Develyn worked in the bright glare of the Jeep’s headlights to saddle the paint mare. With the back brushed, the blanket smoothed, the saddle set, the cinches buckled, the breast collar snapped, and the stirrups lowered, she led the paint around the truck twice, then tied her back to the rail. She drove the Jeep Cherokee behind the cabin and parked it, the engine running and lights on high, across the prairie toward the distant Cedar Hills. Then she hiked back to the waiting horse. “Suck it in, girl, suck in that tummy.” She yanked the cinch two notches tighter.
Suck it in, yourself, Devy-girl. This is the ultimate irony, Lord. I am becoming the one I’ve only pretended to be. This middle-aged Indiana schoolteacher is saddling up in the dark and riding out by myself after a cowboy. I wonder if I should take one of Casey’s guns or knives? That would make a nice photo for the school home page: Ms. Worrell, with crossed bullet belts and knife in her teeth. Even Dougie Baxter would have to respect that.
She swung up into the cold saddle. If felt comfortable under her.
“OK, girl, time for a midnight ride. I know, it’s only ten o’clock, but midnight rider sounds better than ten-o’clock rider. As Jackson and Buffett would say … ‘It’s twelve o’clock somewhere …’ Shoot, it’s midnight in Indiana. I ought to call Lily, but it would freak her out. She’d call the state patrol, or the mental hospital, or both.”
Develyn shined the flashlight about twenty feet in front of My Maria as they plodded across the prairie, swerving around the sagebrush. Uncle Henry trotted by their side. The headlights grew dim when they dropped down into the dry creek bed, but were still bright when they lunged up on the other side.
At five minutes until eleven they reached the first scrubby cedar trees.
“We’ll cut a path east for a mile, then we have to head back, girl. If we wander into the cedars, we’ll lose our beacon.”
A few minutes later, Dev stood in the stirrups and stared into the shadowy cedars. “Coop?”
On her second holler, she thought she heard something.
“Coop, is that you?” Because if it isn’t you, I’m going to die of fright.
“Over here, Miss Dev!”
Yes … yes … yes.
In the glow of the flashlight, Cooper Tallon stood beside his buckskin gelding. His face was muddy, his hat battered, his shirt ripped.
“Are you OK?” Develyn asked.
“I’ve had worse days.”
“Is your horse lame?”
“The riggin’ busted on the saddle.”
She patted My Maria’s rump. “Come on up and ride double.”
“Normally, I’d refuse to wear out a woman’s mount. It’s only a four-or-five-mile walk, and someone thoughtfully left headlights pointing out here.”
“It’s the North Argenta Search and Rescue. You search for me … I’ll search for you. I didn’t know if you needed a signal light, but I knew I would.” Develyn kicked her foot out of the stirrup.
Cooper Tallon handed her the reins to the buckskin and swung up behind her.
“Grab on to my waist,” she instructed.
“I’ll be alright.”
“If I were riding behind you tonight, you’d insist that I hold on to you.”
She felt his strong arms circle her and lock fingers.
“You are a mess, Mr. Tallon.”
“Yes, ma’am. It’s a good thing it’s dark. I have a feelin’ it would look a whole lot worse.”
“Would you like to talk about it?”
“No, I’d rather wake up in my bunk with indigestion and a bad dream, but you earned the right to hear the story. I can’t believe you’d saddle up and ride out here.”
“Do you think you’re the only one who can help a neighbor?” Develyn patted his calloused hands that rested on her stomach. “Besides, I hope to be here another month, and I’m sure you’ll have to come out and rescue me a time or two more. Now, what’s the deal here, Coop?”
They plodded south, and Develyn turned off the flashlight. My Maria plodded for the Jeep headlights.
Cooper Tallon cleared his throat. “I took my time this mornin’. Just enjoying the quiet and trying to sort things out. All I’ve ever known is hard work, Dev. So this idea about selling out causes me to think about things I’ve never pondered. When I got up to the top of Cedar Creek, where the springs run all summer, I sat there ponderin’ about things. I did a little prayin’ and wonderin’ if I’d made other choices in my life, how things would be different. A man needs to ponder by himself sometimes. And Cedar Creek’s a great place to do it.
“When I was a young man, I lived along a canyon northwest of Ft. Collins, Colorado. Once a week or so, I’d climb the mountain behind my house and just sit there and talk to the Lord. I could see the front range, and the prairie, and almost to the throne room itself. But I moved, then got too busy being boss to do that. Dev, a man needs that kind of a place. I don’t know about you gals, but a man needs that.”
