
Month Six - August


Date: August 6; Time: Late Night

Gwen and Moros meet once again on the rooftop of my apartment building. "Thanks for coming," Gwen said. She is in her usual 2-legged form. As for Moros, he wears stylish clothing with staff on the one hand and a metal briefcase on another.

"I can't stand this anymore! The God of Darkness will rise any time now, and she still doesn't know the truth." Gwen is desperate.

So, she does know something!

"It's impossible to predict the exact moment, but I say it's not happening anytime soon. However, if you want a head start on the truth, here is the address to the fortune teller."

Moros hands out a business card with a name, profession, and location of this fortune teller. Gwen's eyes widen upon reading the person's name. "No way! She still exists?!" Gwen paused enough for him to nod. "I must let them know soon as possible. We have to do this!"

Date: August 7

Time: Afternoon, Full Moon

Maury and I stand in front of a cottage house located in the middle of nowhere. It’s in the middle of the forest where I trained back in April. Remember? We came here in his van which made travel so convenient. Thus, we saved money on tickets as well as time riding the train.

“Why we’re here?” Maury asked.

“Because I was told to come here,” I replied.

“By who?”

I wish I knew. All I saw was this notification on my smartphone. The note didn’t show the name of the sender. When I tried to reply, I got an error message. I thought it was a joke, so I deleted it. But the notification popped up again even after removing it many times. Did my phone catch a virus? I’m not sure. I asked Maury if he received the notification on his smartphone, but he said he didn’t.

“Well, let’s get this over with...” I said, taking a step forward. Maury noticed my bag moving on its own. “How come your bag moved?”

You know who it is inside my bag, right? She insisted I take her. I left the zipper slightly open to let her breathe. Maury fixed his look at me expecting an answer. I couldn’t ignore him, so I was forced to answer. “It’s nothing, really!”

My reply didn’t convince him, but at least he didn’t insist. As we take steps forward, we hear a car. Oh, shoot! Don’t tell me she came here too?

She gets out, slamming the door behind her. She stands with hands on her hips sporting an annoyed expression. “Don’t think I’m happy to see you. I’m only here because Aster insisted. I cannot afford to have my time wasted on silly things like this. We’ll do what we need to do here because I have a class to teach tomorrow.”

Aw, man! She isn’t thrilled to be here, and she’s less excited to see us. Hey, at least greet us, lady! Anyway, Aster got out of the car. I couldn’t rush to meet him like I usually do, so Maury and I greeted him quietly as he did too.

“Did you received a notification telling you to come here?” Aster asked. He got the text on his smartphone too? How was that possible?

“I tried to delete it, but the text reappeared again. I even replied, but I got an error message.” Aster did the same thing I did. What’s going on? Why we’re getting weird notifications that pop up even after we delete them?

That aside, why would a fortune teller live far from civilization? Fortune tellers live in cities because they need clients. How in the world does this person make money? Something isn’t right.

I take a deep breath, and we walk towards the door. I ring the doorbell. It’s working, but no one responds. I ring again, then a third, and then a fourth. I began to wonder if we’re even in the right place. The door opened itself right after. A gypsy-looking woman looks at us from the sideway. “Yes?”

“Are you the fortune teller?” I asked. “We're told to come here because we need to have a reading done."

“So, you finally arrived. Come in.”

We enter the house with caution. Booby traps are possible. But her place is average looking. There’s nothing which indicates danger so far. I look around, noticing her house uses lamps and not light bulbs. Since it’s still afternoon, sunlight lightens the house. In fact, I don’t think her house uses electricity. I don’t see devices such as phones and computers. Who is she really?

We followed her to a room which looks like the inside of a shrine. Her desk is located behind a large window in which sunlight brightens the room. On top of the table are tarot cards already arranged to begin reading. Four chairs were arranged neatly for us. We all take a seat while she sits behind the large desk.

“You seem to know about us,” I said.

“That’s right. I’ve known you for a long time.”

“You’ve been working with Gwen and Moros, huh? What do you want?”

“To read your fortune. Please allow me.”

