In 1971 two softly glowing spheres of light, one a bright green and the other an ultraviolet color, entered into the room where I was meditating and identified themselves by saying, “We are not separate from you. We are you.”

From that moment on, my heart opened to new possibilities of life and has continued to open wider each day. Sure, I have the same everyday problems as everyone else. I have a wife and kids. I have to pay the bills and give much of my energy to my responsibilities as a father, but these beings that call themselves angels and appear as beautiful spheres of light have kept me connected to the inner Light within my heart, and that Light has always led me through the outer circumstances in ways that are hard to believe from the viewpoint of a spectator observing by the sidelines.

And know for certain, this same inner Light is within your heart also. No one is special in the eyes of God. We are all exactly the same, for there is only One Spirit that moves through absolutely everything and everyone.

It is the simple Truth of reality as spoken by St. Thomas in his Gospel of the Christ, “God is all around you and within you.” It is easy in this modern world, with the images of television and the Internet flooding the mind, to forget the Truth of our reality. Just look at the moon—I mean really look at the moon—and it is easy to sense the incredibleness of our existence. So the Truth is still the Truth no matter how much man distorts it.

From 1972 until 1994 I studied with these spheres of light a subject that the world has named sacred geometry, which showed me, for certain, that all of creation was created by a single pattern, the Flower of Life. This gave me the proof that my mind needed to understand that there is only One Consciousness in this One Universe, and this undeniable proof let my mind surrender to my heart. Finally, life begins in a simple way, in what could be called the original way.

To let you know a little bit more about myself, I offer the following. I graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in fine arts, and a minor in physics and mathematics. I have studied human consciousness with over seventy spiritual teachers from all over the world and from almost every religion and discipline. My first book, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: Volume I, was published in 1998, and Volume II in 2000. Within a few short years these books were in many languages all over the world and on every continent, reaching out to over 100 countries.

A school on teaching the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation, the human light body, coming from the instructions of the second volume, emerged in 1994 (before the books were printed) and soon led to the creation of schools in over sixty countries, with over 150 trained teachers.

By 2004 a new book, Living in the Heart, was published. This work opened up new information about human consciousness that was, and still is, hardly known by the world's population, as it has been kept secret by almost all of the world's spiritual and religious teachings. This book also has spread worldwide.

Slowly, I have been responding to requests and invitations to teach this knowledge in seminars and workshops, lectures, magazine articles, Web sites, and on radio and television, and I have, at present, visited and taught in over fifty-some countries.

The knowing of this story about the Serpent of Light has come to me slowly—in pieces at the beginning, but more quickly in the last five years. At first I didn't understand the full significance of what was being presented to me. Not until just after the turn of the millennium did I begin to truly understand all that was happening to me and to this energy now called the Serpent of Light, as it was named hundreds of thousands of years ago. (In the Orient it was simultaneously called, “The Great White Snake.”)


Figure 1: Flower of Life

When you read these stories, stay within your heart, not your mind, for your mind will never understand how people can coordinate themselves over thousands of years and how complex human events can realize themselves without any human planning. But your heart will know. Within your heart is all knowledge and all wisdom.

For sure your heart will know the Truth and hopefully will respond.

I am using my life stories to give you inspiration to help you find the same place that is in both of our hearts. When you are in your heart, nothing needs to be done to bring change; it will happen automatically and with grace. But to reach your heart, as every indigenous tribe I know has told me, you must first remember your Divine Mother. If you remember this first great understanding of all indigenous people on Earth, then the inner meaning of what is given within will appear. Your Mother is alive and very much conscious—extremely conscious, beyond what twenty-first-century industrialized man understands.

Earth is not a rock; she has a name and a personality in the cosmos. And believe me, she knows your name. And it is her spirit, the spirit of Mother Earth, that is behind each one of these stories. It is She who created these stories that, woven with thousands of other stories from other men and women worldwide, will surely lead to an entire transformation of humanity. When you finish these stories, how could you not know how much your Mother loves you? And in gratitude, how could you not offer your service to your Mother's needs?


And finally, the awesome significance of ceremony. Mankind long ago lived not from the mind, but the heart. It was dreaming that created the world, but now it is thinking that is shaping our way of life. The old way has tremendous power that most of us have long forgotten, and, as you will see in these stories, it is possible that unless we remember the old way, we may be faced with an imbalance that will not resolve itself until we do.

From the day that Adam and Eve were created, taking care of the “gardens” was their inherent purpose. And as humanity slowly developed over hundreds of thousands of years, this initial purpose has never changed or faltered.

Taking care of Mother Earth eventually crystallized into what is now recognized as ceremony. And ceremony to all primitive and indigenous cultures over the entire world has always been understood to hold the essence of a tribe's responsibilities to their ancestors, of course, in their hearts all the way back to the first man and woman.

In my tribe, the Taos, a ceremony was held every year on September 30, a day that was given the name “San Geranamo Day.” The Taos believed that this ceremony was absolutely necessary to be completed or the Earth would literally spin off of its axis and all would be lost for all people on the planet. People would come from all over the world to watch the “Indians” climb this incredibly high pole, a 100-foot-high tree stripped of all its branches and buried in the earth about eight feet, so that it stood vertical in the way it grew. From hanging ropes, four Indians would attempt to climb this pole and through this ceremony give the Earth another year to round the sun.

It was a beautiful and dangerous ceremony that pulled people from all over the world to this pueblo, but did they really believe that if the Indians didn't climb this pole that all would be lost? Hardly. Perhaps one or two. But most of the world believes that indigenous ceremony is superstition and something that has no grounding in science. To the Indians (Native Americans), however, this is the truth of their reality. They believe it in every cell of their bodies.

Mankind has moved away from the heart of the world to the logic of the mind, and their belief is in the chemist, the physicist, and the mathematician. Science has proven to them that all this ancient belief in ceremony is simply ignorance.

And yet modern man has created, with its great science, which it is certain is the ultimate “truth,” a world on the brink of total destruction in less than two hundred years and perhaps only a few years left to exist if something drastic is not done. Whereas ancient man, with its silly ceremonies, managed to sustain itself for millions of years. Perhaps if we wish to survive at all, we should consider this ancient wisdom, at least to understand, even with our logical mind, how it is possible that ceremony actually can create a world in balance.

As a Native American in a white body, I have followed the indigenous ways, as they have shown me the secret to creation. It is not the mind that is so brilliant, but the light of the world that comes from the heart. Creation always begins in the heart, and then it is transferred to the mind. We have forgotten our essence, and if we do not remember it very soon, our great technological mind will lead us into a world of massive pain and worldwide destruction. A world without heart is a mechanical world separating itself from the Reality.

What follows are stories of remembering our intimate interconnection with God and the creation process. My stories are given to you so that you also will remember and return into the harmony and flow of the Universe.

Love is the answer to every question—even the questions of the mind.