
Final Month - January


Date: January 1; Time: Evening, Full Moon

We’re here at the Marion Hotel eating an extensive buffet. I’ll let you know that this is the best buffet I ever tasted! I’ve done this twice: one for the office holiday party and another with a date. But eating a buffet with friends I care about beats them both.

We’ve been here since the festival ended. See, Aster and Agnes spent the New Year’s Eve at my place. We jumped for a hug the moment the clock stroke at midnight. Wonder what the resolution is? To defeat the God of Darkness, of course! There is no better New Year’s resolution than this. Next, we celebrated with drinks, fell asleep, and left in the morning to attend the festival.

The festival was incredible: there was a parade, a concert, and a live theater. Each of them decorated with all sorts of glitter and cool costumes. Oh! And there were lots and lots of food. I know I’m going around telling you like a kid right now, but I’m so happy. I even played a few games at the booths and won some plushies.

The festival ended at sunset, so we went to the hotel to eat an exclusive New Year’s buffet there. However, unlike the festival, we had to pay our way in. Luckily, Agnes took care of it (though I still wonder where is she getting the money from.)

Okay, now a word on the Marion Hotel. It’s Simona City’s most expensive and luxurious hotel. Celebrities and politicians are known to stay here. A one-night stay at any of the rooms can break anyone’s bank if they’re not rich.

“Ah, I’m full!” Gwen said. I can see that her small belly is about to burst. She’s in her regular form, but she’s hidden underneath a table. She can still be seen, but no one has paid attention, which is good. We don’t want to cause unnecessary panic. Not to mention, this room is full of people minding their own business. All adults, of course.

“Same here, but I can’t get enough of this chicken,” Maury added. The buffet isn’t short on the meats with steak, pork, chicken, turkey, beef, and sausages. We don’t eat much meat because it’s expensive for us so getting to eat meat here is priceless.

“I’m full as well,” Agnes said. She ate her share of seafood with exotic fish and lobsters.

“I’m glad we’re in high spirits,” Aster said with a smile. Since he’s a bronze golem, eating is optional. Instead, he sips a cup of expensive red wine.

After eating our meal, we march again to get dessert. All sorts of sweets are here including tiramisu and cheesecake. There’s also a large panettone with sliced fruits all over it.

Whatever! The panettone I made is way better. It had coated butter, diced strawberry, mint candy, and raisins. My friends were thrilled. I’ll be happy to give the recipe if you like.

“You know, Glen, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take some food home,” Maury suggested. “What?! Are you saying my cooking sucks?!” I bellowed. What he said hurt like a bee sting. Why would he want to take the food home? I know the food here is good and all, but couldn’t he have thought before suggesting?

“It’s not what I meant! It’s simply to have additional food to last us for days. Especially the meat.” I mentally sigh. He’s right. We should take some meat home. Leftover meat will be thrown out. I hate to see food wasted like this. Maury stands to gather the meat. Knowing him, he needs lots of it. Shit, I feel foolish!

“I need to use the bathroom,” I said. The weight of the food in my stomach makes me want to pee so bad.

“Alright, I’ll wait for your return so I can go too,” Agnes said. She remains seated next to Aster since she knows he can’t be left alone. Aster wears his hood on, but his face is exposed. Luckily, no one paid attention so far.

And so, I gleefully rush to the ladies’ restroom.

Date: January 1

Time: Late Night, Full Moon

“Okay, done!” I said to myself out loud. “I thought I was never going to end.” I wash my face and hands on the bathroom sink. After drying them, I march outside. I need to hurry so Agnes can use the restroom too.

“So which way is the buffet again?” I puzzled. I would’ve gone to the restroom on the floor we’re at, but it’s out of service. Thus, I had to use the one on the next level above. Going back will be tricky since this hotel is like a maze.



I feel a light breeze on my cheek.

I look up. Maybe the air conditioner?

I shrug it off and begin walking.


Wait! What’s going on?

Why am I being groped?

My mouth is suddenly covered.

And my eyelids close.

My body falls into a limp.

I was still conscious but not for long.

Someone is dragging me away.

And I lose consciousness afterward.

Oh great! I’m out of the story again. Can’t you tell what happened? I’ve been kidnapped...again! Looks like I must play overhead narrator once more. Aw, man! This sucks!!



“Glen is taking too long. I hope she’s not putting makeup,” Maury said, yawning with his arms stretched up.

“Well, I’ll go. Glen went upstairs so I’ll find her there.” Agnes glanced at him. He nods, understanding the need to oversee Aster and Gwen. “Okay, hurry up. I need to use the bathroom too.”

Agnes rush through the stairs. She enters the ladies’ restroom and checks every open stall. “Not here...” she thought. She goes outside and looks around, checking every corner. After searching, she stands in the middle of the room. She whips her smartphone to text me.

However, I don’t respond.

She tries again. I always respond to text messages, so Agnes finds it strange I haven’t. After texting a third time and not hearing a response, she returns downstairs.

“Did you find her?” Aster asked.

“No, I couldn’t,” she replied.

“Okay, I’ll go to the bathroom. But not the ladies one. Maybe I’ll have better luck finding her.” Maury hands over the bag with Gwen inside to Aster. Next, he sprints up the stairs. After a few minutes of waiting, Maury returns. “I didn’t find her either.”

“Do you think she went home?” Aster asked.

“I doubt it. It’s too far from here considering the time, and Glen can’t drive,” Maury said.

“Maybe she asked Moros to teleport back?” Agnes wondered. Huh? I asked Moros for many things these past few months but not for this.

“Makes sense. If Glen is with him, we shouldn’t worry,” Gwen said. My friends make their way towards Maury’s van. They find it pointless to panic assuming I’m with Moros. Besides, they’re tired.

Date: January 8

Time: Evening, Half-Moon

A week passed since the hotel buffet. Maury checks his phone for any sign. Gwen naps quietly on his lap. Crap, I’m still out of the story!

“Any luck?” Gwen asked.

“No,” Maury replied with a sigh. “I lost count of the text messages I’ve sent her. Glen always responds to them. I don’t understand why she hasn’t.”

Maury hears his phone ring. Assuming it’s me, he answers right away. “Glen, is that you? Answer me!!”

“Mr. Maury, it’s me, Agnes. Were you able to contact her?”

“No, I couldn’t. I texted a lot, but she doesn’t respond.”

“In this case, Aster and I decide to stay at your place until she’s found. Of course, I assume you’re okay with this.”

“Sure, please come. I could use your support right now. But you’re not busy, right?”

“I won’t be teaching until next month, so we still have time. And I also contacted my uncle earlier so he can file a missing person report. He said he’ll let me know by next week.”

“Agnes, you’re great. Thank you.”

“Praise will come after she’s found, okay?”

“I’ll be waiting for you guys. Come soon.”