“We don’t have any money,” said the gal.

“Money is not the issue,” she retorted.

“Then how do you pay your bills?” I asked.

“If you let me read your fortune, I’ll answer what you need to know.” The fortune teller begins by turning the first card in the middle. “Five of Cups. A tragic event happened to you...”

I assume she’s referring to me. “Yeah, it did.” Remembering them makes me uneasy. I wonder if she’s psychic like Gwen is. Then she continues by picking another card in the middle. “Death Arcana. You suffered many losses.”

Shit, my chest tightens. Why am I being triggered? She continues by picking the card on the top. “The Magician. So, it has begun.”

Ah yes, it was when I started my training back in April. I had awakened to my powers by then. Next, she picks the fourth card to the right. “The World. You lived a normal life until now.”

That was when I had my job as the police secretary. I was an ordinary girl a few months ago. It’s amazing how things change so fast overnight. She picks the card at the bottom next. “Five of Wands. Constant conflict.”

When I had my job and my friends, things were always hectic. I never got bored, but I was still stressed out. I hate to admit, but I’m glad it’s over. Then she picks the card to the left. “The Chariot. Instability awaits.”

I wonder what this means. Shit! My chest is tight again. A flash of a courthouse appeared in my mind. A trial? She continues by picking the card to the bottom right. “Eight of Swords. You will reach the point of no return.”

She’s vague again. I wish she stop, but I allow her to continue. She picks the card above it. “Ace of Pentacles. New alliances.”

This must mean when I met Gwen and the others. She continues by picking another card above it. “King of Swords. Vast power awaits.”

Power? Gwen did say I was born with powers. I still wonder what it means. Lastly, she picked the final card on top. “Five of Pentacles. A major conflict awaits followed by a major loss.”

“Loss?!” I shouted as I hastily get up. The bag I was carrying fell to the floor. “I had enough of this! What’s going to happen to me? What am I anyway?!” I sit back with my head lowered. The others look at me with confusion.

“It’s time I explain,” said a familiar voice. The others turn to see Gwen in her usual form, standing behind the closed door. I find it odd not to hear a thud when my bag fell. Gwen must’ve had teleported out.

“It’s been many centuries, Justine.”

“Yes, it has...”

What?! They know each other?

Date: August 7

Time: Dusk, Full Moon

We’re shocked to see Gwen standing there. Maury more so as he has never seen her original form before. “It’s a cat! And it can talk!”

“Yes, I can talk.” Gwen teleports to the desk.

“It’s Kitty,” the gal murmured.

“So, you two know each other?” I asked.

“Yes. Justine was the dragon who read my fortunes. Her predictions are spot on.”

Did we hear it right? Justine is a dragon?!

“This is not making any sense,” the professor said with her arms folded. She’s just as puzzled as the rest of us are.

Huh? Did I sense something?

“Is that a green tail?” Maury spots a tail coming from the fortune teller. We peek out, and sure enough, we see a mint green tail.

Wait a minute! Mint? Like the drink? So, the Mint Dragon martini is not the name of a beverage but rather the actual dragons? I thought dragons were staples of fantasy RPGs, but since I use magic, I don’t get what’s real anymore.

“It’s been forever since I was a dragon. I turn into one so I won’t forget my roots, but it’s becoming difficult.”

“How so?” I asked again.

She removes her veil showing her long, mint green hair. Like Aster, she has fairy ears too.

“Have you seen an actual dragon? I’m bigger than this house. Turning into one right now would destroy it. Besides, my size would attract anyone’s attention. Before then, the media, military, and the government would be all over me. And I can’t return to the valley because it’s now a tourist resort, so we have no choice but to live normal human lives.”

“Sorry to hear that. Can we go now?” gal asked. Her patience is wearing thin as mines are.

“There is a lot you need to know so you can’t leave," Justine said as she looks at the cards. “The final card indicates a tragic event with a tragic loss. Of course, when said event will happen is unknown, but it will happen. I want you to be physically and mentally prepared when this happens.”

