I was lost, and actually fairly surprised I was allowed to wander about the facility, but I guess my badge gave me a high enough clearance for an all access "backstage” pass so I could see what was going on behind the scenes. I tested it a few times on a couple of guards, who immediately became very helpful. I didn’t really see or learn much more than I already had, so I finally made it back to the Administration Building and back to Bates’ office, who was nowhere to be found. That was fine with me because it gave me a chance to chat up his delicious secretary, Sally Jennings.
She was typing at her desk when I came in and didn’t even look up as I leaned against the doorway in my attempt to be suave.
"So, I got the two-dollar tour. ” I said, mustering up as much debonair as I could.
"Which you should keep to yourself, if you know what’s good for you. ” She said without looking up. She blew a little pink bubble with her gum, which popped and she sucked it in and snapped it at the back of her jaw.
"So, do you like working here for... ”
"Dr. Humphrey, ” she said, still typing and not looking up, "this is a place of business, and only things of a business nature should be discussed, as we are both on the clock, so my time and your time is not our own. ”
"But I do have a few questions. ”
"Which, again, I would not ask, ” she finally looked up at me in exasperation, "if I was you. ”
"Well, I just needed some background on a few things, just to plug a few holes in my knowledge base if I am going to be of any use around here. Dr. Bates mentioned something about a disaster on a ship called. ” I snapped my fingers trying to remember.
"The Eldridge! ” Sally said, now totally losing patience with me. "The USS Eldridge. ” With an exasperated growl, she shoved her chair away from her desk and rolled back to the bank of file cabinets behind her. Without getting up, she bent over, pulled out a drawer, plunged her hand into the files and came up with one like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. With one fluid motion, she kicked the drawer shut, which rolled her chair back across the floor, and she spun, with her toe pointed like a dancer, and did a pirouette as she spun, landing right back in position at her desk as she plunked down the file in front of me.
"Project: Rainbow”, she said as she held out her hand and wiggled her fingers. "I need your badges. ”
"But I thought. ” I said not understanding.
"There is an empty office to your right down the hall, last door on the left. Read it there. That file comes right back to me when you are done, and I need your badges so you cannot leave this floor and so that file doesn’t grow legs and walk out of here. Sign these. ”
She pulled out a clipboard with a pen attached and pointed to the places I needed to sign. When I was done, I handed her my badges and she waived the back of her
hand at me like I was some pesky insect being shooed away. I found the empty office at the end of the hall, with all the accompanying furniture of a military issue desk, chair and lamp. To my delight an ashtray was the only accessory. I sat, turned on the light, lit a cigarette and flipped open the ABOVE TOP SECRET file on the disaster that had become PROJECT: RAINBOW, better known as The Philadelphia Experiment.
* * * *
It appeared as though at the same time Project: Rainbow was going on from 1942 to 1944, Robert Oppenheimer was running his crew out at Los Alamos developing the atomic bomb as head of the Manhattan Project. But the scientists working on Rainbow, made Oppenheimer’s guys look like helmet wearing retarded school kids taking the short bus to school. There was T. Townsend Brown, who I was familiar with, but there were also luminaries like Dr. John von Neumann and Dr. Vannavar Bush, who was on the cover of TIME magazine in 1944, for Pete’s sake, and cofounded Raytheon (which means “Light Of the Gods”). These were the men that seemed to be doing most of the heavy lifting. They were all sharing time between the Rainbow and Manhattan projects. Bush was named as the titular head over all wartime science programs. He was the American version of Hitler’s Ubur-Gruben Fuher General Dr. Hans Kammler, head of all the Nazi super-science programs and who had built their entire heinous concentration camp system. These were the very same men that made up the "Military Industrial Complex” Eisenhower warned us all about in his farewell address. Bush was the director of O. S. R. D., The Office of Scientific Research and Development, from 1941 to 1947 and later co-founded the National Science Foundation, which was really just a covert way of the Feds keeping track of everything in the field.
But what really shocked me was the involvement of Albert Einstein and, of course, Nikola Tesla. Tesla seemed to be at the heart of everything we were working on.