Shortly after, Aster and Agnes arrive.

“Thank goodness you came,” Gwen said.

“We couldn’t leave you alone,” Agnes said.

“We’re worried as you are now,” Aster added. “By the way, were you able to contact Moros?” he asked Gwen.

“Since Glen awakened to her powers, Moros no longer responds to my requests. This makes sense since Glen is Nyx and not me. Thus, Moros will not bother to listen to me anymore. As long as Glen doesn’t command, Moros will not take the initiative.”

“Moros couldn’t be the type to kidnap her, yes?”

“No, he can’t. I know him well. As the son of Nyx, he has the incentive to remain at her side. Good or bad. As I’ve said, he will not move until Glen gives an order.”

“What kind of god is he, Gwen?” Maury asked. Since they’re on the topic of the gods, my friends figure they should ask Gwen for clarifications.

“Moros is the god of fate. To put it simply, he makes predictions. Whether the ultimate result is good or bad, he goes there.”

“Do you think he’s with Glen because he knows of an outcome?” Aster asked.

“Maybe. If she asked him to teleport here, she would’ve been here by now.”

“There’s no way to know the outcome unless Glen orders him to, yes?” Agnes asked.

“Correct. If Nyx (Glen) doesn’t order him to, he simply won’t say anything. Whatever the gods do remains among themselves. After all, why would the gods bother to tell humans their business?”

“I suppose there is nothing to do except wait,” Maury said. He’s sitting on the sofa with his head lowered, clutching his phone. Agnes sits next to him, gazing with a worried expression and humbly placing a hand on his knee.

The silence in the room is unbearable. Even after turning on the TV to watch a movie, the tension hasn’t died down. Waiting for the results will be torturous and troublesome.

Date: January 16

Time: Evening, New Moon

Another week passed. Agnes receives a phone call from her uncle. She immediately responds. The others nervously await the results.

“Uncle, were you able to... I see... you couldn’t, but... Are you sure? You talked to every employee, and they didn’t see anything?... alright. Thank you... Yes, we’ll talk later.” With the press of a button, Agnes ends the call. She drops her arms while still holding her phone.

“Agnes, what...” Maury probed.

“He doesn’t know. He couldn’t find her. He said he’ll continue investigating, but he has no idea where to find her. He asked every employee of the hotel, and they said they saw nothing. Glen has... disappeared.”

“No! That’s a lie! Glen can’t be gone! She can’t...” Maury’s voice quivers as his body trembles. The notice shot him to his core. As someone who is cheerful, the impact of the news strikes him hard. Tears well up in his eyes. He covers his mouth as he rushes to my room and slams the door.

“Mr. Maury!” Agnes attempted to dash after Maury, but Aster stops by placing a hand on her shoulder. “But...” she objected, turning towards him, but Aster shakes his head. Agnes returns to the sofa and starts to cry.

“Agnes...” Gwen mumbled, sitting on the sofa in cat form. She rubs her head on her side in hopes of comforting her. Aster sits next to her and taps her shoulder. “Is there a way? Any way to contact Moros?” he asked with desperation.

Gwen reverts to her usual form.

“I’ve already told you, no. I tried again today. Moros doesn’t listen to me anymore. He has no need since Glen is now Nyx. If Glen doesn’t say anything, he will not go against her order.”

“How can you trust Moros so much? You know he almost screwed us over.”

“True but he saved us many times. And the only reason he did was because I was possessed by Nyx. He was the one who allowed us to travel to the Underworld. And he saved us when the Underworld collapsed by bringing us back. Are you implying he is the culprit somehow?”

“Who else would it be beside him?”

“Aster, you disappoint me. I thought you’re smarter than this.”

“What do you want me to do, Gwen? Believe him no matter what?”

“Since I died, Moros helped me out with the spirit possession. He also helped look for possible candidates of Nyx. No matter what you say about him, my word will not change.”

“Is it so?” a familiar voice asked.

“Liz, is it you?” Gwen asked upon taking note.

“My host went to sleep, and I took over. I’ve overheard. Lady Glen is with Moros, and you still believe in him thinking he didn’t kidnap her.”

“Yes, I do and to accuse him will be wrong!”

“Why? Explain yourself!” Liz demands as she stands with hands on her hips.

“Do you two have any proof?”

“What proof do you need when Glen isn’t found?!” Aster snapped.

“Exactly! Your ego is the reason for this whole mess. By supporting him, you have become his accomplice. Lady Glen is in trouble because of you. Do you realize this? Tell us the truth, Gwen. Do you know something we don’t?”

Gwen sighs. “Yes, I do.”

“Tell us then!!” Liz snapped, lifting Gwen up.

“Because I know,” Gwen responded. “I know because I’m a psychic, Liz. I know Glen is safe. I know Moros isn’t the culprit. I know it in my mind because I can see. I vision.”

“I don’t understand,” Liz whispered.

“It is true. Gwen developed a unique set of abilities after her death. The people of this world call this psychokinesis. Basically, it’s all about using the mind.” Aster steps in to clarify Liz, who listens attentively.

“A spell by using only the mind? I never heard such a thing. How is that possible?”

“Few people have been using the spells we used to know. Unless they’re lucky to have someone teach them, those spells will become extinct.”

“The world has evolved. Things change...”

“Yes, Liz. They have changed,” Gwen said.

“I apologize, Gwen. I never had an outburst like this.”

“Same here. We’re worried, so it’s normal to overreact,” Aster added.

Liz lowers Gwen to the sofa. Agnes’ soul returns as she and Aster extend the couch outward to a sofa-bed. Despite their worries, they manage to sleep by closing their eyes.

Meanwhile, Maury sits on the floor with his back to the door. He cries as he gets up and walks to my bed. He slowly crawls up and sleeps on it.

Wait, Maury’s on my bed? I have no comment. In fact, I have no right to comment considering the situation. He misses me. I miss him too.

“This bed has her scent, her warmth,” Maury murmured. Countless memories flow continuously into his mind, each with increased intensity. His tears soak into my pillow. After sobbing for a bit, Maury pulls up the duvet to sleep.

Date: unknown

Time: unknown

I open my eyes but barely. The room is dark, and I can’t see squat. The only saving grace is the illumination of a lamp close by.

I can’t sit up. It’s not because I don’t want to. It’s because I can’t. I don’t have enough strength to get up. Indeed, I can use my magic but I’m too weak to cast anything, and I’m starving.

I’m tied up. I can’t tell how, but I’m chained to my ankles and wrists.

This room is disgusting. I can’t tell if it’s coming from me or somewhere else. Wait, I think it’s me. I feel like my privates are exposed. I can’t see a toilet or a shower anywhere. Does this mean I was sitting on my own waste? Gross! Is that period blood I smell?