“Excuse me, but I don’t understand. Can you explain all of this? And why you talk like a person?” Maury asked. Gwen felt compelled to answer right away for his sake.

“Glen, Aster, and I are magic users. In Agnes’ case, Lizabeth uses her body to draw magic.”

“Magic? Like sorcery?” he asked. My hands are shaking. I’m so worried Maury will freak out, but he seems to be taking it well.

“You know something about magic.”

“I read some Dungeons and Dragons comics as a kid. But tell me, who are you?”

“I’m Gwen. I used to be human once at a time long gone. A sorceress back in my day.”

“So, let me get this straight: you can talk, Justine is a dragon, the client has a ghost, and Glen uses magic. This means Aster is...”

Aster removes his hood despite Agnes’ objection. “This is who I am. I am not a foreigner, sorry for the lie.”

“No, that’s okay. I understand.”

“Mr. Maury, please don’t sell us out! It will be a huge scandal if this happens,” pleaded the gal with anxiety. I hate to imagine Maury rushing to social media for his 15 minutes of fame. But I don’t know if he has such intentions. I remain seated as I wait for his response.


“Who said I’ll sell you out?” Maury stands.

We shift our attention towards him.

“Why would you think of me like that? Because I don’t use magic? Dammit, I don’t have a social media account! Do you think I had time to waste? I was helping my grandfather run his business.”

We stand up anxious about what he’ll say next.

“And even if I did, so what? You guys are my friends. I’ll never sell you out. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done. We’re just friends, that is all.”

He reaches out to Aster, expecting a handshake. Aster is nervous. I get it. I don’t doubt what Maury is saying but is he going to honor his word? Or is he going to rush to report on social media anyway? Maury claims not have an account. But what if he does as anonymous? What if he makes Aster handshake only to turn around and take a selfie? The anxiety is nerve-racking.

Aster refuses to handshake. His nervousness quickly turns into panic. “St-stay away from me!” He shouted, drawing his sword. All of us are horrified seeing what is happening to Aster. He dashes to the door with a hand on the doorknob. The gal rushes to him, flinging him from behind. “Aster, no! You must calm down! Please, I’m begging you!! STOP!!!”

I’m tearing up. Aster is panicking before my eyes. I feel so helpless to do anything. To my shock, Maury advanced. He placed his hand on his shoulder, which made Aster stop but it’s more likely time itself stopped.

“Remember that I asked you many questions which made you uncomfortable? I want to apologize. I didn’t know. But now I do, and I want to understand you. I want us to have a friendship, to bond." Maury extends his hand again for a handshake. “So, will you be my friend?”

Aster lifts his gaze towards him. With trust, he counters back. His hands shake but remain firm.

“Mr. Maury, thank you,” she quietly wept.

“Agnes, you’re my friend as well. The fact you’re possessed doesn’t bother me.” He hugs, making her blush but she didn’t push off. She hugged him back.

I’m still teared up. It’s such a lovely scene.


“I’m glad we accepted each other,” Gwen said.

We returned to our seats, satisfied with the resolution. With all the panic that happened, we almost forgot the results of our tarot reading. Gwen and Justine resume their talk.

“So, Gwen, how was life since we met?”

“A lot of things happened to me, but I got married and had tons of kids.”

“Wow, you must’ve been rushed!”

“Pregnant all the time!” she snickered.

“I knew Gwen when she was human. She looked exactly like the one sitting there.”

“You mean me?”

“Yes, gold hair and green eyes. She was quite a spunk too. When she first visited the valley, she came with a group who look exactly like you.”

"For real?" Maury asked.

“The man she was with looked just like you. And there was another girl with dark hair who looked like her but without the spectacles. I believe she was a princess at the time. And as for him, even a chimera, he was human with brunette colored hair.”

“Brunette? Aster?” asked the gal.

“That’s how I knew him. Right, Sartre?”

Wait, what did Gwen say? Sartre?

The others are shocked as I am now.

“Yes, Sartre. It is my real name. My full name is Emanuel Sartre, but everybody called me Sartre. My family name is also my nickname.”

