I’m really getting pissed now!

I crawl to reach my phone, but Gwen comes in and bites my arm! Blood flows to the floor as a result of her biting. I shrieked out of horror and rush to the bathroom to grab a towel. I wet the towel to remove the blood off and placed pressure using my other hand to stop the bleeding. Then I hastily grab the bandage to wrap around my inflicted arm.

I hear notifications from the same guy demanding I answer.



“Hello? Hello?! What the hell?

U won’t answer!

Bitch, u waste my time!!”



I never heard the notification again. I lost the mood to go out. How could I with a bitten arm? I feel so much burning rage right now. I look at Gwen through the open door as she stands expressionless as usual.

“I won’t forgive this!!”

I get up, rush to my bedroom, and slam the door. I slide on the floor next to my bed, wincing at the pain inflicted by that stupid furball! I continue to place pressure to ease the pain. My breathing is shallow, and my sweat is heavy even for nighttime. I crawl up to bed, but it will take hours for the pain to heal.

Shit! I’m so pissed off at Gwen right now!

Date: April 5

Time: Late Night

An ex-lover (I wouldn’t say boyfriend, but we hooked up a couple of times) contacted me to offer his condolences. He said he wanted to meet me, so I agreed to show up at his place. I told Gwen beforehand, and though she disagreed, she allowed me to go since I’ve said we knew through friends. I can’t believe I must ask the stupid cat permission to go out.

Anyway, I arrived at his place, and we didn’t waste time hooking up upon hitting his bedroom.

Just don’t ask the positions, eh?

I’ll leave it to your imagination...

Then afterward, we sit on the bed smoking some packs. This all felt damn good as I need those so bad in my body.

I don’t care what Gwen says.

This is how I enjoy my life.

Date: April 6

Time: Late Night

We continue the sex and the smoking there.

The stuff between us is hotter and dense.

Gwen still shows concern, but I don’t mind.

By the way, the pain in my arm is healed.

Date: April 7

Time: Late Night

We continue the sex and the smoking.

We can’t stop. It’s too addicting.

I wanted more. He wants more.

The condom broke, but I got my Plan-Z.

We agree to continue this until we tire.

I don’t think I’ll ever tire.

I need my packs, and I need my sex.

Gwen scolded me. She demanded I stop.

Yeah right! Like that’s going to stop me.

This is what I want. This is what I need.

Date: April 8

Time: Late Night

I’m sitting on his bed smoking after sex. I put on my clothes shortly after because I was ready to go home. I wanted to take some packs home when he said no. Look, I know I can’t afford them, but at least I should bring one or two home. I’ve been sleeping at his place for three days so at least he should give me some. It’s fair, right?

“Just gimme two packs, please?” I plead.

“No is no! I can’t give them to you because I need them,” he said.

“But you have a job! You can afford them!”

“I don’t care. I’m not giving to you.”

I’m fuming with rage. I had the immense urge to smack, but I couldn’t do that. Then I do the unthinkable: I take the rest of the packs and throw them out the window. (The guy lives on the 10th floor of his condo.) I expected him to snap, but he stood there. I suppose it’s due to the shock. Anyway, I march out of the building and stroll as far my legs could carry me.

I walk far into an empty parking lot of a super mall. I know it’s late night and the buses aren’t running, but whatever. I’ll just Lubber a ride home.

Then I hear a familiar male voice from afar.

Am I followed?

He catches up to me and grabs my wrists. “What the hell is your problem, bitch?!” He demanded as I struggle to break free.

“Let me go!” I cried.

“You got a lot of nerve throwing my packs out the window!” He squeezes my wrist further.

“Fuck you! I don’t care!”

“Is that so? Since you showed your true colors, I’ll show mine’s too! I’ll teach you to respect me, bitch!” He raises his other hand, aiming it towards me. Shit! He’s going to hit me. I try pushing him with my other hand but failed. I flail around trying to drive him away. The streets are empty, so there’s no one to help me out. It’s a hopeless situation.

Suddenly, a ball of fire ejects from my palm! The shot passes the guy’s cheeks as it flies by hitting a car and activating an alarm somewhere. Both of us remain frozen as we witness the scene.