But if my privates exposed, does this mean... I don’t think so. I don’t feel my insides throbbing, so it’s safe to assume it didn’t happen.

Am I inside a prison cell? Looks like it. Bit by bit, I further open my eyes, and I regain consciousness. I take a good look at myself. Not only my bottom clothes are ripped but also my top, exposing my breasts. Strangely, my shoes remain intact.

My heart thumps as if it’s about to bust out of my chest. What’s going on? Why am I like this?! I tried going to the door, but I tumble because of the chains.

I tried summoning a spell of any kind, but nothing works. Are these chains made of orichalcum or something?

“Someone help!!” I yelped, but no one listens.

I thrash around. My naked skin feeling the cold floor. “Help! Help! Someone help!!” I yelled, but still, no one listens.

I get up on my knees. My skin starts to redden and ache. This cell is cold too. I waggle upward with my knees shaking. “Someone please help!!!!” I screamed. But I collapse once again, and my consciousness is lost. What’s going to happen to me? I’m scared...

Date: January 24

Time: Afternoon, Half-Moon

Aster and Agnes are taking a break at a café located inside the supermarket. They finished their shopping, so they decide to drink coffee before going home.

As they sip their coffee, Aster spots a tabloid with a strange headline. The headline probably caught his attention. It states: “Cult Declares End of the World by Next Week.” Aster starts to read out of curiosity.

“We are living in hard times. Thus, people are suffering more and more as time goes on. Those who suffered have been rejected and isolated by those who don’t understand the pain. Thus, we will allow all members to join us at the ceremony on January 31st. We will invoke the gods to aid us in this massive cleansing. Only those who survive shall join us in our new utopia. The ceremony will take place at the stadium in Strasmore City. Bless those who take joy in the coming of Nyx.”

“Nyx? Agnes, look at this!” Aster urged. He extends the tabloid to Agnes, who is sipping her coffee. “Aster, why you’re passing me this? It’s a tabloid paper. They’re full of fake news.”

“But not this one. This article mentions Nyx.”

“Nyx? Glen is a reincarnate of Nyx, yes? Why they mention such a thing? There can’t be more than one Nyx in this world.”

“Of course, there isn’t. But what bothers me is the End of the World part. It could be fake news like you said, but I find it hard to ignore.”

“Do you think the cult is using Nyx’s name for this article?”

“Probably. Or could it be...” Aster paused.

“What’s wrong?” Agnes asked.

“This is only a theory, but Glen might be kidnapped by the real culprit.”

“But what about Moros?”

“Moros isn’t the culprit. Gwen confirmed this. If Moros kidnapped Glen with the intent to kill her, he would’ve done so by now and told us. Moros is most likely to be with her, keeping her company, but he will not free her unless she commands him to.”

“So, Glen might be there. Moros too. We should get this tabloid.”

“I agree. We should discuss with Maury and Gwen too.”

Agnes goes to the express checkout to pay for the tabloid. Aster picks up the groceries and joins her. They nod in agreement as they leave the store.

Date: January 24

Time: Evening, Half-Moon

“Whether or not the world ends on January 31st remains to be seen. In other news...” And with that concludes the interview. My friends had the TV turned on for the local news.

“Seems the tabloid isn’t the only one...” Maury said.

“The topic is trending on social media,” Aster said as he looks at his smartphone.

“So, it isn’t a fluke. Since they’re going to meet, we should start planning now,” Agnes said.

“The cult mentioned the end of the world. This is troubling,” Gwen pondered. “Aster, you said Glen might be there, correct?”

“Yes, most certainly. Moros should be there too. Since the cult mentioned Nyx, we shouldn’t ignore this issue.”

“Can we look at the cult?” Gwen asked.

“I’m checking right now,” Maury replied while searching the web on his smartphone. The others wait patiently for the results.

“The article mentioned little about the cult’s background. If they are the real kidnappers, we should know something about them,” Agnes said.

“The TV news mentioned little too,” Aster added.

Searching is taking Maury awhile. It seems the cult isn’t well known or they choose to keep their background a secret from the public.

“Found some!” Maury shouted. “It took me over 10 pages though.”

“What does it say?” Agnes probed.

“This cult is known as the Children of Rejects. They recruit their members based on specific qualities. Thus, membership is invitation-only.”

“So, there’s no way to join unless a current member invites us, right? But why they would call themselves rejects?” Gwen asked.

“Who knows? There’s nothing about them except they’re only known by the name. However, it does say the cult emerged recently. They have been planning in secrecy for 20 years.”

“You mean the ceremony?” Aster raised.

“We should go there,” Agnes declared.

“I agree,” Maury said.

“Yes! Glen and Moros must be there. I’m sure of it. We should also prepare for this end of the world thing. By which I mean, facing the God of Darkness.”

“You mean, going to the Underworld?” Agnes asked.

“Yes, but if they summon the god to the real world, we shouldn’t travel to the Underworld. But I feel we’re not prepared to face him.”

“What are you saying, Gwen? Surely, we could...”

“Don’t you get it? The god is powerful. Even chained, we were almost killed.” Gwen turns to Aster for confirmation, which he nods. “Yes, it was true.”

“We should train, but we only have one week. Should this whole thing be for nothing, at least we accomplished our mission.”

“We can’t screw this up. Okay, I’m going to fine tune my van and work on my martial art skills. I’m also going to look up the directions to the stadium.”

“As for me, I’ll go to the forest to hone my sword fighting.”

“And I’ll go to a gunsmith to improve my aiming. I’m also prepared to let Liz take over so she can use her magic.”

“It’s settled!” Gwen confirmed. “We’re going to save Glen, and maybe the entire world. Let’s do this!!”

Date: January 24

Time: Late Night, Half-Moon

Gwen wakes up to the sound of an open door. Someone comes into my room where Gwen and Maury are sleeping. The mysterious person picks up Gwen into its arms.

“Huh? Agnes?”

“No, it’s me.”

Liz has taken over Agnes’ body once again. “I need to talk to you. But I must find a private spot.” Gwen wonders what Liz is talking about, but realizes she has the solution. “Understood.” Gwen teleports them to the rooftop. The air is cold but tolerable.

“Ah! Such a beautiful night! How long has it been since I’ve seen this?” Liz is in awe of the beauty of the night. The clear skies show the brightness of the stars.

Gwen jumps out of her arms and reverts to her usual form.

“It’s been forever since we lived a life like this. Look, Liz! The lights!”

“They’re not oil lamps, right?”

“Nope! It’s electricity.”

“So much change...”

Gwen and Liz sit on a ventilation box. Liz composes herself and collects her thoughts before talking. “Gwen, I want to apologize. I said harsh things to you.”

“No, you shouldn’t. I should be the one to apologize. I should’ve told the truth when we returned from the Underworld. I didn’t want you guys to worry, so I remained silent. I deserve the things you said to me. I do.”