“But didn’t you have amnesia?” I asked.

“I lied. I’ve already recovered my memories. But when I woke three years ago, I did had amnesia. I recovered my memories as time went on. Then Gwen appeared, and that speed up the process through our weekly meetings.”

Shit! I’m so annoyed.

“If I’m going to trick my enemies, I must trick my friends first. That’s how the saying goes or at least that’s what said in the movies.”

“Oh, Aster. I'm annoyed right now, but I forgive. You’re my friend, and you’ve been a huge help.” I chuckle. The nervous tension cleared away for smiles.

“So, you must be old,” Maury said.

Aster shrugs. “Yes, that’s true.”

“Just like Gwen, huh? Don’t worry! You two get better with age! Ha-ha!”

“Um, Maury. You’re a little mistaken here. Aster is still alive. My human body is forever dead. I’m a spirit inside this stuffed animal.” Gwen shrugs with a sweat drop.

“You’re still alive to me.”

We laugh again. It’s amazing how things change once the truth is out. It’s like we’re free.

“So, Justine, you’re part of the Mint Dragon race?” I asked, returning to the topic at hand.

“Yes. The Mint Dragons excelled at predictions. People traveled from faraway lands just so they can hear us. Our predictions were exact, and the outcome happened without fail. Since dragons live in eternity, we knew advances in civilization would bring danger. We can’t stop humans from advancing. That would be too selfish.

Thus, we decided to separate and become fortune tellers so we can aid humans. Of course, I’ve heard many of our dragons living human lives from having careers and even marriage to humans. As for me, I decided to remain a fortune teller and will continue to do so forever.”

“But don’t you get lonely?” Maury asked.

“As a dragon, I’m never lonely.”

“Aren’t there other races of dragons?” I asked.

“Yes, and they’re mostly extinct.”

“Yep, that’s true,” Gwen added.

“How far your predictions go?” the gal asked.

“In the case of humans, we can go a hundred years. But in the case of countries, cities, and villages, we can go as far as 5,000 years. Everything that happens is due to our predictions. The cards I've read showed the events of the golden-haired girl. The outcome isn’t good.”

I pulled my chair closer to the desk. Justine extends her arms and holds her hands in mine. She whispered, but it’s evident the others can hear it. Justine glances at Gwen.

“You have a spirit dormant inside you. That is what gave you powers and the reason why you were born with them. The spirit will awake, and when it happens, you will cease to be a normal woman. I cannot say any more than what I need to tell you. But you will know soon enough and the events that lead to this.”

Like the professor, I am possessed by a ghost except I don’t know who the spirit is. Gwen still refuses to tell me the truth. And what does she mean I’ll no longer be a ‘normal woman?’

What a bummer! I want to go home.

Dismayed, we get up. Justine stops us right before we open the door.

“The three of you are not off the hook. Just because I did her reading doesn’t mean I won’t do yours. Let me be brief with the males here. The two of you will do fine come what may.”

“Can you predict I’ll be human again?”

“I’m afraid I can’t. Sorry...”

Aster sulks with disappointment. Poor guy. He may be okay with his current look, but deep down he wants to be human again.

“Let me do her reading. It’s imperative I do because I see something in her immediate future."

Justine divides the cards by Arcana and shuffles them, laying four of them on the table.

“Come closer. You need to see this.”

The professor pulled the chair closer to the desk with much hesitation. “Whatever you’re going to say isn’t going to affect me. I don’t believe in fortune telling.”

“You should know better not to say it.”

“That I accept because I live it. But I’m not going to listen to the results.”

“Then you will think twice when I read the following to you. Please listen carefully.”

She can’t flee from this one. She had to listen.

Justine started with the card on the left. “The first card is the card of your past. Fortune. This card refers to the events three years ago.”

“That was when Lizabeth took over me. I was praying, and I felt a spark as if something invaded my body. I shrugged it off, but when I saw my reflection, and she spoke, I realized it was her. I felt awful. I should’ve been excited. I was obsessed with her as a child, after all.”

