Chapter 1
Derek watched as people came into the gym and sat on the bleachers. The fans for his team, the Hornets, sat on one side, and the visiting team’s fans from Renner sat on the other. I can’t wait for the season to start! he thought. Last year Jason was center, but I’m taller than he is now, so Coach changed the roster.
Coach Taylor called the team over. “Derek, I want you to do the tip-off.”
“Okay, Coach,” said Derek.
“But, Coach,” said Jason. “I always do the tip-off!”
“Derek is taller than you this year,” said Coach Taylor. “That’s why I made him the center and moved you to forward.”
“But he’s never done it before,” said Jason.
“I’m sure Derek can do it,” said Coach. Then he looked at each member of the team. “I’m sure you can all do your job. This is the first game of the season for the Hampton Hornets,” he said. “I know you’ll make me proud.”
Derek, Jason, and the other players put their hands into the circle. Coach Taylor put his hand on top. Everyone shouted, “Go, Hornets!”
Derek walked out to center court and waited for the referee to start the game.
Jason walked up to Derek. “You think you’re so great,” he said.
“What?” said Derek.
“You think you’re better than I am,” said Jason, “but you’re not.”
“I never said that!”
“I’ll show you who’s great and who’s not,” said Jason. “Just watch your back.” Then he turned and walked away.
Great, thought Derek. I grow a few inches, and our star player hates me.
The ref came over with the ball. He looked at Derek and the center from Renner. “Ready, boys?”
“Ready,” said Derek.
“I’m ready,” said the other boy.
“Then let’s get this game started,” said the ref. He threw the ball up into the air.
Derek jumped up. But the Renner center hit the ball before Derek could reach it. Derek watched the ball fly to the other side of the court.
One of the Renner guards caught it and ran toward the basket.
Jason ran past Derek. “I knew you couldn’t do it,” said Jason.
What a way to start a game, thought Derek. He ran toward the basket.
As Derek reached the key, the free throw lane, the Renner center was already in the air. How did he move so fast? Derek watched as the ball dropped into the basket. Renner scored.