“Do you know anything about Lady Glen?” Liz asked, slightly shifting the topic.

“I’m not certain, but she is in a city somewhere. We’re going there next week to save her. We must also face the possibility of fighting the God of Darkness again.”

“What?” Liz’s eyes widen. “What are you saying?”

“There’s a cult claiming the end of the world will happen next week. The cult has chosen Nyx as their representative. Since they have chosen her, there is a chance for the god’s arrival.”

“But we fought him in the Underworld...”

“Yes, but he can also emerge in the real world should the members invoke him. If the god were to surface, the world would end unless we face him.”

“Our spells have no effect.”

“I know. There is only one spell to defeat the god. But Glen isn’t experienced enough to use it. If she were to use...” Gwen mumbled. Liz looks at her wondering what she meant.

“I wish I had my spells again. The ones I used when I was Nyx. I’m more than willing to face the god again and defeat him once and for good. Glen shouldn’t fight him.”

“But she would most likely will...”

“Liz, if anything happens to me, you must take care of her.”

“What are you saying?”

“Don’t you see? This form is temporary. Sooner or later, I’ll return to the eternal darkness. Someone’s life is going to be sacrificed. Hers or mine.”

“I’m anxious, but I’m here in this world briefly too. Eventually, I’ll return to the darkness again. Agnes will be hurt, but she must stand on her own. A good mother does so.”

“Speaking of family, how was your life as a queen? The stupid lord never provided answers no matter how hard I probed.”

“It had its ups and downs. But my people were happy, and I was satisfied. My husband was a great ruler. He made sure the rules were in order so our people could prosper.”

“Given his looks, how did you cope every night?” Gwen teased.

“Ugh!” Liz hunched with her arms lowered. “I ended up with three children by him. Still, he was sweet. We didn’t do it unless there was a chance of conception. We slept in separate rooms anyway.”

“I remember you were head over heels for Sartre.”

“Well,” Liz blushed, “Sartre had the looks.”

Gwen nods. “Yep.”

“What about you? How was your life with Laurice?”

“We married and had 20 kids.”

“For real? But how?!” Liz tilts backward from the shock.

“I’m going to say we were madly in love. It’s the simplest explanation I could give.”

“Alright, let’s leave it at that.” Liz shrugs with a sweatdrop. “What else?”

“Well, Laurice tended the crops and sold them. He worked as a blacksmith too to make extra money. As for me, I was a simple housewife. But I also helped out by making and selling drapes. We had lots of kids. Therefore, grandkids, great-grandkids, and we died as old people.”

“Same here. I had grandchildren and great-grandchildren. But most of them were never recognized by the court. They were the result of my eldest son’s loving spree.”

“Ugh! Must’ve been tough.”

Gwen and Liz chuckle a laugh. Gwen looks at her friend’s smile.

“First time I’ve seen you smile. You were always so stoic.”

“I’m surprised myself as well. It’s like I’m finally free from my burden. I can be a woman. I can be human. And not be tied to any court. But sucks I had to die though.”

“Death can be ironically liberating. But still, I want Glen to live. She’s young, and she needs to face life head-on. When I leave this world again, I want to be proud knowing she’s safe.”

“I wish the same for Agnes too. Let’s win this, Gwen. For them. For the world.”


Liz catches a snowflake in her palm. “It started to snow.”

Snow starts falling from the sky. Gwen and Liz stand up.

“Let’s return so we can sleep.”

“I agree. We have work to do.”

Liz picks up Gwen in her arms, and they've teleported again back to my apartment. Liz takes Gwen back to my room. “Good night, Gwen,” she murmured.

“Yeah, Liz, you too.” Gwen becomes a cat again and falls asleep soon after. Liz reverts to Agnes so her host can sleep for the training tomorrow.

Date: January 31

Time: Morning, Full Moon

This is it. Judgment day.

The fate of the entire world will be determined today.

Maury stands in the middle of my room. He is wearing a dark navy shirt with a blue hoodie and a violet jacket over it, along with black jeans and sneakers.

Agnes quietly enters my room and sees him standing there. “Mr. Maury,” she uttered, “What are you doing here?”

Maury notes her presence and jerks his head to greet her. “Oh hey, Agnes.” He paused momentarily before responding to her question. “I’m here because I want to take a good look at this room before we leave.”

“I see...” Agnes nods.

“I’ve realized something...” Maury paused again. Agnes waits for him to continue. “I know we’re going to save Glen today. But this also means we’re up against a cult. It’s going to be tough, but we will succeed.”

“I agree. We must save her.” Agnes stands in a modest pose. She’s pretty, wearing an all-black sweater dress, turtleneck shirt, leggings, and boots.

“However, we might end up fighting the God of Darkness if he is summoned. You know what this means, right? We might die.” Maury shivers a bit as he clears his throat.

Agnes’ eyes widen in shock. She feels her heart beating furiously. She treads closer to him until she stops at close range. Maury stares at Agnes as she does too.

“Can I confess something to you?” he asked. He takes Agnes’ hands into his, touching her delicate fingers. Her face reddens upon feeling the touch.

“Yes, go ahead,” she said.

“You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever known. A combination of beauty, intelligence, and strength. The ability to manage a spirit inside you is unique. I’m equally smart too, but I never went to college. My grandfather taught me amazing things about life, not just auto mechanics. Would it shock you to know what my IQ is?”

He leans to her ear, whispering a high number which makes her jumpy.

“Don’t tell anyone this, okay. This is a secret between the two of us.”

Agnes confesses back at him her IQ number, which she whispers in his ear. Maury smiles. The two of them draw closer, stare and chuckle. Thank goodness, I’m not there because I would’ve been jealous! Anyway, the two of them hug.

“I don’t want to die...” she mumbled.

“Me neither. We must fight,” he said.

“Yes, we will,” Aster said as he enters my room holding Gwen’s cat form in his arms. He wears his long black cape with hood, along with a green shirt, black gloves, khaki pants, and brown shoes. His one-hand sword strapped to his brown belt as a sign of readiness.

“Listen, we only have one chance to count,” Gwen said in an authoritative tone. “Even if the world doesn’t end and Glen isn’t there, we must go. We have the supplies, right? There’s no turning back or stopping somewhere once we’re out.”

“Yeah, the supplies are inside the van already,” Maury replied with a thumb up.

“Kitty, I have a question. In your book, you mentioned the sign of the god’s revival lies in covering the land with ice. Do you think it’s the same case here?” Agnes asked with a frown.

“But January is always cold so it could be a coincidence,” Maury said.

“It could be, but in our case, it happened during the harvest,” Aster said.

“Whatever the case, we need to see for ourselves. Let’s go.” At Gwen’s command, my friends leave my apartment with their head high in determination.