“It sounds wonderful, Coop. I don’t know how to climb a mountain, but I would love a quiet place like that. Sometimes I go down to Turkey Run State Park and find a deserted bench and try to have a peaceful time with the Lord. Peace is the goal.
I spend most of my life with twenty-five fifth-graders. It can be fun … it can be frustrating … but it is never peaceful.”
“Maybe I can show you this site before you leave. You’re welcome to use it too. You can ride right up to it. This property has been in my family all my life, but I never saw that spot in that way before. Kind of strange how you discover the good things when you are older. Anyway, not far away from that spot I found a beautiful meadow on the high side of the crick that would make a perfect place for a log home. I must have spent another hour or so deciding exactly where to build the house, and barn and shop. I was kind of like a kid with a new toy. I ran around putting cornerstones where all the buildings would go.”
“You definitely have to show it to me.”
“I could show you the pictures, but that’s where the day turned sour. I snapped a mess of digitals, then wanted one last picture of me riding the buckskin with the home property in the background. So I propped my camera on a big rock near the creek, set the timer and ran around and jumped on my pony and grinned.”
“That sounds like quite a trick.”
“The first time my head wasn’t in the picture. The second time I only had half a horse.”
“How about the third time?”
“Now, there’s the problem. To get everything in the lens, I propped the camera up on pebbles and my gloves. I had just climbed up in the saddle when a gust of wind blasted through and knocked my camera over. It slid down between boulders next to the creek. I jumped out of the saddle and sprinted down there. But I couldn’t reach the camera.”
“Oh, dear.”
“So I started digging at those boulder with my hands. Seems like ever’ time I moved one, it would slip down deep. I laid on my belly with my toes in the crick, and got my hand on the camera.”
“Oh, good …”
“No, that’s the first foolhardy act of the day.”
“What happened?”
Tallon gave her a squeeze. “I hope you appreciate how difficult it is for me to admit.”
His lips were close enough to her ear that she could feel the warmth of each word.
“Miss Dev, I got my dadgum arm stuck.”
“Don’t laugh. I couldn’t get my arm out from the rocks. It was something about the angle and the leverage, I couldn’t yank it out. I couldn’t move the rocks. It felt like one of those Chinese thumb cuffs where the harder you pull the tighter it grabs.”
“Only it was made of granite rock. What did you do?”
“You mean, after I yelled at myself, pounded, and pouted? I wanted to get my horse down there. I figured I could grab onto the stirrup with my free hand, and he could step back and yank me out of that mess.”
“Oh, that sounds painful.”
“So did spendin’ the rest of my life with my hand stuck in the rocks.”
“Did your horse cooperate?”
“No. I screamed and hollered at him until he ran off.”
“Coop, this is quite a story.”
“I remember thinkin’, ‘Lord, I already had my prayer time. I don’t need this. This serves no purpose in my life.’ But who am I to say? The fun was just beginning.”
“There’s more?”
“It was three o’clock before I finally dug myself out of there. I never did get the camera. Reckon I’ll go back for it another day.”
“I’ll go with you.”
Tallon laughed. “Don’t know if I want to show you the scene of my folly. Anyway, I found my horse standin’ in that little creek. I gentle-talked him and waded out there. About three feet before I got to him, my boots sunk down in mud halfway up to my knees. The crick isn’t six inches deep, but this was a muddy sink hole.”
“Like quicksand?”
“Only this was thick, gumbo clay. I couldn’t pull my boots out of it.”
“Yep, they were stuck. Oh, I could pull my feet out of the boots, but couldn’t get my boots. Meanwhile, this pony, disgusted with my yellin’ and splashin’, hiked over to the tree and just watched.
“It’s one thing losing a digital camera, but no cowboy is going to ride off without his boots. So I stood in the crick in my stockin’ feet and dug in the clay mud to retrieve my boots.
One came out fairly easy, but the other was swallowed up by the clay from hell. But I fought it until I yanked it out. When I finally did retrieve it, I turned and chucked that sucker at the trees.”
“Your horse was in the trees.”
Tallon squeezed her waist. “See, you thought of that. But at the time I didn’t. The horse was half asleep, bored by the afternoon’s events. That boot caught him right behind the ear. He jumped five feet straight up, dove through the cedars, caught the saddle on a tree, busted the cinch, and bolted into the prairie dragging my saddle behind.”