I take advantage of his loose grip to flee from him. He sees me run until I disappear from his sight. He tries to run after me when a mysterious voice told him, “I advise you not to pursue any further.”

“Who the heck—!” he said as he turns around before being knocked unconscious. Meanwhile, I run far into an open area under the light of a street lamp. I pause to catch my breath. I'm almost at home, but walking late at night without anyone around is dangerous for a woman.

Then I was teleported back to my apartment door. The voice said, “Here! I brought you back home.” I give my thanks when I turn to see a young man standing there. He looks young like in his 20s with a sense of modern fashion. He’s carrying an odd staff in one hand and a metal briefcase on another. His hair is raven-colored short held in a ponytail. He looks with a smile of satisfaction. “It’s good you’re safe back home,” he said.

“Who are you?” I asked on impulse.

“I must retreat for now, but we will meet again real soon.” He teleported away before I can ask him more questions. His voice is somehow familiar like I’ve heard it before. Anyway, I’m too tired. I just want to sleep.

I open the door to see Gwen gleefully watching late-night TV. She turns her attention to me as soon as I walk in.

“Welcome back! I learned to use the remote!”

I wasn’t up for anything as I wobbled straight to my room. I fell into my bed and immediately slept. Gwen peeked into my bedroom with a look of concern. She senses something, prompting her to meet with someone on the rooftop.

“I sensed it. Glen, she used it... again.”

“I see,” said the familiar voice, “but we can’t be certain she is the one.”

“You’re right. When she learns her true nature, I’ll show her the text. The one I wrote,” Gwen said.

The mysterious person nods.

Date: April 9

Time: Morning

Ever since the incident back in March, my life has never been the same. Once again, I got involved in another incident. Only this time no one got injured. The episode gave me a nightmare of an identical event three years ago.

I wake up in a daze as the event from yesterday still echoes in my mind. I try to engage in my usual routine, but I find it hard to concentrate. I also have a hangover.

I skip eating breakfast to drink a cup of latte. I didn’t feel like eating today. Gwen shows up to greet me.

“Good morning! How are you doing, Glen?”

“What does it look like? I have a hangover.”

“You should lie in bed for the rest of the day. Drinking water helps too.”

“You’re right. I should...”

“When you’re better, we’ll travel the woods starting tomorrow.”

“Say what? The woods? Why tomorrow?”

“We have to start your training.”

I can’t believe what I heard: I’m going to be trained... in the woods. I recall there is a forest outside the city but the rail ride to go there takes forever. Like going to Simona College before, I can’t say no to this one.

I don’t know what Gwen is trying to do with me. But I do know one thing: something is up and as cliché this sounds, I’m going to find out what it is.

Date: April 10

Time: Morning

Day one of my training has begun.

Gwen and I are on a train ride to Botaine Forest. It’s a famous forest with a lot of history. Anyway, I still don’t get why she demands I go there to train. Can’t we just train in a gym or something? I don’t know what I’m going to be taught on.

“Explain to me why I had to wake up early again?” I asked as I yawned.

“You forgot again?!” Gwen whined. “I already told you it’s to make the best use of your special skills in case of an emergency. Besides, mornings are the best for training.”

“Alright, I get you. Stay in the bag.” I’m carrying Gwen in a tote. I’m trying to keep conversation with her a little to avoid raising suspicion. I was able to buy tickets thanks to grandma’s life insurance she saved for me.

The ride was long, but we finally arrived. Gwen suggests walking through the forest. Is she crazy? That’s a very long walk! She claims she’ll guide me there and I’m like “sure whatever.” Walking isn’t a bad idea. I get to save on cab fare.

We walk far as possible to avoid human detection, so we make it to a closed area surrounded by trees. I put down the tote to stretch my arms as Gwen gets out.

Gwen looks around the forest as if she knows the place for some reason.

“This forest has seen better days...” I hear her mutter before turning to me.

“We’ll take it easy today since this is your first day. I’ll start by going over the basics. You better pay attention because I’m not repeating myself.”

Oh wow, a lecture.