Date: January 31

Time: Afternoon, Full Moon

“Traffic jam, already?” Maury groaned. My friends are close to reaching Strasmore City also known as Border City. People call it this because Strasmore is located on the border of Semona and Duscheland. Historically, people were never sure if Strasmore should be part of either country. The debate continues even to this day.

“Do you think all these people are also going to the event?” Aster asked. He’s sitting in the back seat of the van.

“It would most likely be the case,” Gwen replied. She’s back in her usual form, sitting on Agnes’ lap. Agnes herself is sitting in the passenger’s seat.

Maury has been using his smartphone’s GPS navigator for guidance like he did for the military trip. Agnes observes the panel to make sure navigation is accurate.

It takes five hours to arrive from Moulin City to Strasmore. To be honest, I have never been to Strasmore. I’ve heard of it many times but I never been there because it’s too isolated. Besides, none of my previous social circles were interested.

My friends have been on the road for four and half hours non-stop. They’ll arrive at the city once they pass the final paid toll.

“There’s a toll, Mr. Maury,” Agnes said, alerting him to the upcoming toll. Maury looks at her and nods. Agnes passes the cash to Maury so he can pay at the toll booth.

“I don’t understand why people have to pay on the road. We’d simply roam freely,” Gwen said in an annoyed tone, stating her opinion on tolls.

“Things changed, Gwen. Tolls have to be paid so governments can finance better roads.” Aster replied in response to Gwen’s comment.

“I know, but it’s annoying,” Gwen grunted. Everyone laughs.

My friends stop their laughter once they see the welcome sign. They’re finally there.

“We’re here, but we need to find the stadium,” Agnes said.

“We need to find parking first though,” Maury added.

“It’ll be best to walk to the stadium,” Aster said. “There’s no telling what kind of destruction this city would have. Besides, this van is our only mode of transportation.”

“So, I should park as far as possible, right? I agree.” Taking the directions into consideration, Maury finds the right parking spot. He parks his car in a narrow lot of a factory, claiming to be the safest from any attack.

Next, they grab their weapons. For Maury, it’s his revolver. For Agnes, it’s her pistol. And for Aster, it’s his one-handed sword. Maury puts Gwen inside a knapsack and holsters the bag over his back. Gwen sticks her head out and turns forward, holding on to Maury’s shoulder.

After a collective sigh, they walk towards the stadium.

We’re here, Glen. Wait for us.

Date: January 31

Time: Dusk, Full Moon

It took them awhile, but they finally arrived. My friends managed to reach without taking a cab or public transportation. They ate protein bars and consumed energy drinks from the knapsack. They haven’t eaten since this morning, so they needed something to fill their stomachs with. No one can’t save the world on an empty stomach, after all.

“This is a stadium, yes? I know it’s a place where people play sports. But why this giant edifice be a place for a cult gathering?” Aster asked, amazed at the stadium’s giant size. He’s puzzled upon wondering why such a place be used for something like this.

“There are lots of people here,” Gwen added to the observation. My friends are standing outside the stadium’s entrance. However, they hide far apart to avoid standing out. The reason is they see a line of people wearing white robes. Again, white robes, hmm...

“They’re all wearing white robes. I wonder why...” Agnes murmured.

“It’s hard to tell which’s one which,” said a confused Maury with hand over his head.

“Guys, entering from the front isn’t a good idea. We should find a back door and enter like we did last time,” Gwen said.

“Yes, we’re not wearing white robes, and we don’t have money to buy tickets. Also, the line is too long. It’ll take a while to enter directly. Getting caught is the last thing we want,” Aster warned.

“Okay, wait here while I find a way to enter,” Gwen said, assuring my friends who show concern. But Gwen promises she’ll be fine. With her small body, she’s not going to be noticed.

Gwen runs from my friends until she teleports out of sight. She reappears in front of a door reserved for staff only. Knowing this, Gwen teleports back to the party.

“I’ve got it. There’s a door reserved only for staff, and it’s unguarded. The walk is long, but we must head there now. If not, a guard may appear.”

My friends didn’t waste time getting up and running to the back door. The door is locked as expected. But Gwen uses her psychic energy to unlock the door. They burst inside right away.



“According to the details, the event starts at 5pm dusk and is expected to end at 12 hours. Thus, it will end at 5am the next day,” Agnes stated.

“This is assuming the world hasn’t ended already... Or maybe the world will end in 12 hours,” Maury said.

“Either way, the event started. We need to get to the center now,” Gwen urged. As my friends walk through the hallways, they hide upon seeing security guards in white robes.

“Guards?!” Gwen gasped.

“We let our guard down assuming we’re alone,” Aster complained.

“This is the staff reserve, so it’s obvious there’d be people walking around,” Maury said.

“We have to reach the center cautiously. I’ve snapped a photo of the staff layout. We can use the photo as a map to reach the center,” Agnes said as she shows the photo on her smartphone. Maury, Gwen, and Aster are amazed.

“Wow! Technology is so useful!” Gwen praised.

“Let’s keep going,” Aster egged.

As my friends tread carefully, they approach an area where a large door can be seen in the distance. Two white robe members are guarding it. Agnes notes the large door leads to the center, where the event is. They can hear the speech louder and louder through the speakers as they approach the door.

“We have to fight them!” Maury intoned.

“But we can’t cause a commotion...” Gwen uttered.

“Okay, let’s steal some robes. How do we steal them?”

Aster sees three members lounging nearby. He uses a spell to put them to sleep. The members drop to the floor like dead flies. They emerge right away to steal the robes. But when they remove them, they see a horrifying sight.

“What is this? Man beast?” Agnes asked.

“Beast man?” Maury added.

“Who cares? Hurry and put on the robes!” Aster urged.

I’ve heard of beast men in RPG games. As the name implies, they’re beasts who can stand and speak like a human. But the beast men my friends saw are different. They seem to be incomplete somehow as if they still have their human parts. Regardless, my friends put on the robes fast, so they can approach the door.

Once they approach the door, they flash their staff cards to the guards. The guards open the door with a long hallway leading to the center. Their amazement knows no bounds when they see a stadium full of white robe members. They also witness a dance taking place in the middle. Seems whatever speech my friends heard has already finished.

Date: January 31

Time: Evening, Full Moon

After several dances, the lights suddenly blackout. The faint glow of a magic circle emerges from the center stage.

“Is this... Has it begun?” Aster asked.

“I’ve seen a magic circle in history books, but I never thought they were real,” Agnes said. “I’ve read sorcerers tend to use them for summoning purposes.”

Gwen teleports out of Maury’s robe and reappears over his shoulder. “No! It’s not a real summoning circle. It’s a fake using modern devices.”

“I see, special effects like the ones used in movies.”