“Oh, Coop, you must have been furious.”
“Dev, I just sat there and laughed. It was beyond belief. I said to myself, ‘Well, Tallon … I’m glad you got that out of your system, ’cause nothin’ else can go wrong today.’”
“That’s a good attitude.”
“It would have been fine, but things didn’t get much better. I cleaned up my boots and myself the best I could. Then I went in my socks to find my pony, cause I didn’t want to wear soakin’ wet boots.”
“That sounds hard on the feet.”
“Yes, ma’am. I lasted about a mile and then put on the boots. But that wasn’t much better. They were already rubbin’ my feet raw when I caught up with the horse. He was not too happy to see me, having been clobbered and dragging the saddle.”
“He had an exciting day too.”
“Anyway, it was gettin’ along towards five o’clock by the time I secured him. He was too spooked to try to ride him bareback, so I just balanced the saddle on his back and headed to the house.”
“At five o’clock?”
“Miss Dev, I’m goin’ to trust this story doesn’t get past you. It’s a reputation a man don’t want others to remember.”
“I promise, Mr. Tallon.”
“Anyway … my feet lasted another mile, but they were rub-bin’ raw and startin’ to bleed with the wet socks and wet boots. I made it back to Bugler Wash, so I parked myself out of the wind and built a little sage fire to dry my boots and let my feet rest. It was kind of a tirin’ day, and I dozed a little by the fire.”
“That’s good.” Develyn turned on her flashlight again as My Maria, Uncle Henry, and the buckskin gelding dropped down into the dry creekbed and out of the distant signal of the headlights. “But I thought this was Bugler’s Wash.”
“It is. I was east of here a ways. You can’t see town from there.”
“But I found you back in the trees.”
“That’s where the story gets even more embarrassin’. When I woke up, it was dark. The clouds had moved in, so I couldn’t read the stars. I got myself turned around and started north instead of south. I wonder if I am getting old.”
“How old?” Dev’s hand went to her mouth. “Oh, dear … did I say that out loud?”
“Fifty-six. Today, I felt a lot older. I discovered my error when I got to the trees. By then my feet were raw again. So I sat down to rest them and ponder. I was sittin’ there dozin’ in and out of sleep, wonderin’ what in the world the Lord was tryin’ to teach me and how could anything good come of the day, when I heard your voice.”
“It must have startled you.”
“That’s the funny thing, Miss Dev. It just seemed natural. It was almost as if I was expectin’ it. That must sound strange. Maybe my mind is too tired and sleepy.”
“I know what you mean. When you answered my shout, it didn’t startle me at all. Maybe it was the Lord’s prompting, but I just knew I was supposed to saddle and ride out here. I just drove back from the rodeo over in Douglas. I noticed your buckskin was gone, so I looked for you.”
“You might be right. Maybe the Lord prompted you. He does take care of fools.”
“You aren’t a fool, Cooper Tallon.”
“Some days I feel like I’m thirty … other days like a foolish old man. And when I’m visitin’ with you, I feel both.”
“Fifty-six is not old.”
“Don’t tell my feet that.”
They plodded close enough that they could hear the engine running in the Jeep. “I’ve got some wonderful stuff for your raw feet, but you can’t look at the label. When I first started riding this summer, I wore my … eh … my derriere raw in two days … and Mrs. Tagley gave me some lotion that absolutely soothed everything overnight and I haven’t hurt since.”
“What’s it called?”
Develyn rode the horse around to the front of the cabins. “You can’t look at the label.”
“How can I use stuff without knowin’ what it is?”
“OK, it’s called ‘Dr. Bull’s Female Remedy,’ but it really works, Coop, it really does.”
He released her and climbed off the horse. “I’ll only try it if you hand it to me in a brown paper sack.”
She swung down out of the saddle. “Well, Mr. Tallon, thank you for the delightful evening.”
“This was probably more important than you can imagine. Thanks. This is a transition time in my life. Knowing you helps me think things through.”
“Let’s put up our horses. Ill get that ointment for your feet.”
Develyn left the Jeep parked behind the cabins. Uncle Henry lay down in the dirt next to the rig. With My Maria pastured and the tack stored, she darted into the cabin and grabbed the bottle off the cluttered counter.
Cooper Tallon sat on a log bench in front of his cabin. In the dim lantern light she saw him toweling off his feet.
