A Vector Alphabet of Interstellar Travel
Yoon Ha Lee (pegasus.cityofveils.com) lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She has a degree in mathematics. On her blog, she says, “if I am doing my job correctly as a writer, I am structuring my story around a series of ambushes and trying to deliver as much punishment as possible. Especially by punishing bad assumptions that the reader makes. This is probably a hostile and adversarial stance to take toward the reader, but if I try to conceive of it the collaborative way I get bored and wander off.” She has been publishing her carefully crafted stories in the genre for about ten years. Her fiction has appeared in Fantasy & Science Fiction, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, Ideomancer, and Shadows of Saturn, among others.
“A Vector Alphabet of Interstellar Travel” was published at Tor.com, which maintained its prominent position as a publisher of short fiction in 2011. This story is a compressed, Stapledonian vision of huge vistas of time and space.