The lights return, but they remain dim. Smoke covers the entire center. A purple robe individual appears in the middle of the smoke clearance. Like the rest of the white robes, the purple-clad entity is covered from top to bottom. My friends assume the figure to be the leader.

“Fellow members! The time for the end is nigh!!” He starts his speech on a dominant note. Its members give out a loud roar as if the purple-clad scored a touchdown.

“We shall commence the ritual without further delay! Those who rejected us shall know the pain and suffering when their world is about to end. We shall be the ones to exist in a utopia the beloved goddess Nyx will create for us! Let us start the ritual with a performance.”

The purple-clad called forth groups of young women wearing see-through dresses. However, their heads are covered in a white cloak. They dance around the circle ballet style.

“Why would they dance ballet?” Maury murmured.

“Their dance is similar like I’ve seen it before. It’s almost like...” Agnes said. An image of me dancing flashes in her mind. This prompts her to gasp at the realization. “...Glen’s. But why?”

“You mean those are the moves from the dance Glen did for us? But how? I thought we were the only ones alone. Does this mean we were spied on?”

“Someone was spying on us? I never saw a video of her dance online,” Aster said, trying his best not to raise his voice. “What’s going on here?”

The mysterious women continue dancing to the beat of the music, which is like the music I danced. The fake magic circle glows brighter over time.

Similar performances and sounds of music continue for hours.

When the dances ended, the women stand on the symbols of the fake magic circle. They stand perfectly still like museum statues. The purple-clad entity takes center stage once again.

“The dance of the souls is now complete. The ritual required to initiate world destruction shall begin upon revealing the bait.” After those words, a large cross in the form of a magic circle emerges and with on it, me, unconscious and tied up.

My friends gasp in horror as they see me in a fainted state.

“Glen!!!” they utter simultaneously.

Unlike the gals, I’m dressed in a cute white blouse with a navy blue dress, white stockings, and black shoes. My short golden hair is unkempt as usual.

“Now let us begin the ritual!!” the purple-clad cried.


“Who said that?” the purple leader demanded.

“We did...” Stage lights highlight my three robed friends. They discard their white robes upon removing them. They bravely jump down to the bottom and dash to the center stage.

“Glen is our friend, and we will not let you do whatever you want. Much less destroy the world,” Maury growled, pointing the revolver at the purple leader.

“Let her go now, or we will take her by force,” Aster threatened, his thumb thrust the handle up from his sheath. His other hand ready to unleash it.

“What is the meaning of this?! Get them!” the purple leader barked. The face covered ladies dash towards my friends. They break apart to fight the ladies individually.

One of the ladies starts with Agnes first. Agnes is at a disadvantage because she can’t use magic. But she doesn’t have time to summon Liz either. Thankfully, she has her pistol to defend herself. Yet, Agnes extends her leg and the lady trips to the floor, who falls unconscious right away. Agnes removes the cloak out of curiosity and discovers a face of a... horse. Beast women exist? I’ve played many RPGs, but I’ve never heard of beast women. I know women fairies, elves, and dragons but not furry beast women. Given the see-through dress, the woman’s naked body is visible and still human.

Maury and Aster have the same discoveries. Maury removes the cloak on another to reveal the face of a bunny. Aster takes off another cover to show the face of a wolf. My friends are confused by these discoveries, but they must continue the fight.

Maury and Agnes shoot at the beast women while Aster stabs them with his sword. Gwen uses her psychic powers to blow them off. I wouldn’t say it’s right to kill but my friends need to do something, or they’ll end up dead.

After knocking the beast women, the leader calls forth the clad security guards. My friends fight them without delay in amidst of the loud roar of the constant boos.

After killing a guard with a spell, Aster discards the robe to reveal the face of a human male with the body of a bear. Likewise, Maury and Agnes did the same thing with the other guards. Some shown to be half-human, half-beast and some to be full beast men.

After slaying the furries, my friends gather at the last discovery of a lizard with human arms and legs.

Right before they face the leader, a half-beast man recovers. He charges straight to my friends. His beastly claws draw from his human nails. Aster and Maury spread out, but Agnes remains. In a moment of rage, she delivers the most vicious roundhouse kick they ever seen. She kicks right at the sucker’s face, knocking it to the floor and killing it with multiple gunshots. Her face remains stoic, showing zero emotion. A line of smoke emerges from her gun.

Maury, Gwen, and Aster are astonished.

“Well done,” Maury uttered.

“So, you’re ready to give up?” Aster roared, pointing his sword at the leader.

“You should all be arrested for disrupting an event. But whatever, the ritual for the end shall begin this instant.”

“Who are you? Why are you doing this?” Gwen demanded.

“You need to ask? Simple: to destroy the world and create a utopia where those rejected by society can be accepted. To accomplish this, we need a medium.” The purple leader points out to me with his finger. “And that is the girl right here.”

“A medium?” Gwen asked.

“See, I already knew the girl holds the spirit of the goddess Nyx inside her. For three years, we spied on her every movement, tapped her every call. We knew where she was going or headed towards to. We even observed her sexual activities.”

“So you ARE the kidnappers, after all,” Agnes scowled.

“Answer us this: were you the ones behind the attacks of March and June?” Aster enquired. Yes, people in white robes were responsible for the attacks in March and June. But this doesn’t mean they’re the same ones. My friends anxiously wait for the answer.

“Ha-ha! My members were acting out of their ideology. They provoke the attacks to lure the girl out so they can take her. Of course, small sacrifices were necessary. We took it as a prelude to world destruction.” The leader’s response shows no shame or guilt over its member's actions. How could’ve they caused the deaths of innocent people just to capture me?

“She could’ve been another sorceress. But what prompted us to pursue her was after the military incident which she destroyed in a single blow. No sorcery is too powerful to provoke massive destruction. Because of this, we knew she has awakened to her true powers.”

“But why you needed Glen for?” Maury asked.

“You should know Nyx is the daughter of Chaos, the God of Nothingness. She eloped with her twin brother, Erebus, and both ruled the world. By having her here, we can attract the God of Darkness to the real world. They will elope and rule humanity like they did in those times.”

“Do you realize by summoning the god, you will put the world into a never-ending ice age? Humans will freeze to death. And so will you. Do not summon the god!!!” Gwen roared.

“Humph! What do you know?” The leader removes the hood, revealing a tall skinny male with long curly blond hair tied in a ponytail. What’s shocking is he’s a half-human on the right and half-beast on the left. The half-beast of himself is an alligator.

“Those people who you mercilessly killed were once normal like I was. All the members here are human beasts created by one company. A single drug company we once worshipped and admired. After this happened to me, I couldn’t embrace my wife and children anymore. I killed them and ran. I begged for help, but I was rejected over and over. I ended up slaying them too. But over time I got tired of killing. I decided it was best to recruit those who suffered like me and form a cult.