“I didn’t have a paper bag to disguise it with, but if you sit out here in the dark, you can pretend it says NFL sports cream or something.”
He rolled up his sleeve and rubbed on his right arm.
“How’s your arm?”
“I think I pulled a muscle or something, trying to yank it out of the rocks. I can’t lift it above my shoulder without it hurting. But it will heal in time.”
She squatted down in front of him. “OK, let me see those feet.”
“What do you think you are doing?”
“I’m helping my friend.”
He pulled his feet back. “No, Dev … really, I can’t …”
“What is it with you, Coop? Give me your foot or I’ll send you to the principal’s office.”
“You schoolteachers are a pushy lot.”
“Yes, and where would the world be without us?”
He sighed and shoved out his right foot. She squirted the lotion all over her hands, then rubbed it into his feet and ankles. “Coop, do you have any eggs?”
“Eh, yeah.”
“Do you have any bacon?”
“I reckon so.”
She motioned for him to stick out his other foot. “Good. I need to borrow them.”
“Any time.”
“I’m borrowing them right now. While you finish cleaning up, I’m cooking you some breakfast. You haven’t eaten all day.”
“I can’t have you do that.”
She stood, put the lid on the bottle, and handed it to him. “Do that again a couple of times and you’ll feel better. Now, go get the bacon and eggs. I’m kind of a lousy cook, Coop. But I can stir up some breakfast.”
“But, you don’t understand.”
“Listen to me, Cooper Tallon. I need to cook you breakfast as bad as you need me to cook it for you.”
He leaned back against the cabin wall. “What do you mean?”
“The Lord has been trying to show me that this summer is not about me. It’s about me helping others.”
“Like the old neighbor man?”
“Not old. But I need to do this for you. I feel better about myself when I’m doing things for others.”
“You don’t know how hard this is for me.”
“That’s why you have to allow it. How often do you let someone else do something for you personally?”
“Hardly ever.”
“How often have you let a woman do something for you?”
He folded his arms and stared down at his bare toes.
“Then it’s time you learned, isn’t it?”
“I reckon … but even a good schoolteacher don’t give the boy five tests on the first day of school.”
Develyn laughed. “Good point. If you let me cook you breakfast, I promise it’s the last thing I will do for you today.”
“You promise?”
“Yes, I do.” He stood up. “I’ll get the bacon and eggs.”
She reached down and scooped up the little bottle. “Don’t forget the Remedy.”
“Yes, ma’am …” He paused at the door. “I can hardly wait for recess, Ms. Worrell.”
* * *
When the alarm on her watch rang at six in the morning, Develyn leaped out of bed, but couldn’t remember why. She stared at the busted brass alarm clock on the counter, then shoved the button on her watch. She staggered to the propane stove, turned on the burner under the teapot, then shuffled across the cold linoleum floor to the sink. She cupped a double handful of cold water, splashed her face, and stared out the window at the cabin one hundred feet away.
We talked until 2:00 … it was nice. Nothing dramatic … nothing too personal … just “things.” Digging trenches and teaching science and horses and Indiana summers and Wyoming winters. For two hours, I didn’t think about me. That was nice, Lord. Real nice. The horseback ride was like a dream. A good dream. Not a thrilling dream. Not a scary dream. Just a comfortable dream. Like shoes that fit well and you can use them both for the classroom and yard duty.
She peered at the cabin again.
I wonder how Coop’s feet are today. What an experience. Of all the people I’ve met in Wyoming, he is the least likely to need my help for anything. But I suppose if you stay here a while everyone will need help sometime.
A distant shotgun blast interrupted her thoughts.
Everyone except Mrs. Morton.
Develyn grabbed a bottle of water from the chest, twisted it open, and took a gulp.
I’ve got to go to Mrs. Tagley’s for some ice today, and … Mrs. Tagley!
“That’s why I set my alarm.”
She pulled on yesterday’s jeans and a T-shirt that didn’t smell too bad. She combed her hair and peered at the little mirror.
“Casey Cree-Ryder, you are not here. Why do I feel obligated to keep this no makeup deal? Are you leaving your hair down?”
She’s leaving it any way Jackson Hill wants it. I hope she is having a great day. Lord, I’m leaving the makeup off, just to prove to myself that I can do it if I want to.
She glanced in the mirror once more.
But I am never, ever going to do this again. At least no one but Mrs. Tagley will have to look at me, and she doesn’t care.