“Historically, there have been three types of magic: light, dark, and elemental. Light Arts are generally recovery and support skills but can also be used for exorcism. Dark Arts are typically cursing skills, but few can be destructive. The Elemental Arts, as the name implies, are made up of skills by nature elements (fire, earth, wind, water.) The latter is split into two branches: East and West. It doesn’t matter which branch you use because both carry the same effect.”

I sit on the ground with my back to a tree dumbfounded as I hear this ridiculous lecture. I have the sudden urge to walk up and leave.

“How is this going to help me find a job?”

“Well, not in a literal sense, but it will help.”

“Dammit, Gwen, this is bullshit! I’m going home! You can stay in this forest for all I care.” I stand up as I grab my tote to walk away. Gwen stops me on the spot.

“Then summon a Fireball.”


“Summon a Fireball.”

An empty soda can was placed on top of some trunks that were mysteriously prepared.

“Can I just knock the can over?”

“No, you have to summon a Fireball.”

“What you’re asking is beyond insane.”

“Just do it!!”

Gwen is demanding too much. It’s impossible to flee. I have no choice but to summon the thing...except I don’t know how.

“Okay, how do I summon this fireball?”

“Just say ‘Fireball.' Say the word.”

“This is stupid... fine, fireball.”

But nothing came out.

“No! You must position the right pose and say the word with more power. Now, extend your arm like so, spread your hand wide, and then say the word.”

This is stupid, stupid, stupid!

“Fireball!” I yelled. A ball of fire blasts out of my hand, knocking the can off the trunk. What the...? I see smoke in my hand. Is it on fire?! The vapor then subsidized. I dash to the logs to look at the knocked can turn to rust. Did I really do this? I turn to Gwen demanding an explanation. I don’t get this at all!

“You better explain this shit!! What the hell happened?!”

“Remember what happened before? I heard an alarm caused by an explosion which means that came from the fireball you summoned.”

Yes, I remember when that jerk was going to hit me, and a fireball suddenly came out of my hand which hit a car nearby. I wonder why.

“You have a special power given to you since birth. I must train said power so you can face any challenge that comes to you.”

My eyes light up. “Since birth?! What kind?”

“I’m afraid I cannot tell you,” Gwen said as she wags her finger. “Now that your powers have begun to manifest, you can’t run from fate anymore. You must admit ownership. Thus, this training must continue.”

I speculate what kind of powers I have. I guess I should train to figure out.

“So, Gwen, how long this training will take?”

“I would say a month if you put the effort.”

A flashback comes to my mind: back when I was a kid, my grandma told me that I have special powers to use in the future. I thought it was a joke. Turns out my grandma was serious.

I lowered my tote and faced Gwen to continue with the fireball training. Gwen assists by putting more items over the log. This goes on for hours until dusk which we stop to return home.

Date: April 11

Time: Morning, Full Moon

Day two of my training has begun.

Gwen and I went over the basics of magic again, and I even shot a few fireballs for practice.

Gwen comments that my aim and timing of the fireballs have improved since yesterday. I’m happy to hear that, but I still don’t get how shooting fireballs would help me find work. How am I supposed to explain to an employer that I shoot fireballs as a skill? They would probably label me crazy or mentally unstable.

Anyway, today is the day I get to pick a weapon. Magic is handy, but I can’t always rely on it, so I need to pick a weapon as a backup. Gwen goes over the options with me.

“These are possible weapons made from wood. You pick one, and that’s we’ll use for today’s practice. It’s important to master your weapon as well as your magic.”

A set of wooden weapons laid neatly one next to another on the ground. I start picking the first item to the left which is a short sword.

“A dagger, huh? Not bad as it is small and portable but the hit rate isn’t very high. Accuracy rate is average. However, if you are going to use magic frequently, then it is a good choice.”

“What about this one?” I pick the one-handed sword next.

“One-handed swords have average hit and accuracy rates. They’re good for someone who is already an expert on magic. In short, it’s a great backup tool.”

I pick the massive two-handed sword next.

“Yeah, you can’t handle that. It’s good for those who don’t use magic and have the physical attributes necessary to wield the weapon.”

I choose the spear next. This one is quite long.

“I advise against that though the hit and accuracy rate is almost the same as one-handed swords. The reason is due to the length. It’s not easy to carry around.”