Einstein for years wrestled with what became known as the Unified Field Theory. It was the Holy Grail of physics and science’s ultimate prize. This formula became his nemesis, his Dr. Moriarty. It was a mathematical equation that, theoretically, would connect all the disciplines, schools and theories of science together. Linking energy, mass, light, time, space, gravity and all the maddeningly inexplicable goblins, gremlins and leprechauns, in between. The challenge was, it seemed, as though the Newtonian laws of the universe just stopped working under certain circumstances, such as at the quantum atomic level, or near massively high sources of gravity. This was Einstein’s brilliant work to come up with ways to explain the universe under those anomalous conditions through things like the theories of General and Special Relativity. But even back in the early 1900s, working as a lowly clerk in the US Patent office, Einstein postulated that a Unified Field Theory could only be worked out if one had a belief in, accepted, and was able to extrapolate out to, at least ten dimensions. This was in 1905, for God sakes!
It was his E = MC 2 equation that eventually led to his entrance into academia, the mathematics Chair at Princeton, global fame, near canonization and to the atomic bomb. The discovery of a Unified Field Theory would mean a massive quantum leap in the evolution of all mankind. Einstein said it would explain "the thoughts of God Himself” and, of course, lead to near limitless power for those who had it. It would be the code key for teleportation transport, faster than light speed travel and superluminal communications systems that could transmit unlimited packets of informational data instantaneously anywhere in the universe. It would truly unlock, and allow Mankind to travel through, all of time and space. If we didn’t all kill ourselves first.
The legends went that Einstein did, in fact, finish the formula, and was horrified at this own handiwork. He had seen that E=MC2 was used to build terrifying weapons
of mass destruction and murder hundreds of thousands of people. The Unified Field Theory, in the wrong hands, could bring unlimited power and destruction. With this in mind, he burned it, vowing never to reveal it to anyone. This story seemed unlikely though, as he died in his office at Princeton surrounded by papers and chalkboards filled with equations all trying to solve the Unified riddle. If he had already figured it out and recognized the dangers why devote the last years of his life to it. One last legend says he awoke from a nap at his desk, finished the equation, then, upon seeing he had solved the Universe’s ultimate mystery, fell over stone dead and that someone stole it from his office from right under the great man’s head.
Then there was the Grand Old Man, Nikola Tesla, who no doubt will be finally heralded as the greatest inventor and scientist of the 21st Century, as it would take us that long to figure out everything he was up to. Tesla did stunning things with electromagnetic gaussing coils and, again, his work seemed to be more myth and legend than actual fact. People said he was teleporting things from place to place, and that, in one test, exact duplicates of everything he placed inside his device were appearing some distance away outside his laboratory in Colorado.
He "officially” died of malnutrition, penniless, using his last few dollars to feed his beloved pigeons on January 7, 1943 at the age of 86, on the 33rd floor of the New Yorker Hotel on 34th and 8th in Manhattan. But notes in the file claimed a double of Tesla was put in place long before to fool the Axis powers during the war and he was taken into a number of top-secret programs well after the staged death of his doppelganger. This was much like using Patton, arguably our best general, as a decoy to fool the Germans while the Allies were planning the invasion of Normandy. Telsa’s double, publicly shunned by the US government, was taken to a number of bogus projects and that information was then leaked to Germany and Japan. They figured the stupid Americans could not be working on anything of importance if Tesla, probably the greatest scientific genius the world has ever seen, was not involved. It was the perfect cover for projects like Manhattan and Rainbow.
With all that said, Project: Rainbow began as just a way to use electro-magnetic gaussing coils to fool enemy radar, basically creating a huge blur on a radar screen instead of giving the position of a ship or airplane away using electrical static. This all started in the summer of 1942. Brown, Bush, von Neumann and Tesla, using Tesla’s electrical engineering genius, his previous research with gaussing coils and working off formulas from Einstein, began running field tests on full-fledged naval vessels to see if any of it worked.
The initial experiments began in 1942 in simple radar invisibility using a web of degaussing coils around the hull of a ship. There were two tests with a moderation of success that caused a major rift between the scientists on the project. The first was on an unmanned PT boat, and apparently got the results they wanted, which was radar invisibility, a huge static field on the screens, and the ship vanished from view for a brief period. At first this was not even believed and was mostly chalked up to the massive EM fields affecting everyone’s mind and vision, or even that it was bending light around the ship to achieve true invisibility.
The second test was run on a minesweeper, but with cages filled with test animals on board. This time, to everyone’s surprise, the ship disappeared and teleported a small distance, but all the animals came back dead. This was written off to hysteria on the part of the animals, and it was concluded by the military that they had, literally, "died of fright. ”
Due to what the Navy considered successful tests, this led Bush and von Neumann wanting to use human test subjects on a full sized ship with a crew aboard. This may seem reckless and hasty by modern standards, but remember this was 1943 when America was in the grip of a bloody, nightmarish war. Hitler had Fortress Europe locked airtight, Japan controlled the South Pacific, America was surrounded
on all sides and US servicemen were fighting and dying by the thousands everyday. Any risk was considered acceptable to shorten the war and win.