The back door to Mrs. Tagley’s house had a screen on top and wood panel below. It hadn’t been painted since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president. Develyn scooted across the back porch and cracked open the kitchen door. “Mrs. Tagley, it’s me … Devy …”
“Come in, honey. Thanks for checking on me. Have some coffee. I’m in the bathroom putting on my makeup. I don’t let anyone see me without makeup.”
Develyn grinned and poured a mug of coffee. You see, Lord? Even Mrs. Tagley needs her makeup. So it’s not vanity. Just prudence.
“There!” Mrs. Tagley’s word preceded her entrance into the kitchen. “I never feel quite dressed until I have on my makeup. I call it my heavenly look.”
Mrs. Tagley filled a mug that read “Paris, 1936.”
“Oh, yes. In heaven we will be made perfect, right? So there will be no bags under our eyes, or crow’s feet, or gray hair, or sagging chins … and other parts. Anything I can do to make myself look like I will in heaven, I call heavenly. I figure the Lord wants us to look like we will in heaven on the inside … in our soul … so why not look that way on the outside too?”
“I never thought of it that way. I like that.”
The older lady sipped her coffee and stared at Develyn. “You ought to try it, honey.”
Develyn laughed. “Yes, well … I’m trying a no-makeup experiment. I’m trying to see how many men I can scare off.”
“Is it working?”
“Not yet.”
“You girls don’t have to worry until you get a little older. And thanks for checking on me. I’m going to open my store and turn on my soaps. Satellite reception is a wonderful thing. I get the soaps two hours early. You’re welcome to stay if you want.”
“I need a bag of ice.”
“Help yourself. Unlock the front door and turn my sign, would you? I’ve got to check on Misty.”
“She thinks she’s in love with Dr. Radford, but he’s no good for her. You remember how he treated Priscilla Davenport? Misty needs to learn how to choose the right man.”
“So do I.”
“That’s not any harder than buying new shoes. Just find one that’s comfortable, yet nice enough to wear uptown … and keep him.”
Develyn grabbed a bag of ice from the freezer, then unlocked the front door and turned over the tattered “YES, WE’RE OPEN” sign.
Comfortable shoes? Maybe comfortable boots?
A young boy stood by the cottonwood tree in the dirt yard in front of Mrs. Tagley’s. He stared at Uncle Henry, who was scratching his back against the tree.
“Good morning,” she called out.
He wore a black and orange Harley Davidson T-shirt. “Is the store open now? I’m visiting my grandma, and she said an old lady runs this store. Are you the old lady?”
“Mrs. Tagley is inside. She can help you.”
The boy pointed to Uncle Henry. “That sure is a weird looking horse. Is it a Shetland pony?”
“It’s a burro. A donkey.”
“It’s got ears like a rabbit. I think it’s an alien.”
“He belongs to me. His name is Uncle Henry.”
“Does he follow you all over?”
“Yes, he thinks he’s a dog.”
The boy shrugged. “So does my sister.”
“Well, I hope you find what you want at the store.”
“Does she have any cool video games?”
Develyn looked at his deep blue eyes. “I don’t think she has any good ones. I hear they stink.”
“Yeah, that’s what I figured.”
She was out in the dirt street when he shouted, “Hey, what’s your name?”
“I’m Ms. Worrell.”
“My name is Leon Morton.”
The morning breeze blew the clouds away. By noon the sun blazed through a thin, blue Wyoming sky. Even with a slight breeze, it was hot. The old John Deere thermometer on the front of the cabin read eighty-eight degrees, but Dev didn’t know how accurate it was. She sat in a plastic chaise lounge in the dirt yard, near the pasture. One hand sported a glass of ice water … the other was empty, but a hardback book titled Classroom Discipline for the New Millennium lay sprawled in her lap.
When her cell phone rang, the book dropped to the dirt.
“Hi, sweetie.”
“Hi, Lily.”
“Are you out riding?”
“No, I’m sitting in the yard. Casey went to Red Lodge with Jackson, and I was drinking ice water and …” She glanced down at the textbook in the dirt. “Napping. It’s a hot day in Wyoming today.”
“Lily-girl, I’m in the shade. I do not need to sunbath. I’m as brown as Angela Porter’s mother.”
“She’s from Honduras. But I get the picture. So, you had a big night at the rodeo and are sleeping it off?”
“Honey, my days are so crazy, I will need a year to sort out what I did and who I am.”
“Are you bragging or complaining?”