She’s got the point. Next, I lift a bludgeon but lower it back as it’s too big for me not to mention dangerous. I decide to choose the bows next.

“Bows are good for those who hardly engage in combat. Skip that.”

Lastly, I considered using my bare hands as fists, but I skip it as I don’t want my arms to be broken in the process.

The options presented here are good choices, but my top picks are the dagger and the one-handed sword. I would choose the one-handed sword but carrying it in a major city would be difficult. So, I decide to select the dagger instead.

“You made your decision. I can totally see you with that,” Gwen said.

Then I sense a presence approaching us. A strange figure wearing a black robe appears out of nowhere. While I’m on my guard, Gwen looks as if she’s familiar with it. “It’s you. You’re here to assist with the training.”

“That’s correct,” said the figure as it walks into our circle. The character stops to pull its hood backward. Shocking! It’s the same metal-skin guy from before.

“Now that you have your weapon, it’s time to put this into practice.” He doesn’t waste time pulling out a one-handed sword from his sheath.

Crap! I’m freaking out!

“Gwen, what’s going on?! Why is he here?!”

He suddenly challenges me to a battle. Shit! I haven’t begun my weapon training!

Date: April 11

Time: Afternoon, Full Moon

I sit on the ground with my back leaned to a tree, curled up in cowardice. The reason for this? It’s because I’m scared, that’s why!

Let’s trace a bit backward, shall we?

Aster was about to attack me when Gwen stopped him.

“What now?!” he growled. Gwen pointed out that I was crying and curled up.

“Great. Now she’s scared,” he said, folding his arms in discontent.

The weapon practice was put off since then. He came to me and sat on the other side of the tree. He took it as a hint that I agree to speak if I didn’t look at him.

“You still afraid?”

“What do you expect, huh?”

“Do you think an enemy will wait around?”

“Listen, ass-hat, this isn’t some medieval fantasy bullshit! This is the real world. Stuff happens. You have no place here, whoever the heck you are.”

“Then why are you training?” he asked.

“Gwen says I have to. She said I have powers I was born with. I couldn’t care less, but I have to keep training to find out.”

“That’s odd. People aren’t born with sorcery powers. They must be trained. Still, you need to be always ready for battle. Remember that.”

I change the subject with a question. “Who are you?”

“To be honest, I don’t know. I’ve been living in this world for three years, and all I know I was given the name ‘Aster.'”

Now I’m curious. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. All I know I was turned into this when I woke up,” he said, referring to his metal skin. “I ran, and that’s when I was saved.”

I wonder who saved him.

“Since you’re a magical creature, you probably come from the same period as Gwen. Right?” It doesn’t hurt to ask, so I wait for his answer.

“In this world of science and technology, I am a humanoid. But in that world, I am a chimera.”

No shit! Anyone who has played Dungeons and Dragons should know about chimeras. But I’ve heard they're ultra-rare because making them is so difficult.

“You’re not a spirit or a ghost, right?” I asked.

“I assure you I’m neither a spirit nor a ghost. I am very much alive.”

I feel like I’m going to get a heart attack right now. There is no way anyone from medieval times still alive today. That’s impossible!! I clench my fists to avoid fainting.

“Then how do you live in this world? Who saved you? How did you know Gwen?” I’m not trying to overwhelm him with questions, but I have so many to ask that I don’t know where to start. Surprisingly, he answers my questions in a calm, professional manner.

“First, I live here in this forest inside a shack. She arrives every morning to pick me up and drives me back here upon nighttime. Of course, the one I’m referring to is her. She was the one who saved me three years ago. She named me after a flower that matched the dye on my skin.

“Eventually, I had to re-learn everything as if I was an infant. I had to read and write the way this world does. Thankfully, I learned quickly, and before I knew it, I was working for her. Now I correct her students’ papers and ghostwrite for other professors.

“To answer your other question, Gwen and I knew each other from a few weeks ago. However, I don’t have my full memories back. Yet I do know I knew someone with her name.”

At first, I wasn’t getting the one who saved him, but then I figured it was her. Agnes, was it? I have her contact info that I still consider deleting. Why someone like her has a magical creature as an assistant?

“She wasn’t always like that. She always took time out of her busy schedule to teach me. But she changed after graduation. Now she dumps her students’ papers on my desk and walks away without saying a word.”