Well, who knew?

“The second card represents your present. The Hanged Man. You’re suffering contradictions. True to yourself yet wanting to please others.”

The professor sighs. She isn’t as assertive she seems to be. I know that much.

“The final card is the card of your future. The Devil. You will find yourself in a hopeless situation. You are going to be betrayed. When it happens, the spirit inside you will...”

“I’m not listening anymore!” she barked.

“I wish you luck. But heed my words, it will happen sooner than you think.”

Betrayed, huh? I wonder if it has to do with her job. She did get promoted after graduation. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s about it.

It’s getting late anyway. Nighttime at the forest can be scary, so we must leave. Justine watches as we hop on and drive away.

Date: August 7

Time: Evening, Full Moon

We’re finally back home. I march to my room while Maury sits on the sofa. Gwen jumps into his lap with a happy look.

“Hi!” she greeted.

“You’re quite small,” he said, holding her.

“Sorry for my sudden reveal, but I did what I had to do. I was going to eventually.”

“Well, at least I know the truth.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t freak out.”

“What for? It’s pointless anyway.”

“So, you’re going to stay?”

“I have nowhere else to go, so yes.”


I exit my room wearing comfy loungewear. I closed the door behind me.

“Hey, I’m thirsty! Gimme some water!” Gwen demanded. I obeyed by grabbing a cat bowl from the cabin and filling it up with tap water. I placed the pan in the corner by the bathroom door. Gwen turned into her cat form to drink it.

What am I supposed to say now? Maury knows that I’m a sorceress. He also knows Gwen and Aster are magic users and Agnes is possessed by Liz’s spirit. Is Maury going to be okay with us around? Will he consider us freaks?

“Do you have any magic powers?”

I’m so nervous that I’m stiff all over.

“No, I don’t use any magic...” he responded.

“Then I ask you to leave!” I cried.

That’s sudden, I know. Maury stands still, and Gwen stops her drinking. Their eyes are fixed on me, speechless at my sudden outburst.

“What are you saying?”

“You can’t be here anymore. Please leave!”

“But why? Why are you asking me this?!”

“Because I don’t want you to get hurt!! Don’t you see? If I or any of us use magic and you get caught, you’ll be hurt or maybe even killed. Besides, you wouldn’t want to be with us long term anyway. So, it’s best you leave and live a normal life. You’ll be safe that way.”

“You’re implying I abandon you?”

“We’ll keep in touch. We have smartphones, after all.” I did my best telling what he wants to hear, but I think my reply didn’t convince him.


“Look, I know you don’t have a place to go. But you’re a skilled mechanic. You can easily find a job and rent yourself a cheap studio. Then you go find normal friends and maybe get a girlfriend. You don’t need to be with someone like me. You really don’t. Just go!”

“Stop it! Don’t say that!!” Maury binds me in the most intense hug I’ve experienced in years. My face is all red. I can’t breathe...

“Maury, get off...! No, stop...!” I struggle to push him away, but he keeps me tight. Gwen watches without intervention.

“Glen, stop!”

“No, Maury! Knock it off!!”

I can’t flail with him binding me like this. Still, I continue to struggle. I try my best to push him away and smack him afterward.

But it looks like I can’t...

The guy is stubborn. He keeps me bind no matter how hard I struggle. I’m starting to lose my sanity as tears fill up in my eyes. “Maury, please stop...” I wailed. He’s not listening. He cups my head, lifting it up for the purpose of intense eye contact. I feel like pierced.

“Have I ever given up on you?” he asked.


I’m confused. He leads me by the hand to sit on the sofa. He didn’t let go. At least I calmed a bit.

“I haven’t told you this, but my grandfather sold our house and our business. You know why? Because he is going to die. He’s been sick for a very long time. That’s why I came here. When we met, I knew I could trust you. You’re kind-hearted, sweet, and you can cook. He said you’d be a wife material someday.”

I take a deep breath as I listen.

“Glen, I want to be with you, magic user or not. Anything that comes in your way, I’ll protect you. I know martial arts, and I can use any weapon in hand. You don’t have to worry about me. And I’m sure our friends will help too.”