“Is the mustang breaker the right one for you?”
“You know what, Lil? I have stopped trying to figure that out. Renny packs more fun in a day than anyone I have ever known. And you should see him work with those boys. Can you imagine a cowboy version of Ed Massenet and Tom Benton rolled into one?”
“Wow, too bad he doesn’t have a credential. Tom is moving to the high school.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“And you probably didn’t know that Ms. Lassiter is marrying Cory Fields next Saturday in Terre Haute.”
“What? Why don’t I know these things?”
“Honey, cowboy exile was your choice.”
“Sometimes it feels like I’ve been gone a lifetime.”
“Are you different, Dev? Has it changed you?”
“I think so, Lil.”
“Do you like the changes?”
“I think so. But the real test will come on Wednesday. I tried to call Delaney today. She must be working.”
“She’s filling in for Dana at the Beef Haus. She said she wanted a little pocket money before visiting her mother in cowboy heaven.”
“Cowboy heaven?”
“You are building quite a reputation around Crawfordsville. They are talking of making a new video … Teacher Gone Wild.”
“Oh, sure.”
“Now, tell me everything about yesterday.”
Develyn sat in the cabin and stared at her toenails.
OK, no makeup for a week. But I already had fingernail polish and toenail polish on. Does that mean I take it off … touch it up … or leave it ratty? That was the dumbest dare I ever took in my life. I have quite ugly toes, Lord. I’m not complaining. I have learned to accept who I am, and generally, I like your work on me … but the toes? Well, perhaps you were distracted that day with a world crisis or something. They need help.
“Dev, are you home?”
She padded over to the door and shoved it open. “Hi, Coop … I was just contemplating my toes.”
He stared down at her feet. She curled her toes.
“That was the stupidest thing I ever said. It’s not time for the barbecue, is it?”
“No, I was just wondering if I could park Cree-Ryder’s trailer next to my porch for a wind break. I want us to eat outside, but you know how gusty it can get.”
“Oh, sure. Do you want me to move it?”
“No, no. I’ll take care of it.”
“How are your feet?”
“I hate to admit it, but that stuff works.” He pointed to his boots. “With two pair of dry socks, I can even wear my boots.” He reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out the bottle. “I wanted to bring this back to you.”
“Oh, you can keep it as long as you need it.”
“I poured some of it in another container,” he said.
Develyn grinned. “You don’t want something called Female Remedy in your cabin.”
“Did you read all the stuff on that label?”
“Yes, I did.”
“I don’t even know what some of those body parts are!”
“Neither do I, Coop. But I’m glad your feet are better.”
“I don’t know what time the meat will be cooked for sure. I’ll just come over and get you when it’s ready. Maybe close to six.”
“That’s wonderful.”
“Say, I have a favor to ask. Do you have a dress?”
“I brought one. Why?”
“Well, I never take time to dress up. I thought tonight might be a nice time. I mean, please do whatever you’d like. But I’m goin’ to scrub up a bit and thought I should warn you.”
“How delightful. Yes, I’ll wear my dress.”
“Thanks, Dev. It’s kind of a silly notion, but I’m trying to think about how to live my life if I’m not married to the construction business 24/7. I hope you aren’t too uncomfortable in a dress.”
“Coop, I wear a dress to school every day of my life. I only buy dresses that are comfortable.”
* * *
Develyn peered into the little mirror and applied the last stroke of mascara.
Lord, I have sinned … have mercy on me. She pursed her mouth and studied her lipstick. She turned from one side to the other to study her eyes.
“That’s better, Ms. Worrell. It’s heavenly.”
She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on her dressy beige sandals.
“I have a dozen nice pair of shoes at home, Mr. Tallon, but this is the best I have in Wyoming. And this is the first time in five weeks that I’ve worn panty hose. I haven’t gone that long without wearing them since … since Delaney was born.”
Well, Ms. Worrell … you look nice enough for … for parent-teacher night, or even a summer wedding at the church. Why did I think of wedding? Lord, I’m at peace with all of that. It’s not about me. This summer is not about …
“Miss Dev, are you about ready?”
There was a sharp rap at the door.
“I’ll be right there, Coop.”
She peeked in the tiny mirror, searched for food particles between her teeth, then headed for the door. On the way she plucked up her cell phone.
No! They can wait.
She tossed the phone back on the bed and swung open the door.
“Oh, my …” she said.