But it was here the team broke ranks. Tesla, who was publicly "dead” by this time, and Einstein vehemently objected to a test with human beings. They knew the power of the forces they were playing with and both quit in protest. Using the crude computers of the day, called Turing Machines, after inventor Alan Turing, Tesla and Einstein argued that the computational power did not yet exist to do the calculations for a jump through space/time for the ship AND the men aboard. Dr. Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, was brought on board to replace Tesla and Einstein, and he had no qualms whatsoever about wasting human life.
I took a break from reading the file, rubbed my face and ran my hands through my hair, vigorously scratching my scalp to get the blood flowing and ease the tingling of the hackles on the back of my neck. I lit up another cigarette. There was something... wrong... with all this. One major anomaly here was that Bush and von Neumann were brilliant in and of their own right, working with arguably the greatest collection of brainpower ever assembled in the history of Man, with equally huge egos. Granted, most of that was set aside due to the war effort, but they kept referring back to a mysterious "Advisory Committee” they seemed to be obeying with an almost slavish submission called "The K Group. ” I mean, who was smarter than them? Who did Tesla and Einstein go to for advice? It was all just very weird. And it was this same K Group that insisted, in fact demanded, the experiment be performed on that specific date of August 12, 1943, whether they were ready or not, and they clearly were not. This ultimatum from on high issued by the K Group proclaimed that it was only on this date circumstances would be "optimal” for the experiment’s success. Without question, rhyme or reason, Bush, von Neumann and Teller just did as they were told.
So, fulfilling the demands of this K Group and with the moral and argumentative Tesla and Einstein gone, the experiment proceeded. In the early morning hours of August 12, 1943, the USS Eldridge, Destroyer Escort 173, moved slowly into the light of dawn out of the Philadelphia naval harbor with a skeleton crew of about 40 aboard and sailed into history.
When the order was given to engage the special machinery jury-rigged to the ship, it vanished without a trace. Apparently, a short time later the Eldridge reappeared outside the Norfolk, Virginia naval harbor, teleporting over 300 miles.
Horrifically, 18 men had been phased directly into the decks, plating and bulkheads. The arms, legs and torsos of the men melded directly into the steel plating. Many of the men on board had been driven mad by the overwhelming electromagnetic energy, which had short circuited their brains. Only the men below deck throwing the switches at the center of the effect had been completely spared.
For years later, stories of terror about the survivors came to light. The center of the galaxy has a ZERO TIME POINT (Z. T. P. ) upon which the entire axis of every galaxy spins. In fact, every spinning object develops this Z. T. P. center of gravity, which is why physics equations are different for spinning objects as opposed to objects at rest. Apparently human beings also have a sort of universal Z. T. P. within them upon which the complex layers of not only the physical form but the causal, etheric, astral, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies all hang like a hook. Call it a "Piece of God” if you will. In this case, apparently, the survivors ZTPs came back to this continuum out of phase and their various subtle inter-dimensional forms got "stretched” across the time stream with a series of truly nightmarish effects, like a man clinging for dear life to a rock in a raging river of time.
Interacting with anything electromagnetic seemed to trigger the episodes. One sailor was carrying a ship’s compass across a naval yard when he froze, shaking wildly in a supernaturally rapid manner, as a sparkling violet glow sprang up around him.
Courageously, other sailors grabbed onto the man, and their touch, possibly
bringing the seaman back into phase with this time frame, brought him back from the brink and out of what they called the St. Elmo’s Fire effect. But eventually this stopped working, as the horrific tug of the time stream became more intense.
In another case, a man sitting watching TV in his home years later, began to glow and shake, staying that way for over a week. Suddenly, the glow faded and he got up and walked straight through the wall of his house, disappearing completely.
And in the most horrible event, a sailor started to shake and glow, went "out of phase” and about a dozen men grabbed onto him, only to be drawn into the field effect with him, like trying to detach a man from a live electrical wire. The Navy erected a housing around the men to study the effect and see if anything could be done for them. They stayed this way for 18 days before vanishing forever.
It was after this disaster that Edward Teller seemed to have taken over much of the project. The key gist went from radar invisibility to actual teleportation. Teller’s test was to teleport a US vessel to a previous point in its space trajectory by encapsulating the boat in a highly specialized, three- phase "electromagnetic bottle”. This would allow a ship to "blip” out of the way of enemy fire, as incredible as that sounds. He proposed that the experiment’s intent was to give a US vessel, at the flip of a switch, the instantaneous ability to be "excised” from the universal space/time coordinate in which it had detected the presence of an enemy mine. The creation of such a separated space/time field, can be done by engaging the principles of what he called, "Divided Space”.