Damn, what a bitch!

“So, why you’re still with her?” I asked.

“We are bound by a contract with the university. If we were to separate for any reason, she loses her job.”

“I don’t care if that bitch loses her job. She treats you like shit. You deserve better even if you’re a monster.” I really hate bitches like her. She’s one of those types who think they’re above everybody else because they’re perfect.

“Thanks for the concern but I’m alright,” he paused. “Besides, I have nowhere else to go.”

He chuckled, but I hardly find this funny. I’m going to delete her contact info from my phone, but not before giving her a piece of my mind.

Finally, Gwen shows up. It’s getting late. I find Aster a nice guy to talk, but I must get over my fear and face him eye to eye.

Date: April 14

Time: Afternoon

Aster is sure a handful. He doesn’t hold back even against me a total newbie. Gwen decided I should take the day off because it’s Good Friday. That’s good because I really need a break. These workouts serve better than smoking packs.

Aster and I practiced with wooden weapons, but I got knocked down again and again. Slowly but surely, I’m getting used to seeing him. He’s not bad looking considering his state.

Anyway, I decided to spend the afternoon soaking in a warm bath. I needed that tub because I pulled muscles I wouldn’t strain even with the hottest sex. I poured an entire bag of medical salt to ease the aches.

I ponder about the events that happened before. I can’t help but think a huge secret is being hidden from me. I still wonder what kind of powers I was born with.

Date: April 15

Time: Morning

Training resumes. Aster and I rest under the shade of a tree. Instead of facing way, we sit next to each other making small talk and laughing at each other’s jokes. I give him a can of soda.

Date: April 16

Time: Morning

Gwen and I take the day off because it’s Easter. I’m here in the cemetery to place flowers on my grandma’s grave. I do this every year. I bring Gwen with me so we can pray together.

“I see,” Gwen said, “she was very influential in your life. I bet you miss her.”

“Yeah, I miss her so much. Remember what I told you about my mother leaving me as a kid? They found her dead 10 years later. She was apparently killed. Her ashes are in a jar and buried in my grandma’s tomb.”

“You know,” Gwen spoke up, “you can talk to me anything that bothers you. You don’t have to suffer alone anymore.”

For some reason, I hold Gwen in my arms. I hug her small, stuffed feline body as my eyes tear up. She hugs me back with her tiny arms.

Date: April 17

Time: Morning

Training resumes. I train with a combination of fireball and dagger-wielding. Aster is such a great sparring partner. He said while my hit and timing improved, I still have long ways to go. For some odd reason, that makes me want to continue training more.

Date: April 18

Time: Morning

Aster explains that today is the last day of him training me. He says it’s because Agnes is returning from her vacation.

“Today is the last day of this ‘Spring Break’ so I can’t train you starting tomorrow.”

“But we’ll keep in touch, right?”

“How do we keep in touch then?” he asked.

“Smartphone! You have one, right?”

“I see what it is. You use that device to speak to people. Hold on, I have one. Agnes gave me one so we can be in contact.” Aster digs through his pockets and whips a smartphone which looks like a Megadroid phone. For a bitch who’s a snob, she gave him a cheap phone.

“Here, take my number, and now you call me.”

“Say what?”

“Sorry about that,” he said, clearing his throat. “So, how do we exchange numbers?”

“The easiest is to simply tap, but since your brand is different, we would have to add manually. She taught you how to use it, right?”

“She did but only to answer and end calls.”

“Here, let me teach you on how to use your phone.” We sit together so that I can explain how to make use of his smartphone. I added my contact info as well as added his to mine. I taught him about texting, email, web search, and other necessary tools.

“I see now. It’s amazing how a small device can be so useful! Thank you.” Aster sparkled to the amazement of technological wonders.

“You’re welcome. I could send you a text to test drive, but there’s no reception here. I’ll send you a text tomorrow, and you’ll reply me back as soon as possible. How about it?”

“Sounds good.”

Date: April 26

Time: Afternoon, New Moon

Today is the last day of our week off, so we decide to go shopping. Gwen and I are having so much fun together, but we need to be discreet. I’m getting used to this life as time goes on.