Cooper Tallon sported a charcoal gray, western-cut suit, crisp white shirt, black vest, and a black onyx stud at the collar where a tie might otherwise be. His black boots were polished bright, and his black felt cowboy hat was in his hand.
“Coop, you look so handsome.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” he grinned. “I can scrub up ever’ once in a while. You have a classy look about yourself, but then you always do.”
“Thank you, sir.” She curtsied. “This is fun. I’m glad you thought of it.”
“To tell you the truth, Dev, I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’ve been thinkin’ I should do some things different.”
“You didn’t go buy a new suit for tonight, did you?”
He smiled. “No. It doesn’t have much wear … mainly weddings, funerals, and whenever I’m biddin’ a government job and need to make a good impression.”
“If I were governor, I’d certainly hire you to build … whatever it is you build.”
“Dev, I don’t remember which arm I’m supposed to offer you, but since my right one is nearly lame, I’ll offer you the left.”
“That happens to be the correct one, Mr. Tallon.”
They strolled toward Casey’s horse trailer that now separated the two cabins. Uncle Henry brayed and followed along behind.
“No, honey, you can’t come.”
The burro took another step.
“I said, ‘no!’ You stay over in our yard until I come home.”
Uncle Henry dropped to his front knees, then plopped over on his side.
“OK, you can take a nap there, but not one step further.”
Tallon shook his head. “I’ve seen contract acts at rodeos that aren’t as good as you and that donkey.”
“And I’ve had hundreds of fifth-graders that never minded as well.”
He escorted her to his front porch.
Develyn’s hand went to her mouth. “Oh, heavens … I can’t believe this! Oh, Coop, this is wonderful.” She cranked herself up on her tiptoes and kissed his leathery tough cheek. “Where did you get the roses? And the linen cloth?”
“It’s just a card table and foldin’ chairs. The linen cloth was in my grandmother’s trunk.”
She leaned over the table and smelled the flowers. “You know, to be honest, I miss the flowers of Indiana. Most all yards have such beautiful flowers. Wyoming seems too harsh for a flower garden. Now, tell me … where did you get the roses?”
“I had a quick trip to Casper.”
Develyn studied the table setting. “China and silver? Were these in your grandmother’s trunk too?”
“Yes. Last night after you left, I couldn’t sleep so I sorted through that old trunk in the back of the cabin. I haven’t had time to look at it in years. There are some wonderful journals and photographs.”
“After supper you will have to show me.”
“They are old and dusty. Mainly family things.”
“I want to see them.”
He pulled out the chair, then slid it under her.
“You are very good at that.”
“You can thank my mama for that. She was a stickler for teaching manners.”
Develyn sighed. “My mother still is.”
“Before we go any further, I need to tell you two things.”
“First, I don’t have any ulterior motive with supper tonight. So you don’t need to sit around wonderin’, What does he really want?”
“You are a jewel, Coop. You take the pressure off me and make me feel relaxed. I think that’s why I wanted to come to Wyoming this summer. You said you wanted to tell me two things?”
“The other is, you know that sock you hung on my front door last night?”
“It’s not mine.”
Develyn started to giggle. “You mean I had another man’s sock in the back of the Cherokee?”
“Oh, dear, and I don’t have a clue who it belongs to.”
“Well, it isn’t any of my business. I once came home from the laundromat with some ladies’ undergarments so risqué I had to bury them so the trash man wouldn’t spy them. Now, let’s eat.”
He stepped inside the cabin and brought out a pitcher. “I’m not a drinkin’ man, so there is no champagne, but I do have some sweet tea.” He poured the glasses, then sat down. “I’ll serve our food in a minute. The corn needs a little more cooking. Being on the go all the time, I’ve eaten more meals in the truck or on the job site than I ever did at a table. But I promised the Lord, years ago, if I am sittin’ down to eat, I would ask him to bless the food.”
Tallon dropped his head. “Lord, you’ve been good to me … a whole lot better than I deserve. You provided this food … and brought this fine lady into my life for a few weeks … and I thank you for it all. Give us the strength to do your work and the heart to do your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Develyn gazed at Cooper’s eyes. She couldn’t tell if they were green or gray.
“Are you staring at me, ma’am?”
“My grandmother used to say that you never really know a person until you hear them pray. I appreciate you showing me that side too.”
“I’m trying to slow my life down enough to allow me to be myself.”
“And I like it.”