Strong nuclear force lines energetically connect all atoms in universal space, literally holding the universe together like glue and functioning as a medium for the transmission of all frequencies. A means of intentionally disrupting these strong force lines is via the manipulation of neutrino fields. A bubble of "divided space” can be created by the application of a vortex of neutrinos within a given area. The neutrinos in this vortex must be rotating at the same rate as that of the fundamental resonance of the planet Earth. This phenomenon occurs haphazardly in nature as "ball lightning”.
Neutrinos interpenetrate all matter in the cosmos and they are the smallest subatomic particles yet measured. Stars are constantly creating new neutrinos, which speed throughout the universe in all directions, becoming modulated by, and carrying information about, the bodies through which they pass. These tiny neutral particles possibly have no mass and have an incredibly weak nuclear force, rarely impacting upon matter, which they, more often than not, pass through. Telescopes to measure neutrinos are constructed beneath huge granite mountains, to reduce background radiation signals, which mask their weak signal. Neutrinos have an infinite information handling capacity, bandwidth and function as the "voice and the power of the universe”.
All the work on Project: Rainbow discovered that a space divided from universal space can be created by causing a small percentage of neutrinos passing through the space to travel in a vortex rotating at a frequency in the order of 7. 83 Hertz. Strong force lines at the boundaries of the space are interrupted so long as the vortex exists. This twisting field is necessary to break the field of strong force lines between all matter in universal space/time and to create an inner space separated from universal space.
If a rotating magnetic field is operated in synch with the Earth’s 7. 83 Hz fundamental resonance, objects within one such space can be moved with respect to our "universal space” when power is applied. The divided space is then free of the forces of inertia or gravity. Once the space is divided, objects within the space may levitate, teleport or move in time. Divided inner space can pass through universal space but is dependant on the drag and surface sharpness between spaces being low enough to prevent piercing the shell of the missing strong force lines. Electromagnetic
waves, including visible light and infrared heat can pass through the boundaries of the divided spaces.
So, in the Teller tests in 1944, they rigged up an IX-97 minesweeper called the USS Martha’s Vineyard with a full crew compliment. Three phase currents were pulsed through the huge tubes of wires at a low frequency. This was most likely the 7. 83 Hz fundamental frequency recognized by Tesla and first measured by Winfred O. Schulmann later named for him as the "Schulmann Resonance”.
As they gradually eased the power up, they found that lower power levels had no noticeable effect. Suddenly, like bringing water to a boil, a frequency threshold was crossed and: WHAM! They traveled back two weeks in time instead of the desired 15 minutes or so needed to move out of the way of a mine or torpedo. Once separated, the inner space containing the ship apparently moved back to a time when the ship was berthed at Newport News, Virginia.
As the current level in the three cables was increased, force lines began to tear between the ship and universal space. Only when the level reached the point that all the lines were broken, was the USS Martha’s Vineyard untethered and free from the dock of the pull of the Earth and the space/time continuum of the present.
The Martha’s Vineyard was suddenly free to go wherever it is that things within a divided space go. In the case of the IX-97, that place was two weeks back in time, to the place where it was at berthed in Newport News. When the Skipper saw what had happened, he turned off the power and space/time, which had folded around the ship, snapped back to its original "size and shape”, reconnecting the divided space to universal space, jerking them, and the Martha’s Vineyard, back to the Philadelphia Navy yard harbor. The return of the IX-97 minesweeper to Philadelphia was within seconds of the time it left.
I’d been so engrossed in the file my cigarette burnt my hand. I sucked at my fingers for a moment and flipped the folder closed. These were kids playing with guns and fire at the same time. All this power, but no control, ripping open massive holes in the space/time continuum they had no idea how to close. And some very nasty things lurked on the other side of the fence.
In fact, without Einstein’s Unified Field Theory to explain all the forces and dimensions we were dealing with, it was all useless and stunningly dangerous. We needed another E = MC2 that would revolutionize our understanding of how the entire universe worked or we would be trapped on Earth forever. Everything here at Montauk was shooting in the dark and it might take years of hit and miss experimentation that could literally destroy the world. But that was something I was here to fix; to find a way to saddle and ride the dragon.
It seemed ironic that we were only one small mathematical equation away from breaking free from all time and space.