He strokes my cheek with such tenderness. I can’t help but sob loudly on his shoulder. I feel so stupid right now. I shouldn’t have asked that.

Trust. I took Maury in because I trust him. He isn’t a self-serving douchebag wanting to live off me. Sweet and reliable. He’s unemployed, but he will find work. I’ve been screwed too many times by people who I thought were good. I was skeptical when he arrived, but now I thank the heavens for giving me such a genuine person.

“Spoken like a true man. He said the same things to me when I was about to give up,” Gwen said as she approaches us. “I’m referring to my husband, of course. And as Justine said, you look just like him. He was caring but strong. He didn’t use magic, but he swayed that sword. Glen is so lucky to have you by her side.”

Eventually, I wipe my tears as I remain leaned on his shoulder. I still sniff a little.

“If you don’t mind, who was your husband?” Maury asked, moving to another topic.

“His name was Laurice,” Gwen responded.

“But isn’t Laurice a girl’s name?”

“Yeah, he was raised as a girl under that name. That’s why he insisted we call him ‘Laury’ because it sounded more masculine.”

“How many children did you two had?”

“20 of them.”

“How was that possible?”

“Details of my married life is something you don’t want to know,” Gwen said.

Suddenly, we laugh. Gwen can be so funny.

“Alright, let’s eat dinner and go to sleep!”

I agree because I’m hungry, so I go to the kitchen to prepare dinner. We enjoy the most straightforward supper I ever created (just a tuna sandwich.) Maury and I hold hands as we tenderly stare.

Asked to be his wife. Is that possible?

We sit on the sofa to watch some TV before going to sleep. It’s been a long day, after all.

Date: August 19

Time: Evening

I received a text from Aster a few hours ago. I opened the message right away as soon as I saw it.



Are you busy? If not, let’s meet.

Downtown Simona.

Agnes reserved a private dining room for us.

Let’s gather where we met before.

And bring Gwen with you.



I know Aster doesn’t text for shits and giggles. When he texts, he means business, so we rush to our meeting place. You see, to the store where we met a month ago.

“I’m surprised you invited us,” I said.

“Actually, it was Gwen’s idea. We met a few days after the visit, and she proposed we meet to follow up on what we learned.”

“Really, Gwen?”

“Yeah, it’s important to go over everything so there won’t be any misunderstandings,” she said.

“We better make it quick because I reserved the room for two hours,” the professor added. “I’m not going to pay overtime.”

I rolled my eyes. Seriously that gal...

The room she reserved is located at a restaurant known to be Simona’s top-rated. I know this because I’ve been here before but I never been to any of their private dining rooms.

Of course, I wouldn’t say for the sake of being private. This dining room is truly private. We can order through the touchscreen menu, and the food is served on a rising platform, so no noisy waiters. The place is windowless, but it’s made up of top-class décor.

The absolute privacy makes it easy for Gwen and Aster to expose themselves without fear. Gwen pops out while Aster removes his hood.

Oh, wait! What about surveillance cameras?

After waiting a while, our food and drinks are finally served on a silver platter.

“I get this place is fancy and all, but the portions are tiny,” Maury said, upset at the servings.

“This place is high class, so of course the portions are small,” I added. Then I turned to the professor. How in the world did she paid for this given how little teachers make?

“I’m grateful you’re putting this on your tab, but where do you get the money to pay for all this?” Not that I’m suspicious, but she isn’t royalty. She is a descendant of one but not wealthy on her own. She’s a typical person like the rest of us sheep.

“That’s none of your business,” she shot back. Yeah, I expected a reply like that.

“I’m done. Gimme more!” Gwen called.

“Sorry, Gwen, but that’s not possible.”

“The food at taverns were always big enough to fit three kings...” Gwen muttered in frustration. Who knew servings back then were huge?

“We’re under a time limit so we should start.” Aster’s statement brings us back to reality. We can’t afford to waste time. The information we received was too much, so we decide to go over one topic at a time.