“I hope you like supper. Let me tell you the menu, then give you an explanation. I’ve got boneless barbecue ribs using my own sauce … watered down a tad for Indiana taste buds.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“And my own homemade buffalo chili, with roasted corn, garlic bread, and the freshest Caesar salad the market had to offer. For dessert, some homemade, fresh peach ice cream.”
“My word! Cooper Tallon … I can’t believe you did all of this.”
“Now, here’s my confession. This is just about the only thing I know how to cook. Once a year I toss a cookout for the men who work for me and their families, and this is the exact menu they’ve had every year. Other than bacon and eggs and steak, this is the full extent of my cooking ability.”
The wind died down at dark, and the temperature dropped to a pleasant coolness. After ice cream they sat across the table from each other and sifted through the old pictures and artifacts from the trunk.
“Coop, how wonderful that your grandmother labeled them all. I have a box of pictures from my father’s side of the family that I refuse to throw away, but I don’t have a clue who any of the people are.”
“I enjoy all the outdoor shots of the family homestead and all.”
“Where was this big house?”
“Right over there where Uncle Henry is lying.”
“Look at this one. They brought the pump organ and the sewing machine out in the yard and posed next to them.”
“Yep, they were proud of them, no doubt.”
“You know what you should do, Coop? When you build yourself that nice big log home, make sure you include a den. Save one wall for old pictures. Take the best of these to a photo shop and get them enlarged, matted, and framed. Use earth tone frames, in greens, browns, rust, even a dull gold next to a huge river rock fireplace. Wouldn’t that be grand?”
Tallon stared at her.
“I mean, if you want to, of course. I guess I got a little carried away.”
“I never pondered it before, but as soon as you mentioned the idea, it sounded perfect. You make me realize there’s a whole lot about building this place I never considered. I can see I need a woman’s input. Can I hire you to be my consultant on the design and decoration of the house?”
“You most certainly cannot. I’m not for hire. I only do such things for my very good friends. So you have to take my advice for free, cowboy. I’d be delighted to add anything I could.”
“I was serious about hiring you.”
“Yes, well, I would never do it for money. Then if it turned out horrible, you could sue me. This way you are just stuck with it.”
“Do you have any ideas for a proper kitchen?”
“I haven’t thought about it much, but you will need a large room, with a center island, floor-to-ceiling cupboards on all four walls, wrap-around counter space and two separate sinks, one of them deeper than the other.”
Cooper shook his head. “I’d hate to see what you’d come up with if you pondered it a while.”
“It’s not too late to fire me.”
“I can’t fire you; you won’t take any pay.”
“That’s true. Wait until I tell you what I have in mind for your walk-in closets.”
Cooper laid his hat, crown down, on the card table. “You will let me design my own shop, won’t you?”
“Only if you promise to have it insulated, well heated, and a sawdust removal vacuum system built into the walls.”
“I take it money is no object?”
“You don’t want to cut corners.” Develyn waved her hands. “Oh … oh … I just had a great idea for glass panels on both sides of your big oak double front door. The glass on the left will be etched with an elk, and the panel on the right will be an antelope.”
“Etched glass?”
“And above the door … yes … above the door in oval glass turned on its side will be etched … ‘C. T.’ you know, for Cooper Tallon.”
“No C. T.,” he said.
“OK, forget the C. T. What about the elk and the antelope?”
* * *
About midnight Uncle Henry wandered to the porch and brayed at the nicely dressed couple still sitting across the table in lively conversation.
“Your watch-burro says it’s time to go home.”
“Thanks for the wonderful supper.”
“Thanks, Dev, for helping me clean up and all the great suggestions for the house. I’ve got a notebook full of ideas now.”
She studied her watch. “I can’t believe it’s midnight. This has been the fastest night of my life.”
He stood up. “I’ll walk you home.”
“It’s a short walk, Mr. Tallon.”
“That’s my loss.” He offered her his arm. “I don’t know where tonight fits in the scheme of things for me or you. You’re going to go back to teaching in a few weeks, and I might sell my business. I might move out here. And I might build myself that big log home. But one thing I know is that I had one of the most pleasant, eh, … enjoyable … eh, comfortable evenings of my life. It will hold a special place in my memory that is crammed at the moment with project cost estimates and diesel engine repairs. I thank you for that. Good night, Dev.”
“’Night, Coop. This was one of the highlights of my summer.” She stood on the porch, and he on the dirt. They were head to head in the dim light.
She tilted her head and closed her eyes.
He shook her hand.