“We could’ve simply taken down the drug company, but it wouldn’t change anything. Instead, we began to plan the end of the world. When we saw the girl had powers beyond imagination, we knew it was fate. Now step aside as I call forth the god to elope and provoke mass destruction!!”

“NO!!!” Gwen yelled.

The roof of the stadium opens like a nutcracker. The brightness of the large full moon shines directly above me. My hands and fingers twitch, but... The glow of the fake magic circle fades out as the light from the real magic circle sets in. Seeing this as a terrible sign, Gwen urges my friends to step off.

“Yes! YES!! Call forth the king!!! Elope with him and rule the world!!”

I convulse, but I feel it isn’t me doing it. It’s like I’m being possessed again. This is how it happened back when I woke to Nyx in October. If this is the case, Nyx will awaken again.

My friends have the urge to rush back, but Gwen forbids them to. This is because the fallen guards and beast ladies vanish with the real magic circle in effect.

I start screeching but it’s not me yelling, yet I am screaming. I thrash around (more like Nyx is) trying to break the shackles on my wrist and ankles.

The leader laughs nonstop when suddenly, he vanishes too. His plan for world destruction backfired him. The cult members start to panic and run.

The real magic circle starts to expand further with many members vanishing. Gwen teleports my friends back to where they started on the upper level.

“We have to leave now!” Gwen barked.

“But there are too many people fleeing! How can we escape?!” Maury shouted.

“Do you think we’ll vanish once the circle hits us?” Agnes asked.

“There’s no way she can’t! Glen is...” Aster retorted.

“No! That’s not Glen anymore. Nyx has awakened again. I must get you guys out of here, but I don’t have the strength to teleport back. I used my powers fighting those goons.”

“For real?!” Maury shouted again.

“But if we don’t hurry...” Agnes howled.

Before the circle touches them, my friends are teleported outside the stadium. They appear in a narrow lot of the factory where Maury parked his van.

As they open their eyes, they take note of the familiar figure standing before them.

“Moros!!!” they shouted.

Date: January 31

Time: Late Night, Full Moon

It’s already midnight. The expansion of the real magic circle has consumed the entire stadium. The circle is now expanding beyond the stadium, destroying those in the way. Panic and chaos bound all over amongst the freezing weather.

“Moros!! Where have you been?! Where were you all this time?!!” Gwen frenetically demanded, clinging to his shoulders and shaking.

“No time to explain. The fool who thought he can revive the god has provoked Nyx’s fury. Because of this, the circle will continue to expand. Once the circle expands, there’s no stopping it. Not even I, a god myself, cannot stop it. Once Nyx is enraged, she will not stop until the entire world is destroyed.”

“No!! I will not allow it! Glen needs to be here! She has to!” Gwen shouted, grabbing Moros’ collar. “This whole thing is MY fault!! MY fault!!! I’m going back! I have to save her!!”

A pillar of white light beams down from the full moon, sending waves of energy upwards. Everybody looks at the light with astonishment. A glimmer of light shows a speck flying upwards.

“This light... Nyx is returning to the moon. Once Nyx returns, she will never descend again.”

“No!!! Glen!!!” Gwen leaps out of Moros to head back to the stadium. My friends try to rush after her, but Gwen throws her psychic energy because she assumes they will stop her. “DON’T STOP ME!!!!” The door of Maury’s van opened, and the blast flew my friends directly there. Gwen teleports right away.

“You haven’t changed at all, Gwendolyn,” Moros thought. “Good luck.”

Despite her limited strength, Gwen teleports from roof to roof. “I know my powers are exhausted, but I AM going to save you, Glen. Hold on!!”



Where am I? It’s pitch black in here...

I can’t see myself, honestly. It’s like I died. Maybe it is death. It’s kind of comforting. I don’t feel my clothes. Am I naked? It doesn’t matter. Perhaps I’ll stay like this, and fall asleep... forever.

“Glen! Glen!!”

I hear something. Hmm...

It’s faint, but I can hear a voice. Someone is calling my name.

Someone is disturbing my sleep...

“Glen!! Glen!!!”

The voice gets louder as it approaches me. Wait! I’ve heard the voice before. It’s a familiar female one. Her voice is like mines with the deeper pitch.

“Glen, what are you doing? Come back!!”

Gwen? Is that you? What are you doing here?

“To take you back! You don’t belong here!”

What are you talking about? It’s cozy.

“No! No, it’s not! You’re dead. Dead for real. Nyx has taken complete control over you. Over your body. Nyx is returning to the moon. You can never return to Earth once she’s there. You, a soul, must fight against this!!!”

But why? This is what I should’ve done in the beginning. I should’ve taken my own life before. But you told me no. Now, I can finally do this. I will get to be with grandma.

“Fine, but your friends will be sad when they no longer see you. Your friends who sacrificed their lives for you... twice.”


“They did this because they care. They’re doing it again right now as we speak. Come back, Glen. Take my hand. They need you.”  

Suddenly, my head feels like it’s going to split. It’s like I’m starting to gain conscious again. Me, a soul, wrestles inside the dark abyss known as Nyx.

“Nyx is destroying the world right now because of her rage. Your friends will be killed soon. You need to hurry and come back to us.”

Stop it, Nyx! Stop!! You can’t use my body anymore like this! I know we can work together as one. What good would it do to destroy the world?!!

A complete silence echoes in the abyss.

“You did it, Glen. Nyx responded to your plea. She ceased the destruction.” I extend my hand towards Gwen, grabbing it. But I can’t see her because of the darkness and my blurry vision. Regardless, it was a success.

“Glen, I must warn you something. You’re going to fall.”

What do you mean?

“Since Nyx returned your consciousness, she doesn’t have to continue ascending. Unless your friends save you, you’re going to hit the ground and die.”

Is this for real?



I didn’t even ask Gwen why she came for me in the first place. I know it was to rescue me but how did she get here anyway. Didn’t she...? Never mind because I’m falling in the real world right now!



Meanwhile, my friends wake from the knockout Gwen did earlier.

“What happened?” Aster groaned.

“Why did Kitty attack us like that?” Agnes asked.

They rouse to find the back door of the van open.

“Guys, come here! Look!” Maury urged as he was already out of the van. Aster and Agnes rush to see the ruin outside. The buildings near them were destroyed. The circle expansion was close to destroying the factory and killing them too.

They also look up to see the pillar of light gone. “The pillar of light disappeared...” Agnes murmured.

“But where’s Glen?” Maury asked.

“Drive right now!!” Moros hastily demanded. My friends look at him dumbfounded. “Miss Glendolyn is falling from the sky!! We have to save her!!!”

Without a word, my friends rush back to the van. Moros accompanies them by sitting in the front seat.