“First off, the results of MY reading. I don’t know about you but a certain someone, who’s present today, still refuses to tell me the truth.” Even seated, I huffed with hands on my hips. Gwen looks away in shame.

“What is the truth?” Maury asked.

“I don’t know! And I wish I know because it’s frustrating that I don’t know. My reading was about everything that happened to me until now and my future. Everything she said was true, but to tell them to you guys would trigger memories I don’t want.”

“You don’t trust us?” Aster asked.

“Not that I don’t,” I said with arms folded, “but I don’t know you guys well. I’m sorry. I already have a hard time dealing with the sorcery business.”

“That’s logical, considering we didn’t meet not too long ago. It happened too quick.”

“Well, how are you feeling?” I asked, concerned about his state of mind. He suffered a breakdown yesterday, so I need to ask him this.

“I’m alright, thanks,” he replied with a grin, then turned to Maury with a somber look.

“Maury, was it? I want to say sorry. No one besides Agnes and Glen has seen my face. I was so scared given how technology advanced to the point a single picture of me would go viral if posted on the web. I’m too out of place here...”

His last line struck me too dumb to say anything. I don’t even have the right considering I use magic.

“That’s why I need to be always covered, and the reason Agnes takes me wherever she goes. I don't have it easy."

“Dude, no worries. We’re bros.”

Gotta love the guy. Cheerful as ever.

“Dude? Bros? You mean like brothers? I’ve heard it from a ‘gangster’ movie we saw.”

I chuckled when I turned to the gal who seems to be using her smartphone. “You seem quiet...”

“Oh, I’m looking up Aster’s real name.”

“Oh yeah, what was it again?” I asked.

“Emanuel Sartre,” Gwen said.

“All I see is a single entry with Sartre being a medieval doctor.” Dissatisfied with the result, the gal finally looks up at us.

“Do you know?” I asked Aster.

“No, I don’t.” Aster requested to show the result to him. “It doesn’t say the full name so it could be anyone. Either me or my father.”

“Your father?”

“My father was a doctor...” He sounded uneasy, so I didn’t follow up with more questions.

“With the fortune teller being a dragon, it would’ve been cool to see one. I mean, she should have transformed. Don’t you guys think?” Maury sounds out of character with this comment.

“Didn't you listen? She said she couldn’t.” My comment made it possible to silent Maury for saying something stupid. But I guess it’s justified: we’re all tired.

“We’re almost out of time, so we have one more topic to cover,” she said, looking down at her phone with such anxiety.

“Yeah, yours. What’s this about a betrayal? I know we don’t get along and all, but I’m worried. It must be about Liz, right? I doubt Liz will betray you, but I think your promotion was rigged so someone can set a betrayal.”

“What part of ‘none of your business’ you don’t understand?” I detect hostility in her tone despite her demeanor. It’s like she’ll lash out any second now. Taking my silence for an answer, she gets up. “Let’s go unless YOU pay extra.”

“Poor Agnes...” Gwen hissed.

We sigh in exhaustion as we head separate ways.

Date: August 21

Time: Afternoon, New Moon

Moulin City PD. My old workplace. It’s going to be five months since I was let go. I thought I’d be bored without a job, but the opposite is true. I love this new life. But I’m going to have to find work because I must pay my bills.

I wonder how my co-worker is doing. Remember back in March when he got injured? I haven’t heard from him, so I feel like calling him just to check up. To see if he’s okay...


He didn’t answer. The call went straight to his voicemail. Should I call his boss? You know the grumpy middle-aged detective? Nah! I’ll call him later. He’s probably busy with work anyway.

The detective sits in his office, looking at the newspaper. He focuses on one article about the rumors of magic. He thought of ignoring it, but he remembered something. It was about me and the trial three years ago. It was big news back then, and it was the trial that triggered rumors of sorcery revival.

Next, he goes to the employee files and looks at my picture. He pulls out an old article cutout with the image of me when I had long hair. He compares the two side-by-side.

“No way!” he howled, shocked with the results he saw. “This can’t be!”