Maury drives furiously at Moros’ command. Most people remain in their houses with the windows shut, but some can be seen running around. Some appear lying on the ground. The van bumps up and down. They don’t know if they’d run over someone. They could’ve, but they must keep their focus.

Though falling, I’m still unconscious. My eyes won’t open no matter what. My soul is conscious, but my physical body isn’t. Definitely not my lucky day.

“What if I use a wind spell on her? Would it work?” Aster asked.

“She’s too far up for a wind spell to be effective,” Moros replied.

“What are we supposed to do?!” Agnes asked with worry.

“The GPS shows us a river nearby,” Maury said.

“A river, huh? I know what to do.” And with those words, Moros teleports out of the van.

“What the hell is he—” Maury shouted.

“Never mind! Keep driving!” Aster urged.

Moros appears on the top of a tall building. My body is falling far too fast, almost at Mach speed. When I fall within the range, Moros cites an unfamiliar spell to knock me off west to the river using his staff. It’s like he batted me a home run.

The van makes a sharp turn at a dead end. The reason is because my friends can see the buildings on the other side, meaning they are at the river. The problem is the river is frozen solid. Unless they break a hole, I’ll splat into a bloodbath.

The van stops close to a bridge. My friends nervously decide who will jump to the ice to break a hole.

“I’ll go,” Maury said. He is the first to volunteer.

“You can’t, Mr. Maury. You need to drive us back.”

“Then I’ll go,” Aster volunteered.

“No, Aster, your weight will break the ice. I’ll go.”

“But you don’t have any magic!” Maury cried.

“Liz will help me.” Agnes steps out of the van. Maury and Aster follow suit. After taking a deep breath, Agnes jumps into the frozen river. Maury and Aster watch in horror.

Agnes lands with a slam. She gets up on her knees and walks to the middle, waiting for me patiently after stopping. The knockout Moros did push me to the river, but the gravity forces my body to drop.

“She’s within range. I must break a hole now. Liz, help me!!” Making a prayer position, Liz takes over right away. She breaks the hole by channeling magic in her fist. Liz steps back the moment the ice starts to crack wide. A large hole with the size of a pond breaks open.


My body plunges into the freezing waters below. The tip of my shoes reaches the bottom. Seems this river is quite deep.

I open my eyes, thinking it might be a dream. Next, I look at my surroundings. It’s all dark, spacey, and wet. Suddenly, I can’t breathe. I float with my eyes wide open and notice my loose sleeves. I’m in deep underwater for real!

Realizing this, I swim upwards to the surface. And I end up hitting a wall. What wall? There shouldn’t be any wall! I move my hands, hoping to find surface as I press the wall above. No matter what I do, the wall won’t budge.

I can’t get out!!!!!

Meanwhile, Agnes stands on the ice as she waits for me to surface. Maury and Aster wait restlessly on the top.

“Any luck?!” Maury yelled.

“I can’t find her!” Agnes responded. She starts walking around the area.

“Maury, do you have a rope?” Aster asked.

“Not exactly a rope but a 30 feet extension cord I used for auto repairs. Let me get it ready.” Maury hurries to the van to get the cord. He brings it with him to the edge. “This cord is heavy.”

Agnes stops underneath the light of a street post on the opposite end. Since I’m at the top, I can see the lights through the icy wall. I swim directly there.

I take note of Agnes standing above me. I know it’s her because I recognize her black shoes. I bang the wall as hard as I can to get her attention. I could shout underwater, but it would make things worse. And I don’t have the energy to cast a spell so I can break a hole.

Agnes! Agnes, look down!!

“Where could she be? If we wait for longer, she’ll drown,” Agnes thought loudly.

After a pause, Agnes looks down. She kneels in shock upon seeing me under the ice. “Mr. Maury! Aster! A rope! NOW!!!” she barked out.

Maury ties the cord to the closest street post. Both begin to lower the cord. Agnes kneels to tap the ice. “Glen, hold on! I have to get the rope.” Agnes rush to get the rope. I didn’t panic since I know she’ll return.

She rushes back to the same hole she did as Liz earlier. It’s still open. She lowers the cord into the icy waters. She comes back to the spot, urging me to start swimming to the hole. I follow her. I can see the surface light clearly. This means I arrive at the hole. I reach the cord and hold it with a firm grasp.

“She grabbed it! Let’s pull!!” Agnes barked to start pulling. She pulls from between the hole and the upper wall where Maury and Aster are, whom both are assisting with the pull.

I finally emerge out of the water while still holding the cord. Agnes starts to walk backward and pull at the same time. The guys continue assisting with the pull.

But I fall unconscious again after coughing the water out. My eyelids droop to a close. Thankfully, I keep my grip on the cord until they pull me to the upper wall. Noticing this, Agnes lifts me and ties the cable to my waist.

“You’ll be okay, Glen. We’re almost there,” she murmured. Maury and Aster pull me up. Afterward, they untie the cord from my waist. Aster carries me to the van for healing.

“It’s your turn, Agnes.” Maury grins as he lowers the cord to her.

“Yes, I’m on it,” she said.

But something terrible happens. The ice underneath Agnes breaks. The weight of us together was cracking the ice. Agnes reacts fast by grabbing the cord with one hand. Her lower body submerged.

“Aaah!! Mr. Maury!!! Help me!!!!!” Agnes screamed. Her high screech reaches Aster who is providing me a healing spell. As tempted he is to rescue her, Aster must remain to heal me. He knows Agnes risked her life, so he does not want to discount her sacrifice.

“Agnes, hang on!!” Maury musters his strength to pull Agnes up. She is grabbing the cord now with two hands.

As she approaches the top, one of her hands slips off. Maury extends his arm, urging Agnes to grab his hand. She does so by footing the wall as a base and swings with vigor. After catching her forearm, Maury finishes by pulling her up.

Agnes collapses to the ground as soon as she landed. “My legs!! I can’t feel them!!” she gritted as she is paralyzed by the bitter cold. Maury lifts her up and carries her to his van.

“Agnes, you’re okay!” Aster cried, still healing me with his spell. Aster had removed my wet clothes and tossed them to the side. He took off his black cloak to cover me. And yes, I’m still unconscious.

“Yes, but my legs are frozen,” she said, wincing in pain.

“Please be patient. I’ll cast a Healing spell on you after I’m done with her.”

“Yes, please do. Finish her first,” Agnes said, tapping his shoulder. She tries to sound cheerful despite the frozen pain in her legs.

After recovering his cord, Maury hurries back to the van. “Hold on tight,” he said. He fires up the engines and presses the pedal, ready to take us back home.

I’m glad this is over, all over. The world didn’t end. My friends rescued me and they’re perfectly safe. The road to our destination is long, but we’ll get there.

Things are still messed up, but the streetlights will always remain calm. The moon in the sky will shine forever bright. And finally, we’re going home. Back to our beloved warmth.